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Revision as of 18:44, 15 September 2005

gondortree.png Old Rancagua Press
Price Free Editor: Sam, Count Of Juazeiro Issue No3 14th September
Printed In Oroya

Arguments over Where Victory Party Should Be Held!
Yes its true ladies and Gentlemen, Old Rancagua is in Turmoil today. They cannot decide on a suitable venue to hold the victory party, for the battle in Gadlock and the TO that is currently running.

After the battle that took place last night, most Nobles retired to bed as they had earned their sleep, but some like myself had other things to do and discuss. Where and when the party should take place. Our loyalties are divided some say have it here in Gadlock, others say back in Oroya. King Fuinur quotes "I dont really mind where we have it as long as it is worth this disagrement. Personnaly i would like it here saves me traveling." As a trusted member of Old Rancagua myself I am taking the liberty of organising a vote of where the party should commence.



Its upto you the reader to decide.

Reported by Sam, Count Of Juazeiro.

Recruits Wanted
After the announcement yesterday of an new infantry centre being opened up in Juazeiro, a new Recruiting Campaign has gone into action. Posters of Old Rancagua forces triumphant over the Evil Church Worshipers a.k.a Rancagua.

This new Campaign is bringing increased patriotism out of the peace loving Old Rancaguans. There are lines all the way down the streets in Oroya right past the Royal Palace, as eager men wait to sign up and do their duty. This is a rowsing site to all that witness it. Seeing their gallent boys going off to war.

Reported by Sam, Count Of Juazeiro.

Job Opening
Does anyone one a new job of being a reporter for Old Rancagua Press? Even if your not from Old Rancagua it doesnt matter, we up north like to know whats going on down south. If you would like a job please get in contact with me. You will find me listed in the Oroya Editing Office. There are many career opertunities to see the world, and explore where you never thought excisited.

Reported By Sam, Count of Juazeiro