Travellers' Inn

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The Travellers' Inn is a small tavern resides in Dulbin, where people come from all over East Continent can put down their weapons and drink and feast and talk happily to each other. And of course, the place for travellers to tell their tales about what they saw and what they feel about the various places of the continent they have visited and loved. Feel free to fill our small house with your stories.


Passerby (Aspirant Rank)

You have paid your visit to the tavern for at least once, but you are not sure whether you will ever be back. One who remains in this rank for too long may be removed from the member list by the innkeeper, in order to prevent illegitimate exploitations of the tavern's messenger system.

Frequenter (Member Rank)

You have proved yourself a constant and talkative guest of the tavern. One can only reach this rank through being promoted from a Passerby.

Gossipmonger (Member Rank)

You have proved yourself a prolific source of information in the tavern, no matter your words always turn out to be true or false. One can reach this rank through being promoted from a Frequenter, or buying the title directly, if you really so desire of it.

Storyteller (Member Rank)

You have proved yourself a precious figure of this tavern, being asked to tell another of your endless stories of adventures by the people every time you enter the tavern bar. One can only reach this rank through being promoted from a Gossipmonger.

Traveller (Member Rank)

You have proved yourself a seasoned traveller, your cloak filled with scars of the wilderness and your words full of gems of great wisdom, and the tavern is honoured by your very presence. One can only reach this rank through being promoted from a Storyteller.

Balancetraveller (Senior Rank)

A Balancetraveller is a traveller who walks the way of the Balance. One can only reach this rank when the Balance decides to enlighten your heart.

Founder (Senior Rank)

Lilith Balancetraveller.

Promotion and Demotion

A being is valued by its minds and thoughts, which will be reflected upon its words and deeds. If your behavior is worthy of a higher rank, you will be promoted. And vice versa.

Fees and Loans

Ranks above Gossipmonger will be granted access to the Inn treasury, and the maximum debt one can contract increases with the rank itself. As a consequence, one needs to afford more monthly fee for higher possible debt. (the monthly fee feature of the guild is not yet implememted)

Building A New Tavern

If you are a local lord and willing to help with the construction of another innhouse, you can choose between asking for some financial helps from the Founder, or paying it all by yourself. A special rank will be bestowed upon you if you choose the latter option.