Riombaran Herald/Conversations/Elloranaal

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Letter from Nicolas Chénier (1 hour, 18 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Elloranaal (27 recipients) Why will no one tell me why the Dominion has declared war on Enweil for? What evils have Riombara tainted your minds with?

Did they offer you food, help against the rogues, gold, land? Lands they obviously don't intend to let you have, as they know you can't support them anyways. Food? They barely satisfy their needs, and once the population of Rines, Athol Margos, and Irombro go back to old levels they will be back in a deficit. Help against the rogues? They've never done it so far, why would they later? They have clearly shown again and again their desire to dominate the south-east. And finally, was it gold? I see your units, and there are a bunch of very small units and some very large ones. Much like your infrastructure, it is focused into the hands of a few. If they did bribe you, know that this gold will be like the rest of it, it shall stay kept within a few small number of nobles, the majority of you wouldn't benefit from it.

The riombarans are skilled liars. Look at the Lefanis family, for example, Mordred being a one which has now become prominent in their realm. What this family does always follows the same pattern: They come to a realm, they talk around, they befriend people, they give them illusions of grandeur, promises of great projects. It always works, people fall in for his lies. After some time, he's got enough power, he sets his plans in motions. However, he only gives them illusions of success, and sometimes his projects work for a little while... but comes a time, after having gotten all he has from stealing it from others, his plans start to backfire, and others are angry with what he did or are tired of his attempts of manipulation. Sometimes, it's their own incompetence which make the plans fail. Needless to say, that's when the Lefanis gather up all the resources to themselves, making others dependant on them. He sacrifices his allies to stay on top (such as Valhus), or falls with them. Since they have lost everything, the Lefanis can then give them false hopes with another wild plan, and having nothing left these people accept. For years, this can continue, granting the Lefanis great control over his supporters while never giving anything back, or it being for a really short period if he does (and it being mostly an illusion as he makes them do his bidding anyways). They are parasites, scavengers, and if you look at the realms he gained power in most of them were killed not long afterwards, the rest did not get what they were promised.

Riombara only wants supremacy, it does not want any good for the Dominion, it only wants you as a tool. Remember those who broke off the found the Holy Empire of Alluran? Well now you find these high members of Alluran in Riombara! Those traitors who fought against you and tried to use the state religion to make themselves emperors are now Riombarans.

Riombara is the home of your enemies, not your friends.

Nicolas Chénier Viscount of Wheling, Marshal of the Army of Fengen

Letter from Tristan Gryphonheart (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Elloranaal (27 recipients) Sons of Enweil,

interesting methods you use, I see. Preaching anti-Riombaran propaganda with your snake-like lips and slaughtering the peasants in the same time with your swords seems to be what you do best. And you wonder why Dominion of Alluran and half of this continent dislikes you? Many fathers have buried their sons where you passed, and retribution, so pure and just, is on your trace.

As for your Viscount Marshal Nicolas, who is so blessed in his ignorance, it is sufficient to say that his observation of Alluranian priests in our lands is wrong. They have been given shelter after their realm fell, but they have long ago left north for Heen. And I will point out that one of their priests was banned at the first sign of his hostile intentions towards the Dominion--when he tried to religiously usurp one of their regions--and that speaks of Riombaran deepest trust and friendship towards the Dominion a lot more than Viscount Marshal Nicolas' empty and misleading words. Chenier, you are a conjurer of cheap tricks. They may work on your subjects and vassals but I assure you that they won't work here in these holy lands of the South. Instead of exploring your own imagination, I advise that you pray to any gods you may believe in for the fearsome battle that is to come, as your letters only expose your weaknesses and reveal to us how insecure, vulnerable and depressed Enweil really feels.

For Lord and Land,

Sir Tristan Gryphonheart Viscount of Cjelegy

Letter from Howard Silverbear (22 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Elloranaal (27 recipients) Viscount of Cjelegy, Nobles in Elloranaal,

It is interesting to see Riombara fight along side someone for once. Normally youtrick others to go to war on your behalf, whilst you sit at home.

I will fight Riombara with all my heart. I will fight Dominion of Alluran because I have to - with heavy heart. I expect my men to come off worse, but with we fight with heart. Because Riombara must be shown that we will defend our nation, our realm.

We defend, we do not trick, we do not attack our neighbours, we defend Enweil.

Dominion of Alluran defend you nation and rid yourself of Riombara.

Howard Silverbear Field Marshal of Enweil

Letter from Tristan Gryphonheart (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Elloranaal (27 recipients) Field Marshal Silverbear,

I don't see you defending. I see you pillaging and burning a region that is not yours. But that aside, your image of Riombara is intentionally or not intentionally wrong. We have fought many battles together with many realms, and I am pretty sure that you and the rest of the nobles from Enweil will remember the days when old Kingdom of Alluran still existed and when both their nobles and Riombarans stood together to repel the tide of belligerent Enweilian, Avalonian and Irombrozian hordes, who were killing, raping and destroying everything on their way. That is just one proof that Riombara did indeed fought on the same side with other realms.

Thereof, release yourself from this cheap propaganda, sons of Enweil, and show your valor on the battle grounds. The red dawn before us foretells the feast for the crows and I salute all those who will ride to fight for the chivalric ideals; regardless if friend or foe.

For Lord and Land,

Sir Tristan Gryphonheart Viscount of Cjelegy

Letter from Hireshmont Vellos (1 day, 14 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Elloranaal (28 recipients) Nicolas,

You ignorant, sodden, shameful excuse for half a human being. You sick daimon-worshiping cultist. You filthy friend of that abomination I am ashamed to have once called my son. Silence your revolting tongue, ignoble cur. Your lies have no place here. The lies that spew from your perverse mouth are many. When I have rested a bit, I will refute them. But I am old, and too tired. Keep silent until then, while I catch my breath to refute the lies of you warmongering imperialists. Oh aye, imperialists, invaders, betrayers, daimon-worshipers, faithless blasphemers, don't open your deceptive lips until I've had my chance to speak.

That goes to the rest of you swine as well. Except you, my lord Anselm. You I have great respect for and know to be honorable. Your speech I will permit without insult,


Hireshmont Vellos (Priest of Qyrvaggism)