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And there you have it, spoken from the King of Darka himself.
And there you have it, spoken from the King of Darka himself.
====Interview with Tony, Ruler of RedSpan, and owner of Da Hat====
(Edited for minor grammar, the spacing issue, and one noted instance of content)
''Benny: How do you think the war is going so far?''
'''Tony: We've had some set backs. True Darka caught us unaware and while we were not home. But that has been rectified. The last Battle in Sullenport, although a defeat, weakened thier armies significantly. We'll be ready for round two very shortly.'''
''B: In your eyes, is the war over?''
'''T: No. They plundered our lands becasue we did not heed to their demands. This little venture of theirs has only stiffened our resolve not to pay. There will be more battles in the future.'''
''B: Will there be retribution for Darka's actions?''
'''T: Of course there will be, the prisoners in our dungeons will have the same treatment that ours received. But I can't tell you about the colony that we are preparing for (ed: Sensitive information removed)....'''
''B: Do you have anything to say to Abigton for their support?''
'''T: Thank you. Their help is as always most apreciated. We have a steadfast ally in them as well as Carelia. They risked their treaty with CE being broken to come and help us.'''
''B: Herumor. Hot shot or hot air?''
'''T: Tough to say...my family knows his quite well, our brothers served together in Old Rancagua. But his unit did not do to well in the battle for Sullenport, as for his fighting prowess, he got himself wounded. Does I need to say any more?'''
''B: Got Ale?''
'''T: Of course...It would be a crime not to have any.'''
===And Away They Ran at the Sight of RedSpan!===
===And Away They Ran at the Sight of RedSpan!===

Revision as of 19:14, 1 February 2007

As Told By Benny
Price: Totally free
Told by Benny Kimura

Disclaimer: The opinions here are those of Benny Kimura, and are often misguided, jaded, or just plain wrong, but amusing nevertheless. Also, the opinions and ideals expressed in the interviews are those solely of the individual, and neither Benny, the Kimura Family, or the Realm of RedSpan takes any responsibility for what is, or isn't, said.

January 2007

Current Opinions/News

This murnin' I rite papur

February 1st

Uh... Mr. Benny gots wounded durin' the clash in Sullenport, so I, his bestest soldier who is still alive, am writing his papur toodai! So... some stuff happened... and... oh... Mr. Benny is yelling at me from da healer's place. He tellin' me to shut up and stop writing... he also says I should, for todays news, just direct you to the RedSpan Revealer, cuz they tell good what happened today.

Mr. Benny also say he put interview with someone, maybe even king, on this later, when he stop bleeding so much from the owchie he get!

I was hit on head by goat when little, mom say it blessing. Say it make me big and strong. Yep.

Interview with Kostaja Kosunen, King of Darka

The following has only been edited for Grammar, and format. (and to remove that nasty space removing bug)

Benny: Now that the battle between Darka and RedSpan has pretty much ended (with RedSpan grabbing fresh recruits while Darka's invasion force has been worn down), was it worth the costs?

Kostaja Kosunen: Indeed it was. I was really surprised how big surprise our arrival was. I was ready to call our army back home if there would have been strong defense at Stargard, but I was shocked when I saw it almost defenseless... and even more shocked when I heard that RedSpan army was having some kind of maneuvers far from their capital during war. We have looted probably way over 1000 gold (and this is only what Darkans has got, Barony of Makar and Talerium have also gotten some serous gold from RedSpan), given good entertainment to our men and had good time with our friends from Talerium and BoM. Most of all caused major damage to RedSpan (Stargard's fortifications level 5 is now level 4 stronghold, probably worth over 2k gold, palisades of Ambermel torn down, those can't be rebuilt and Sullenport also suffered heavy damage on their walls). I think we have made our point to RedSpan, pay the fine of suffer major costs other way.

B: Do you fear retribution from RedSpan, and the rest of the Federation?

KK: I don't know, I don't actually fear that. I'm hoping that someday they will admit their crimes and we can start once again to get our relations back to normal. After all, this also costs gold to Darka. But we have to make our point clear.

B: Rumors continue to spread about Lavigna, judge of Darka, having more and more questionable methods, and there is proof of her robbing nobles of their money while in prison... Do you still support her as judge?

KK: Umh, I see nothing wrong with our judge, she is one of the best judges I have ever seen. Fair, just and even evil when needed.

B: Darka's reputation has suffered over this campaign, as letters from foreign countries have proven... Do you think this damage can be repaired? Or do you think there has been any real damage at all?

KK: Looking at contract offers at my desk, I would say our reputation as Mercenaries has not suffered, maybe even vice versa. Of course current world politics also effects on these numbers. I think only place where our reputation has suffered are Abington and RedSpan. At least rest of the world has more or less given credit to us about our good success on this campaign.

B: Anything else you want to say?

KK: I hope RS will someday apologize their crimes and pay the fine. I really had hopes that Darka wouldn't have to wage war without contract. And I had even feeling that the relations between Darka and RedSpan were quite good, until assassination of Mr_Jones. But since we have had so great time with this campaign, I'm not too worried about ending it. This gives us something to do in case we are without contract.

And there you have it, spoken from the King of Darka himself.

Interview with Tony, Ruler of RedSpan, and owner of Da Hat

(Edited for minor grammar, the spacing issue, and one noted instance of content)

Benny: How do you think the war is going so far?

Tony: We've had some set backs. True Darka caught us unaware and while we were not home. But that has been rectified. The last Battle in Sullenport, although a defeat, weakened thier armies significantly. We'll be ready for round two very shortly.

B: In your eyes, is the war over?

T: No. They plundered our lands becasue we did not heed to their demands. This little venture of theirs has only stiffened our resolve not to pay. There will be more battles in the future.

B: Will there be retribution for Darka's actions?

T: Of course there will be, the prisoners in our dungeons will have the same treatment that ours received. But I can't tell you about the colony that we are preparing for (ed: Sensitive information removed)....

B: Do you have anything to say to Abigton for their support?

T: Thank you. Their help is as always most apreciated. We have a steadfast ally in them as well as Carelia. They risked their treaty with CE being broken to come and help us.

B: Herumor. Hot shot or hot air?

T: Tough to say...my family knows his quite well, our brothers served together in Old Rancagua. But his unit did not do to well in the battle for Sullenport, as for his fighting prowess, he got himself wounded. Does I need to say any more?

B: Got Ale?

T: Of course...It would be a crime not to have any.

And Away They Ran at the Sight of RedSpan!

January 30th

So them Darkans up and ran as fast as their little legs could carry 'em out of Stargard and deeper into RedSpan lands. Good for them. After talking all that smack they up and run. Heh heh heh. Most of Talerium followed suite, but a few Talerium leaders are cutting their loses and going home. And for good reason: Talerium has nothing to gain from this, and some leaders feel like Darka is using Talerium as its errand boy.

So Stargard is safely back in RedSpan hands, thanks to... Darka... running... Anti-climatic there. A shame.

In a heated battle in Ambermel today, the Darkan/Talerium alliance managed to break through the local defenders, but not without taking heavy damage and casualties on their side as well. Among the injured was Abigton Noble, Reiss Kimura, my sister. While Darka may be celebrating a victory now, it's only a matter of time before the bulk of the RedSpan/Abigton force catches up to them, and Darka is left out in the cold.

Also, I must admit I'm extremely happy to see Lililth banned from RedSpan. What a harlot.

But let's have a change of pace, shall we? I took the time to interview one of the more well-known nobles of RedSpan. Finegus, who has for some time now been a thorn in Darka's side, is something of a heroic figure in RedSpan. Here is what he had to say on some current issues.

Interview with Finegus

Benny: So, what is your opinion on Darka?

Finegus: Darka is not even a realm really, so I won't waste my breath speaking of them as one. They are simply mediocre mercenaries with heads dwarfed only by their own greed. Oh, and I plan to stab Lavigna at some point. She has tortured me twice; that will not go unanswered.

B: How do you feel about the current war?

F: I'm happy to have a chance to gut some Darkans.

B: Opinions on Lilith?

F: Good riddance to hairless rubbish. She better hope we don't cross paths again.

B: How do you like the Infiltrator lifestyle?

F: Good! I like the lifestyle. After my son and grandson were killed in Ikalak on the South-East Island, i went there for vengeance, and never looked back. Now, I'm honing my skills so I can finish hunting down their killers and appease Da One's wrath.

Run Away!

January 29th

Alright, so, basically, them Darka boys and their Talerium allies, along with a few fools from the Barony, have been rampaging around RedSpan Lands, and I use the term rampaging loosely. Specifically in Stargard. Anyway, they've been there, raping and pillaging and stuff, mocking us, blah blah blah... And Then WHAMMO, here we are, we show up, big and bad, with our ally... and what do they do? Oh, yeah, they run. They just up and run. And here's the best part... still with me? Good. They run DEEPER into our lands, further trapping themselves. Oh yeah, bloody brilliant of them. Darkan intelligence at its finest.

Also noteworthy, Herumor Stavrou of Darka ran away from a duel, in front of over 160 other nobles. Then tried to play it off. What a moron.

Well then, I'm done writing for the day. For Da Goat!


Benny Kimura of Redspan

This reporter would like to note that "Just" and "Evil" cannot co-exist. Just. Adjective. Based on right; rightful. Evil. Adjective. Morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked; unjust. Just some food for thought there. So, is Lavigna just, or evil? I say evil. But I hate her, so... eh.