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===As a Young Man===
===As a Young Man===

Revision as of 16:00, 12 November 2009



As a Young Man

Giskard is a self motivated man from the Olivaw Family. He is gifted with games, especially the medieval version of Chess. He studied chess from a young age with a master and Jason Elegant also joined him for while he was in the region. Though very intelligent, due to his sheltered upbringing he has a very simple heart and does not understand the treacheries of man. He is trusting and carefree. When it comes to socializing, Giskard is very friendly, though he is often 'clumsy' around ladies, as opposed to his brother who is always very eloquent.

Early Life

Life in Byblack was simple. Giskard was sheltered and protected by his parents who loved their second son just as much as their first, yet Giskard did not want to accept that he would be second to his brother and grew impatient with life rapidly.

Life In The Caglian Empire

Diary Entry 1

I just came back from my brother Daneel's ceremony before leaving our family manor. I do regret not seeing him again, but why should I not be able to earn honour and fame for the family just because I'm almost one year younger? I should have the right to leave and create my own glory rather than waiting home for news of his accomplishments. I am ready, and I have saved up enough to hire some troops who can travel with me from the next town. Byblack will not be my home for much longer. When should I leave? Why not tonight? Everyone is so tired from the ceremony they will definitely not notice. I hope that my parents will understand. My father is too much into politics to notice me. I can't believe he's infatuated with such a game, though it is every bit intriguing as real games like chess. Enough rambling, I will make preparations to leave tonight.

Diary Entry 2

The servants on night duty was no match for my wits. They were less than pawns. Ah, the fresh air of travelling in the country side is so refreshing. I found no suitable soldiers for my taste in town. I must travel further. I recall that my brother was going to join the realm of Tara to seek his glory, so I must hurry. I heard much about the Cagilan Empire to the west of Byblack. I remember long ago my childhood friend Jason Elegant traveled somewhere west of here. I wonder if his family moved to the Cagilan Empire. Anyways, I will find nothing much in these lands, so I will go on west.

Diary Entry 3

I recruited my men near the city of Calis, they were newly trained men, but they had a sense of justice among them. They suited my taste, and did not cost too much gold. I heard from them that Calis was the capital of Cagilan Empire. Interesting, these days of traveling did not feel like that much, yet I traversed so far. It must be that I am lighthearted right now. I contacted some lords and ladies of the land to seek a position of Knighthood, and one lord in particular, a duke, by the name of Samuel wrote me back promptly, offering me a position of Knighthood in the city of his duchy, Eaglin. I believe that he is a good man, and I will see to it that my men work well alongside his. I quickly wrote back to him, accepting his offer and asking for further instructions. While I prepared to travel to Eaglin, a Lady by the name of Kylaine Vita wrote to me, she seemed to have gotten my introduction that I left with the office in Calis. I'm not quite sure how to respond, as I have not talked to many Dames other than the ones in my household and immediate relatives. I responded carefully, choosing my words to represent my family well.

Diary Entry 4

From further exchanges with Lady Kylaine, I found out that she was strongly tied with my Duke, Samuel Haine. They both seem honest and kind to me, I will remember their kindness and repay them with gratitude someday. I have been assigned to the Eaglin Eagles by the Duke as well. I hope I find glory in his service. He was kind and gifted me with some bonds after my Oath of Fealty Ceremony. I used part of it to reward my troops and part to enlarge my estate. I wanted to offer Duke Samuel the best my newfound estate could grant, and so my new servants scurried to both enlarge the estate and making the estate production oriented. I enjoyed my new post, but I wanted to be on the front lines! There was no time like now to earn my rank and honour! My troops and I quickly marched off according to our Marshal's instructions to the city of Aja. It will be a long trip, but I'm sure prestige lies on the other end!