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==Cursed Buckler of Joppo==
  On a cold winter day Gamerk Dajeli went on the hunt. He slew group after group of undead, his blows always landing true. Near the end of his last battle a Undead Champion charged him. The two became locked in epic combat for hours before Gamerk decapitated his enemy.
  With the battle over Gamerk turned to leave, but then something caught his eye. An ancient shield laid across the champion's headless body. Gamerk took the shield and serched for an historian. He found an fat old expect in an nearby village. The man looked at the shield and shrugged.
  "I'll give you three pieces of sliver for it."
  Gamerk was not stupid. He knew that if a undead champion had carried it then it was worth far more than the man's offe. The blade of Gamerk's sword convinced the Historian to be more helpful.
  "It's the Cursed Buckler of Joppo." The man began. He went on to tell Gamerk that the Buckler had been the pride of Slyephic the Great. Slyephic had dedicated the buckler to his God and asked that it keep him safe in battle. Slyephic soon became King of Joppo and during his reign defeated all his neighbors. In all of his battles he never received more than bruise, he gave all credit to his God.
  After the Great Slyephic's death his children turned away from righteous and became immoral pagans. Slyephic's God then resented his blessing on the buckler and then cursed it so it would bring death on the line of Slyephic. When the descendants realized what was happening they hid the buckler in a vault beneath the city of Joppo, but it was to late the line of Slyephic was over.
  No one knew what became of the buckler and many believed that it was looted in one of the undead invasions.
  "Is the buckler a treat to me?" Gamerk asked the historian
  "Only if you're a decendant of Slyephic."
  Thankful Gamerk was not.

Revision as of 20:44, 10 January 2007

Cursed Buckler of Joppo

  On a cold winter day Gamerk Dajeli went on the hunt. He slew group after group of undead, his blows always landing true. Near the end of his last battle a Undead Champion charged him. The two became locked in epic combat for hours before Gamerk decapitated his enemy.
  With the battle over Gamerk turned to leave, but then something caught his eye. An ancient shield laid across the champion's headless body. Gamerk took the shield and serched for an historian. He found an fat old expect in an nearby village. The man looked at the shield and shrugged.
  "I'll give you three pieces of sliver for it."
  Gamerk was not stupid. He knew that if a undead champion had carried it then it was worth far more than the man's offe. The blade of Gamerk's sword convinced the Historian to be more helpful.
  "It's the Cursed Buckler of Joppo." The man began. He went on to tell Gamerk that the Buckler had been the pride of Slyephic the Great. Slyephic had dedicated the buckler to his God and asked that it keep him safe in battle. Slyephic soon became King of Joppo and during his reign defeated all his neighbors. In all of his battles he never received more than bruise, he gave all credit to his God.
  After the Great Slyephic's death his children turned away from righteous and became immoral pagans. Slyephic's God then resented his blessing on the buckler and then cursed it so it would bring death on the line of Slyephic. When the descendants realized what was happening they hid the buckler in a vault beneath the city of Joppo, but it was to late the line of Slyephic was over.
  No one knew what became of the buckler and many believed that it was looted in one of the undead invasions.
  "Is the buckler a treat to me?" Gamerk asked the historian
  "Only if you're a decendant of Slyephic."
  Thankful Gamerk was not.