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|Title=Priest of The Blood Cult
|Title=Priest of The Blood Cult
Roleplay from Nicolas Chénier  (18 days, 9 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult" (25 recipients)
Nicolas advanced into the small temple complex, leaving his soldiers at the entrance as he brought his precious with him. A man came out to greet him, wearing long and heavy black robes, a heavy tome in his hands. "Ah, my lord, I have been expecting you", he says as he sees Nicolas approach. Nicolas kneeled before the man until he man put his hand on his shoulder and told him to rise.
"Father", he said as he took out his precious: an ancient scroll, very darkened, with red writings on it. As he pulled it out and unrolled it, a chilling breeze could be felt and the torches suddenly became dimmer. They both looked around for a moment, unsettled by this, and came back to the matter at hand. "This is the scroll, my father, my servants have been able to identify it as the Wicked Scroll of Forbidden Knowledge, but they could nor would translate more..."
The man looked at the document studiously, taking his time out and looking for some pages. "Ah... yes... well, the title does indeed read as the «Scroll of Forbidden Knowledge», but the rest of the text doesn't seem to use the same dialect. You see, here...", he muttered, pointing at one of the symbols, "here you can see a glyph right on this page of the Tome, right here. But... it is not a language I am familiar with, I can recognize a few of the symbols, but not all of them, and their usage is alien to me."
Nicolas paused, slightly disappointed but not really surprised. "Is there anything you can do?", he asked.
"Come back later, lord Nicolas, I will see if I can not petition assistance from the northern temples, they have bigger and older libraries there, and their men are wiser than myself, I should say. Take it back with you, but do be careful with it. I will do what I can."
Nicolas kneeled again. "Thank you, father." He then took his things and returned to his estates, not sure what to do next.
Nicolas Chénier
Count of Gorin, Marshal of the Army of Fengen

Revision as of 05:47, 12 December 2008

Roleplay from Nicolas Chénier
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
Nicolas looked around him, where Zeteo and Raniz were waiting. The mausoleum was incomplete, the roof hadn't even started, but the walls were erected and the workers had made sure to keep it clean and usable. In the middle stood an exotic black sarcophagus, large and sturdy, waiting, open, to welcome the dead in itself.

Ben was lying on a makeshift bed in front of it, Nicolas' servants had treated the body to help preserve it. He was fully equipped, his armour donned and his weapon laid on his chest, as his helmet laid beside his head.

"Friends", he said. "We are here to put our beloved Ben's to rest. He was our king, he was a father, a friend, walking the path of the Lord, doing what he believed to be right, fighting against the plagues of this world, and making the ultimate sacrifice for his peers. We summon for thee Teros, so that his servants come and accompany you to the Lord."

He walked about, looking down at the deceased. "One of the core tenants of the Dark Lord is to defend and live by your word. My friend, faithful of the Dark Lord, this is how you have died, a most honourable death, defending what you believed in, there could be no better death, no better way to conclude one's life." He then knelt before the dead, and whispered a prayer.

Standing up, he drew a blade, and looked at the others. He pressed the dagger against his palm, and stated "For you have bled for us, we will now bleed for you". He sliced the skin of his palm, drawing blood, and then proceeded to squeeze a few drops to fall on Ben's forehead. "We bleed together, forever, my friend." He then invited the others to do the same.

When they were done, they put the helmet back on the fallen hero, and lifted him up together to install him in his final resting place. They slowly closed the heavy lid on the sarcophagus, and a kind of click sound could be heard when it was closed shut, the body was locked from the inside, forever protected from intruders and graverobbers. "My friend, this will protect you and keep you comfortable until the lord comes for you... Farewel, Ben's..."
Nicolas Chénier (Count of Nemeno, Marshal of the Army of Fengen)

Roleplay from Vistuvis Adriddae
Message sent to Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult"
Vistuvis stood in front of the new temple in Xhahgus. The workers have just finished placing the last of the stone blocks in place, and the statues of the gods were already erected. Although, the entire temple was spotless, the surrounding area was littered with leftover material. Camps and fires were situated around the temple awaiting its grand opening.

Senator Varak then read his speech at the opening. Afterward he asked Vistuvis to come and bless the temple.

Taking his place at the altar he asked the prisoners to be brought forth. The crowd watched as one of the prisoners were placed on the alter. They struggled to get free, but the a force of strong men held them firmly to the alter, letting only a few squirms of movement to escape. Vistuvis pulled out his knife and raised it to the sky, calling out to the people, "People of Tlahtocayotl! This is a grand day for us all. The Acolyte Varak has devoted his gold to the gods and constructed a temple to honor them. I myself humble my self in front of the gods. Let us continue to fear them for their power, and honor them in their what they have given to us." With that, Vistuvis plunged the knife into the prisoners chest, slowly making an incision. In a swift motion, he grotesquely, ripped the heart out, and yelled, "Arxanatl! Hear me! An offering to you for you to bless the structure of this temple and its people. May they have a prosperous era!" When each prisoner was sacrificed, Vistuvis left the region and continued to another to spread the word of the blood cult.
Vistuvis Adriddae (Priest of The Blood Cult)

Roleplay from Nicolas Chénier (18 days, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "The Blood Cult" (25 recipients) Nicolas advanced into the small temple complex, leaving his soldiers at the entrance as he brought his precious with him. A man came out to greet him, wearing long and heavy black robes, a heavy tome in his hands. "Ah, my lord, I have been expecting you", he says as he sees Nicolas approach. Nicolas kneeled before the man until he man put his hand on his shoulder and told him to rise.

"Father", he said as he took out his precious: an ancient scroll, very darkened, with red writings on it. As he pulled it out and unrolled it, a chilling breeze could be felt and the torches suddenly became dimmer. They both looked around for a moment, unsettled by this, and came back to the matter at hand. "This is the scroll, my father, my servants have been able to identify it as the Wicked Scroll of Forbidden Knowledge, but they could nor would translate more..."

The man looked at the document studiously, taking his time out and looking for some pages. "Ah... yes... well, the title does indeed read as the «Scroll of Forbidden Knowledge», but the rest of the text doesn't seem to use the same dialect. You see, here...", he muttered, pointing at one of the symbols, "here you can see a glyph right on this page of the Tome, right here. But... it is not a language I am familiar with, I can recognize a few of the symbols, but not all of them, and their usage is alien to me."

Nicolas paused, slightly disappointed but not really surprised. "Is there anything you can do?", he asked.

"Come back later, lord Nicolas, I will see if I can not petition assistance from the northern temples, they have bigger and older libraries there, and their men are wiser than myself, I should say. Take it back with you, but do be careful with it. I will do what I can."

Nicolas kneeled again. "Thank you, father." He then took his things and returned to his estates, not sure what to do next.

Nicolas Chénier Count of Gorin, Marshal of the Army of Fengen