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==The Third Testament of Tor==
==The Third Testament of Tor==
This volume describes the sacredness of holy institutions, the holiness of certain locations on earth, issues prophecies regarding the future of the world and describes what happens to human souls upon death.
===The Book of Torenism===
Describes the authority of the church, and the infallibility of the Avatar of Tor.
===The Book of Holy Land===
Describes holiness of the Mountain of Betrayal, the city of Valkyrja, and the area of the great sea where the island of the South-East once dominated.
===The Book of Prophecy===
Prophecies of the future.
===The Book of the Dead===
===The Book of the Dead===
The afterlife.

Revision as of 02:02, 19 March 2008

The First Testaments of Tor

The Second Testaments of Tor

The Second Testament represents the revelation of the god Tor to the people of the world, representing the first time Tor had direct contact with human beings.

Book of Revelation

The people that lived in the area that was later known as Toren have always been well known as rough warriors. The men that came from the north west part of the island were essential to the war efforts of the realms that controlled them. Often they would be used in the front lines, given little armor and told to hold off the enemy - and would prove to be overwhelming against the opposition none the less. They were truly feared across the island.

When the first incarnation of the island was wiped out by forces beyond our control (later to be revealed as Tor), things were different. All men on the island were beaten back to the walls of the four great cities, which began to give the people of Toren Stronghold a sense of common identity. Gathered together as the world crumbled around them, they began to look from within for leadership and guidance.

One day, a young knight was sent out of the city by his mentor. He was told to survey the countryside and assess the damage done by the great upheaval of the gods. At some point the people of the city would again need to venture out and retake the land surrounding the great shiny city of Toren Stronghold, and they needed to know where they could go safely.

On this mission, he was told to observe the northlands, from the Stronghold up to Ikalak City. The knight headed north as instructed, conducting a massive survey of the land, observing how damaged it was, how poor the roads were, and how little foliage was left.

After almost a month outside the walls of the Stronghold, this knight returned home along the main road. He had just come within sight of the walls of the city when he saw an odd mound of dirt on the side of the road. Curious, the knight stepped off his horse and began pawing at the ground, trying to find what was under the mound. As the dirt was brushed away, he discovered it was a large golden container that once opened, had a set of very old scrolls inside.

One of the scrolls appeared older than the others. Opening it, the young knight found that the scroll was written in a very archaic language, reminiscent of the ancient languages spoken on the South East Island before recorded history. Most people on the island would never be able to read this language, but this knight had a talent for languages, able himself to speak several without being taught.

The section of the scroll that looked most familiar read as follows:


Es ka b sh-newt’tesan-i gezusakant-gezusakant-ha. Kar-i het aito! m-Hab-i ths-gezusakant-gezusakant! ths-Kargnch Kargnch-i het feh-gezusakant-gezusakant het Tor. Tor newt’tesan-i het feh-gezusakant-gezusakant. Bah-ansto, m-s’malantnun.

Though the characters and writing looked familiar to him, he was puzzled by this language. He decided he had to return home to make any sense of it, and promptly headed for Toren Stronghold. After arriving and presenting his findings on his northern survey to the leadership in the central palace, the knight retreated to a local inn. He wanted privacy to attempt to decipher what was written on the scrolls.

His mentor, a wise and noble man, joined him as they attempted to make sense of the writing. After weeks, and a great deal of struggling with the translation, the two men could not make any significant progress with the text. They believed they had isolated a few very simple words, but it was not enough to actually translate anything. The syntax, grammar and structure of the language was foreign to them, even though both had a familiarity with ancient island languages.

After all the time they had spent on the translation, the two men nearly gave up. But they were continually driven by the belief that the contents of the scrolls were historic and important to the people in the north-west. They recognized that this scroll was not simply an ordinary batch of random musings, and for their own intellectual satisfaction they simply had to find the answers.

Desperate, they traveled to Atamara to seek the advice of the more learned peoples that resided there. After much searching, they found a group of priests that had maintained a written record of languages spoken in the known world throughout the past hundred centuries. After consultation, the knight and his mentor, with the priest's help were able to accurately translate the scrolls contents. The translation read:

People of Tor,

You are the land's enlightened. Fight for me! All shall be blessed. You will be lead by a Pontifex who will guide you in spiritual matters. Worship me, and victory shall be yours for all of eternity - spurn me, and you shall see nothing but defeat.

Overjoyed at what they had deciphered, the knight ordered the priest to decipher the rest of the scrolls. What followed amounted to the canonical texts of the people of Tor. It became their holy text that would outline their status as the South East Islands chosen people, and the nobility of their lives, given to them by the god Tor - who was responsible for the rampent destruction the island has seen just a short time ago. According to the translated scrolls, the destruction of the island was punishment for the corrupt and unjust rule of the realms that existed at the time, and was meant to give the people of Tor an opportunity to rule themselves, and honor the name of Tor. The scrolls were a gift from Tor, to open their eyes to the true nature of the island.

Once the scrolls were completely translated, the knight and his mentor traveled back to the main palace, and announced their findings to the people there. As such, the realm of Toren was born, and in their righteous glory the men of Toren decided to declare their independent sovereignty as a theocracy, and elect a Pontifex to rule them.

Account of the Prophet Phear

Account of the Prophet Averyll

Account of the Prophet Fisc

Account of the Messiah

The Third Testament of Tor

This volume describes the sacredness of holy institutions, the holiness of certain locations on earth, issues prophecies regarding the future of the world and describes what happens to human souls upon death.

The Book of Torenism

Describes the authority of the church, and the infallibility of the Avatar of Tor.

The Book of Holy Land

Describes holiness of the Mountain of Betrayal, the city of Valkyrja, and the area of the great sea where the island of the South-East once dominated.

The Book of Prophecy

Prophecies of the future.

The Book of the Dead

The afterlife.