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The realm is to be founded to the west of Gelene, Probably Darfix.

Changes we have had to make to account for Serious mediaval atmosphere:- This will be a realm with a honor code. No japanease names. Love, loyalty, and friendship will be stressed.

This will go through! All those ppl who still want to join, feel free!


I had a few ideas about a different type of realm on Dwilight, special thanks to Chenier who gave me the idea.

The realm is modeled after medieval Japan... Strict code, the way of the warrior, a member of the realm must be a member of the Order of the Samurai, only realm mates are allowed in, unless somone is specially invited. Buddhist/Zen religion, modeled specially for the realm.

Realm Type- Absolute Monarchy(Emperor)


Experimental name- Meiyo (Name means honor in Japanese.)

Special Name for Ruler- Emperor

Special Name for General- Shogun

Special Name for Judge- Kyoto shoshidai

Special Name for Banker- Kanjo bugyo

Special name for Count/Duke- Overlord and Daimyo.

Infiltrator- Shinobi

Army- Ashigaru Warriors (Ashigaru were little more than a bunch of peasants called to arms by their feudal masters. They had little training or equipment at first but by the end of the Sengoku Jidai they had become professional soldiers and had even become samurai.)


There will be a strict code of conduct, breach of which will result in heavy fines.

Code of Conduct/Honor

Disgraced samurai to regain his honor by passing into death in war or suicide. Warriors were men who lived by Bushido; it was their way of life. The samurai's loyalty to the emperor and his overlord or daimyo were unsurpassed. They were trustworthy and honest. They lived frugal lives with no interest in riches and material things, but rather in honor and pride. They were men of true valor. Samurai had no fear of death. They would enter any battle no matter the odds. To die in battle would only bring honor to one's family and one's lord.

The philosophy of Bushido is freedom from fear.

Virtues that MUST be followed

1)The right decision, fair and equal.

2)Valour & Courage.

3)Benevolence, Compassion & Generosity

4)The Proper Behaviour, Courtesy & Respect

5)Honesty, Honourable & Moral

6)Success, Honour and Glory.

7)Devotion and Loyalty, Dedicated

Honor over Duty / Duty over Glory / Glory before Death / Death before Dishonor

"Shame (haji) is the most important word in a samurai's vocabulary. Nothing is more shameful than not understanding shame." A young samurai named Yoshida Shoin (1830-1859) Shoin continued... On one occasion someone asked me: Which is more serious, crime (tsumi) or shame (haji)? I answered: Crime belongs to the body, but shame lies in the soul.... Now, people at the grass-roots level discuss national politics and criticize officeholders. This kind of behavior is a crime because it is not the job of ordinary people, and it is not their prescribed role in society. However, if you ask about their internal motivation and find that they are worried about the future of the nation, and have tried to ask questions about its legitimacy--their behavior is less culpable.

Ethical guidebook written by the Confucian scholar Muro Kyfis (1658-1734), defined the samurai's basic moral code as principled autonomy. Muro wrote:

The disciplined and rightful attitude of the samurai should include the following: not to speak falsehood; not to work for selfish gain; to keep the mind straightforward and honest; simplicity in external appearance; to maintain a disciplined and courteous bearing, neither flattering one's superiors nor being arrogant toward one's juniors; to keep promises unfailingly; and not to ignore another in hardship....

If the samurai dishonored his lord and empereor, he must take his own life to regain his honor.(due to practical reasons the crime must be pretty bad)


The state religion will be Koshintō/Shintō. Love of nature: Nature is sacred; to be in contact with nature is to be close to the spirit. Natural objects are worshipped as they contain sacred spirits. There will be worship of the sun-godess, in particular.


There will be a Council of 5, (The council of 5 Elders). The Emperor/Emperess will be the 6th member.

What we need

We need somone with good photoshop skills to design somthing that resembles Japanese crests.(eg, )


Never to insult your immediate superior, request him for everything you want of him. The Emperor's word is law over all, unless he is overruled by all 5 of the council. Before being worthy of the honor of becoming a daimyo(lord), one must be a member of the realm for a 30 days. (Exception, when the realm starts) Samurai-(Noble or Cavalier who is in the realm for 50 days.) All the people who join the realm in the start, as founders, automatically get this status.


Help and suggestions welcome. If you want to join post your user id here and i will contact you or email me at Otherwise, just follow the plan and we will meet up. Its helpfull if you enlist however, so I know how many people are interested, viability etc.

Facts(Many, many thanks to Keith)

Written By Keith

8th century Japan was a plutocratic oligarchy enforced by religious edicts that prevented the individual from having a fair and equal place in society- give this a few hundred years of samurai raping your daughters and tax men taking 80% of your food and you start to see the beginning of what culminated in the 15-16 century.

We like to glorify the image of the samurai but in truth absolute thousands of them died pointless deaths just to prove some meaningless and unglorified life that could have been proven otherwise...

This is VERY IMPORTANT!^^^^ I'm not saying honour and loyalty and courage arent the greatest examples of bushido code, what I'm saying is that many, many rulers twisted the wording around to totally manipulate good hearted samurai to go on death quests just for there own sick pleasure- imagine sending a man who has pledged his soul to defend you off to die just because you like the idea he might be tortured to death because its the only way to find out what he will say about you And that kind of barbarism. It happened... a lot. That one of the reasons the peasents rose up.

But, thats all going to come in something im going to write to you about the real concept of honour its not whats written in the books; you can throw them out right now.

FACT : Traditionally based ninjas dont and have never existed. Modern ninjitsu classes are a rip of off jiu jitsu. They toss in acrobatics an old school variant of parkour, basic gymanstics training any 6 year old knows, and then some really nice gimmick stuff.

Atemi principles are the same as everywhere and for people to claim them as 'ninja' is BS- jiu jitsu, if you just go and look it up, is one of the oldest martial arts on the world- and all other japanese arts are just derivitives. What happened was that students weren't good enough to take on the teachings of the whole class; so they branch off. Now you have hapkido, krav maga, judo, ninjitsu, aikido and a dozen other martial arts claiming to be complete schools, but inreality theyare all derivitive from the grandfather art (as it is called) which is jiu jitsu. Jiu jitsu taught everything that each of those individual schools pretended to be a complete style. the problem being is, jiu jitsu is a life study and you can never leave it behind.

The truth, the really ugly truth of the ninja is that shoguns would kidnap an entire poor peasent family and then tell the man if he didnt go and kill so and so (AND ESPECIALLY THEIR CHILDREN!!) in the night without getting caught, everyone in his family would be tortured to death and it would be his fault.

Keep in mind that any culture around the world that had a central figure of being descended from the gods was generally going to erupt into class-lines and occupational-lines, the internal factions manipulating each other, whether it through variant beliefs on spirituality or plain human powermongering and greed.

I will end however, with a note I may have forgotten to share with you in the past: the most important virtue of the samurai was not honesty, or courage. The absolute, unquestionable test of whether a samurai was worthy or not, boiled down to a question of absolute, unshakeable loyalty to their leaders.

28~ people have joined so far!

The Plan

We start of in Madina, organise ourselves, and when prepared, do a CTO of Port Raviel setting of the realm from there. Once we are a little more powerful, we do a TO of Port Nebel, and the realm will truly begin. BRING ENOUGH GOLD TO RECRUIT A DECENT UNIT!! around 25-∞(:-)) There will be three TO sized units, one being my char's, 2 being others. (safety first :-)) My char will only have enough gold to buy a TO unit and to spread a wee bit around, so please get as much as you can. Tom has indicated that Dwilight should open by the end of the first week of January, so please get ready to emmigrate.


{{{smallcrest}}} {{{smallcrest}}}
(Flag) (Coat of Arms)
Continent / Island Dwilight
Capital Darfix
Largest City Darfix
Government System




Region Numbers 2
Population Unknown 0th