Luminous Family

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The Ones Called Luminous

There is only one man left bearing the mark of Luminous. He answers to the name Zhou.

Zhou Luminous

Zhou stands approximately 6'2", towering over his men, whom he picks for being short; as he sees a tactical advantage within this. His hair is long and gray, with two dreadlocks in the front. The dreadlocks have some kind of magical-looking coins sewn into them; although their origin is unkown. His hands are marked with the symbol of an orange and blue lotus flower, which he finds beautiful because it blossoms out of the darkest of waters. He wears a wooden mask with a bright red 8-sided star on it. Other symbols lay in between each point, seeming to be in a strange language, unknown to even his men. Zhou's eyes have been known to switch between green and red; corresponding with peace and anger. He claims to be the son of some Sun god, and acts accordingly to this idea. He has been heard making the claim that he nurtures life until it gets too close for humililty. Recently, he has donned a helmet made from the skull of a former knight of his, as well as a necklace made of his finger bones. His allegiance lays strongly with Azzal, as he enjoys this city above all other places; but he is also completely loyal to Darka as a whole.