Studies of Abington by Brakus Stien/Chapter Six/Return lordship

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Studies of Abington by Brakus Stien/Chapter Six

In this page you have decided that you will hand over your landed title back to the realm for one reason or the other. You will be given the oppertunity to explain why you are stepping down. It is not an opitional choice you will have to but in a reason and it must be more than a few words in length. I would suggest that you put some thought into your statement of why you are steeping down.

It also of note that no matter what the reason your charater has for stepping down. He will suffer loose of honor and possibly prestiage.

You can step down from your Commander position simply by announcing that you do so. You must also give a reason for your decision.

Stepping down will cost you 1 points of prestige and 1 points of honor, no matter the reason. Stepping down just to give a position to someone else, be he the former holder of it or not, is often a sign of weakness and may result in a much higher loss of prestige, and possibly honor. It is generally frowned upon and you should reconsider unless you have a really good reason. Remember: In the middle ages, many wars were fought over disputed claims to titles, especially rulership.

Describe your reason below:

(In this spot you will find a input box where you will tyoe in your reason for stepping down. just below that you will find a button that will activate your decision labled Step Down.)