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Sapere Aude,
Sapere Aude,
|Title=Hierophant of Irondale
|Title=Hierophant of Irondale
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in the Old Gods
|Content=Ra Endymion of House Hwitt. Do not think that I have forgotten who began this childish mud flinging match. You obviously have great skill in taunting your opponents, they fall for it every time. Let's put those skills to the test: I want twenty insults for ash daimons prepared before you present your arguments.
As for you Alice, in light of Ra's behaviour I shall overlook your infraction. I shall also remind you that you have spent much time talking and none of it answering any of the questions about the Fissure. At least not here. You have indulged yourself sharing news in other halls. Yet among those of us united in the goal of saving this continent, you offer nothing but barbed words. All of us have taken note of this, and judge you accordingly.

Revision as of 06:24, 20 March 2021

A third portal
Letter from Allia Polytus
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Any news from the Portal in Baqua?

Did Irondale open it to vanquish the many undead there?

Allia Polytus (Countess of Ieara)
Fire and Darkness

As night fell over Beluaterra, all seemed normal—well, as normal as night on Beluaterra ever got. But then, just a few hours after sunset, as the last of twilight was fading from the sky, something glowing like a hot coal rose from the ground near Gethsemene and blazed across the sky, leaving a smoky trail visible from Sandefur to Keffa.

It flew through the sky to the east a ways, then stopped...and grew from a spark to a second sun, lighting up the night for half the continent before it sank down to the ground.

Its disappearance did not bring relief; rather, in that restored darkness, a sense of unease spread from the northern plains out to all those attempting to sleep on Beluaterra that night. Few were able to keep their eyes shut for fear of what lurked in the dark there, and those who did were plagued with such terrible dreams that they awoke screaming.

Letter from Rogan McGahee
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
I can not be the only one that witnessed the fireball in the sky, my scouts say it seemed to be over Keffa, it turned the night into day. What’s to be made of it?
Rogan McGahee (Count of Tepmona)
Sea Shanties

On occasion, an old sea shanty is heard upon the wind.

Letter from Von D'arco Rundsted
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
I saw the fire in the sky and would invite the words of wisdom from any of our teachers of Faith's on this matter
Von D'arco Rundsted (Knight of Fronepu)
Letter from Vankocuf Felsenbach
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Wise and Powerful Nerta, What do you think about the portal in Ossamat?
Vankocuf Felsenbach (Knight of Tepmona)
Letter from Aeravon Velaryon
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
It looks like some sort of a portal hangs over Ossmat. Has the Veil been breached? For the North,
Aeravon Velaryon (Margrave of Fronepu)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
The reflection of the old specter waves for an acolyte to flip the page as a runner arrives in the main chaimber. Talk of portals and dark portents summon a sigh from the old man who frets at the end of his tether. "Bring the lad in here, I would hear more of this and Nerta is still busy." Pausing the ghost adds, "Oh and bring a scribe. I assume letters will be needed."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Request from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Followers, Do any have news of this portal?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Report from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Portal? What portal...
Quincy Stormreaver (Margrave of Gethsemene)
Report from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Talked to the General of Obia yesterday, they say a gigantic portal opened up where that gigantic force of undead were and now they’ve been replaced with, and these were exact words, “ash demons”. I don’t know what the hell an “ash demon” is, but it reeks of some idiot meddling in forces they shouldn’t have been. Haven’t heard anything since then.
Ra Endymion Hwitt (Count of Pomatim)
Roleplay from Aeravon Velaryon
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
This explanation has been delivered to the members of the Human League. It seems Irondale was heavily involved.

Report from Alice Schwarzherzig

Message sent to everyone in Human League (23 recipients) - 6 hours, 7 minutes ago

I can provide a rather detailed account.

A substantial hoard of undead made its way North from the South, passing through Vorduul Sanguinis (or by them, I'm not perfectly clear on the exact route) and through Obian lands. Irondale's armies were already present to assist Obia when this horde of 4,000 undead (an estimated 30,000 combat strength in a single unit) moved into Baqua. A joint Obian-Daleish attack was made, and was overwhelmed. The horde moved on, regaining strength.

I then summoned a great wheel of fire which burned the undead to ash, however it appears the meeting of such poweful conjuration magic and necromantic energies caused the ashes of the undead to absorb some of the energy of the other planes, causing the ashen skeletons to turn into a mass of Ash Daimons. They do appear to be considerably weaker, totalling 11,000 combat strength as opposed to 30,000, and the portal from whence issued the rigtheous flames of fury appears to have closed.

Additionally, with the shortage of scrolls of holy light followinf the great tide of undead, we are now able to employ banishment scrolls instead, and I have already banished nearly 400 of these ashen monstrosities, and the armies of Obia and Irondale are assembling to finish the job.

All in all, what was a considerable threat to the North has now been rediced to a much more manageable threat, which grows ever weaker.

Alice Schwarzherzig Hierophant of Irondale Royal of Irondale Duchess of Prisma Noctis Margravine of Firbalt

Daimyo of Human League
Aeravon Velaryon (Margrave of Fronepu)
A Fecund Aftermath

Not long after sunset, there is another glow from the northern plains where the portal seems to have settled—this time, the glow of angry purple lightning reaching up into a swirling maelstrom of clouds.

This does not last long, however, as the clouds quickly become a vortex funneling into the portal itself, drawing the lightning in with them, until there is a titanic BOOM as they all collapse together.

As true night settles over the land, it is broken by gleaming green motes of light drifting down like snow across the lands surrounding the now-closed portal. Where these motes settle, plant growth seems to run wild, particularly in fruiting bodies. The locals eagerly pluck the fruits, and more grow back almost as soon as they can do so.

Orders from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
Letter from Kristina Chamberlain

Message sent to the rulers of Beluaterra (6 recipients) - 19 hours, 20 minutes ago

Only my own eyes I am afraid.

3850 Ash Daimons have been counted by the captain of the guard.

He estimates their military strength to be around 11000 CS

I have searched the field for a leader and I am glad to say I see none of the 'named' beasts... no doubt if Jactosh or Jarbosh were here I would already be sequestered but as it stands I have been able to evade the beasts and make my way to the Temple.

Good Heirophant, I appreciate greatly what you were trying to achieve, but I fear that your portal has brought before my eyes a sight I hoped never again to see.

By Her Grace,

Kristina Chamberlain Grandmistress of Obia'Syela Royal of Obia'Syela Duchess of Amen Obia Priestess of Heralds of Obeah

Is this the start of a fresh Invasion? As of yet I cannot tell. Let us prepare for the worst whilst praying for the best.

All Agyrian subjects are to consider the realm on a war footing until notified otherwise.

Stand firm! Fear not! We have not been idle! If this truly is the Invasion which has long been feared then now is the time when all our preparations will be put to the test.

Knights listen to the General for orders and be ready to put up such resistance as your children and grandchildren will remember with pride.

Priests ensure your congregants are in good spirits and assure them of the determination of Ar Agyr's nobility to keep them safe.

Adventurers and Scholars, the Crown has always valued your contribution to the safety of our realm. Keep the Council appraised of any rumours you hear regarding this latest Daemonic incursion and be prepared to come home and guard our people if it proves necessary for the army to head westwards to Keffa.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Look, one can't incinierate thousands of undead through sheer will and not expect there to be a slight hiccup or two. In other news, I have ridden actual lightning. No faster way to travel these days, across the continent in mere moments.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Nostalgia Fate
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
So... what does this all mean? I am still not well-versed in the history of these invasions, though I do see the effects of its fallout.
Nostalgia Fate (Countess of Gor Ault)
Letter from Rowan Hawk
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
Countess Nostalgia,

I was not around for the last invasion, so I can't speak from experience, but from speaking to the warriors who fought during the last invasion, we will potentially be tested against leagues of daimons, some of these could be lead by named monsters. They fight with no fear, and a ferocity that in my opinion can only be matched by the warriors of Ar Agyr.

If this war does happen, we will be tested. I was but a young knight during our last war in the West, but that was against man. This war, if it comes, will be different. Many will die, but Ar Agyr will stand firm in protecting humanity. I couldn't pick a better realm to fight alongside.
Rowan Hawk (Count of Lloringel)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
The Daimon Lords of the Netherworld like to use Beluaterra as their personal hunting grounds from time to time. They're not the only threat we face as the recent increase in undead shows but they are by far the most coordinated, and the most difficult to predict. It doesn't help that the Daimon Lords have a natural command of magic whilst their warriors have abilities no human troops can match. Fighting them is hard work.

Many years have passed since the last Invasion which is why those of us old enough to remember it - or those which preceded it - tend to be concerned when portal events occur. The folly of men is one way in which the Daimons are able to breach the veil between their reality and ours. That's why we mobilised during the Keffa Incident and helped the Obiah to contain the portal energies they were seeking to control even though there was little direct benefit in doing so. That didn't work out as badly as it might but the overspill of energy from the Higher Realms was still sufficient to empower the Necromancers of the South, hastening the demise of Nova and unleashing the hordes which have been plaguing the whole continent since.

The Hierophant of Irondale claims these daimons were the byproduct of a powerful sorcery she unleashed to deal with that huge undead horde which was heading to Gethsemane last week. It may be true that that was all there was to it. But still... such a careless use of portal magics is not something to be taken lightly and perhaps suggests the lessons of former years are no longer as clearly understood as they should be.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
General Rowan speaks the truth of it.

We have triumphed against Daimons before, even slaying their Lords in battle, and we can do so again. All mortals feel fear when faced with such foes, even Agyrians. The difference is that we do not let fear consume us.

We have steel. We have anger. And in recent years I've worked hard in secret to ensure we have magic. Let Joctosh and his kin come. We will face them and we will triumph again.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Allia Polytus
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
Very troubling news indeed.

As far as i learned, magic its self doesn't come without consequences. I am quite surprised to see it used this often. Are the Dalites not aware that magic attracts these undead in the first place? It looks like they are trying to solve their magic problem with more magic. There are numerous accounts of all kinds of things happening after portals, how can they even be sure this would help?

If the invasion is truly coming i have to find my father quickly... I will be making plans to travel west soon.

Allia Polytus (Allia Polytus)
Letter from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Hierophant Alice,

Judging from what you say, do you claim to be the one caused all this? Now, I don't know what passes for normal these days in Irondale, as its been a long time since I've enjoyed a night in port in Gethsemene, but if a giant frcking portal and an army of daemons is what you call "a slight hiccup or two" then obviously your leadership has gone bonkers. Replacing undead with daemons is not a frcking improvement and then, apparently, you decide to use even more magic to escape your handiwork.

You keep frcking with reality so cavalierly, you will doom this entire continent to another invasion, mark my words. Instead of taking it upon yourself to cast your spells maybe you could have contacted me with regards to a combined military solution, no daemons required. You frcking donkey!
Ra Endymion Hwitt (Count of Pomatim)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
General Ra,

Leave it to a Thalmar to not understand the higher arts. It is Thalmarkin that brought us this blight of undead and monsters in the first place through their own ignorance of the subject anyway. Just how many summoning scrolls has your government "disposed of" (and by that, I mean cast) in the South? Thalmarkin's cavalier attitude towards conjuration not only destroyed Nova, but has decimated Vorduul Sanguinis, and brought untold suffering to all realms of man, and you have the audacity to lecture me? In a base tongue no less, but I cannot say I am suprised, given your Daimon worshipping King's sunny demeanor.

Daimons are any entity from a world not our own, not just the beasts that bring terror and ruin once an age, and I would call a shambling pile of ash with a third the strength it had when it was a shambling horde of corpses a win. Doubly so when I can with a mere extension of my will banish hundreds of them without risking a single life. With supplies of scrolls of Holy Light exhausted, and scrolls of Banishment in ample supply, it is smart on an economic level. Not to mention the great bounty of food that resulted from my "giant frcking portal", which brings relief to a land pushed to the brink by the reckless and foolish policies of your Kingdom.

The Old Gods bid we fight the dead and the monsters, and reward cunning, strength and cleverness. I find fire to be fitting. Just as the Dark Mistress gave us the gift of Incindia to bring light to the darkness, I myself have brought light to the darkness, in both a literal and figurative sense.

As for accepting Thalmar military aid, why would I ever seek the aid of reckless summoners, ill mannered cut throats, Daimon worshippers, and cannibals? Everytime I have interacted with Thalmarkin they have either acted as you, in a base born lowly manner unfit for the presence of polite society; engaged in ritualistic cannibalism; or brought war and death to not just my lands on flimsy and insane pretexts, but my family as well. Asking aid of Thalmarkin is like asking a pack of rabid dogs to guard the chicken coop. All you wind up with is blood and feathers everywhere while the frothing animal wimpering in the corner wonders why its being kicked.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Paridithous von Hammersmark
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
Fellow Agyrians,

Should another portal incident occur, you will find myself prepared to confront it once more. I was witness to the bizarre doings in Keffa last we marched to confront a possible Daimon invasion, and it seems my coma has abated in-time to confront the next.

If we mobilize I will proudly stand aside you all once more.
Paridithous von Hammersmark (Knight of Ieara)
Letter from Vankocuf Felsenbach
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
I highly doubt the Hierophant is that capable. She is probably just using the event to act like she is capable of something like that.
Vankocuf Felsenbach (Knight of Tepmona)
Report from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
Report from Sylvia

(Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine) - 20 hours, 41 minutes ago

Violet Fury, Verdant Collapse message to everyone in the vicinity of Ossmat - 3 hours, 38 minutes ago

The slow, grinding shrinking of the portal continues through sundown, but not long thereafter, the sound ceases, only to be replaced by a buzzing like ten thousand angry bees in a metal pot. At the same time, the center of the portal lights up with crackling purple lightning that expands until it fills the whole portal, reaching like terrible fingers up to the sky.

Clouds swirl in to meet the purple lightning, forming a massive dark vortex over the northern sky. Soon, lightning forks down out of the clouds away from the portal, in two directions: one to the west, where a figure waits on the road between Ffangor and Baqua, and one into the city itself. Where these bolts strike, there is briefly a purplish halo, then figures vanish.

Afterward, the lightning and clouds all start to retreat into the portal, spiraling down like a ghastly purple-lit tornado, and the portal stones themselves rise once more into the air, joining the whirling chaos as their spinning once more describes the boundary of the portal. That spinning closes in on itself rapidly, the sullen red of the stones changing to purple, then, strangely, to a brilliant green just before the entire mess collapses in on itself with a titanic BOOM that shakes houses halfway to Gethsemene, and a blinding viridian flash.

A Fecund Aftermath message to everyone on Beluaterra - 3 hours, 37 minutes ago

Not long after sunset, there is another glow from the northern plains where the portal seems to have settled—this time, the glow of angry purple lightning reaching up into a swirling maelstrom of clouds.

This does not last long, however, as the clouds quickly become a vortex funneling into the portal itself, drawing the lightning in with them, until there is a titanic BOOM as they all collapse together.

As true night settles over the land, it is broken by gleaming green motes of light drifting down like snow across the lands surrounding the now-closed portal. Where these motes settle, plant growth seems to run wild, particularly in fruiting bodies. The locals eagerly pluck the fruits, and more grow back almost as soon as they can do so.

An Unexpected Bounty message to all those in Ossmat - 3 hours, 36 minutes ago

With the viridescent collapse of the portal on the outskirts of Ossmat, plant growth has surged across the region, and 1500 bushels of food have now been added to the local granaries.

It seems that the portal has...closed? The daimons are still present though.

Sylvia Commoner of Ar Agyr

With so many recent portal events in so small an area I can't help but feel that Obia'Syela is being deliberately tested.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Lahta Komurov
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Hierophant Alice, It seems that hubris is one of your vices. I have a feeling the Wolf Lord will enjoy testing you.
Lahta Komurov (Dame of Mhed)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Dame Lahta,

I would assert there is more hubris in casting judgement on one they have never met over the contents of a single letter, and that letter of all letters. I wish you the best in the tests that await you.

Sapere Aude,
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Lahta Komurov
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Hierophant Alice, I look forward to such tests, as it is through them we prove our worth over the monsters and undead.
Lahta Komurov (Dame of Mhed)
Letter from Allia Polytus
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
General Ra,

Have you read your own letter? I believe you have a scribe that requires some serious flogging. I have never seen so such a vulgar letter from a nobleman, let alone a General. Must be sent without your knowledge.

Allia Polytus (Countess of Ieara)
Letter from Allia Polytus
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I am happy to hear that our Majesty has collected magic scrolls to repell an invasion.

We shouldn't be using it for anything else. I am quite shocked by the normalization of magic use by the other northern realms. These scrolls should be stuffed away behind a strong lock and use by individuals forbidden. In fact I even believe we should demand this from our neighboring realms as well. If they use magic recklessly, it will also hurt us. These massive groups of undead don't come here without reason, and even more importantly, the magical energy left behind can be used by the Daimons to destroy the lot of us. If I learned one thing from my fathers letters, then it is the two faced nature of magic. A spell can banish a daimon, but that same spell will increase the magic energy that they can use against us.

Allia Polytus (Countess of Ieara)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
I paid little attention to sorcery before the Witch-King unleashed his power and that of his apprentices against Wudenkin. The destruction caused that day made it plain that we needed to have a defence against such forces. Unfortunately to fight fire with fire means first learning how to set a fire oneself, a task I've undertaken at considerable expense both in gold and in the danger several of my agents have courted to secure scrolls and artefacts of merit. Even then I would not consider magic a trustworthy tool.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods

I know bloody well what that scribe wrote because I told him to write every word. If my language is the biggest problem you see with all thats happenings around you on this continent then you need to wake up. Way I figure it, if half the ponces that call themselves "noble" were worth a damn, we would have eliminated every undead and monster years ago.

Ra Endymion Hwitt (General of Thalmarkin, Count of Pomatim)
Letter from Allia Polytus
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
General Ra,

Your message is clear, and i agree. Magic has been used recklessly, as a common tool. We should be very careful with it and simply store the magic scrolls in a safe place to arm us for the next invasion. If we use magic too soon, even if a massive undead army comes our way, will only make our situation worse. Lets refrain from using magic altogether until the dark day arrives that brings the invasion back to Beluaterra. But that doesn't mean we have to use the vocabulary of peasants, let us save the vulgarity for the Daimons.

Allia Polytus (Countess of Ieara)
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Letter from Grante Le Monte
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Faithful Followers of the Old Gods,

I am in full agreement with General Ra. While I might not use the same words that he would in a letter, let us not act as if none of us have thought the same words as he has. If any of you have stood on the actual frontlines against these undead hordes, then you have heard worse uttered from your troops, and likely yourself. To say differently is lying to yourself.

And we must not get caught up on such pointless matters as word use. Because the issues he raises are valid. The use of magic has become too rampant across the entire continent. It started with the events of Keffa, and please do not bore me with who's fault it is for those events. None of it would have occurred if we had not meddled with a portal to begin with. The near constant magic across the continent led to the death of my home, Nova. I refuse to see that happen again, due to wanton use of magic.

I understand it will be ironic coming from someone who lives in a realm that calls itself an Arcane Republic, but I do hope that I can talk some sense into those who reside here that the bad far outweighs the good in terms of its use. And to also note that Hierophant Alice acted on her own, with none aware of what her plans were. While she is convinced the daemons are for the better, I will not pass judgment until they have been defeated.

Grante Le Monte (Defence Minister of Irondale, Margrave of Fianik)
Letter from Allia Polytus
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Perhaps it is time then for the northern realms to sign a treaty to abolish magic.

All scrolls to be confiscated and stored safely by the governments of our realms, for the use in final defense of an invasion only. Most importantly, the use of magic severely punishable, in order to prevent it altogether. If we can do this, the rest of the continent is sure to follow.

Allia Polytus (Countess of Ieara)
Letter from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I can say with as much certainty that I'm enjoying an ale that Irondale (aside from Duke Grant and perhaps 1 or 2 others) have absolutely no interest in such a treaty. Magic is our greatest tool against another invssion and it needs to be trained as well as its effects evaluated. You don't take untrained soldiers into battle with equipment that hasn't been tested, this is absolutely no different.
Quincy Stormreaver (Margrave of Gethsemene)
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Countess Ieara,

Even if such a treaty were to be written up and agreed to, it would mean nothing. Once enough scrolls come into existence, older ones start casting themselves. Some of the more secular say that magic just cannot be contained that long, and that is why. I personally believe it is because this is how the Old Gods create their children at a faster rate. They are used as a test to see how is the strongest. This is regardless of who has the scrolls or how many are in the possession of one person.

So, despite certain people's claims that certain realms are "to blame" for the current incursion, the truth is the scrolls would go off on their own. Several people, from many nations, do go about casting the scrolls to get rid of them but this does little to but bring the hordes sooner than later. The best course of action is to strengthen one's self, and one's realm, while you can for this is the land of the Old Golds and the hordes of their children. They will never cease. We are the ones out of place and we are the ones that have to prove we have a right to exist here. The Gods demand it.
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of The Bathory)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Duke Quincy and Duchess Anyte have the right of it... Mostly.

Magic is worthless in untrained hands. One must know its effects, and must know how to perform the exacting rituals contained upon the scrolls, or it will simply fizzle. One must also know what to do with the effects, or you have simply achieved wasting parchment and conjuring some flashy effects. We cannot wait until an invasion to learn the Art. It will be much too late by then.

Furthermore, stockpiles are dangerous. Magic cannot be contained, it will release itself. This however, tends to be somewhat less dangerous than the practice of casting multiple summon scrolls in succession. Each casting of a summon scroll leaves behind trace amounts of the magic appropriate to what it summoned. Necromantic energies for the Undead, and Primal energoes for the monster. When too much of this accumulates from repeated castings... Well we've all seen the result. What we need to find is a ssafer and more controlled method of disposing of such scrolls.

Furthermore, stockpiling makes no sense. I fail to see what a pile of scrolls of decay, fire ball and holy light will do against a Daimon invasion. Nor can one ignore the present absolutely invaulable utility of scrolls of holy light, ecstasy, magic weapons, magic armor...

This continent has not suffered from the use of magic. In fact, many of us would be in much worse shape, or shuffling among the ranks of the dead, without it. What we have suffered from is a lack of knowledge about msgic, leading to unsafe use. What we have done is handed a child a sword, and are now acting suprised when he has cut himself upon it.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Passion defines the north. It always has, and it always will. That passion can bring joy or it can bring sorrow.

Sadly today is not a happy day.

I appreciate scholarship and experimentation. The wild thrill of conjecture and discovery. And above all the rigors of debate. But what do I find in these halls; but the petty politics of barbarians tattling to the nanny. Each of you is better than this, you are Followers of the Old Gods. Men and women of piety and seekers of truth.

I take heart that the discussion has gained at least some level of civility, but if it falters I shall call for Orators and a session of the Senate.

Now onto the debate itself:


Passion defines the north, but some temper it with wisdom.

Ryosuke had planned to revive the scholarship of magic as it was in the days of old. To restore the Guardians of the Flame, and shepherd Beluaterra away from the brink. Too many see magic as a tool to employ for petty and selfish causes which has resulted in the near destruction of Beluaterra.

Since ignorance leaves some unaware: The Weave of magic across Beluaterra is damaged. The rampant overuse of magic strains it and a new Fissure pushes everything closer to the Abyss. There are no rewards worth the price of that collapse.

If we had more Dragon Tears we might be able to make repairs, but it is slow going.

Either way, we need more information, which I remind, started this discussion in the first place
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods

This is a place for politics at all, but some just can't let them go. To be honest, hearing the same story over and over again does get old over time. This is a place of worship, of appeasement to the Old Gods. If we are to get more information, I believe that information should be presented with proof rather than accusation and conjecture.

We all know how the scrolls work. We all know that they trap the magics within, but only temporarily. All of the old studies I have learned from The Hallow and the Ruins of the old republic in Lastfell tell me that there might be more here to worry about than scrolls. I can tell you from personal experience that monsters and undead do not show up the moment that scrolls are cast. They take time, and they don't just affect the area you are in. They affect the area you are in the most, but everywhere feels the power. Knowing this, we need to find a way to get rid of the scrolls without breaking the magic within, or at least do so in such a way that we can handle the hordes better.

Perhaps we could come up with some sort of staggered plan of casting, and possibly give them to our least experienced casters when it is time for a realm to get rid of theirs? This might allow the magic to die down inbetween castings, and with the lack of experience of the caster has a better chance for the scroll fizzling meaning little if anything would come from it and it would be gone. It has the added effect of getting those people more experienced for those that care about such things.
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of The Bathory)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
That is a very sound plan, which will require a degree of international cooperation, and one I am fully in support of. We will need to be very careful in how many we cast at once, and need to monitor how many scrolls lords are finding from witch burnings.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Astrid Rauf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I have freedom of movement throughout the continent, not restricted or at risk from attack as I do not lead a troop alongside me. I could gather scrolls from our members and allies and transport them too Cagamir to be disposed of. The most likely realm to take a hit from that would be Shattered Vales, with my own region being on the front line of that conflict, so should mean no one here can presume a bias in location.
Astrid Rauf (Countess of Drinilla)
Letter from Aeravon Velaryon
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
It is unusual to see these halls being usurped by secularity and politics. However, I don't think that the gods in their greatness particularly care what we mortals say at all, and let alone where we say it. Thus, I will reflect on the things that were said.

General Ra of Thalmarkin conversed in a manner of a lowborn peasant, but words are not something that is often held in high regard in the North. Actions are louder than words. Words can be forgiven, actions may or may not. Hierophant Alice's meddling with magic only revealed how little is needed for the Daimonkin to breach the Veil and enter our world again. Has this conjuration reduced the danger for the northerners? That remains to be seen. The threat in terms of military might seemed to have lowered, but a single Daimon is a much much greater worry than a single, lifeless, undead creature. We will see how this unfolds, but the origin of this issue must be addressed. These undead came from the south. They were created and they were bred in the south. We have never seen such great hosts before, especially so many of them in a single unit, so why are we seeing them now? Are there more of these throngs coming our way? There is no reason for us to think otherwise if you understand how they came to be.

What we are seeing now are the consequences of careless and vile individuals. The most prominent and vile individual that helped create this situation is King Dancer of Thalmarkin who spent years casting various scrolls in the far south. Some here from Thalmarkin will know that in the war that Thalmarkin fought against the westerners I have commanded Thalmarkin's armies as a General. I was privy to all the missions of various subjects and was informed on daily basis what each of these men were doing. On behest of several failing Thalmar Queens, Dancer undertook dozens of voyages to Rines peninsula where he casted hundreds of summoning scrolls along the coasts from Sunken Enweil to the Eastern Drift. He had many of these scrolls and he wanted to be rid of them, regardless what that meant for the southern realms. His motivation for gathering and owning so many scrolls is a mystery, but an educated guess would reveal much.

There, willingly or not willingly, he aided the Necromancer by spawning the area with beasts in untold numbers. There, the two of them created a perfect breeding grounds for the undead to spawn in, creating a devilish pit from which the Necromancer can unleash his hordes. Naturally, it took time for these beasts to aggrandize their power. What we have seen up until recently were mere ripples of these deeds. But ripples are turning into waves and waves will turn into a raging storm. These beasts will grow and will become more and more deadly. Humanity stands faced against a great peril, caused by Dancer who aided the Necromancer to gain the power he now wields.

Naturally, when Dancer crawled his way to the Throne of Thalmarkin he immediately ceased with these vile activities. As a King he represented his Kingdom and he was clever enough not to get caught red handed again, but it was too late. The Necromancer's hordes devoured realms and are charging at us without any remorse. There is ample proof of Dancer's actions, this testimony being just one. For example, on one summer night some time ago he was caught skulking around the ports of Fronepu after he returned from Rines, but he was seen and confronted. As those that know him can imagine, the only thing he delivered when confronted were insults befitting a peasant, but he fooled no one. We knew very well what he was doing.

For the North,
Aeravon Velaryon (Margrave of Fronepu)
Letter from Aeravon Velaryon
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
So, while I can certainly understand your need to cover your darling husband, Princess Anyte, you're woefully wrong, for his deeds are the deeds that now jeopardize us all. Your husband is a well known Daimon worshiper who in the last invasion aided the Daimonkin. Once they return in force he will side with them again. He will not care for anything else then and you will become just a used instrument he will toss away.

Duke Grante, the Novan realm died because of Dancer. While you were battling for survival against the tide of darkness, on the other side of that darkness stood Dancer, casting a myriad of summoning scrolls. The Agyrian longboats that came to aid the Novan's in their last hour saw him, but it was too late for us to change anything. And then began your exile to the North and Nova fell.

While I agree that controlling magic is important I would never consider a mutual treaty of the northern realms as long as this decrepit and pathetic evil man resides on the highest peaks of the North. The scrolls need to be cast as there are too many of them, but casting them in concentrated ways, always in same areas will only lead to more deaths of human realms. If too many of them are cast near the remaining human realms we will only created additional breeding grounds and bring further peril to us all. The only way to dispose them is, again, in the far south, where these scrolls will continue to fuel the power of the Necromancer. It is a paradox, but unfortunately, the deeds of Dancer cannot be undone and we no longer have a choice.

For the North,
Aeravon Velaryon (Margrave of Fronepu)
Letter from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Judge Velaryon,

You sound to me like a Noble's noble...you have plenty to complain about and lots of blame to throw around but not a single solution anywhere in those letters I just read. Judging by your words seems to me you hold a grudge, its no wonder you didn't cut it as a Thalmark.

Regardless, it is my belief that strength of arms alone will push back these hordes. I still put forward the notion of a combined military effort should one be necessary to defend the northern kingdoms, the Thalmark army will respond to any such request from our northern neighbors. See, Judge Velaryon, even with my potty mouth I can get more done than all your flowery bullshrt in a quarter of the words.

Ra Endymion Hwitt (Count of Pomatim, General of Thalmarkin)
Letter from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I am certain a young pup such as yourself will do just fine, General Ra. For the North,
Ra Endymion Hwitt (Count of Pomatim, General of Thalmarkin)
Letter from Allia Polytus
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
We are no magical beings and using it is tempting the Gods.

Daimons live and breath magic, we live and breath the northern cold. We are not meant to use magic, it corrupts us and the world around us. I certainly believe this discussion belongs here. We followers of the Old Gods should not approve the use of magic, and should work to prevent it from getting in the wrong hands. If stockpiling is a problem we destroy the scrolls or offer them in our temples.

Allia Polytus (Countess of Ieara)
Letter from Grante Le Monte
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Judge Aeravon,

I appreciate the testimony, as it is the first real proof I have been offered on this matter. Hierophant Alice has blamed Thalmarkin for what happened but never presented something that tied them directly to the hordes in the south. It often felt more a personal grudge to me than anything else. But this information is is very important.

While General Ra might dismiss it as actions of the past and grudges, those very actions destroyed the realm I gained many scars trying to save, and cost thousands of lives. Lives that only strengthened the Necromancer forces. Hierophant Alice found herself in the far south after her portal casting, and discovered another horde as large as the one that was up here in the north. I wish I could say that would be the only one, but I know there are likely many more swarming unseen on the peninsula.

I also give my thanks to Ar Agyr for coming to assist us during our time of need. When you arrived, it was the only time we were able to breach the rogue cities where I believe the necromancers have their bases of operation.

But despite this new information, I will still be on board with a joint military operation between all realms to take care of this issue, that was created by this Dancer. With one caveat. That after this joint endeavor to rid Ffangor of the daimons there, that no Thalmarkin noble is to set foot in Irondale. I will not risk my new home being destroyed by carelessness. And as long as Dancer is the ruler there, I do not trust that what happened in the south will occur again.

Grante Le Monte (Margrave of Fianik, General of Irondale)
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Defense Minister, I would ask what proof it is you speak of? All I have heard is baseless accusations. One from a woman who had a family member executed in Thalmarkin, and another from a man that tried is damnedest to become King of Thalmarkin but failed every time he ran, and each failure even more spectacular than the last. Not to mention there are little birdies that tell me that Velaryon has been trying to war Thalmarkin since he left to join Ar Agyr so he of course has vested interest in making the realm look bad. Yes, those are totally reliable sources to believe off hand just based on their word.
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of the Bathory)
Letter from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Its no secret that half the nobles of this continent hate Thalmarkin and would love to see it brought to ruin whether by their own hands or by the claws and teeth of monsters or the undead. I understand full well that the vast majority of you would let Thalmarkin burn were the situations reversed but luckily for you all, I care more about protecting the lives of innocent folk than I do measuring our proverbial swords and our military stands strong. If one of these great hordes should appear near us I will endeavour to coordinate wherever needed.

The Gods test mankind and it is through the strength of sword and muscle and bone that we will overcome them. I would not favor any agreement to limit the use of magic because I don't believe for a second that the agreement would be followed either in or out of my realm because the word of half of the nobility of this continent isn't worth the paper its printed on. The only way such a restriction would work is if it was force of arms that backed it up.

Ra Endymion Hwitt (General of Thalmarkin, Count of Pomatim)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Remind me, does the "casting of a few scrolls" typically involve grilling and eating humans, or is that just a cultural thing?
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Allia Polytus
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I know its not my place to tell most of you anything, but please keep things civil and constructive.

It is clear that some hold a grudge, we all know that now. There is no need to continue this bickering in these halls. If your grudge needs solving, please settle it in combat or a duel. You both seem to have reasons to hold a grudge against each other, and for good reasons, this is becoming clearer every message... Its not doing any of you any good.

Allia Polytus (Countess of Ieara)
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
My Good Countess Allia, The only grudge you see is coming from Irondale and Velaryon. That is why they wish to paint certain people and certain realms to be solely responsible when we know the truth.
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of The Bathory)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
What truth is that? I have historically found anyone whose first response is to demand "proof" is guilty. The innocent deny an accusation. The guilty demand proof. I have let go of my grudges. My uncle died in service to Irondale, and I've forgiven Thalmarkin from taking him from me. But everytime I try to let go, Thalmarkin does something new and creatively henious. Whether it be literally engaging in cannibalism in public, in a location where dignataries from almost every realm are assembled to causally deploying summoning scrolls of an apocalyptic scale.

A mentor of mine once said:

"If a man calls you a horse, you call him a pig. If a man calls you a horse a second time, you punch him in the mouth. If a man calls you a horse s third time, its time to go shopping for a saddle."

As it stands the only person from Thalmarkin I respect has a dialect I'd come to expect from a lowly sailor on the verge of sucuumbing to the Great Pox. Instead of denying anything wrong was done and trying to shift the blame, accept it and lets deal with it together. The deny and deflect strategy only leads me to believe that there is more being hidden.

And yes, General Ra, the poxy sailor is me describing you.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Good Alice, I have already denied the accusations. I have several times. You just wish to see written anything that will give you your way. As I have said before, this is not a place of politics. We need to get back to the task at hand. I will no longer entertain any talk of blame that is accompanied by nothing but words.
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of The Bathory)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Deny all you wish, it won't change

a.) The truth


b.) As I said, your first move was to demand proof. Your denials only followed a detailed statement from someone with clear access accese information and no further desire to hide dirty laundry any longer.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Good Alice, If all you wish is to talk politics you can message me personally. There is no reason those here care to listen to you spin the truth. I said everyone has had people casting scrolls and therefore no one nation can be placed to blame. I asked you to prove your claim it was only one. Now, let us move on,
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of The Bathory)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Yes we can move on and make magic a sin, and illegal in all our realms except for the ruler and one other government member. We swear to use it only to repel an invasion and do not let our stocks grow dangerously high.

If magic wasn't used in the first place, the both of you wouldn't be having any grudge, and we would have far less to worry about concerning the rogue forces. Let us prevent these things from happening again in the (near) future.

Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
That is the most disengious statement I've ever seen. Every realm here has used scrolls. That's not the issue. Casting a boatload of summon scrolls, however is, and the burden of proof would fall on you to prove other realms are, not for us to prove every other realm isn't. Now, we can move on.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Good Alice,

Everyone who makes a claim has the burden of proof. You just admitted to agreeing to my claim, so you met my end of the burden of proof. Thank you. Now, we can move on.

Rest of the Faithful,

I don't think we need to hold it only to the rule and one council member. We need to find the last capable caster to cast them. This way they have the highest chance to fizzle. Often times, these are not council members. The biggest threat comes when they start casting themselves because there is to much magic in the world. We need to come up with a plan to stagger. That, I hope, is at least something we can agree on.
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of The Bathory)
Orders from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
As it seems barbarian politics cannot be set aside, I formally call for Orators.

There are three discussions of significance and so we will need three pairs of Orators. The Orators will champion their side of the discussion through three messages.

The first message will outline their position. The second will rebut the position of the other Orator. The third will conclude.

After we shall vote and settle these matters.

The first issue at hand: Should Irondale provide information and amends for opening a third Fissure?


Should we forgive their ignorance and leave them to handle the issue?

The second issue at hand: should we take an active role in the policing of magic such as through coordinating scroll disposal?


Should we leave this matter ad hoc?

The third issue at hand: Should we look into the idea that this Dancer is responsible for the Dread Necromancer's power?


Shall we focus on the twin Fissures of Keffa and corresponding chaos as the source of the Sunken Kingdom?

We will need 6 volunteers, one for each position. By The 21st the positions will be filled, or the issues will be dropped.

The Orators will post their first message by the 23rd. Rebuttals will be by the 25th. Conclusions by the 27th. Then we will vote.

​​​​​​​Failure to comply by continuing to bicker will bring censure.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Report from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I’d love to speak on the second issue.
Ra Endymion Hwitt (Count of Pomatim, General of Thalmarkin)
Report from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
So let it be noted that Ra shall speak on the second issue. What position shall you take Ra?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Report from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I will argue for a more active roll in policing magic.
Ra Endymion Hwitt (Count of Pomatim, General of Thalmarkin)
Report from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
So it has been decided. Who shall stand for magic not being our concern?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
None of us are part of a theocracy, the first two points can be talked about all anyone wants but the result will be as effective as blowing against the wind. Even the third point, while potentially discusssble, is just that.. discussable. I'm pleased the fellow faithful widh to discuss important topics and faith should certainly advise but there is a snowballs chance in a volcano that I'll support any faith dictating the things discussed here.
Quincy Stormreaver (Margrave of Gethsemene)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Fair points Quincy.

I would rebut by saying these are continuations of the nonbinding discussions framed using a specific technique to bring order to squabbling.

​Personally ​​​​​​I prefer discussion to be more as hoc but here we are.

Shall I mark you down as abstaining on these matters then?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Senex, If I cannot be opposed without speaking more about them then abstaining is as close as I'm likely able to get.
Quincy Stormreaver (Margrave of Gethsemene)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Spellcasting is a constitutional right guaranteed to the aristocracy of Irondale, and I won't entertain discussion around thr bsmning of its use.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Quincy you may oppose if you wish, and discuss any matter you choose to stand for. There are three issues on the table, do any speak to you? If not you may vote when the time comes making your wishes known. Alice, this seems most reasonable. The discussion around magic is on the organized disposal of scrolls or in leaving such matters ad hoc. Neither is about banning magic thus you need not worry. As magic is of vital importance to the Dalesmen you could stand for that discussion if you so wish it.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Ra Endymion Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Amazing how quiet the braying voices become when it comes to time to actually stand for a position, eh Priestess? Tell them to put their money where their opinions are to provide solutions and suddenly they all get down faster than a back-alley whore at the glint of gold...
Ra Endymion Hwitt (Count of Pomatim, General of Thalmarkin)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I will speak, once others have spoken General Ra. I am not so insecure as to need to constantly bay for attention. I would much rather at this juncture listen to what has to be said. After all, how is one to learn if one does not listen? I for one, do not claim to know everything, and if there is one here among us who does, I would love to hear them for a change. Sapere Aude,
Alice Schwarzherzig (Hierophant of Irondale)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Ra Endymion of House Hwitt. Do not think that I have forgotten who began this childish mud flinging match. You obviously have great skill in taunting your opponents, they fall for it every time. Let's put those skills to the test: I want twenty insults for ash daimons prepared before you present your arguments. As for you Alice, in light of Ra's behaviour I shall overlook your infraction. I shall also remind you that you have spent much time talking and none of it answering any of the questions about the Fissure. At least not here. You have indulged yourself sharing news in other halls. Yet among those of us united in the goal of saving this continent, you offer nothing but barbed words. All of us have taken note of this, and judge you accordingly.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)