Rea Family/Dancer/Meeting Allova

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Roleplay from Dancer Rea
Dancer sat, rolling the scroll up and down the table, pondering. She'd have to see the power of the Lords herself. He rolled it to the far edge of the table. Of course, he thought, there was no telling where in the netherworld she would go, nor who she would meet. He rolled it back to his chest. If she met the right entities, he'd make a believer of her. He rolled it back to the edge, and closed his filmed over eyes, setting his head on the table. He started under his breath, "Jomorosh, Akkan, Jactosh, Domina. Help me show her, help me show her your Truth. Help me save her from your wrath. She is stubborn, but a strong woman, and worthy of your judgement. Guide me to the answer, my Lords."

A young lady cleared her throat. He could tell by the pitch. What he couldn't tell, was when she'd entered the tent. He peered out from over his arms, squinting to make out her basic features. "Who the hell are you, and how did you get in here?" He growled. "Sir Dancer, I assume." The woman bowed, "I am Allova Saxa. I was sent here by Margravine Anyte, to serve your needs. I'm also supposed to check up on the Maidens you hired, to see if they were preforming as my Lady would have them. Where are they, Sir? I was able to walk into your tent here without any resistance, and they should be chastened for their neglect." Dancer narrowed his eyes. The young woman sounded sincere, anyway. He grumbled, "They were fierce warriors on the battlefield. They died first, protecting the back lines from infantry units. Tried to use bows as close combat weapons, killed a few doing it too. The rest have fled, cowards. I take it Anyte is Margrave again. Good. The bathory needs her machinations to run properly." He hadn't had anyone to talk to for days now, and this woman was an interesting distraction, at the very least. Dancer grumbled on, "Tell me, why has the Lady Anyte seen fit to send me one of her personal handmaidens?" The woman looked at him. He was whip thin, corded muscles standing out on his arms, accenting the scars up and down his forearms. His eyes were filmed over with a white substance, and she was pretty sure if he could see at all, he couldn't see very well. He'd clearly been though a lot. She sighed. "She sent me as a personal helper, to assist you in anyway you need." Dancer stood up, and walked over to her. "Let me see you properly then, if you are to stay. Please don't make any sudden movements, you may knock me in the face, and I can't say that I enjoy the feeling."

Dancer got very close to the handmaiden, inspecting her up and down. He noted the exhaustion under her eyes, and the dirt caked on her clothes. "Been traveling have you? You look about ready to crumple." The maiden nodded. "I have been, Sir." He shook his head. He debated yelling at her about warning him before entering his tent, but he tossed the idea. He'd have to be careful. He didn't think the Lady would think to kindly of him abusing one of her personal handmaidens. "Go set up your tent, and get some sleep. if you need any supplies, they are next to the horses tied up to the north, in the stand of trees. We can speak more in the morning." The maiden gratefully took her leave. This was already going better then expected. She'd taken note of the stained pack at Dancer's side, the strange scroll, the piles of papers scattered about, and the general state of the man. He'd been dropping names of evil beings as she walked in as well. Anyte will be pleased at her report. Dancer was just happy to have someone to help him pack up the camp in the morning.
Dancer Rea

Roleplay from Dancer Rea
-The Next Day-

"Well, that went well. You're a good fighter, maiden." Dancer and Allova stood over the bodies of the four highwaymen that had jumped them. Blood dripped from both of their swords, making little pools in the dirt. Dancer held his left arm close, cradling it after a luck hit from a club."Sir Dancer, are you hurt?" Allova looked over, her face flashing a hint of concern. Dancer ignored her, bending down to run his fingers through the blood quietly seeping out of the nearest highwayman. He straightened, inspecting the blood smeared on his fingers. "He may have broken my arm. Go get the healer's pack, maiden, and attend me. Pity about the shirt, I only brought two."

Allova moved with purpose, finding a small stool, as well as the healer's pack and a clean dagger. Dancer took a seat on the stool, seemly staring into space, while she collected the rest of the supplies. As Allova started to skillfully cut off Dancer's shirt, being careful not to jostle his arm, she gasped quietly. "What is it maiden? I didn't receive any wounds to my back." Allova paused for a moment, before continuing to remove the shirt. "Sir Dancer, please forgive my pause. It's just that I've never seen someone of your class so...." She trailed off. As she pulled off the now shredded shirt, she could see his back clearly. Thick bands of scar tissue crossed his back at regular intervals, wider then her thumb in several places. She'd only ever seen whipping wounds so deep on prisoners in the Bathory, and they usually didn't make it though the night. Dancer let her take it in before he spoke. "Failures have consequences, Maiden." Allova moved to his arm, thinking. "Sir, if I may ask, how many mistakes did you make?" She carefully grabbed his arm, grabbing his wrist and upper arm. With a grunt, she pulled, hard. Dancer's arm made a sickening crack, and Dancer hunched up in pain.

"If.." He paused, clearing his head from the pain of setting bone. Allova balanced the splint boards carefully, beginning to wrap his arm. "If you must know, only one mistake. Tell me, Maiden, what has the Margrave told you about me?" Allova motioned for him to straighten out more before answering. "She told me little. Just that I was to assist you in any way I can." Dancer grunted, "You know though, don't you Maiden. I saw you slip a letter to the messenger the last time he was here. He was quick to give it to me after only a moment's inquiry." Allova stopped wrapping, quickly backing away from the man. She brandished the dagger, ready for that attack that would surly come. She'd been found out, after only a few days. She chided herself for being so careless. Dancer smiled wolfishly. "Allova. If a wanted to silence you, I would have as soon as I read your letter to your lady. Don't concern yourself with it's delivery either, I sent it with the next messenger." Allova narrowed her eyes, still on high alert for violence. Dancer lounged on the stool, smile playing across his face. "Really girl, you are safe here. Your loyalty to your Lady assures that. Do not think you are leaving this assignment either. I have already informed your Lady of my views, and we had a wonderful debate about the validity of the 'Veiled Bitch'." Dancer's face hardened. "I need to make one thing clear though, girl. You do not lie to me, no matter the reason. You were ordered here, as a token of your Lady's good graces. Spying on me is expected, of course. Leave it to that wonderful hellion to kill two birds with one stone." Dancer's face flashed back into a wolfish grin at the thought of the Margrave. "I have nothing to hide from your lady any longer. Send her letters if you wish. However, as long as you remain here, I expect total transparency; No lies, child." Allova still held the dagger at ready, but the stiffness in her shoulders lessened. "I can not trust you, Sir Dancer, but, I can work with you. On one condition. If I am to be honest to you, you must be honest to me." Dancer tilted his head slightly to the side, grinning. "You have a deal, Maiden. Now, I really can't attend my own arm, so if you please...."
Dancer Rea