Metsamees Family/Rauth

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This brown haired and gray eyed man is one of Alnus Metsamees', many bastard children. Unlike most of them he knows his fathers name, and even possesses a dagger his father possessed, before he disappeared. However that is where his knowledge and also interest of his father ends. Rauth has no illusions that his bastard of a father would have any interest in him, Rauth only keeps his dagger, for the shear beauty the weapon it self poses. The wavy dagger is apparently of Assassins realm origin, hailing from the far away Colonies.

Rauth's youth was trouble some to say it softly. The first memory he had of his mother, or at all, was her breaking his nose with a bottle of cheap moonshine. The sharp glass scraping his skin and the cold dim liquid splashing in his eyes and face, burning his eyes and choking his breath. After which he got beaten out cold by his mother for breaking the bottle. The memories of his mother got casually worse from ever since.

His mother would beat Rauth when she wasnt drunk, and would tell him horrible tales of her misfortunes, or curse his name when drunk. He coudnt tell if the storys were true or not, but they were vivid enough to disturb Rauth in his youth. Rauth did not know if his mother turned mad after she got brutalized by vandals, or did she turn on her own, or was it from the influence of Alnus. In truth he didnt care, the knowledge of such things would not change a thing in his life no more.

Rauth fed himself by stealing, mostly, at times he got lucky to do a job running errants or deliveries. His home was a place he would only come to sleep, and that preferably when his mother was away, namely day time. Nights were Rauth's time.

When Rauth was 10, his mother sold him to perverts, who sacked him and took him to a specific brothel. After a feau days he killed some unsuspecting perverts in desperation and raged around searching to a way to escape. But he failed and the rest of the perverts tortured him for a while and thinking him dead, cast his body to a swamp. In the swamp Rauth regained himself, and walked in daze and delirium for what seemed like a week though in truth it was likely a day or two at most, until he walked in to a village, where he was tended for and his wound healed. Lacking money he worked for the doctor for a year, during which he picked up much knowledge on medicine and anatomy. Due to the ordeal some of Rauth's hair turned gray, that and his body is littered with scars.

After his depts payd the doctor kicked him out of his clinic, to make room for a proper apprentice (his nephew or some relative). Rauth returned home, his mother stunned to see him again, hung herself the next day in front of Rauth, leaving only the last words: "You should not had been born."

Rauth that time, didnt do anything, sat on the floor and watched his mother hang herself. Partly out of apathy, partly out of hate towards the woman, partly out of pity. He then preceded to steal the dagger from his mothers corpse, noticing it hanging as a necklace around her neck, and since he had nothing but his clothes.

For a while Rauth lived on his own, his skill as a pickpocket and thief was rather good, and living at the edge of a city there were lots of people to pick from, aswell as a forest near by to provide the meals if all else failed. In a year Rauth also managed to get involved with a gang of bandits, though much to his disliking. The gang soon however was killed off and Rauth found himself on the run for his life, he fled to the sea joining a pirate group. Life as quite bad at first, but later he became quite skilled and even respected pirate among the crew.

Misfortune struck his ship when it got attacked by another ship and sunk, and the crew were swallowed by the waves. Rauth however found himself still alive, lying on his back in the shores of Ffangor.

Rauth from there on traveled far and wide, but eventually stayd as a apprentice at a smithy for 2 years, and as pay he made himself a quite unique looking waraxe warscythe hybrid weapon. After which he slowly began the life of a bounty hunter, intending to turn a new clean page on his life. Pirate life, nor bandit life were to his liking, surely to save his life, he wont hesitate to kill or steal, but a life of a villain has tired him, he just wished to live, he didnt need much riches though woudnt say now if some came his way.