Phocas Family

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This family, for the moment, is still not very famous. Hailing from the province of Zamor on the East Continent, the Noble House of Phocas (its progenitor), actually began as a merchant family in Zamor, which used to be the frontier for the old Kingdom of Itorunt.

The man for whom the house was named, Phocas, bought a large tract of land, and planted orchards of olive trees, fruit and date trees, and fields of wheat and vegetables, which he worked with indentured servants, many of whom stayed to work the land after they had served their time, officially becoming servants of the family. The venture was profitable, but it wasn't until the third generation of the Family that his name was permanently added as the surname, to make them eligible for minor nobility status. This itself wasn't granted until another three generations after that, nearly three hundred years since the death of Phocas. Through this slow process, the Noble House of Phocas was sifted through the ages, until somewhat recently, when the family ascended to a 'Lesser Noble' status, and its sons joined the Army of Itorunt during the Great Wars that ravaged the Continent, with Itorunt bravely providing a staying action for its allly, Ibladesh.

This family has since risen in stature, but is still not among the most recognizable families, though they are fairly well known in the Empire of Itorunt.

This family has begun a tradition of Heroes, but is fairly uncomfortable with said tradition. These Heroes are said to be a bit 'off centre', having lost a bit their touch with reality.

Pistalexios the Asymmetrical


