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History of the Elementalis

The Guild History:

Long ago, the study of the Elements was considered an undesirable practice and many who pursued it were mocked and attacked. Throughout the centuries, there were a few prominent and formative intellectuals who gave many discoveries to the study of the Elements. These men and woman are now honoured with the title Sage.

The Elementalis Society was eventually created to gather the research of the Elementalis from all over the East Island. It remained a Secret Society to ensure its safety from the unlearned. Many members of the Elementalis Society contributed their findings for other members to examine and discuss. It was only after Sage Grazzill performed his amazing feat that the study of the Elements was an acceptable practice. From this point, the Elementalis Society became a legitimate element of society and was allowed to create formal schools and disciplines. The founders of these schools have also been honoured with the title Sage. Through time and change, the Elementalis Society emptied and the study of the Elements ceased. Many wars had taken the livelihoods of its members, and forced them to give up their passion in order to survive. Others had participated in the wars and either lost their lives or abandoned the pursuit of Elementalis.

After many years, the study of the Elements is now experiencing a revival. Especially by the efforts of Elder Elberan Carnes who built the first Elementalis Guild in An Najaf. From this point, the study of the Elementalis has returned to the land and is becoming a popular practice. The Elementalis Guild is the successor to the Elementalis Society.