Chocxal News

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Chocxal News
Price: None... why do we want your money? If you really want to, send 4 silver to the presses. News from the desert!** Please shake any sand out AWAY from people's faces. Issue Number: 1

Chief Editor:Torsaan the Great
Resident Overzealous Lunatic:Xanio the Great
Want to contribute? Add your name, and a spiffy title!
Goat Curry anyone?
Those goats have been pulverized, but I will give them something. They are resilient. Unfortunately, everyone knows they are planing a colony. Where? Who knows. But, all I know is their sacred animal does taste good after a nice game of soccer.
- Xanio the Great
Talerium Newspaper surfaces!
There was much applause today as the Chocxal News rolled of the presses. It is heard that the illiterate peasants were particularly pleased.
-- Torsaan the Great

**These are all the opinions of a priest who hasn't seen war in months, a lunatic who loves his realm too much, and (insert title here!)