Forbidden Book of the Damned

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Forbidden Book of the Damned

About The Item

  • Item Name: Forbidden Book of the Damned
  • Item Type: Book
  • Item Abilities: +4 Prestige
  • Found By: Hartwell Jonkahainen
  • Current Owner: Evangeline Uceek
  • Location Found: Beziers, EC
  • Enemy Type: Undead

Book of Damned.jpg

Background Story

unknown at this time


The Acquisition

Book of the Damned was acquired from the hands of an undead champion in Beziers, East Continent. The hero who wrestled the tome from the monsters lair was Hartwall, claiming to hail from the family Jonkahainen.


9th November 2007

Battle in Clermont

Perdan vs. Ibladesh

Estimated combat strengths: 1000 CS vs. < 500 CS

Lady Evangeline Uceek, Marchioness of Bescanon, Marshal of the Perdan's Strike Force is spotted reading from the Forbidden Book of the Damned.

Attacker Victory!

Roleplay from Evangeline

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Evangeline's hands trembled slightly as she unwrapped the heavy book. They had said she had read from it before the battle. Looking at the field she saw the crows circling the remains of the peasants and Count Jitte's unit. The healers tent was erected on the other side of the field. Turning back to her 40 men, she saw them unscathed and happy.

The unblinking eye stared at her from the cover and the world seemed to darken. Time seemed to freeze momentarily and her heartbeat echoed slowly in her ears. Pushing the soft leather back over the cover the sounds of her men laughing returned and the world lightened again. She packed it quickly into one of the saddlebags on Ben. She would take it to one of the Church of Humanity priests as soon as she could.

Lady Evangeline Uceek

Marchioness of Bescanon, Marshal of the Perdan's Strike Force

23rd November 2007

Letter from Orca

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What is this forbiden book? I have missed alot.

Orca Kackel (Knight of Dimwood)

Letter from Evangeline

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I'm not really sure. I don't ever consciously remember reading it.

A priest of Sanctus Acies has promised to research it for me. It was found by a Perdanese adventurer, Hartwell in Beziers shortly after the Ibladesh temple was looted and torn down. I guess it was theirs originally.

Lady Evangeline Uceek Marchioness of Bescanon, Marshal of the Perdan's Strike Force