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m (Created page with "==Kindling of a New Arrival== (Around mid-July) {{Message2 |Type=Roleplay |Recipients= everyone in your realm |Content= Once the ship had set down, Ramuh had remembered in his ...")
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|Sender= Ramuh Artemesia
|Sender= Ramuh Artemesia
|Title= Noble}}
|Title= Noble}}
==Knight of Nyghts==
(About mid-October, maybe late October)
|Sender=Ramuh Artemesia
|Recipients=everyone in the region Tahgalez
|Content= Before leaving for Hoellor after recruiting a fresh group of men, Ramuh sought out two daimons he had heard from several times, yet never actually seen.
Wandering through the dry sandswept streets of Tahgalez, Ramuh asked the remaining people populating the citadel where he might find the daimons named Cimmerian and Seer, though most seemed to ignore him.
|Recipients=everyone in the region Tahgalez
|Content=Most of the Daimons did not quite understand the human language but recognised the human as belonging to the Netherworld and let him pass unharmed. Finally, one of the humans pointed to the spires of the fortress that had been constructed by the Daimons for the Goddess which also served as Cimmerian and Seer's residence.
|Sender=Ramuh Artemesia
|Content=He looked at the formidable towers, bracing himself for a steep climb. But he resolved himself for the journey.
Ramuh gave quick orders to the mercenary infantry to move for Hoelorr to meet with the daimon Argent's forces. He would follow shortly after, once he finished meeting with Cimmerian and Seer.
|Content=Ramuh reached the gates of the fortified spires and asked the guard to be led to Cimmerian. The guards simply grunted and allowed him to pass through the gates.
Contrary to common human belief, the Daimon's residence was not a House of horrors but was surprising similar to human houses except it being quite dark.
Once inside, Ramuh had to look around before a frail, scared looking human girl, presumably a maid asked him what he wanted and what he was doing inside the spires.
|Sender=Ramuh Artemesia
|Content=When he first saw the girl, Ramuh paused for a second in surprise, looking intently at her as though she reminded him of someone. It was only a passing moment, though, for quickly he asked to see Cimmerian.
|Content=Cimmerian was mildly annoyed at being disturbed by the girl. When informed that a visitor sought her, she simply asked the girl to make the visitor wait.
After a good half an hour, Cimmerian descended down to the parlour where Ramuh waited. At the first Cimmerian did not recognise the human for she had never met him earlier but quickly deduced who it could be since very few humans actually remained in the realm. Letifer and Alexey she knew from their stay in the dungeons and the other priest wasn't anywhere close by.
Cimmerian simply walked in silently, not speaking a word and took a seat, waiting for the human to speak first.
|Sender=Ramuh Artemesia
|Content=Although Ramuh had long since been accustomed to seeing daimons close and in person, something about them still made the hairs on the back of his neck raise in alarm. He soon recovered his ability to speak, taking a few deep breaths, and realizing that Cimmerian alone appeared much more approachable than the large and intimidating armies led by Argent and his commanders.
"Hello." The first word out of Ramuh's mouth sounded awkward and lost, and had Cimmerian been a human, Ramuh would have felt embarrassment at such a loss of words. But she was by far not human, and Ramuh continued on, fumbling for something to say. "Nice...place." He looked around in the dark room, searching for any recognizable objects, but found none, or at least none he could discern clearly.
The human took a deep breath to steady himself. He looked at Cimmerian, though something made him want not to keep his gaze on the daimon. When he felt ready to speak again, he said, "Executioner Cimmerian, it is good to meet you finally. I saw that you had employed humans here, though the girl looked a bit scared. I suppose I would be too. She reminds me of someone, someone to whom I made a promise, to return home one day and reunite with the family. Well, I suppose now that might not be too certain."
"It's cold here, even with the fires you wield. I don't know whether you understand what I am saying, since it might be a human feeling. I don't know the nature of your kinship to your sister, but I left mine to travel the world and seek a name for myself. I was such a fool for doing that. Now I have no family, except for my cousin who probably wants to kill me for working with you."
Ramuh looked up at the incomprehensible look on Cimmerian's visage, unsure whether the daimon even understood, or cared, about what he was saying. "Sorry, I was distracted by something pointless. There is much that I have learned by fighting with Overlord Argent and his warriors, and there is much that I have learned from what you have shared with me. For that, I believe that I have grown as a warrior and gained rare knowledge. You have my thanks for that, always.
"And if I might add, I think of you as my family now. I only hope that you do not take that as an insult."
Having finished talking, Ramuh swallowed with his dry throat, and stood there silently, waiting for any response from the thusfar silent daimon.
|Content=Cimmerian listened to the human remaining quiet for a while. Finally she laughed softly, at his words.
"So you are Ramuh. Yes, you have indeed survived for long. Perhaps it is fate and you should accept it so by the grace of the Goddess. Do not speak so easily of death for you have not yet experienced it. Irrespective of what others claim, we are NOT here to cause death. It is a necessary evil sometimes, but it is not our goal."
Falling silent, Cimmerian turned to a window looking outside and then continued, "We are of the fire. Seer is my sister and Argent my brother. Seer was not supposed to be here. She came for she has a connection to the Goddess and to your race. But for now, she is not to be disturb right now. You should not give up hope on your promise. Perhaps you will live to see her again"
|Sender=Ramuh Artemesia
|Content=Ramuh looked with unfocused eyes at the daimon's back. His face showed many conflicting thoughts, though he was relieved to hear the daimon's words. He stepped wordlessly near Cimmerian's side, though still far enough away to maintain a respectable distance.
"Thank you, Cimmerian. I do not know whether it means anything to you, but for me, much of my life is based on faith and will. What fate led me here is no longer something I question." When Ramuh faced Cimmerian, his look showed more resolve, though still revealed the inherent fear caused by seeing a daimon, especially in such proximity. "I did not choose to be part of the Netherworld, but I do choose to do what I can for you until the end."
The human smiled at the daimon, and quickly bowed. "What a strange life this has been, though I daresay there will be much to tell if I do live through all this."
|Content=Cimmerian turned towards the mortal, much smaller than her and sighted him with her golden eyes. This one wasn't like the other humans, only looking to kill or greedy for gold.
Time would tell if he would survive for if he did, he would achieve greatness in the world of the humans.
==Cimmerian's Warmth==
==Cimmerian's Warmth==

Revision as of 23:45, 26 November 2010

Kindling of a New Arrival

(Around mid-July)

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Message sent to everyone in your realm
Once the ship had set down, Ramuh had remembered in his drunken daze that he had asked to join Heen. When he heard he was placed in the Netherworld, he only raised an eyebrow, and wondered where that was a realm of beer, ikrif, and cheap wenches.
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Message sent to everyone in your realm
The letters fell out of Ramuh's limp fingers, scattering across sandy Tahgalez. A sandstorm was brewing outside the battered walls, the windswept grains of sand abrasive and painful against exposed flesh. For a long time, the "hero" from across the ocean stared into the distance, with a look of great confusion and fear. "I should never have gotten drunk on that ship." Was the most he could muster in the face of his current situation.
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Cimmerian
Message sent to everyone in your realm
There was sudden rumbling and a huge explosion could be heard near the volcano. Despite the explosion, there seemed to be no damage to the region. Within moments, the air shimmered, seemingly a floating liquid.

As the air cleared, the surrounding appeared changed to everyone in Jobo's. In fact, all the living beings in Jobo's were not in Jobo's anymore at all but had been magically teleported to Binoaramet.

No one knew why or how the event occurred. No one except perhaps Cimmerian and Seer. Soon after, any human wishing to enter Jobo's Mouth found it impossible to breathe the air. It was like the region had been connected to the true netherworld, the home of the Daimons. The air like liquid ash which filled and blocked one's lungs. The heat terrible, a place where no living being survived.

From that moment on, Jobo's Mouth became inaccessible to any human.

Roleplay from Seer
Message sent to everyone in your realm
Seer did not quite realize what was happening. With a sudden pain in her left arm, the surroundings began to swirl right before her eyes. It wasn't long before she lost consciousness. Later she realized it wasn't a trance but she had actually fainted.

Similar to Sherilynn, Seer dreamed of a pair of burning golden eyes set on an ephemeral shape alternating with Sherilynn's face. The dream hardly lasted for a few minutes. Seer remained unconscious for the next two days before she was roused by her guards.

Weak from her ordeal, Seer immediately asked her troops to find out about Sherilynn and wrote a letter to Cimmerian about her dream.

Roleplay from Seer
Whether it was the alcohol Ramuh had consumed or the shock of finding himself in the netherworld, he could not tell. But soon after he landed in the blasted lands of the Daimons, Ramuh simply froze in mid stride and had a vision. A vision of an elegant, in-human but beautiful creature with dark, bluish skin, taller than most human woman.

She seemed to be beckoning him, to the south, to Twillen and Ramuh, so entranced, was finding it difficult to ignore the call of the creature, the Daimon Seer.

The vision quickly over, started to fade from Ramuh's brain leaving him with a nagging feeling of having missed something or having forgotten something.

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Once he returned to what seemed to be his normal senses, Ramuh found himself turning south, and beginning to take a few steps, before he stopped. "What? What was I doing?" But before he had any more time to think further, he passed out, alone, amidst the abandoned ruins that was once the fortress of Tahgalez. The alcohol and the long ship voyage had drained Ramuh's normally robust stamina, and so he lay, facefirst on the warm stone, sleeping heavily as sand swirled around his prostrate form. In his sleep, he mumbled, "South...Sandy...I'll win...next time...Sand..."
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Seer
Noticing Ramuh passed out and mumbling to himself, a peasant trying to scour the broken citadel of Tahgalez for any loot pulled him to one side and propped him against the wall. Splashing some water on him, he brought the man back to consciousness. In the bleak environment, silence reigned. In the same silence, the peasant offered a small piece of bread to the foreigner.

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
In a half-awake state, Ramuh looked at the only other life he had seen since leaving ship. He took the bread and thanked the peasant, or so he believed he did in his dazed state, but he did not eat.
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Seer
Holding on to the bread, Ramuh attempted to speak to the peasant. Describing his vision, he asked the peasant about the creature, the Daimon. The peasant recoiled at being reminded of the Daimons and tried to leave. Holding his arm tight, Ramuh pressed on asking about Seer upon which the peasant vaguely indicated towards Twillen the Daimons were causing their destruction.

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Though the peasant seemed eager to get away, Ramuh noticed some useful items in the peasant's possession. He motioned at some of them, then took out a silver bracelet that might have once belonged to a foreign noblewoman, for it certainly was not Ramuh's. The gesture appeared clear: Ramuh was proposing an exchange.
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Seer
Message sent to everyone in your realm
As her soldiers left, Seer lay down, leaving her eyes open but concentrating her mind into the void, into the home of the Daimons. It wasn't long before she was in one of her trances. Once more trying to determine the face behind the golden eyes and the relation to the human girl, Seer drew up a blank. But the connection was stronger. Also present was the nagging feeling that there was some relation to the goddess.

Roleplay from Cimmerian
Message sent to everyone in your realm
Soon after the events in Jobo's Mouth, Cimmerian immediately sent a messenger carrying to Seer containing just one line: Seer, head to Bara'Khur. Meet Sherilynn there. She might be the one.

Roleplay from Seer
Seer had already left Twillen for the call of the girl was too strong. The events in Jobo's Mouth had predicate that the time of the arrival was near. Or was it past already?

The city had to be abandoned for it was taking far too much time and all the while the monster threat was approaching nearer. The turning point of history was approaching soon.

Ramuh would be disappointed to not find Seer in Twillen for she was headed to Ircymbar.

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
In the storm of flame and blood that met Ramuh in the once proud city of Twillen, he saw strange forms, inhuman, just like the one he saw in his vision, but not the dark blue "woman" he saw. Slightly dismayed at making his way past the desert for nothing, he began his journey to the northeast, where the peasants had said the undying legion resided.
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Knight of Nyghts

(About mid-October, maybe late October)

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Message sent to everyone in the region Tahgalez
Before leaving for Hoellor after recruiting a fresh group of men, Ramuh sought out two daimons he had heard from several times, yet never actually seen. Wandering through the dry sandswept streets of Tahgalez, Ramuh asked the remaining people populating the citadel where he might find the daimons named Cimmerian and Seer, though most seemed to ignore him.
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Cimmerian
Message sent to everyone in the region Tahgalez
Most of the Daimons did not quite understand the human language but recognised the human as belonging to the Netherworld and let him pass unharmed. Finally, one of the humans pointed to the spires of the fortress that had been constructed by the Daimons for the Goddess which also served as Cimmerian and Seer's residence.

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
He looked at the formidable towers, bracing himself for a steep climb. But he resolved himself for the journey. Ramuh gave quick orders to the mercenary infantry to move for Hoelorr to meet with the daimon Argent's forces. He would follow shortly after, once he finished meeting with Cimmerian and Seer.
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Cimmerian
Ramuh reached the gates of the fortified spires and asked the guard to be led to Cimmerian. The guards simply grunted and allowed him to pass through the gates.

Contrary to common human belief, the Daimon's residence was not a House of horrors but was surprising similar to human houses except it being quite dark.

Once inside, Ramuh had to look around before a frail, scared looking human girl, presumably a maid asked him what he wanted and what he was doing inside the spires.

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
When he first saw the girl, Ramuh paused for a second in surprise, looking intently at her as though she reminded him of someone. It was only a passing moment, though, for quickly he asked to see Cimmerian.
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Cimmerian
Cimmerian was mildly annoyed at being disturbed by the girl. When informed that a visitor sought her, she simply asked the girl to make the visitor wait.

After a good half an hour, Cimmerian descended down to the parlour where Ramuh waited. At the first Cimmerian did not recognise the human for she had never met him earlier but quickly deduced who it could be since very few humans actually remained in the realm. Letifer and Alexey she knew from their stay in the dungeons and the other priest wasn't anywhere close by.

Cimmerian simply walked in silently, not speaking a word and took a seat, waiting for the human to speak first.

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Although Ramuh had long since been accustomed to seeing daimons close and in person, something about them still made the hairs on the back of his neck raise in alarm. He soon recovered his ability to speak, taking a few deep breaths, and realizing that Cimmerian alone appeared much more approachable than the large and intimidating armies led by Argent and his commanders.

"Hello." The first word out of Ramuh's mouth sounded awkward and lost, and had Cimmerian been a human, Ramuh would have felt embarrassment at such a loss of words. But she was by far not human, and Ramuh continued on, fumbling for something to say. "Nice...place." He looked around in the dark room, searching for any recognizable objects, but found none, or at least none he could discern clearly.

The human took a deep breath to steady himself. He looked at Cimmerian, though something made him want not to keep his gaze on the daimon. When he felt ready to speak again, he said, "Executioner Cimmerian, it is good to meet you finally. I saw that you had employed humans here, though the girl looked a bit scared. I suppose I would be too. She reminds me of someone, someone to whom I made a promise, to return home one day and reunite with the family. Well, I suppose now that might not be too certain."

"It's cold here, even with the fires you wield. I don't know whether you understand what I am saying, since it might be a human feeling. I don't know the nature of your kinship to your sister, but I left mine to travel the world and seek a name for myself. I was such a fool for doing that. Now I have no family, except for my cousin who probably wants to kill me for working with you."

Ramuh looked up at the incomprehensible look on Cimmerian's visage, unsure whether the daimon even understood, or cared, about what he was saying. "Sorry, I was distracted by something pointless. There is much that I have learned by fighting with Overlord Argent and his warriors, and there is much that I have learned from what you have shared with me. For that, I believe that I have grown as a warrior and gained rare knowledge. You have my thanks for that, always.

"And if I might add, I think of you as my family now. I only hope that you do not take that as an insult."

Having finished talking, Ramuh swallowed with his dry throat, and stood there silently, waiting for any response from the thusfar silent daimon.
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Cimmerian
Cimmerian listened to the human remaining quiet for a while. Finally she laughed softly, at his words.

"So you are Ramuh. Yes, you have indeed survived for long. Perhaps it is fate and you should accept it so by the grace of the Goddess. Do not speak so easily of death for you have not yet experienced it. Irrespective of what others claim, we are NOT here to cause death. It is a necessary evil sometimes, but it is not our goal."

Falling silent, Cimmerian turned to a window looking outside and then continued, "We are of the fire. Seer is my sister and Argent my brother. Seer was not supposed to be here. She came for she has a connection to the Goddess and to your race. But for now, she is not to be disturb right now. You should not give up hope on your promise. Perhaps you will live to see her again"

Roleplay from Ramuh Artemesia
Ramuh looked with unfocused eyes at the daimon's back. His face showed many conflicting thoughts, though he was relieved to hear the daimon's words. He stepped wordlessly near Cimmerian's side, though still far enough away to maintain a respectable distance.

"Thank you, Cimmerian. I do not know whether it means anything to you, but for me, much of my life is based on faith and will. What fate led me here is no longer something I question." When Ramuh faced Cimmerian, his look showed more resolve, though still revealed the inherent fear caused by seeing a daimon, especially in such proximity. "I did not choose to be part of the Netherworld, but I do choose to do what I can for you until the end."

The human smiled at the daimon, and quickly bowed. "What a strange life this has been, though I daresay there will be much to tell if I do live through all this."
Ramuh Artemesia (Noble)

Roleplay from Cimmerian
Cimmerian turned towards the mortal, much smaller than her and sighted him with her golden eyes. This one wasn't like the other humans, only looking to kill or greedy for gold. Time would tell if he would survive for if he did, he would achieve greatness in the world of the humans.

Cimmerian's Warmth

(Around late October, early November)

Seer's Warmth

(Around early November to late November)

Heart of Fire

(In progress)

Soul of a Human

(Not yet)