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Any man who thus states that politics and faith do not intertwine is very much mistaken: only through politics can mankind be united. Politicians who abuse the faith for personal interests will be crusaded against and have his nation cut down. Politicians who fight in the interest of the faith and of global unity are as holy as any priest or paladin, and will be rewarded in this life and the next.
Any man who thus states that politics and faith do not intertwine is very much mistaken: only through politics can mankind be united. Politicians who abuse the faith for personal interests will be crusaded against and have his nation cut down. Politicians who fight in the interest of the faith and of global unity are as holy as any priest or paladin, and will be rewarded in this life and the next.
== The Nature of Evil ==
Evil is defined twice. There is true Evil, that which corrupts and seeks only to destroy. There is also Chaos, which may or may not have its origins in Evil, but which is as dangerous nonetheless.
=== Evil ===
Evil is the force that seeks to destroy the world. It is chaos. It is greed, it is malevolence, it is corruption. Evil, however, cannot act directly upon the world. It can only corrupt, turn a shard against the others and thus wreak havoc on the holy world.
There exist three corruptions: the monsters, the undead, and the daimons, each more nefarious than the next.
Monsters represent the corruption of the natural order. They are purely physical: they are wild, ravenous beasts that know only destruction. They must be destroyed.
The undead represent the corruption of mankind, in both the physical and divine sense. They corrupt our bodies so that we might destroy the physical world akin to the monsters, but their corrupted minds strengthen Sin and transcend, both aiding the daimons and corrupting the heavens. They must be destroyed.
The daimons are the rarest form of corruption, but also the most dangerous. They are the corruption of ideals, of virtue, of the gods themselves. They are sin incorporated. Whenever a man's virtues are turned to sin, he strengthens the daimons. Whenever a man abandons his civilization and turns to chaos, he strengthens the daimons. Whenever a man abandons or corrupts his principles, he strengthens the daimons. his is why we strike down heretics with brutality, why we strike down the greedy, the indulgent, the malevolent. This is why we forbid immodesty, whoring, and why we prohibit the consumption of alcohol.
Sin is both a source and symptom of evil. Sin does not exist independantly: it is the corrupted form of virtue, and it is the lifeblood of daimonkind. Gluttony is corrupted temperance, malevolence is corrupted kindness, greed is corrupted selflessness. This is why sin is so tragic: it is only with the existence of virtue in a man's heart that he might be made sinful. This is why we weep as we strike into their hearts and put them to death. This is why we torture heretics and agents of chaos, but not sinners.
=== Agents of Chaos ===
Agents of chaos may simply be misguided, or they may be corrupted. It is at the discretion of the holy synod to determine this. The corrupted must be purged at any cost. The misguided should be converted and lectured, but killed if they resist.
They come in many forms. There are anarchists, who come to break apart the order of society. There are heretics, who come to break down the fabric of the faith - both ours and other's. To  be a heretic is to be worse than a heathen. There are pagans, who worship one-dimensionally and do not acknowledge higher faith. There are heathens, who do not acknowledge The Shattered God and thus create divine chaos, but who nonetheless unify mankind under the banner of faith. There are atheists, who are the most evil of the agents of chaos, who come to either believe in nothing or who possess no strength of faith and thus cannot think to merge their faith with their other aspects of life - in their wars, in their politics, in their justice.
=== Divine Justice ===
Justice is a virtue, but also our greatest weapon.
Justice is both the vanquishing of evil and of chaos. Those who act against order and against the faith are guilty. We also define Evil and Chaos primarily as that which weakens the faith. Thus, the faith is the only stem for morality. No crime can be made if it strengthens the Shattered God, and nothing that weakens the Shattered God is good. We do not acknowledge the existence of overzealotry.
Any arbiter of justice who subscribes to the faith but does not involve the faith as the sole source of justice and morality is a heretic and will be put to death, for he is purposefully corrupting justice.

Revision as of 21:46, 17 July 2012


The Origins of Reality

In the beginning, there was no time. There was only Good and there was Evil locked in eternal war. All other Gods - from Sartan to Calanthe to the pagan spirits - did not exist. Neither did that which we hold as virtuous; patience as a concept did not exist, nor did valor nor justice. They all were one being of Good, whose name has been lost to the void, who now we dub The Shattered God.

These two forces were locked in eternal conflict, until Evil, in it's deviousness, did invent time, the killer of all things. Evil then triumphed over Good, and would have found complete victory if our God did not then sacrifice itself. It shattered itself into a thousand pieces. These pieces form all of our reality; from the soil beneath us, to our own material bodies, to our immortal thoughts and virtues and philosophies to the Gods and spirits above. Once, all were one. Life begets life, and though an individual may die, his kin carry on; they will carry on his worship, they will carry on his virtue, and so our God did circumvent time. The end goal of all life is to unify all the shards of God, though many fail to recognize it. Through acting virtuously in many facets we seek both to unify the virtues and pay tribute to divinity; through worship of the gods we unify the lesser spirits, and through worship of God do we unify those false idols into truth. Through philosophy and discourse do we elevate ourselves and contribute to the higher planes.

There rest many planes: highest rest the Gods, below them the spirits, below them yet the false gods. Mixed among the spirits are those things of human construction; our virtues, our ideologies, our philosophies. Though men may die, their contributions to the higher planes are immortal and they live on there through virtuous life. Below even those false idols lie mankind, who are the sole conduit from the material realm to the spiritual. All men may live virtuously and all men may be holy. A farmer ploughs that a nobleman may think; he serves as the mechanism through which soil, a lesser shard, is made into ideas and worship, shards of an infinitely greater magnitude. An artist turns that which is basic into that which is beautiful. A soldier does unify all mankind into a civilization, the greatest Order thus invented for mankind's structuring. The crusader does spread the faith through the edge of the blade, unifying us all, and the missionary goes where the crusader does not and he does the same.

The Essence of the World

All that exists, apart from the corruption, is a shard of the Shattered God. From the soil in the earth to the gods above, all are of the same thing, just of different sizes and complexity.

Once all things are merged and are made most complex, The Shattered God will be whole again, and the end times will be upon us.

Mankind is unique in that we alone exist as the transitive force between the strictly material and the divine; that is to say that we are made, ultimately, of dirt, but our minds have a divine nature to them. In essence, mankind turns corps into the purely ethereal: into order, worship, philosophy, even the gods above. Thus, the godly purpose of man is simple: to take the base and the unsophisticated and to create the complex and the divine from them.

The way in which things are made whole is quite complex. Ultimately, while we acknowledge the existence of many gods, we also state that they should not exist - all should be one in the Shattered God. By worshiping one or many gods within the pantheon, we pay tribute to the divine and make them stronger, but we also serve to divide the heavens and do great damage in that fashion. Thus, we worship in three ways:

We worship ALL gods, we worship the dual aspects (as the largest fragments that exist, they encompass many modes of thought, gods, and ideas), and we worship the Shattered God itself.

One must give great caution about worshiping gods. First, a God must be entirely pure - it cannot in any way have any traits that represent Evil, as this means the god is either a false idol (it does not, in truth, exist, but our worship brings it some small level of strength), or an agent of corruption or chaos in disguise. In addition, we must be sure not to strengthen one god, or one set of gods, unduly. Many of the gods above do not recognize the existence of the Shattered God, and would play their strength against weaker gods, achieving dominance and weakening the heavens themselves to corruption.

We also seek to merge and strengthen virtue, as well. By holding a virtue in our heart and exhibiting it upon the world, we strengthen that virtue in the heavens. In addition, holding many virtues (expecially ones that lie on both sides of the Duality) helps in merging those ideals into one, and in recombining the left and right of the Duality.

Philosophy also takes a stand in the heavens above, standing beside virtue but below the gods. By living an intellectual, fulfilling life, we immortalize ourselves through ideology. While a man dies, his ideology lives on through others - a most concrete afterlife. Ideologies unite mankind but also strengthen the heavens above, acting as a fabric through which the gods and virtues are granted meaning and, thus, strength. So, too, must mankind be united. By nature, we are fracticious and divided; we form our own tribes and nations, our independant faiths and cultures, and try to remain separate from one another. Through the assimilation of cultures and tribes, we unite mankind into Civilization. Through the assimilation of civilizations, we form empires. Through the assimilation of empires we form eternal hegemony, and this is the most holy form of governance yet invented. When all mankind stands under one banner, one culture, and one faith, we will truly be unified. The Shattered God is made up not only of other gods, but of mankind, as well, and we will only ascend once we are unified in all ways.

Any man who thus states that politics and faith do not intertwine is very much mistaken: only through politics can mankind be united. Politicians who abuse the faith for personal interests will be crusaded against and have his nation cut down. Politicians who fight in the interest of the faith and of global unity are as holy as any priest or paladin, and will be rewarded in this life and the next.

The Nature of Evil

Evil is defined twice. There is true Evil, that which corrupts and seeks only to destroy. There is also Chaos, which may or may not have its origins in Evil, but which is as dangerous nonetheless.


Evil is the force that seeks to destroy the world. It is chaos. It is greed, it is malevolence, it is corruption. Evil, however, cannot act directly upon the world. It can only corrupt, turn a shard against the others and thus wreak havoc on the holy world.

There exist three corruptions: the monsters, the undead, and the daimons, each more nefarious than the next.

Monsters represent the corruption of the natural order. They are purely physical: they are wild, ravenous beasts that know only destruction. They must be destroyed.

The undead represent the corruption of mankind, in both the physical and divine sense. They corrupt our bodies so that we might destroy the physical world akin to the monsters, but their corrupted minds strengthen Sin and transcend, both aiding the daimons and corrupting the heavens. They must be destroyed.

The daimons are the rarest form of corruption, but also the most dangerous. They are the corruption of ideals, of virtue, of the gods themselves. They are sin incorporated. Whenever a man's virtues are turned to sin, he strengthens the daimons. Whenever a man abandons his civilization and turns to chaos, he strengthens the daimons. Whenever a man abandons or corrupts his principles, he strengthens the daimons. his is why we strike down heretics with brutality, why we strike down the greedy, the indulgent, the malevolent. This is why we forbid immodesty, whoring, and why we prohibit the consumption of alcohol.

Sin is both a source and symptom of evil. Sin does not exist independantly: it is the corrupted form of virtue, and it is the lifeblood of daimonkind. Gluttony is corrupted temperance, malevolence is corrupted kindness, greed is corrupted selflessness. This is why sin is so tragic: it is only with the existence of virtue in a man's heart that he might be made sinful. This is why we weep as we strike into their hearts and put them to death. This is why we torture heretics and agents of chaos, but not sinners.

Agents of Chaos

Agents of chaos may simply be misguided, or they may be corrupted. It is at the discretion of the holy synod to determine this. The corrupted must be purged at any cost. The misguided should be converted and lectured, but killed if they resist.

They come in many forms. There are anarchists, who come to break apart the order of society. There are heretics, who come to break down the fabric of the faith - both ours and other's. To be a heretic is to be worse than a heathen. There are pagans, who worship one-dimensionally and do not acknowledge higher faith. There are heathens, who do not acknowledge The Shattered God and thus create divine chaos, but who nonetheless unify mankind under the banner of faith. There are atheists, who are the most evil of the agents of chaos, who come to either believe in nothing or who possess no strength of faith and thus cannot think to merge their faith with their other aspects of life - in their wars, in their politics, in their justice.

Divine Justice

Justice is a virtue, but also our greatest weapon.

Justice is both the vanquishing of evil and of chaos. Those who act against order and against the faith are guilty. We also define Evil and Chaos primarily as that which weakens the faith. Thus, the faith is the only stem for morality. No crime can be made if it strengthens the Shattered God, and nothing that weakens the Shattered God is good. We do not acknowledge the existence of overzealotry.

Any arbiter of justice who subscribes to the faith but does not involve the faith as the sole source of justice and morality is a heretic and will be put to death, for he is purposefully corrupting justice.