Unti Family/Nerta/A6S3

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Knight Pauses

David Wierbiki, the player of Bergelmir Crownguard, has paused him for an indefinite period.
Due to pausing, he loses the following: His unit, "Roaring Rangers", is set up as a local militia unit in Agyr. He is removed as Judge. He vacates his estate in Fronepu

Appointed as Judge

You have been appointed as Judge of your realm. Please read the Government Description carefully to familiarise yourself with your new responsibilities.

Report from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
I've long wanted an excuse to elevate Lady Nerta to rank befitting her contribution to the realm and as my good friend Lord Bergelmir is taking time away from public life this seems the ideal opportunity.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta
Congratulations. I'm sure you love the title. The included pictures are a simple one of a celebration, and one of Soren smirking and rolling his eyes.
Soren Navaar (Count of Seven Rivers)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
The quartet returning to the Shieldborn Manse look far worse for wear after so many hours trudging through the Blackjaw's Conquest. The Count of Seven Rivers was bandaged with the crude remains of some clothing, while his cloak was draped across Nerta who was mostly dressed in mud. Yet there were more surprises in store because waiting in camp is a messenger with a very fancy scroll.

Being his region, Soren moved to take the missive, but the messenger sniffs and pulls it away before offering it to Nerta.

Her grubby hands crunching the paper, she scowls and passes it to Soren. Reading through it quickly, his laughter bubbles up regardless of the pain, doubly so when Nerta forgoes her usual scowl for surprise.

Collecting himself only after she gives him a hard shove, he clears his throat and passes the letter back.

"It seems you got a promotion, Judge of Ar Agyr..."

His grin is matched only by her look of horror.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Katalynfae Dragul
Request from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Welcome Katalynfae, Here for the monster killing or had sent else caught your eye?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Katalynfae Dragul
Message sent to Personal Message to Nerta Unti
My Lady Senex,

The veiled Lady of Obia has grown cold and only wished my coin. As a young girl on Dwilight, my grandmother told me of gods older than the lands. So, I chose to see if Granny was telling true tales, not just stories to entertain her small grand daughter. I had spoken to your priest in Kell and was intrigued by the opportunity to follow different paths within this faith. We did not have the opportunity to speak long, because evidently, I earned the hatred of the Reven's perverted religion by tearing down their temple. And now they attack us.

I look forward to learning more of The Old Gods to know where I would like to serve,
Katalynfae Dragul (Praetrix of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I am afraid that you have things exactly backwards. Given your background I'm not surprised.

You do not serve the faith, it serves you.

I imagine Balin spoke of the Gods, at least in passing. Did anything about that peak your curiosity? Then again you said you felt a calling to try something different, what does that look like to you?

We have answers, but do you have the questions for our answers?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Katalynfae Dragul
Message sent to Personal Message to Nerta Unti
Thank you all for the warm welcome. There are two that seem to be striving to get my attention. The Ice Queen and the Ephemeral Emperor. They call to the two different sides of me. At the suggestion of Priestess Nerti, as soon as this infernal war with Reven is done, I will undertake a quest to determine which I will follow most closely. For now can we leave the temple opem to any of the Old Gods who wish to occupy it for a time?
Katalynfae Dragul (Praetrix of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Fate vs Fortune is a challenging line to walk. Hopefully the Gods are patient as you handle mundane matters. I'd not be surprised if they start to intrude one way or another. I leave piles of bricks to Balin, that's his specialty. I think only the temple in Vore was dedicated in full, or was it Pomatim?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Balin De Chaol Ghleann
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I believe the temple in Bessimir was dedicated to the Wolf Lord, or at least near to it. I think he approved of that, as the last time Nerta and I were there, dispatching the undead, wolves showed up to carve a path for us to that undead big piles of bones that was leading that particular horde. Rather timely they came too. I still have scars from claws of the undead.
Balin De Chaol Ghleann (Duke of Vatrona, Guardian of the Old Gods)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
You had good shield work, Balin, but the champion's black blade was hideous. Between that and being thrown in the jail of Vore I didn't fully heal for at least a month.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Katalynfae Dragul
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Priest Balin,

There is 250 in gold in the treasury here.

It will be my pleasure to see the temple grow.
Katalynfae Dragul (Praetrix of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
You say that now, Katalynfae, but piles of rocks are very expensive...
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Katalynfae Dragul
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Lady Nerta, An infiltrator from Reven who tried to assassinate my Emperor has provided the funds for the temple. I plan to put his gold to good use. Does that make me mre like the Trickster?
Katalynfae Dragul (Praetrix of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Strong taking what they want could be the Wolf Lord. Or the Ice Queen could have decided it was his fate to pay. And matters of infiltration usually involve the Masked One.

To be the Trickster you'd probably have set up some ploy, farce or game where the would be assassin would give up the coin willingly.

But really I've seen nearly any twist on things.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Balin De Chaol Ghleann
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
That should be enough gold. I'll direct the masons to start building an addition to the church. Should more assassins wish to donate their coin to the church, I'd be happy to purchase more piles of stone with it.
Balin De Chaol Ghleann (Duke of Vatrona, Guardian of the Old Gods)
Roleplay from Katalynfae Dragul
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
KatalynFae had worked for hours alongside her men and local peasants clearing away the debris from the Reven temple she had ordered to be torn down upon her appointment as the Lady of Kell. She smiled to herself, all tiredness and sore muscles forgotten for the moment, as she remembered the stories of her late husband Jon Paul. He claimed his father, Kell, had been the first Lord of these lands and had named it for himself. Now she truly was the ”Lady of Kell”. Jon Paul would be pleased.

She was brought out of her musings with an excited cry from a group of women in the far corner of the ruins. She looked and one of them was waving what looked like a scroll in the air. The Lady of Kell sent her trusted aide Phelan to retrieve the scroll with a shiny silver coin to the woman who had found the scroll. The woman bowed to KatalynFae, with a huge smile on her face, speaking blessings on her new Lady.

KatalynFae instructed Phelan to place the scroll on her desk in the manor and continued working with them all to clear the rubble and search for more treasures. In what seemed like moments, another cry arose from the corner of the ruins. This time KatalynFae went herself to discover the source of the excitement. Climbing over the jagged floor with loose stones and fallen wooden beams. The Lady finally reached the corner.

Standing there were two beings who were definitely not like any peasants the Lady had ever seen. The female was pale and shimmering like ice crystals in the sun. The male was dark and shrouded with a sly smile and twinkling eyes. KatalynFae immediately dropped to her knees, her head bowed. “Welcome you of the Old Gods! I am honored by your presence.”

The woman flashed a dazzling smile and tossed a handful of ice crystals in front of KatalynFae. “What do you see?” the Ice Queen asked.

“I see the runes of the lands of my birth” KatalynFae replied.

“Can you read what they say?” asked the pale goddess.

“The runes say “The Old Gods of Beluaterra are the true masters of the land, holding absolute dominion over every rock, tree, and beast. There is still hope, the Followers of the Old Gods know that Humanity can earn the love of the Old Gods.”

The shrouded man took KatalynFae’s hand and raised her to her feet. “So, you have learned what confounds most of those who live in this land. All religions have been founded to please their understanding of the Old Gods.” He continued “But this day you must choose, which of the Old Gods will be your Patron?”

“I am only ever a warrior out of necessity. I would much prefer to spend my time buried in the books and scrolls of the library. I am considered old by some but am not ready yet to meet the Dark Mistress. If I choose one of you, can I never seek council of the others?” KatalynFae responded.

“The Old Gods know that humanity can evolve, and their needs, goals, and desires change. You must choose now the one who best meets these in the present. The future will worry about itself.” Those eyes twinkled again.

The Lady was silent in thought for a moment. “I must choose the Ice Queen, though I am sincerely tempted to choose you, Ephemeral Emperor” she finally said. Both of the Gods smiled and then faded into vapor.

Phelan was at her side, “My Lady, are you alright? The peasants say that you fainted, do you need aid?”

“No, all Is well.” The Lady rose with a smile and went directly to the place in the corner where all of the scrolls lay hidden. She merely smiled as Phelan bent to retrieve the scrolls for her.
Katalynfae Dragul (Praetrix of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Katalynfae Dragul
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
What must I do to dedicate the temple in Kell to the Ice Queen? I am currently using my free time to translate the ancient scrolls found in the ruins of the old temple. I shall send my results to the elders for confirmation and then they can be shared as the priests and elders wish. In Her frozen embrace,
Katalynfae Dragul (Praetrix of Shattered Vales)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I'm not sure I can tell you Katalynfae. The Ice Queen is a mysterious one.

The Seer of Time might send a blizzard your way, or maybe you could consecrate the ground with the blood of a fae champion. No doubt Fate will show you the path in short order. 

Maybe ask the wider community, see if any have have an idea?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Cali Gryndor
Message sent to Message to everyone all priests of the Old Gods
I am sending this to all of you...
(Personal message to Cali Gryndor)
Lady Cali Gryndor,
Are you a member of any religious organizations or are you a pagan?
In service to the Holy Mother,
Sir Justin Foote
Knight of Keffa

(Personal message to Justin Foote)
I am a pagan
Lady Cali Gryndor
Dame of Djembe
Personal message to Cali Gryndor) 
Lady Cryndor,
I see. Well, as you likely know, the region of Djembe is a part of the Holy Lands and the Duchy of the Sacred Obia'Syela. This places the area and its people within the domain of the One True Faith: the Heralds of Obeah. I would love to see you become a member of our Holy Order. What level of interest do you have in the Holy Order? If necessary, I can inform you more about the One True Faith. You need but ask.
In service of the Holy Mother,
Sir Justin Foote
Knight of Keffa
I am sending this to all of you in our order because I feel you should know about this so called other order feels the need to try to push me into their order or at least try persuade me to join their order. I have not yet answer this Sir Justin's second letter to me. I am not really sure how to respond to Sir Justin's second letter as he is calming my family's home region belongs to their order when my family and I have always followed and worship the ways of the old gods for many generations in Djembe our home region.
Cali Gryndor (Dame of Djembe)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Cali Gryndor
To earn the submission of the Heralds, Irondale promised them sanctuary within their old borders. Protection for their fading faith. This Herald is concerned that you will shatter that tenuous protection. Or perhaps they hope you might revitalize their flame.

Our ways are as old as the land itself. The religions that came from across the sea perch upon the rocks of Beluaterra only to be washed away with the tide. There are times when people have sworn fealty to these orders, but it is a momentary dream to the natural order of things.

If this order interests you, by all means, explore their lore or even join it. I would still welcome you in our halls. But if you are satisfied with exploring our mysteries and ways, you can ignore the Heralds. As we have for the dozens of other foreign faiths that have come and gone over the years.

It is your path to walk, but I will guide you as I am able. What interests you?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Cali Gryndor
Message sent to Message to everyone in Wudenkin
I see. Well I have chosen my path of the old gods and shall continue to follow them as they have been good to me. As far as these Heralds goes I see no reason of sharing the lands and live in peace letting one follow and believe in what they will freely so long as it does no harm to others and doesn't fringe on others.
Cali Gryndor (Dame of Djembe)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Cali Gryndor
Noble sentiment, though you may change your mind once the Gods start to toy with you.

I joke.

Anyway, perhaps you should learn more of the Heralds before you make such a final decision about living in harmony. I know little of them myself, but I believe the Inquisition defeated the Templars in their great schism.

They might be less welcoming than you.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Wudenkin
The cloaked figure entering the Bayside Slums eyes the growing crowds cautiously.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Impi Wolfvern
Message sent to Message to everyone in Wudenkin
Impi preached to the masses for 5 hours, reaching a total audience of 446 listeners.

90 pagans and believers in local folklore appear to be convinced and you formally convert them to The Saints of Revenon in a small ceremony. There are 9 followers of other faiths that swayed and converted to The Saints of Revenon.

"Ah a good days preach on self-control and wisdom. It may have been short but, it showed enough for other to believe." He walks off the podium book in had is hammer in hand. As Believer approaches his "Your Highness another priest has appeared in the in the city. It appears to be Priestess Nerta of the Old Gods though they have themselves shrouded at the moment wishing to hide." He smiles back "Good, she has arrived I've been expecting her so she can show this mystery under the city. " "Oh would you like for us to bring her to the temple for" the believers replies. "Yes please do but, send the Children with you. Not many people would turn down to followe a flock of happy children screaming their name. I'll be in my office when you get back so you know where to find me."

"Yes your Highness will. Katy, Mark, Gian, Nikki, Jorge come with me we have a guess for the Highness."
Impi Wolfvern (Arch Rever of the Saints of Revon)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Wudenkin
Nerta's trip through the slums is cut short as a swarm of children boil out of the warren. Surrounded she prepares for battle, yet they do not appear hostile. So much for slipping in unnoticed, someone has been watching for her.

Led to the Saintly temple by the troupe, glittering eyes take in the décoré; and the man in the centre of it all. A puppet master pulling strings. Perhaps she should cut them...

Marching too close to Impi, she stares at him for a few heartbeats. Finally she clicks.

"Any good with that hammer, or do you always send children to do your dirty work?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Impi Wolfvern
Message sent to Message to everyone in Wudenkin
"Firstly I'm Cavalier and using dirty works is not my playstyle. Secondly I wouldn't use children in schemes. Thirdly if you want to see how good I am with my hammer. That can be done." Impi reaches back and throws the greathammer with one hand towards Nerta. He then runs towards fist full of eager. "If this is how you want to meet then may Saint Orius make this a act of his will"
Impi Wolfvern (Arch Rever of the Saints of Revon)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Wudenkin
The hooded woman cracks a faint smile.

"The first bit means nothing. The second could be a lie. But the third..."

Dropping to the floor, she brings the butt of her spear around to strike the charging man.

"...Now you have my attention."

Nerta's twitching movements see her springing from her crouch, though the cloak barely rustles.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)