Difference between revisions of "Talk:The Oritolon Times/March 08"

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http://wiki.battlemaster.org/index.php/IRC  - I would recomend chatzilla if your using Firefox, its a free addon<br />
http://wiki.battlemaster.org/index.php/IRC  - I would recomend chatzilla if your using Firefox, its a free addon<br />
THE FI template is quite simple once you understand tables a little bit, nothing complicated<br />
The FI is currently made up of 3 tables, one on top of another.<br />
<table border="5" width="650">
Page top picture
<table border="5">
Left picture
<td height="150">
All page content goes in here, including large picture and all articles and links ETC.
Right Pcture
<table border="5" width="650">
Page bottom picture

Revision as of 00:09, 16 March 2008

He he, nice try in copying the FI layout, if you would like some help with it, I'm usually around on #falasan IRC.
note: I'v produced a better layout for the FI , which includes the editors and stuff part, feel free to copy it. -- Jambo

  • I know, I know. I borrowed heavily from the FI but it seems to be a good layout, I liked the border and seeing as I know very little about wiki editing I decided to stick with what I know works. Since its the only newspaper active for the colonies then I don't really need something unique so I'll probably keep it as it is so that I can understand it. Thanks for the offer of help though. (by the way what is #falasan IRC?).

Quite a lot of realms have there own IRC "channels" , there is also one for Battlemaster as a whole.
IRC is like MSN , but instead of people opening a single channel with each other, IRC is a channel that always exists and people just log on an off to chat as they wish.

http://wiki.battlemaster.org/index.php/IRC - I would recomend chatzilla if your using Firefox, its a free addon