Doomed Nightblade

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Revision as of 21:22, 11 October 2011 by Berlas (talk | contribs)
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Type Weapon
Discovered By Cael
Discovery Date 11/10/2011
Discovery Location Palnasos, Far East
Abilities Prestige +1
Current Owner Cael

It was a dark night in Palnasos, and winter lay heavily upon the land. Two men trudged through the outlands of Palnasos, talking of inconsequentialities, before they got involved in a most direly serious argument about where the best ale could be found. The taller man, garbed as a soldier, held that Palnasos held the finest taverns, while the other preferred that sold in Azarons.

In any case, the shorter, plainly garbed one was just about to put forward the seventh reason why Azarons was better, when he stopped in mid-sentence. "Wait, I smell a fire!"

They proceeded cautiously, and found a "wise"* sage, who acceded to their request for a weapon. After working for an hour in his mystical-looking hut, he finally gave them the Doomed Nightblade. When asked what was doomed about it, the sage shrugged. "Eh hrmm, couldn't say. Could be the axe, could be the user, most likely the guy that gets it in the neck. Or your afternoon tea. Eh."

  • (a polite euphemism)