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Riot in Batesaor

Batesaor-icon.png A riot started in Batesaor,Batesaor.Tavelon started it all with poking a drunk gorge with a stick.Then gorge told the king to kick Tavelon's arse.Tavelon drew a shiny scimitar. "any one who puts the foot near me arse will 'ave a sword in their belly!"were the words of Tavelon.gorge then pushed BennyG's in to Tavelon's arse.As gorge pushes BennyG into Tavelon, BennyG hits Tavelon in the arse and falls to the ground. turning around BennyG sayd to gorge "what'd you do that for, you made me spill my beer!".gorge sayd"sorry let me get you another one BennyG's" then threw a beer on BennyG's then sayd "hahahahahahahaha i didnt mean to do that".Tavelon looks out the window to see an angry BennyG chasing a drunken Gorge down the street with a mace in his right hand and a broken beer glass in his right. Tavelon Bends down and picks up a spiked flail.Tavelon sayd " Aye, that drunk in the front is planning to close the Docks! Get him!" Tavelon rushes out the door with a whole manner of Drunken pirates bearring everything from swords to flaming chairs.As Tavelon ran with the mob he notices a large group of Pirates walking up from the Tavern down the street. Tavelon points at the drunken Gorge and sayd "kill 'im hes plans to set boats on fire!".Tavelon is at Gorge's heals. he can smell the scent of booz ouzing from Gorge's body. Tavelon lifts his fist to hit Gorge, but then turns and punchs the man running behind him. That man falls and two men trip over him. this chain reaction causes a major fight and the mob starts fighting.gorge turned around seeing the pit of fighting people and sayd"screw the boats this is more fun" and runs and jumps into the big pit fight.Gorna stood apon the battlements of the palace with a big smirk on his face.Down in the street he watched as a large mob led by his half brother Tavelon chased a drunken Gorge. Gorna laughed. Just then a he watched as his brother inches from Gorge turned and punched the man behind him in the face. all the Pirates started fighting amongst each other.Gorna sayd "Well men lets stop this before some Civilians get hurt, Captain get me fifty palace guards!" "yes sir!".Tavelon stands in the middle of the fighting. a man brings a club down on him. Tavelon grabs the club in mid air and elbows the man in the nose. he looks to his right to see a chair comming at him he ducks and knocks the chair from the mans hand with the club. the man obviosly drunk runs at Tavelon with his bare fists. Tavelon then feels a quiek burn in the side of his head as he is hit upside the head with a large lamp. he staggers to the ground. blood trickles down his foorhead and he picks his club back up and charges back into the Pit.Gorna and fifty guards marched down the street. they aproached the fight. Gorna gave the order to halt twenty yards from the fighting. the fight had grown to about two to three hundred drunken sailors. Gorna sent a man for Backup then marhced into the crowd with his force. the mob soon noticed them and charged. the Guards armed with only a sheild and club were at a slight disadvantige. his men got into a defencive position and awiated the charge. Gorna's men held for about a minute clubbing maye ten men before they too were in the middle of the brawl.Jesus sits in the pub watching the fight, while laughing so hard hes falling off of his stool. He turns to a local and says while laughing, "That drunken Gorge is especially amusing, is he not" then immediately continues watching the brawl.gorge walks away from the pit and walks in the tavern "barkeep ge tme a drink now. i need a beer break before i start fighting some more not like i can see strait any how" drinks beer bye barkeep well jesus, graps jesus,walks to pit ,throws jesus in pit ,then jumps in the pit.Jesus starts to fight with th rest of the crowd. He goes especially after Gorge for throwing him in. He yells to Gorge while punching him in the face "Oh well it was only a matter of time before I got drunk enough and joined my self. You just got me in to the fight earlier.".Tavelon runs up to Jesus and hits him in the back of the legs with a broom and then set his hair on fire. hahaha lets make a bonfire!.gorge Hits jesus in the face with a club screams right before getting hit from behind with a metal club"hit me in the face".gorge Gets up after being hit walking over to the armory store to steal a weapon when i was look i find a big metal shield good for hitting people with grabs the shield and runs after jesus. Tavelon then grabs a spear from a nearby Miltia man and speared a guy who was about to finish Gorge off with an ax. the man fell and Tavelon helped Gorge up. "thanks me matey" Tavelon smiles and throws Gorge at a charging guard. picks up a club and starts fighting again.gorge knocking the charging peasent down then slaming the shield down upon his neck the peasents head drops to the ground rolling the blood gushes form his neck well everybodsy i got a story for the paper! runs after a peasent about to slash Tavelon's head off knocks him down with the shield and chops his head off "there we are even now".Tavelon gets up and kicks Gorge in the face then grabs the sheild and hurls it at a Royal guard. gorge tackles Tavelon and starts to hit hi in the face with my fist gets up after seeing a bloody face on tavelon runs and grabs shield and runs back to the pit.tavelon gets up. wipes the blood from his face and spits a wald of bloody spit on the ground. and picks up a broken halberd and searches the crowd for Gorge.after hitting a few peasents in the head with the shield gorge spots Tavelon looking for him.gorge runs from behind Tavelon and hit him in the back of the head with the shield blood gushes from the back of his head gorge just walks back to the pit to fight osme more.Gorna sees his brother get up and spear one of his men with a halerd. he charges into the bloody mess to fight his brother. he goes for a swing atTavelons head with his club ut his brother ducks. he then slams his brother in the face with his sheid. tavelon not going to go down easily stabs his brother in the gut and runs off to find Gorge.while gorge was walking back to the pit gorges passes out from tomany beers.Tavelon then hears a trumpet from behind. he turns to see the king and a group of Cavalry. "run, for the docks! the army is here".Tavelon runswith the crowd but is hitin the back by a Riders lance. he turns and pulls the man off his horse. Tavelon pulls the lance out of his stomach and hits the Cavalier upside the head and then spears the man in the gut. Tavelon staggers and then passes out.That was the great riot of Batesaor about 100 dead. Batesaor-icon.png