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The sea is rough and cold. Winter is the worst time to travel the seas. High waves, stormy weather. The ship taking Sorcha to her new home in Dwilight, is rocked upon the waves. Day's ago, Sorcha trew up her last meal - over the side of the ship. Seasickness! Nothing stayed down. A few more days at sea, and the lady would have died from dehydration.
The sea is rough and cold. Winter is the worst time to travel the seas. High waves, stormy weather. The ship taking Sorcha to her new home in Dwilight, is rocked upon the waves. Day's ago, Sorcha trew up her last meal - over the side of the ship. Seasickness! Nothing stayed down. A few more days at sea, and the lady would have died from dehydration.
Then finaly, at dawn - the ships look out spotted land!
Then finaly, at dawn - the ships look out spotted land!
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Afther their dinner at the inn, lady Sorcha left with her family and clansmen for the region of Askileon Purlieus.
Afther their dinner at the inn, lady Sorcha left with her family and clansmen for the region of Askileon Purlieus.
===The estate of Askileon Gate===
'''Looking for a new place called home'''
'''Looking for a new place called home'''
During the early hours, whenbirds start to sing, but sun is still vast asleep. Cart wheels squeek, and hoofs stump in the ground, like dragging a heavy load. Mens feet rustle the small stones, and grasses beneath their feet. Deers lift their heads, and make a run for it - while the hares sit upright among the tall grasses, with ears fixed on the exhausted travelers.
During the early hours, whenbirds start to sing, but sun is still vast asleep. Cart wheels squeek, and hoofs stump in the ground, like dragging a heavy load. Mens feet rustle the small stones, and grasses beneath their feet. Deers lift their heads, and make a run for it - while the hares sit upright among the tall grasses, with ears fixed on the exhausted travelers.
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'''Making plans'''
'''Making plans'''
A few hours had gone by, since the young gentle lady left with Sorcha's message. As soon as she returned with the reply from margravine Anita Weyko. The youth kneeled before Sorcha. She handed Sorcha the letter from the margravine. Clear already by the youths reaction. She had been appointed as dame of Askileon Gate an estate of Askileon Purlieus.
A few hours had gone by, since the young gentle lady left with Sorcha's message. As soon as she returned with the reply from margravine Anita Weyko. The youth kneeled before Sorcha. She handed Sorcha the letter from the margravine. Clear already by the youths reaction. She had been appointed as dame of Askileon Gate an estate of Askileon Purlieus.

Revision as of 02:09, 20 April 2015

Letters in character of Sorcha: Talk:Mac tuath ònar ban-dia Family/Sorcha

Sorcha Mac tuath ònar ban-dia

Dame Sorcha Mac tuath ònar ban-dia, daughter of a merchant family. She grew up in a world hostile to people of her clan, and her ancient culture. The strick patriarchic religious dogma of the holy Pontus empire, did not leave human beings of her gender much room to live. Persecution, commited by inquisitions - set up by local lords - drove her to dress up as a her fathers son. Trained by her mother to become a medicen woman, and a midwife to her clamsmen. She soon became withness to the cruelty of the brave new religious world order. As they arrested her mother on charges of witchcraft. Burning her at the stake.

Sorcha fled her ancestors homeland, and made her way by sea. Searching for a new world where she could make a fresh start. The money she received by her father, was a small fortune. Supported by her aunt. She took upon her the journey into the unknown. One good morning the crew onboard her boat spotted dry land. As they went ashore, they learned they had landed in the republic of Sirion. Immediatly she spend her money aquiring herself a home. To her surprise she was taken into the haerts of the local people. Who made her a noble. A dame of Blaastambar, in the duchy of Slimbar - in the realm Sirion.

Sorcha as a Noble of Sirion

Sorcha starts her career in Sirion, where she is made a knight of Blaastamber in the duchy of Slimbar. As a young seventien year old, she allready suffered psuchological scars. Comming from a cruell world, she finds some peace in the Sirion realm. Where freedom, justice and equality are as precious as gold. The values in life of these elves, made the realm of Sirion what it is today. A democratic republic. The following is a account of dame Sorcha's life in Sirion.

At her estate of Sunset Harbor

Sorcha walked around town, while most of its residents where enjoying the evening together with their families. In her mind she draws up plans, for how the estate, and the people living on it could do with some imporovements. Back at the inn, she talks of plans for this region with a local women. Who is not only the towns only shopkeepster - but also an acomplised artist. The two women talk untill late in the evening. Drawing up plans for the town. Before going to bed. Sorcha, hands the lady a written and sealed order for the town leaders, and cittizens to come to the only storage barn in town. The order instructs the mayor gather his the town of Sunset Harbor in the storage barn. Wemon included!

The Promise The fishing community of Sunset Harbor. A few clay houses, with straw roofs. Scathered along the road. A road that leads from a mudpool in the center of town, all the way to the main road. Along this road, a mansion. Small, and not much to see from the road. Ivy had claimed the walls of the mansion. Late last night, dame Sorcha gave a written document for the people to gather at the town barn. The barn is located outside the largest inn in town. Also the only place with cobble stone pavement to stand on. A in position fixed crane provides some shade for the townfolk to stand in. As the barn is quite full, Sorcha had no other choice then to adress the people outside. There are not many, nearly a hundred. Between the barn and the inn, there is plenty of room. The inn has its windows high in its wall, therefor the crowd wil not be a hinder at al while standing with their backs to the wall itself. In the middle of the crowd, Sorcha adressed the mas, "People of Sunset Harbor, I plan to invest in the comming months in fixing this town up. I will not only repair the mansion. I will also build up this town, and make it into a more productive place for you to live in. The estate itself has been enlarged by additional land for farming and cattle. Your comunity will become a propper place to raise a family in. A place with a future for all. It will have a town hall, a school, and many more buildings bringing more trade to this town. Making it possible for you all to benefit. One of the first things we will add to Sunset Harbor, is a propper harbor. No longer will you have to beach your sloops. I promise you all my devotion to your well being, and expect nothing less from you in return. Together we will turn this whole estate around, into something that will inspire others. Our Sunset Harbor will become the envy of all our neighbours."

The people where extatic, and applouded the plans. Sorcha appointed the local shopkeepster, as the artist in charge of designing the future of the town. The mayor was given the duty to assemble a council. From all craftsmen in the village, a representative had to be ellected, to represent the needs of their community members. Several other changes would be made. The notary was told to make ready the propper documents for hiring people who will work in the town, for dame Sorcha. Like a school teacher, for example. The towns official buildings, and a propper market will be constructed first. Dame Sorcha will travel around, and see in other towns, how they are run. Perhapse even find people willing to come and live in Sunset Harbor.

Traveling in order to learn

Passing trough Rollbar town A group of archers walking into Rollbar town, carrieng their equipment and provission. They have a long trek trough the woods of Rollbar region, all the way from Blaastamber region. They require rest, and some food. So the group stops at the biggest inn in town. Ready and able to play host, to a 21 friendly - but hungry archers. The hospitallity of the town is so immense, the archers fell sad when it was time to get back unto the road. Afther two hours, of rest and relaxation the group gets ready to continue their journey to the city of Slimbar. As the men place the poles - with the provision and equipment bundles dangling - in between them over their shoulders. The archers, who walk with these men on guard for the treats they then face out in the wild. Dame Sorcha got her note's together. Note's she took on city infrastructure, so she can utilise it later as a source of inspiration, when organising the works on her estate.

The beautyfull city of Slimbar The sun sets, its an other night in the making. A company of travelers would love the sight of the city of Slimbar. It is such a beautyfull sight! As a traveler, tired of the long trek on foot. You long for that table outside the inn, having dinner with a fresh pint of beer. Then getting the walls of Slimbar in sight. The towers of the city wall, give the city a romantic feel. The orange-red tile spike roof on the chalkstone towers, give it that fairytale like look. This place has like a magic aura of history around it. Its a real old city - a city that has seen its fair chair of battle. Damages show up it the form of dents in the wall from seige engines, and the patched up arch above the city gate - show where the wall was repaired. It is a city with character.

Dame Sochra leads her company of men to the inn. The inn is most spectacular. At the second floor they take their places at the tables. From the window they have a view out of a glass window, on the beautyfull sunset. The citty bathes in the warm orange glow of the setting suns light. You can look out over the tree tops on the otherside of the city walls. Dinner is served. This is clearly a city that stands out among the cities. Dame Sorcha enjoy's the view, and the food. During dinner she anounces her units new name to her men. From this moment on they will be known as Thuata dè Sirion, people of Sirion. It is disapointing to the men, as they liked being refered to as dame Sorcha's clansmen. But dame Sorcha has spoken. Their new name is just the beginning of her integration into the republic of Sirion.

Her first monsters Dame Sorcha, awoke at the inn of Slimbar city. During breakfast, which she has with al the other guest - outside the inn. Her scout returns. In his hands he holds some of the private belongings of one of Sorcha's scouts. A scout that did not return last night. "I found him death, mylady! Slain, he had defensive wounds all over him. He died most horrible. There are no words to discribe it to you. Monsters! Monsters did this to him." The scout broke down in tears. Dame Sorcha, gave the man a well deserved break. Aftherall it takes a special breed of men to do what they do. Going out there on their own, scouting as they do.

Champion of the peasantry

The request During the day, a messenger arrived in Slimbar city. He requests the attention of all - he reads a request for all able troops to assist Serbar in their fight against radicals who are known to the locals as undeath. Dame Sorcha, she sees in the request an oppurtunity to proof herself, and see some more of the country. She knows it wont be any pleasure trip. But it serves a noble cause. Her scouts provide her a route to Sermbar. In 16 hours she would arrive there. Route from Slimbar to Sermbar: Scribe Note

She leaves afther sunset, so no scout would see her and her troops leaving. She goes by the west gate. As she goes, she turns around and looks one last time at the city of Slimbar. Beautyfull in the dark, the city lights make it a very romantic place to be. She hopes the other towns and cities will be just as beautyfull.

On the road in Lisambar Dame Sorcha is on the road through the region of Lissambar. A very denseley forrested region. By nightfall she reaches the cross roads. A place where people have set up a makeshift town. Making a living in providing travelers the much needed comfort, in the form of a Inn.

The inn looks nothing like your traditional inn in towns or cities. Its a place that looks very tight. It has a fireplace outside. Surrounded by small wooden logs on the ground for chairs. A small straw roof supported by wooden beems, stands alone - without walls. Under it people can rest out of the rain. The small building behind it, looks like a storage, rather then like a inn full of rooms. But Sorcha being a lady, does get to rest, and wash up inside of this building. Away from prying eyes.

The innkeeper is friendly. He lives near the inn in a small farm. His family lives there with him. The fields are worked by his family. Its a small group of people who are related to eachother.

Sorcha finds some time for talking with the famrer about this region. Since he does not know Sorcha as a member of the nobles of Sirion, he is most likely to trust her, and speak frankly before her. She knows that there is among common folk a distrust to strangers, so she does not expect much talk about the nobles. So starts with some smal talk to losen up some tongues. " Good man, is that your farm beyond this inn's grounds?" The man looks at her, at replies with a voice tone, due to suspiciousness looking company of lady Sorcha. Archers, human looks. The innkeeper, is human himself, and long ago the humans learned to trust the elves of Sirion. Many migrated here, to find a beter life in Sirion - and something they could not find back home, freedom. "Ma'am, I'm a farmer ma'am. This inn me and my miss started. For good reasons, ma'am!" The replied farmer, as he got nervous. Sorcha is quite able to relate to the mans fears. She aftheral has family back in the old country living a simple life just like these people. Trading and getting by with what ever means they are granted to live by. The man is clearly afraid that his inn will be close, and his family evicted from their farm. "I am convinced of your good intentions, good innkeeper. I have seen good people like you before. My family has allways been served by good people like yourself - and their good intentions. We on our part, have allways made sure that people like yourself - do not suffer from those who would otherwise be led to misinterpret your good intentions. We will be on our way, after dinner. We have been on the road since late last night. We heard of undeath and monsters terrorising these parts! What could you tell me about them?" Sorcha carefully inquired. "Ma'am, those undeath... " the man grows sillent, as if fear held him in his grasp "... those undeath, are slain Oligarchians! Them can't find rest in the grave! Doc Primus, once prime minister of Sirion - led the armies of Sirion against them. Them where allies of Perdan! It looks like they came from the grave to undo, all of Sir Doc and the Primus family their works! It has been said that Sir Doc even ended up fighting the God of Oligarch. Now that there is peace in the land of Sirion. Those undeath, wanted this peace destroyed. Many heroes of Sirion died fighting these undeath. Even when they where alive them wher full of deception! Ma'am, do not get into a fight with the likes of them? They will never forget, or forgive!" Clearly the innkeeper had his fair share of the violence. Sorcha being from a people quite often labled as witches, refuses to beleive in such rubbish as magic. She herself has never seen a witch before. Therefor she does not beleive in Monsters and Undeath. To her mind it is all terrorism. "Good sir, I am very greatfull for your brave haert - to pressent me this information. But will I encounter them on the road? If so, how can I recorgnise them?" Sorcha asks. "Ma'am, these roads have been cleared by the millitia's. We stay inside our houses! None, dare to go out! We have not seen them. But they strike allways from under cover. Never did they show their face. Wounded soldiers, they told us about them. They said them are dressed to look like them ancient enemy of Sirion. That they did not DIE, like normal men do. They are like drunk on human blood! I have heard them are now a menace in Sermbar." Sorcha looks at the innkeeper. She hands him a hand of coins "For your troubles, and your brave haert - good sir, thank you. We will pay you additional fees and lodging at your inn. This just is a gift, from the haert. In gratitude." "Ma'am, your to kind. Please, reconsider? Them elves have been able to fight these undeath oligarchs of for centuries. Why now, should you join this fight?" the innkeeper said, with a tear in his eye. "I am dame Sorcha, I serve this realm - and its people. So you and your loved ones might find peace. If my efforts should fail, I shall try, again, and again. Untill, I have been victorious. For this freedom, will not support itself. There is allways a need for those willing to risk it all. And sacrefice their life blood, on the alter of freedom. So freedom will continue existing in this realm."

Mighty Sir Temple city As the forestroad ends, and plain fields become visable. Travelers are awestruck, by the majesty of the immensly beautyfull citty of Sir Temple. From a distance you see the brick walls. A state of the art defence, which takes the courage from any enemies haert. One would almost only aproach at night, as wishing not to be frightend by its defence capabillities. As this city is most obviously build to whithold an siege for months.

Dame Sorcha Approaches the city from Lissambar. As the city layout is placed in part on the hills to the west. Its the setting sun that highlights the white towers of Sirion Castle. With their blue rooftile tower round tipped roofs. It is a sight to melt your haert in a second. An other building rises at the skyline, from above the massive walls.

Dame Sorcha enters the city, across the drawbridge. A huge gate house is there to great here. Two guards from the city millitia greats her. "Halt! Identify and STATE your bisnes in Sir Temple!?" the guards call out. These are not men who you would refuse, for they wield Halberts - capable to strike a man in full armor, clean of his horse! "I am dame Sorcha; dame of Blaastamber from the duchy of Slimbar! I am on route to Sermbar, with my archers - as requested!" Sorcha her scribe shows the document requesting the pressence of those in the area, to come to Sermbars assistance. "My respects, dear lady! There is in this citty an inn, which you might find to your liking. It is located at the citty center. You can not miss it." the guards appologise to her "Might I be so frank, as to ask of you ladyship, to sign the city gatehouse register? It is for security purpouses, mylady! Since its founding, Sir Temple has allways been strickt on security. There are high ranking realm officials in our fair citty, mylady. You understand?" Dame Sorcha dismounts, and walks to the register to sign, her and her men in. "This is no problem, gentlemen. Here you go!" As she signs her name, with lots of swirls and curls - in that typical creative hand of hers. "We can not have security fail in this city, can we now?" "No, mylady. Ages ago Sir Doc was once victim here, of an assasins dagger. Since that day, Sir Temple was upgraded by Sir Doc himself. Just like Sirion city was. These walls, they where build by the Primus families immense fortune!" The guards told her. Its only the second time that she heard this name of Doc mentioned. He must have been a great leader, that so many remember him. "Nothing like, Elvish knowhow, right?" Sorcha said, as she gave the gaurds a wink. She did not feel like asking people about this ancient leader. Clearly they could fill her whole evening with stories. But she feels dirty, and longs for a nice hot bath. That inn, she thinks of looking it up. She passes through the gatehouse. An imposing structure, with archer slots to fire from the cover of the wall into any enemy attempt of reaching the gate. If they would reach it? They would be greated by boiling oil, pored upon them from tiny shafts lining the arch above the gate. The gate itself could be closed, and when breached the enemy would have to make their way past a metal fence. The wall itself is tree horse lengths wide. Inside this imposing gatehouse, as you pass trough - there are archer slots in the sealing to rain down a deathly welcome unto the enemy, along with boiling oil. While at the other end, the gate can be sealed with a metal fence, dropped from above, and a strong gate that shuts the enemy in. From the otherside an other gate can be dropped also. To maximise the kill rate inside the gateway. It is clear! Sir Temple, is here to stay!

Church of the Holy Sacred Grove Inside the fair city of sir temple, dame Sorcha passes trough the suburbs of Sir Temple. The main road, has its inns, and its pleasure houses. With prostitudes trieng to sell themselves to passing men. "Eye's FRONT!" Sorcha shouts unto her men. As the prostitudes make all sorts of gesters at her "Aye, your awesomeness thinks she is better then us? RIGHT! Yah, big LADYSHIP!" they shout. But dare not more, as guards took notice. They have some freedom, for their profession. So not to upset the troops. But they know to watch wath they say, or end up in jail. Which causes them a nights loss in income.

Sorcha ignores them. She notices her men getting grumpy. And realised, that one of her scouts chickend out on her! This one desserted. There is no denieng it. Her soldiers would rather be spending their money on their pleasures. Which reminded her, she still has to pay them, what she owes them. Better now, so they can spend it on whatever they fancy. Then to keep it, while they die in battle. Cheap, as she does not need to pay the death. A sure way to lower morals with the troops.

Down town, the city has a second moult surounding down town. A grasland bufferzone is created, where fields of cropses grow, and lifestock grazes. A brilliant design, to last the city. It keeps the city from a mutiny, as people have some hope to kling to. Well placed at the edge of the suburbs.

All buildings facing the moult are windowless, except a primitive looking church, with its stained glass windows. As she crosses the stone bridge into downtown Sir Temple city. She passes the curch building. It is a beautyfull Structure. With different layers of stone, and buttresses lining the wall - supporting her structure. The buttresses are not so imposing as some cathedrals that she has seen in the past. But then again, it doesnt need large buttresses - since its not supporting more then a roof and a small tower. Still, it is an breathtaking structure. The same as she saw in the city skyline, taking up some room infront of the majestic citadel.

She desides to stop at the church. She reads the sign out at front of the chruch wall. Church of the Holy Sacred Grove May the Light of the Grove shows you Elune's face. Welcome to the Church of the Holy Sacred Grove everybody is welcome to join this church but the path you make is yours to make alone weather you choose the path of the druid to mend the land and restore the balance or the path of the priest or priestess to help spread the light to others.There are many choices that you will have to make all classes are welcome and all classes have there own ranking system.

We worship the Elven Goddess of Nature Elune and the Creater of all things good The Holy Father. All are welcome to come and learn or serve the church in the name of light or in the name of Elune.The path is yours to decide.

As she reads this sign, she suddenly realises, that many others of her kind must have made it her. Especialy since the last Druids died at the hands of emporer Claudius. Maybe some survived, and made their way over here? She had learned medicene, and midwife skills from her mother, as she was young. Maybe she could use this skills in service of this church. She enters, and afther a small chat with one of the clergy - she joins the church. A small initiation making her an initiate in the grove. She paid the fee, to gain her first rank.

The need for rest and a good bath, compelled her to seek out the inn. The inn is truly a credit to this fair city. As it almost stands as tall as the church. Four stories in total. NEVER has she seen such an inn before! Whitewashed walls, pritty signs over each door. Lights beyond the windows. And tables set outside, for those wishing to eat outside, or just coming for a drink. It is a respectable inn. But so also its price. As dame Sorcha soon finds out, when inquiring. Her men, will have to find accomodations elsewhere. No problem, as she paid them, and told them to rally here again, the next morning.

Breath taking beauty, called Sirion castle Afther a good scrubing, clean clothes, and a belly full of good food - and a good sturdy pint, to wash it all down with! Dame Sorcha desides to take a closer look at the citadel. Leaving the inn, she passed some streets, lined with shops and merchants housing. Artisans and merchants have their houses lined up around the city market, and in the streets adjecent to the market square. At the edge of the city center, she walks up to a high wall. It has a gateway in it, but notthing more then a fence. An open fence. Two wooden guard houses, line up on each side of the gateway. A duo of guards with a halberts stand firm outside the gate. They don't respond to anything. Then the changing of the guards took place. With alot of ceremony, and fancy marching. Dame Sorcha tries to hide a grin. The men look while marching as if they are ready to trow their legs, one by one, in their necks. She can't help but gigle at the sight. The castle however takes her breath away. Beautyfull gardens and a pound with swans, and the most beautyfull specimen of plants and flowers. A sandy road, swirls up hill to the castle of Sirion. White stone walls, as if a gem. Squezed tight, but spacious. Defended by a wall. But still immensly beautyfull. It is a fairtale castle.

She goes from the castle, to the shopping streets, and looks for stores that are still open for bisnes. Realising its near closing time. She just wants some souvenirs, before she heads of to bed.

The marshals orders At dawn dame Sorcha, and her company of archers leave trough Sir Temple's west gate. They head to Sermbar accross the temple hills. The rough land, with its steep hills, its forrests and rivers - reminds her of the Ardenian hills she used to travel trough with her family. It feels good. Almost like back home in the old country.

The travelers make good time on the road. As they enter the region of Sermbar, she has her men gear up. The horses get packed with the provisions and the equipment. The scouts scout the surrounding area's for tracks or any other trace of the pressence of anyone else but Sorcha and her archers. She realises they are in the open and exposed. But in the woods, an enemy would be in to much advantadge over them. No one in her company has any training what so ever, beside shooting and hunting. This is the first time they opperate as a millitary unit.

A rider approaches from the south-west. The rider looks like he is in great haste to get somewhere. "It could be a trap, keep your eyes open!" Sorcha is quite unexperianced in warfare. So she is not sure if she made a tactical error or not. She plays on safe. Anyway, the rider is not impressed, and continues his approach. He carries a banner with him. It has the crest of the Sirion Army on it. "Mylady, it might be me - but I think we can not shoot a messenger of the Sirion Army?" One of her men asks in a mokking tone. "It is you!" Sorcha replied slightly aggitated "Lower your bows men, but keep your eye's wide open for hostiles!" The messenger arrived "Mylady, Sorcha? Dame of Blaastamber?" "What news do you have for me good sir? For I am she! Dame Sorcha, of Blaastamber from the duchy of Slimbar." "Respects, noble lady! I am messenger unto lady Sophia Bouvier, Margravine of Al Armarah - Marshal of the Army of Sirion! I have been dispatched unto your noble ladyship, with orders from the Marshal for your ladyship." the messenger said, as he leans forward and hands Sorcha, her orders. "Allright men, we have marching orders! Lets get going, but keep a sharp look out for these so called undeath?" "Mylady, ..." the marshals messenger interupts "if I where you - I would make haste? It is a long journey untill you reach the rendez vous point!" Sorcha looks at him "Have you encountered here any undeath? or anywhere else on your journey?" "There are some in Tabost, but here I have not encountered any of them. All is quit. Even the folk of Sermbar Town, are coming back out of their town. If the peasants dare to leave their towns, it is a most definitive sign of the peace having returned to the region." "Thanks you, sir." Sorcha turned to her men "Allright men, change of plans! Get the bundels of provision and of our equipment back on those poles. You know the drill! Two men line. Eight of you cary the four poles over your shouldersFour men as guards infront of the pole carriers, four at the back, and four in the center! One man at the rear to allert us to a possible attack from behind!" The marshals messenger heads on, to where ever his orders will take him. Sorcha gets going with her men. She stops only to make camp for lunch. She hopes to find an inn at tabost. Her scout returns to her, all beat up. "Mylady, the messenger was right. I have spotted some of them. Like you suspected, they are men dressed up like warriors of old! Probably, ment to scare of the peasantry." "Then they are possibly insurgents from some peasant rebelion. I don't know this land to well yet. I dare not judge on them." Sorcha said, with a sigh.

The gathering of the army

Destination Oligarch city The last hill - one does not even notice it - the way the road slides downhill, as if a giant snake among the trees on the hill. It reaches the lands below. Rough terrain, hard on your feet. The road turns into a cart trail - and is soon met with a small rocky waterstream. Moors, and rough rocky terrain. It goes like this for a while untill the road re-appears among plains of wild grasses. There is no decent place to stay the night. At a crossroad, dame Sorcha found a sign post reading: Oberndorf (Nivemus) 111 miles - Commonyr 106 miles - Fort Domitius 5 miles. "Nivemus?" Sorcha asks. "They are friends of Sirion! Miss?" A voice said, from behind Sorcha. She turns around, and sees a tall man - obviously a scout. The army to who he pledged his services is not far behind. "I am, dame Sorcha of Blaastamber, in the duchy of Slimbar! Who are you? Obviously not a Nivemusian!" "My appologies dame - knight from the duchy of Slimbar?! Your damselness, is far from her comfort zone? Are you ready for your first, battle?" "Scout, I do not care for your voice tone! I will have my rank from you!?" "Miss, soon we will all be facing monsters. If your ready or not, as a member of Sirions noble knights, it is your duty to join us in battle! We welcome your archers..." The scout, rides of afther he sees his master comming near. Sillently Sorcha joins up with the army.

Her men get ready, for the battle is not far away. The scouts point out the battleline of the enemy. Its just one small unit. Its hard to make out what type of unit they are. At the battlefield she is introduced to sir Manish Eastwood, Duke of Sir Temple, and Margrave of Sir Temple. "My lord Eastwood, I will be honored to bennifit from your experiance, in this here battle. Lead us, and we shall follow your lead?" The battleplan was simple. Provide cover fire, as his units will advance and slay the enemy. Lady Sorcha joins her men, and has them line up. Placing a bundle of arrows, heads down - into the soil. This way they can draw and fire more easy. Which will be needed, as there is a strong wind blowing. Archers main enemy on the battlefield is allways the wind. A well place shot, can be blown by the wind into the ranks of friendly troops.

"We have headwinds - aim into the wind and fire at will!" Sorcha shouted, as lord Eastwoods men advances. Over a hondred arrows are fired by Sorcha's archers - an easy five arrows per archer. In a single minute of time! "Check your range! Mind our troops? Fire at will!" Some hundred and fifty shots where fired. Hitting the enemy ranks. "Caese fire, and move forward by twenty pases! Prepare a volley, at the enemies right flank! FIRE!" the arrows leave their bow, and hit the enemy trieng to flank his lordships troops. Sorcha gets a good look at these so called monsters. They look like men, but with hatred on their faces. There is no doubt in her mind. These are men, behaving like a bunch of monsters - terrorising the local population. She gets her medical kit out of her bags, and assists the healers with the care for the wounded. Some of the men spoke to her, in awe - they had seen their lord wielding the Ornate Scythe of War. She does not dare to ask them, but she has no idea what this Ornate Scythe of War is all about! She knots friendly insteald. When the wound had their care, she packs her things and decides to continue her journey to the rendez vous point. Her men, they are trieng to hold themselves together. Its their first time, that they have actually killed someone. In silence, they pack their equipment and get ready to hit the road. Sorcha does not keep her men waiting, and leaves with them, not saying a word to the lord. Naturally, she is a bit in shock to. In her whole life, this was the first time she commanded men into battle - and the first time ever that she took a life, insteald of saving lifes.

Leaving the harsh reality of Tabost region Tabost is a region in Sirion which grow very tiresome on traveling feet. Traveling from Sir Temple, you go from rough terrain, all trough open lands, with strong wind gusts - to a land that flows over from the rough into the gentle meadows. It is there where dame Sorcha has her lucky break. A farmer crosses their path. "A good day noble lady?" The farmer very politly adresses dame Sorcha. "A good day unto you to, good sir. Are you a farmer?" "Yes, I am farmer, noble lady! My destination is Commonyr, where the farm is that I work. As I am a farmer on the lands of the noble Dragul family." "Good farmer, what brings you so far from your farm?" "Market, good lady! I have gone to sell at the market some goods and produce - with permition. The noble lady would always be welcome at Dragul Manor. It is one of the finest estates I ever had the pleasure on, serving. Please lady? My cart is empty, and your men are tired. Allow me to offer, your noble men a ride in my cart? Dragul Manor has allways been the safest place, and very friendly to travelers of Sirion." "No doubt good farmer, that you would feel much safer yourself! But your perception of my men is spot on. The battle against the monsters has my them tired. As just a moment ago, I noticed that yet again a scout deserted from my army. I will take you on your offer." The company of travelrs make good time, as soon they spot by nightfall the estate of Dragul Manor. The region of Commonyr is mainly grassland and forrests in the hills of Commonyrs south-west. It is beautyfull how Dragul Manor shows up among the hills - as if it where a hill itself. Build from gray stones, quaried from these hills. A beautyfull masterpeice of architecture. A stronghold, yet with the grace of Sirion castle. It is no lie, one would feel here safe as peasant. No monster would dare threaten this estate.

In awe for Dragul Manor The estate of Dragul Manor, a beautyfull place. Dame Sorcha, arrived in a town that has been build on the estate. The magnificent Manor of the Dragul family. With at the base - in the forrest - the town called by its inhabbitants, Dragul's Town.

The town has some of Sirions finest architectural structures. White washed clay walls, supported by a frameword of dark brown wooden structural beems. Some of the houses rise up to two stories high, and the talest is three stories high. The town square has a lovely inn, a marketplace where you can buy fresh produce all year around. Its stores sell a wide variaty of localy made lace, beer, pottery and many other artisanal crafts.

The farmer who dropped them of in town, headed of to the edge of twon, where he had his farm. Dame Sorcha settled at the inn, as her men went about town, buying some fresh fruits at the locals fresh market. When her men returned with hand made beer pints - she got tempted at some shopping of her own. She ends up tempted by a fine lace table cloth. She has not got a table yet. But the temptation was to great for her, and she bought it. What the hell, you know - you only live once, so why not enjoy it? she thinks.

As she walks out of the store, something caught her eye. "This place has a stage coach!" Sorcha outs in total amazement. "Yes, it has! But is is, the stage coach from Oligarch city. It stops here, only when your lucky you can actualy get it. Usualy its not there when one needs it." the lady of the store said, with a smile on her face. Sorcha looks in amazement at the storekeepster behind her. Then turns around and heads to the stage coach. "Driver! Me and my men need to be in Oligarch city, can you take us?" "Yes, ma'zaamy - busts... " the driver gazed strangely at her "lea... Ist lifts at once!" The driver is eighter a pervert - or he is drunk! But lady Sorcha does not think twice, this driver can take her and her men to the city faster then she and her men on foot. The stage coach is just a large cart, with canvas over it, and a staircase that folds down for the passengers onboard. She orders her men to board this coach. She ties the horses behind the coach, so they will follow allong. The driver gives his horses the whip, and of they go. "GOOD GODDESS! He's drunk!" Sorcha shouts, as the driver speeds off. The cart going all over the place. "What did your lady think he was?" Her scribe asked. "A pervert!" Lady Sorcha replied, as she tried to hang on to anything she could grasp op to. Her men laughed, but not for long, because soon they are vomiting over the side. They hardly notice the coach pulling in at a coach stop in Oligarch city. As they unload the coach, they spot some damages to their equipment. Sorcha has them repair their equipment at once. As she hurries of to the inn, to wash herself. "Next time, we go on foot!" Her men grumpy said among themselfs, while some of them kissed the ground.

Oligarch city

Afther getting all washed, and dressed in clean clothes - dame Sorcha heads of in Search for the armies commander. Her Commander - The Marshal of the army. The report, that she has arrived.

The amazing marshal Sophia Bouvier A courtyard, with a design motif consistent of square paterns - intersected by paths, and fenced by a foot high green bush. The courtyard is surrounded by gothic style arches, supporting the corridors roof. Which itself is richly decorated. One might even start falling in love with the grayish look of the stone. What fine massonry! Over the roof, one sees the adjacent building of the church of the sacred grove. It to is richly decorated, with gothic arches. The church has the look of and feel of a powerfull structure. Its large buttresses tell you that it is huge on the inside, and also supports a high tower. It has from the courtyard seen, high stained glass windows. But it is in the buildings of the court, where dame Sorcha her bisnes is. She goes trough the corridor, and looks inside of the first office she sees. It has large maps stored inside of it. Clerks are at work, sorting trough them. "Can any of you good people direct me to Marshal Sophia Bouviers office? I am dame Sorcha, and I arrived at nightfall. I would like to report to her ladyship the Marshal?" "Dame Sorcha? Well if your ladyship would like to follow me?" The clerk proceeded her to one of the offices, and directed her, with a gentle handgesture to the marshals office. While with a respectfull nod of the head - breaking eye contact ever so breave - the clerck to his leave. Dame Sorcha enters the room. Although she had never seen the mashal in person, she presumed to be seeing her in the office. As she reports in the office of the marshal, to a fine looking lady. One who is well dressed, but carrieng a sword by her side. She has the looks of a warrior women, who has no fear in battle - and is able to cross swords with the finest warriors on te continent. As with a gentle gesture, Sorcha is dismissed from the room. Respectfully she takes her leave, with a gentle bow while holding her hand over her haert. She turns and leaves the room.

As she passes the church, she desides to get in, and give a donation in the collection box. With a prayer to her ancestors goddess, she ends her vissit to the church. The image of Marshal Sophia is in her mind. Sorcha realised, she does not even own a sword! Swiftly, she heads to the blacksmith, and wakes the poor man up from his bed. "I need to buy a sword! Do you have any available?" "Huh! Do, I? ... My GOD, what are all these swords doing in my shop? One would confuse me -seeing these - with a proper blacksmith!" said the blacksmith sarcastic "No dear lady, I'm just your local pots and pans maker. Did your horse trow a shoe?" he said, with a sarcastic smile on his face. "Do you think your funny? Really! Shall I have you tossed in chains, and hung on the pillory?" she said, as he got her realy mad. "Ow, you could do that! Miss High and Mighty! But since the marshal has the entire Sirion Army gathering in here - and your men have allready been here, for repairs. I might take it as a break. But, my back would hurt so much, that Oligarch city - if not Sirions - finest Weaponssmith is unavailable for work! But your ladyship knows already a good weaponssmith, and thats why she showed up at night, at my door.... BEGGING, for one of my swords." he's got her there! He is one of the finest weaponsmiths in the country, and he knwos it. Thats why, as an artisan - he is confident enough to shoot of his mouth, at nobles. Arogant, and a pain in the rear. But inexpenable! Sorcha buy's a sword from him, but before she leaves - he goes at it again "They come in pink to! If you fancy?" He slams the door shut. "Man, he has made one sword to many!" She left, and headed to a local military academy, where a friendly tutor - tutored her in the art of swordfighting. Her skills, at the end of training is very basic. But she should be able to wield a sword. Hopefully her bow, will be all she needs in battle.

When she got back at the inn, her scribe hands her a letter. Its from the marshal, who invites her to have dinner with her. She writes the marshal back, requesting if it could be breakfast? She would love to tell her about her experiances in Sirion. By now she has some stories to tell. As her messenger heads to the marshal, with Sorchas reply - she heads herself to bed.

Breakfast with the marshal Has the sun rises over the rooftops of Oligarch city. Dame Sorcha received from her scribe a letter. "This came in early by the messenger of lady marshal Bouviers house, here in Oligarch city." her scribe leaves her room. The letter is an ivitation, to join lady Sophia Bouvier, the marshal at her house. Sorcha, gets dressed, and immediatly left for the house of marshal Bouvier. At her arrival, the house has a grand look to it. Like all city houses, it is several stories high. Made in the style of the wealthy merchants houses. The lady has earned her way to the top most clearly - as she has her own house so far from her estate. Sorcha is filled with joy, and feels like a little kid on its birthday. Joyfull, and full of anxiaty. As the door of the marshals home opens, she is received a warm welcome and is invited in. As the marshal and Sorcha have breakfast. Sorcha starts telling the marshal of her plans, for the estate of Sunset Harbor. How she is traveling and looking around to be inspired by all the possibilities. "I was - if I recall correctly - in Slimbar city when I received the request to help Sermbar with a plague of undeath."Sorcha said, as she got on a role in her story telling "As I left for the region, I met this innkeeper, who told me, that the undeath are Oligarchians of old days - who rised up from the grave as undeath. They where obviously rebels terrorising people. But the innkeeper was conviced of this. He told me about this fellow from the old days, called Doc. From the Primus family. An old heroic leader as I have been told. Sir Temple city - when I got there, I learned from the guards at that formidable gatehouse, that this city was expanded by the Primus family. Even that this lord Doc was stabbed there by an assasin. The most romantic sight was the castle. It is beautyfull. I never saw anything like it before. I did not stay long, since I was on my way to Sermbar. I continued, and there I received your orders. When I started traveling. My scribe told me that the best way was to Oberndorf. But my scout said, that would take me out of Sirion. Which I dont want to, since I am new here. So I went from the harsh region of tabost, to the region of Comonyr. There I got a ride to by a farmer. Who took me to the estate of Dragul Manor. What an awesome castle ... euh manor. Its huge, and impressive. To say the least. Its actualy got a fresh produce market. And such lovely shops. I got a fine lace table cloth there. But I forgot it at the inn, in my room. I would have shown it to you otherwise. Its just so lovely. Your table linnen is also quite beautyfull - and where did you find those lovely cups? And that lovely teapot? OH MY GOD! Its a matching set?! Its so lovely. ... I like your curtains to?! Ow, my apologies -I totaly forgot my manors - mylady, marshal. Forgive my blathering mouth?"

Afther a lovely morning breakfast. Sorcha heads of to the academy, to train her swordfighting. She practices her lessons, and builds up her confidence with a blade. Her men, she gives them the day off. Its a very relaxing day for her.

A new friend

Idhrendir the artist Dame Sorcha, had spend so much time training afther her morning breakfast with Marshal Bouvier, that her body hurted. The academy means well, but train hard. So dame Sorcha decided to grand herself some other duties to attend to. Mixing with locals is allways a fun way to get to know your new realm. There for she takes out some of her old traveling clothes. As people dressed in the old country, was not so different as how people dress in the elvish world. She takes out of her bags an old dress. Which is made from a thick fabric, died blue. It is a dress that goes all the way to her heels. Around the waste a ladies belt. Made from a darker blue ribbon, which commes together with a belt strap - made like this, that it becomes completly incorperated in the belt design. A long peice of the belt hangs down from the waste. The ribbon is made from a strong, thick cloth. The dress has sleaves on it, and her head gets covered by a white hood - to make her hair disappear. The hood itself is covered by a sepperate white cloth which is loosley worn as a vail. This dress is a traditional dress, as it had been subscribed in the religious dogma - the dogma that dictated how wemon where to dress.

Sorcha thinks she will be able to blend in among the people of Oligarch, as a peasant. She did so before, and maybe it will work for her again. Confident, she leaves the inn where she stayed at. The inn, beautyfull as it is, has a military feel to it. Oligarch city has a very military look to it. With the strong walls, that have been patched up so many times. The inn is located in the suburban area of the city, like all the other inns.

She spots on her walk a tavern, build in an old basement. Its a simple design, of tables, with benches for customers to sit. A barkeeper serves the customers drinks from barells stacked against the wall. Food gets prepared in a caldren over a fireplace in the corner of the basement. Ingenuity, is one word to discribe the Sirionites living in Oligarch city. Even the beauty of down town Oligarch city, shows off the Sirionite Ingenuity.

Sorcha takes a seat in the tavern, and orders a light beer. She looses the white hood. It make her feel like a non, from the old country, they had such hoods on all the time as sign of their religious piety. She hates that look on her. Sirionites look at her in wonder. "Is it cold outside, Ma'am?" The bartender asks Sorcha, as he served her a pint of table beer. "No, its not. It is what wemon ware where I came from." "Are you from Perdan?" The tavern got silent. As the barkeeper and the rest of the tavern trew her a look, as if they had seen filth. This is clearly not like the place where she went mixing with the locals before. The locals clearly loated the Perdanites. "No! By the blessed Sacred Grove, No! I'm not Perdanite!" Sorcha acted as if she loated the Perdanites just as much. "I came by ship to this world, from a land far away. It had been told by my forefathers that there was a magic land of Elves. A land they called Annoon. One could only reach it by sailing into the last last of the setting sun, while crossing the horizon. This they said would spirit you away to the world of the elves. I followed this direction, and ended up here in Sirion." As Sorcha told this tale. Many of the Sirionites where caught by her story, and listened with care. So she told stories from the world she came from, the common folk told her about how they feld, and viewed the current world they lived in. She listened carefully, as she intended to dictate a detailed report later to her scribe.

While folk stopped minding her, and went back to their own bisnes, Sorcha drew the attention of a young artist. He was silently sketching her in a corner of the tavern. She went over to him and took a look at his drawing. "This is quite lovely. Your good at this." "Thank you miss" the artist replied. "Whats your name?" Sorcha asked him. "People call me, Idhrendir." "My name is Sorcha. Idhrendir? Your an elf, right?" "Yes. My father is a Merchant. I however did not choose to join my father in his profession. I knew from a very young age, that I wanted to be an artist. I try to make a living as an artist." "Do you paint portraits of noble ladies?" "Aha! I would love that, but I have not yet been spotted by the nobles - as a talented artist." "You seem quite confident that they will." "Oh, yeah..." Idhrendir, looks outside from his corner in the tavern. He sees that the sun is setting. "Miss?" He wishpers "You don't look the kind of female, that would walk the streets here at night!? May I be so kind to offer you, an escort out of these parts of town?" Sorcha looks at him, with mixed feelings. Should she be giving him a chance at earning her trust. She knows these streets see alot of violence, and prostitution at night. 3yeah, you may escort me home." She replied with a smile. If he would think I am a simple girl he can lure into a dark ally, and have his way with - I will show him a thing or two I learned at the military academy. Sorcha thinks to herself. Idhrendir proofs to be a gentlemen, and walks her home - as he promised. Suddenly her men show up. "Mylady, we like to report? We finished our training as orderd - ma'am!" Her men said, whilst saluting her. Idhrendir, panic and flees from her side! She looks at him running. "Do we go afther him, mylady?" her sergeant asked. "No! Let him go? He's fine." she replied - meanwhile she bends her head disapointed. She have loved to commision a painting by him.

Artist and Historian A few day's have gone by, without activity in Sirion. Then the weekend arrived, and with it, it brings the market day to Sirion. Sorcha has not heard from Idhrendir the artist since his run. It is not wise for Sorcha, to go undercover again. The people might get upset, thinking their leaders are up to something.

First day of the weekend, market day! The city of Oligarch is blossoming in the light of the sun. Like a beautyfull rose, its has opened up - and is radiating life. The sound of merchants selling their wares at the market, and the playfull children running about. This is life at its finest. Such blissfull joy! Dame Sorcha strawls trough the market place, just soaking in the atmosphere of the place. Its good to finaly be out doing something fun, she thinks. Then she spots him, Idhrendir! He 's is drawing peoples portrait, for some poket change. Since she startled him last time, she walks carefully over to him. "Don't be afraid?" "My elf ears, have heard you comming - mylady!" "Why did you run, last time?" Sorcha sits down next to him. "Why did you spy, on us common folk?" "It is done, so I can get to know people as they truely are. Around nobles, common folk tend to be..." "Common? Mylady, you are not from Sirion, or this continent. That has become clear, that you did not lie about that. If you where you would know better." "Do not become presumptious we me?!" "I would not dare, mylady. The pillory, has little to no appeal to people!" "I would not have you chained to the pillory. I was just thinking, that I might have found a friend." "Then as a friend, to mylady - allow me to tell you something about Oligarch city?" "Good sir, please tell?" "Mylady, the one thing you must allways remember. Much of this city, is build on the ruïns of an old dark tiranical super power, called Oligarch. This city and its people, are like the ruïns of that ancient war. There is an old story in this city, that tells of these walls, that they where not made from red clay, but white clay. That they turned red from the blood that was spilled for decades. The old war of the elves against these forces of darknes. Some beleive that a cult is trieng to bring back the old death Oligarchians, to reclaim their city, and their empire. So they can finnish of Sirion. In those days, Sirion faced its darkest days - in its entire existance. One Oligarch city fell, the gods of Oligarch city, had cursed the Primus family, and Doc Primus eventualy, retired from his presidency, and left for the other continents. He was cursed for saving Sirion, and striking the deathblow to Empirialism on East Continent. Many good, brave men died. Fallangrad, back in those days, was an ally to Sirion, and Perdan an Ally to Oligarch. Fallangrad was almost entirely assimilated by the Perdan Oligarch Alliance. It was Sir Doc and the Sirion army that pushed south, and crushed the Empirial alliance. Those where Titanic battles." "I have been told about this Doc twice before. One can not help but get the impression that this past has left its mark on Sirions history." "Your impression is right, mylady. If you have trained at the academy, you can see how the building structure is incorperated into the city wall. The ruins around the city, show that there where about five other such structures. With in the center the city castle. The wall was to keep the enemy out, and the people within surpressed. People who live here now are decendants of the old peasants inhabbiting the original Oligarch city of old. They have stories about those days, that make your hair stand up straight. They never wanna go back to living under those conditions again. It is horrible to them, to even think of this. Mylady, I grew up around here. Even Commonyr was once a province of Oligarch. No-one in Sirion loves Sirion more then the former Oligarchian regions. No-one fears the return of Oligarch more then these people. Therefor, when you showed up incognito, in that tavern. People, when they find out that you where there undercover. They will become frightend, and suspicious of the government. Your mixing with locals in Oligarch might do more harm then good." "Thanks for sharing!" Sorcha said, worried about her mixing with the nobles. The city has a kreepyfeel to it. Indeed the academy its building is very old. Its a fortress designed to hold against a peasant uprising, and against any force trieng to crush Oligarch city. It is a mighty city.

As Sorcha made her way to the inn, out by the old city gate. She can't help but wonder, when looking at the gate its structure. It is clearly not ment as a gatehouse designed as the first line of defence. The five fortresses surounding the city. Build into the city walls, must have been. Along with the castle in the center. This city had in old time been a military dictatorship. Thats way, when Sirion took over, much of the old city, got redisigned into the free city it is now. But the old scars of the city remain. She can not help but pitty those poor people. As she was about the turn her gaze from the city gate, her messenger arrived. "Mylady?! Orders from Marshal Bouvier!" Sorcha looked at her orders. "These marching orders! Call on the men? They have less then an hour to get their things together and gather here!" Sorcha went back to the market, to look for Idhrendir. Sure enough he was there still. Allthough he had started pakking his things. It was pressing on to the middel of the day. Idhrendir, had made enough money - to eat. "Idhrendir? Wait up!" she called out to him, while he straweld of into the direction of the suburbs. "Mylady Sorcha?" Catching her breath, from catching up with him "What ... What do you think about getting a job working for me?" "Doing what, mylady?" "Drawing!" "Now thats something I can do. But I can not fight!" "I do not expect you to become a noblemen. It is just that I need someone to sketch things for me. Even convert the into idea's for using later in the contstruction of Sunset Harbor. My estate." "I would love to be part of this?!" "Good, that is settled then! Meet me within half an hour at the inn, by the city gate. Get all your things together. We are marching out." "Where to?" "Need to know basis only, my friend." Sorcha ran of, this time.

As they are packed they leave, by the gate trough wich they came. Back to Commonyr. Idhrendir, had bought himself a mule. He was late, she came rushing on his mule to catch up. "Wait, mylady? WAIT!" Sorcha looked behind her, and saw a helples elf, strugling with a stubern mule. She gigles, and rides back. A moment later her elvish friend rides on the back of her horse with her, and his mule forced to follow, by his reins, strapped to Sorcha's saddle.

The evening was rainy, and the road muddy. But they pressed on, trieng to make good time. "I have never marched with the army before!" Idhrendir reminisced. "It will make alot of nice pictures! You might even become a chronicler of Sirion." Sorcha replied smiling.

The march to Domus city

Marching trough the rain The rain, doe it ever stop? It is like a plague. It starts, with small drops - but then it falls down like a waterfall from the heavons. The roads become rivers of mud. It is hard for horses to keep track. The men on these roads are soaking wet. The cold sets in, which turns both human and elf body numb. If the wind picks up, dame Sorcha her company will be condomed to an early grave.

In the distance, she spots a barn, probably the farmhouse is not far from the barn. The building is a mercy, in this weather. The wind starts picking up. "Men, we camp out here! Get inside the barn?" Sorcha commanded her men. They take the animals in the barn. The barn is full of hay. Tonight they sleep among the hay. Sorcha went of looking for the farmhouse. While she was gone the men got to know their new companion a bit better. "Sit-Reindeer! Sit? Thats your name is it not?" One of Sorcha's men said to Idhrendir, the elvish artist. "Thats enough, soldier!" Sorcha's corporal responded. "Why did she take that elf on, corporal sir?" "That is dame Sorcha to you! SOLDIER! Corporal, keep your men under controle. If thy are talking this disrespectfull again of mylady, I will have them nailed to the pillory! And you along side it! I will not tollerate any disrespect here! Is that understould?" The sergeant responded. Dame Sorcha's Sergeant had little tollerance for men disrespecting dame Sorcha. He realised better then his men, how lucky they all are to have their new home in Sirion. Back in the old country they where all condemned men. Here they have a regular paycheck, and three meals per day. What else could a man ask for. When you have nothing to start with, you are greatfull for what you have. Except when they feel treatend, like the presence of a new member to their company. An elf no less. "I was asked by her ladyship, to draw pictures for her. I'm an artist, not a warior." Idhrendir said, with care. "Eye! Pictures of her ladyship, right." One of Sorcha's men replied, making a filthy gesture. He not finished saying that or the Sergeant, gave him a fistfull, straight in his face. The man tumbled backwards. The others laughed. "Thats ENOUGH! I warned you, I warned you all! I wil have no disrespect to her ladyship! Remember your place? Lady Sorcha got us over here, which we all agreed upon - that we would join her on this journey. We are her clansmen! If the whores of Oligarch corrupted your mind, to the point that you fail to remember this - then its up to me to remind you all of it!" Idhrendir, drew the attention of the two corporals in Sorcha's company. They took his sketchbook and went trough them, as if they where looking for nude drawings. Looking as detectives, going trough a crimescene. "Sergeant, don't you think it is odd, that an Elf lived so long in the city, that they acquired trough such bloodshed. Just think, Oligarchians are suspicious of any form of authority. They have gone trough hell. I have seen and heard how they feel about elfs. They don't hate them - but they don't trust them eighter. Maybe this elf, is not what he appears to be. He might just be a criminal, trieng to take advantadge of our kinswomen?!" one of the corporals said. "I am not a criminal. My father is a merchant. I lived in Oligarch city, as I did in other places. Making art." an agitated Idhrendir said. "If thats the case, than pray your gods - that your not lieng. Because if you cause harm in anyway to mylady - I will cut of your BALLS!" the sergeant warned Idhrendir, in a treatning fashion "Do I make myself clear?" "Crystal clear!" Idhrendir said, as the sergeant took his drawings from the corporals, and shufled them violently back into Idhrendirs arms "Let me make you one thing clear! Your scouts, are human. They serve their own intrests. Your healers, they are only here for the money. You might aswel have taken your local butcher with you. That banner your men march under. Its Elvish. Get used to it. You'll see alot of them around. Mylady, she trust me! There is good reason for here to do so. Your all new in this land. You might not have noticed. But Sirions army is marching, and its marching south! There have been rumors going around. A former king from Nivimus, has arrived in Sirion. It is not clear what he is up to. But many of Sirions elves are suspicious of it. We might just be facing an other war. For years the land has been plagued by rumors. Rumors lead to rebelions. People join underground movements, and then try to tople the government by bringing fear to the masses. By pretending that there are undeath Oligarchians from the past hunting these lands. When fear takes controle. Freedom will soon become scarse.As supersticions will get their grip. This is why we have been fighting undeath and monsters. To keep the population from rising against their lords, and joining up with foreign states. When you are south. Its best mylady has someone she can count on. Someone like me. Who needs her more then she needs me. A scout, or a healer, won't save you. My knowledge of this land just might help mylady, and your men." "Very well, ELF! You got our attention. But remember? When you are trieng to cause any form of harm, even by deception! ..." "I know, you will have my testikals. But are you even sure, we elves have them? They might be just to much for a human to handle?" Idhrendir said, taunting the sergeant. The men laughed with Idhrendirs remark. "Alright, lads! You had your laughs. Now thats enough!"

Meanwhile dame Sorcha had found the farmhouse. The farmer was out. But the farmers wife was home. "My dear?! Get out of that awfull weather? Come, come? Warm your self? Let me get you some dry clothes and dry these wet things." The elvish farmers wife, got Sorcha a dry dress. Meanwhile in the corner a baby lay cryieng. "Thank you kind lady! What I came for is, my men are in the barnhouse, taking shelter. I would like to pay, for our use of the barn, and any expenses we might cost you? Will this do?" Sorcha placed a handfull of coins on the table. The famrers wife fell to her knees. As suddenly to door slams open, and a strong muscular elf stould in the doorway. He had his pitchfork with him. He is clearly pissed about something. "Intrudors, I have spotted them in our barn - wife, I will be home late! I'm gathering the neighbours!" the man shouted. "Wait? My dearest! They are this noble ladies men! She has compensated you for the barn." "My apologies, good sir. I did not mean to disturb you and your house. Its getting late, and the weather was to rough for me and my men to continue our journey. We are under orders from marshal Bouvier. ..." Sorcha tried to explain. But the farmers face, turned from a firm hatefull look, to a more gentle, kind and loving face. "Mylady, forgive me? I am a loyal Sirionite. I was under the impression, that insurgeants. Scum! Where using my barn." "No, no! It is quite normal, that you would respond like this. Its commendable." "Mylady, our farm has been abused by men pretending to be undeath Oligarchians, and monstrous men terrorising the neighbourhood." the farmers wife tried to explain. "Yes! Thats is true! Only last week, I ran several of them, of my land!" the farmer continued. "Then they are outlaws?" Sorcha asked. "No!" said the farmer "They are outlwas, in the beginning, but soon they evolved into creatures that turn against the very poorest of people. They would go into any land, rob, steal and murder. Untill hired, or recruited by rebeling lordships. They are the worst of elf and human, alike!" "Your the bravest farmer I have encountered, so far!" Sorcha said with admiration. "Yes, we should, we work the land of Dragul Manor. The estate of the Dragul family, is not for the faint haerted! Rest, and enjoy our hospitality?" The farmer tried giving Sorcha her money back. But she refused. When her clothes dried up, she left the farmhouse, for the barn. When she entered the barn, she saw one of her men had a black eye. "What happend here?" She asked. "He fell!" the corporal replied. "Eye, I fell - ma'lady!" The man comfirmed, as Sorcha tended his black eye. Meanwhile Idhrendir was sketching, as if his hand was possesed by his eye's.

Krimml, city in ruïns By late afthernoon, as the day draws to a close - the muddy road, hit by relentless rain, has been given a break. The weather clears up. Much of the rainwater has sunk into the grounD. The last hour or so af daylight, shows itself as the thick dark clouds have made way for a light gray sky. Sorcha's men - if they had a vote, they would choose to stay the night at the barn. Its not up to them. Dame Sorcha has her orders. Its to push on! Onwardss to Krimml city!

Traveling trough the wet grass, to avoid getting stuck in the mud again - its a good idea, but it does not save you from getting soaking wet feet. A lady would long for an inn to rest herself at. A nice warm bath, and a warm meal would do. Thinking of these comforts, the travelers give themselves something to look forward to. By nightfall they pass the Dragul Manor. A casttle, a fortress of a manor? Sorcha presses on, and makes good time walking accross the forrest trails. Leading her trough the hills of the Dragul Manor estate. The travelers light four iron lanterns hanging from sticks. While they still have the light to do so. Her two scouts ride on ahead, holding torches. They find the road in good conditions, better then expected. Afraid of bridges or parts of the road getting washed away. At night they reach the city of Krimml. Its hard to see the city at all. Guards are on the walls, hidden out of sight.

"This city, its has seen allot of violence, mylady. In its history, it has passed from hand to hand. The walls, if they could talk of what they had seen? They would have such tales of horror to tell, you would understand, why defending our fragile peace is so important to us! No-one wants to go back to those old days. Not in their right mind they don't!" Idhrendir, said - while sitting behind Sorcha, on her horse - holdng her lantern. Idhrendirs words became visual, as they passed trough a baricaded, gaping hole in the city wall. A long time ago, this wall was breached. Parts of a gatehouse still stand here. The battlements are in place. The defence of the city is well designed. But apparently, the city is short on funding to repair the damages. The gate is replaced by a makeshift baricade, against what looked like old penstocks pressed against the hole in the wall and then baricaded. One penstock has a door constructed in it, to let people in at night. Although one would have to dismount, to pass trough! Dark brown wooden scaffolding, by the battlements - its the only thing intact. Keeping the wall from being just stone stockades. A quarter of the city its fortifications are damaged. Its no wander that estates take on an extra security role in neighbouring regions. Its amazes Sorcha and her company. They have seen the face of war before. But never one, in wich people kling so hard to their ideals. That no matter how long they have to stand on the battlements of freedom! They will make their stand, and keep on post - for as long as it takes. "I feel safe here! We will rest, and spend the night in this city." Sorcha said. I awe!

As they unpack their tents, Sorcha heads of to the inn. Taking with her, her scribe, her messenger and Idhrendir the elvish artist. Idhrendir, looked over his shoulders. The sergeant, made - with two of his fingers in a simple gesture - clear that he has his eyes on Idhrenir. Idhrendir took notice, but did not let it get to his haert. He knows, he is part of her servants, not her soldiers. So, he gets the treetment of someone, not used to the roughed outdoors life. "Idhrendir, have a good rest - because I do not know, when we will se another inn?" Sorcha said. "Yes, mylady. Thank you. Good night, dear lady!" Idhrendir went to sleep, in the stables of the inn, along with the rest of the staff.

Entering the kingdom of Caligus Early in the morning, the beautyfull sound of birdsongs, awake the first ray's of sunlight. Dame Sorcha awakes at the inn, like many other guests. The innkeeper is hard at work, providing a full breakfast to his guests. From the barn Idhrendir and the other staff members join dame Sorcha at the breakfast table. They enjoy every moment, of this nice breakfast provided to them. Soon they will have to live on their provisions. The atmosphere was good at the inn. As allways when enjoying yourself, a time comes when you have to get back to that road - and get going again. Dame Sorcha her men, did not enjoy their first night out in their tents. The ground is hard to sleep on. Breakfast however, is enjoyed by the men at a nearby tavern. As their lady returned to them, the men experiance the end of fun effect themselves.

The company of men take to the road. Passing through the south gate, which was still intact. Compared to the other entrances of the city. Opening the gate was a job, of ten men pulling and pushing to get it open. The gate being as headstrong as Idhrendirs mule. Clearly, it could use a carpenters touch. Once the gates where open, the line of waiting guests to the city, could get on their way. Back on the forrest road, swirling towards the region of Braga. The company makes good time on the road. By noon, they come across lumberjacks at work in the woods. They halt the company, for some trees they are cutting down. They remove the cut logs, using strong muscular horses, who pull the logs to the lumbermill.

Dame Sorcha decides to camp out by the road. A nearby river provides them with watter. They get a fire going, and enjoy their provisions. Its not that bad eating. They get back in good spirrits soon. While Idhrendir takes out his sketching pad, and sketches the company of men and their lady, enjoying their meal.

The angry peasants A sign by the road, covered in mosses - it reads: Caligus greets your weary traveler. It reads like a poem. But the woodland road does not look like it has been maintained. The last few days walking accross this road, has left traces on the road. A trained eye can see, that this road is one of the least traveled roads in Sirion. It does not take long before Sorcha her scouts spot something else, then a poorly maintained road. They spot the reason why its so poorly maintained. Fifteen angry peasants block their road. The scouts return to dame Sorcha. "Mylady, trouble ahead! There are fifteen peasants at arms, against us! They wield propper bows, swords and battleaxes." her scout reported. "Mylady, Sorcha?"Idhrendir interupted "These peasants are Viseuvians! The kingdom of Caligus, has its best warriors recruited from this region." "Ma'Lady? Shall I order the men to arms?" her sergeant requested. "No, sergeant! Their just peasants, looking for trouble. If we attack them, we will face the local millitia! When reports get to their king or queen - they can distort the facts, creating diplomatic tentions." Sorcha clearified to her sergeant. Who gives her a silent salute. "Mylady, a wise desicision. Any provocation, could spell trouble for Sirion. They are very disdainfull towards us. Their militia is no better." Idhrendir told Sorcha. "Lets hope we encounter the right millitia then." Sorcha replied. "Mylady, the banners of Marshal Bouviers troops. They are about a mile behind us!" her scout reported. "Good, we wait for the marshal here!" Sorcha orders. "This region, has given a home to many Sirionite outlaws. The kingdom of Caligus turns the other way, for the corruption in Visue. The miner towns to the west, are lawless. The sherrif runs that place as his private kingdom. Loggers, and hunters have their towns near Sirions borders. They are without a doubt, the peasants we face. The region has the highest crime rates in Caligus. But its courts are corrupt, only the nobles their estates in the region - are untouched by the corruption." As Idhrendir explained, lady Sophia her Dark Shadow warrior company appeared behind her. Her scouts pass them, and check out the peasants. The peasants are not impressed. What is to be expected from people who are as tough as them. It takes the better part of the day before the peasants step asside. Who solved the problem, could not be known to Sorcha, as she had her men stay back. Even though sneaking past those fifteen peasants was an option, she wanted to stay standby incase the marshal would need her service.

They passed the peasants, who are kept at a distance by the night watch millitia. "Get yourselfs to duke's Manor! YOU Sirion fairies, can find a place to sleep - in the duke's stables. Don't stop anyware here? Nobody likes you here!" the militia sergeant said. "Duke's Manor! Thats Bjorn Utengars estate. We should be fine there, he is Cailgusian noblemen." Idhrendir said. "Wel, look who is riding along on the girlie horse?" the sergeant said to his men. "Filthy elvish SCUM!" the peasants shouted. "MEN keep those peasants under controle! The fairy has soiled his pants!" the sergeant shouted to his men "Look girl? Those men, they go mad as if with with rabies! Get that fairy of yours out of here - at once! HERE!!! We are alergic to pixiedust!" As he layed his hand on Sorcha's leg, her sergeant rushed over putting his knife on the millitia sergeants troath! "Sergeant!" Sorcha said, with authority in her voice, but her sergeant kept his knife on the millitia sergeants troath. Sorcha grapped the militia's sergeants hand, and violently removed it. "Here, and there! No matter where we go, we are under Sirionite banners! We represent the Sirionite government! If you seek to INSULT the authority, and disrespect its nobles - than face the consequences of your actions! As the whole Sirionite army is in the region. In matter of hours, you can proof your true nature - that of an outlaw sergeant! When I have you stripped naked, and for my pleasure tied to the pillory!" Sorcha never treatend in her life. Anyone looking at her, would think her soft and kind hearted soul. But this is a dark side to her. Her sergeant, pushed the man back as he removed his dagger from the millitia sergeants troath. "You Viseuvians, you have not learned anything yet from history! Remember the doctrines of Sir Doc. Your forefathers showed the same arrogance to Sirion, the old doctrines Sirion had said, got such force into this region that your forefathers ran from their homes hiding in the caves and mineshafts. Trembling in fear, for the collosus you call fairies!" Idhrendir said, with hate in his voice. "Silence that BUG of yours!" the millitia sergeant ordered. "Where I comefrom, fairies are held in high regard! People like you, are not welcome. They actualy burn people like you, marked for outlaw! Shall I order, my sergeant to strip you and seek for the mark of the outlaw burned into your flesh?" Sorcha treatend. "Go ahead, girly!? My men, and these pesants you will have to pass first." he treatend. "No problem! Like my elf friend said, there is the Sirion army, behind us!" Sorcha turned to her sergeant, and said "Look at him, men?! That wee man, needs a fresh pare of dipers! His last one runs over! Look at those trouses?" ​They continued their journey, and stayed as guests at the Due's manor estate. Where they camped out, as guests od the estate. In no time the whole Sirionite army is camping here. No wonder, sicne the other estate is near the mines, and miner towns.

Battlefields of old At dawn the travelers make their way, to Soridus. Other members of the Sirionite Army are joining them. South of Visue region, they enter Soridus. The wind picks up, the cold sets in. This land has virtualy no-one living here. Dame Sorcha wraps her coath tightly around her. Her hands are cold. Her men get grumpy, mumbling things as they go. Idhrendir seems to be in one of his history moods. "You see how rocky this land is. It used to be the lands of Fontan, the wars between Fontan and Caligus, left their marks here. Many realms their warriors lay death here." Idhrendir explains "The pile of stone you see on your right? Its an elvish burial mount. The ashes of the warrior is within. At the left in front of us the rock with the rusty sword behind it? Thats a Fontanian warior." "How can you tell, Idhrendir?" the sergeant asked, to Idhrendirs surprise. "By the way the sword is made. Each culture has its own craftsmenship style." Idhrendir replied.

Sorcha makes good time on her travels, by evening they reached the border of Aestus region. Not that its much of a pleasant surprise. People in this region are quite indifferent to the Sirionites. At least they are not hostile. As they crossed into Aestus, Sorcha her scouts report back to her. "Mylady, the whole way ahaed is marshes as far as the eye can see. There is a road, that goes over into a walkway of wood. The horses can easely brake a leg on the slippery surface. But its wide enough to allow for carts to cross in both directions. There is a town of reedcutters, and weavers ahead. We took the liberty of enquiring for a place to spend the night. There is a weavers workshop where we are allowed to spend the night in." Sorcha looked up to the sky, which is cloudy. "It looks like rain is coming, and this wind does not seem to give us peace eighter." Sorcha shouted, trieng to be still heard while the wind is blowing mercyless. "Yes, Mylady! Its got all the signs of a serious storm tonight in Aestus." her scout said. "Then let us, make way to the workshop! Before the others take that place! This is no weather to travel, and these roads, are treaterous. I don't want to risk any inguries to our men, and horses. Good work, men! Lead the way, to that workshop?" They made their way over to the town. The weavers wanted to see money first, before they allowed them to spend the night. Dame Sorcha paid, and took with her men, refuge in the workshop.

Entering the city of Domus The storm rages acros Aestus region. The whole night, you can hear the wind howl - like a ghost. Sorcha, falls asleep listening to the wind. When the last embers - in the fireplace - burned out, the birdsongs announced that morning had come. Dame Sorcha awoke, from her sleep. The shop doors slammed open with a bang. "Alright, everyone who is not here to weave baskets - are to pack their things and leave!" the master weaver grumpled. His wife went to lady Sorcha, "There is a inn down the road, they don't take guests, but they do provide travelers with food and drink." "Thank you, lady weaver." Sorcha said, while totaly ignoring the master weaver. Her men had taken notice of the situation, and packed their things togther. Afther a good meal, they get back on the road for the journey to Domus city. A trek which mainly went uphill.

By the late afthernoon, dame Sorcha arrived. The army of Sirion was gathering outside the city of Domus, in the green fields. For a second she was worried, they where going to lay siege. As the city looked ver sturdy. Its walls supported by butresses, so high up that steep hill.

She saw the road leading up to the gatehouse. It zig zagged its way to the city gate, while a second road leading along the wall joined the mainroad a few yards outside the gate. The gatehouse looked like a nudge in the wall. You can see the merchant houses on the otherside of the wall. Riders make their way to the city gate. They hold a banner of Sirion in their hands. A rider from the marshal arrived at the field where Sorcha and her men arrived. He went and barked some orders out in haste, before continuering down the line of nobles in the field towards Sorcha her location. "SHAPE UP! SHAPE UP! Look lively now? This is not any army here! This is the SIRIONITE army! IF not, then at least look the part - dress up like soldiers? We are to make a good impression here! WE ARE PROFESIONAL SOLDIERS!" and he moved on to the next. "Alright men, get all non essentials on the horses - and get ready as if for combat. We march into the city, at the generals que!" Sorcha orderd, as she got of her horse. "Eye - thats the least! Having marched so far doun here? At least we can dress well, for a march doon tha glen!" a voice among the troops said. "Shut it! Corporal, or I'll shut it for yea!" Sorcha's sergeant hastely replied.

Guest of the king

the royal Banquete The birds sing their song, in the trees of a small forrest by the road. The green fields provide little cover from archer fire, not a place where the army would go for a pick-nick. When people are at peace, life is good. The walls give a creepy reminder of what war will bring. A rain of archers. The walls are manned by archers around the clock.

The riders who appeared before the walls, made the city gates open up. For dame Sorcha, and her men - its not so very important. The army gets ready to march into the city, looking at tis best. Still the long trek left the equipment with some damage. Sorcha's horse - for example - had thrown a horseshoe.

The army non the less, marches trough the limestone gate. Dame Sorcha is added to the archers, in the millitary parade. When it was her time to pass trough the gate, she marches with her men trough te gate. The gate is formidable. From the fields the gate house looks much smaller. While passing trough it, you realise how well they have integrated it. The steep hill, seeing the houses top floors above the city walls. Combined it gives you the illusion that its a small citty, but once you get up close you see how huge it is.

The small, steep streets - make their way trough the citty. The main street, along wich the army marches, is surrounded on all sides by tall buildings. People are watching the marching army. Kids wave. But the adults are quite indifferent. Non the less, it is impressive how this city is able to double, even tripple in population like this. The army assembles at the main market square. Decorated with statues of heroes, and noble dame's. The royal court has impressive pallaces, apparently. Goldplated buildings, like the royal merchant hall. The temples of the city, even when small, are richly decorated. At the balkony, the prime minister of Sirion appeared, at the side of someone, who seemed important. The prime minister holds a drinking cup. The two lordships are talking to eachother. Its not clear what about. But as they go back inside. The general calls on the marshals, who call on the lords. To dismiss the troops.

Dame Sorcha dismisses her men. Who return with her, in search for accomodations. One of the inns in town have a room free, and place in the barn for Sorcha her men. Its a lovely inn, with white washed clay walls, crisscrossed with darkbrown stained wooden support beems. She even has a nice balkony at her room. With plenty of flowers.

In the barn Sorcha's men where grumpy. "Oh look! Our ladyship thaught to share the goodies this time! While she got flowers at her private balkony, and a nice soft bed - we get a bail of hay, and some complementary Oatmeal.! Oh, wait? Its for the horses!" "Sergeant? Her ladyship is comming!" a soldier by the barndoors said. "Corporal, your big mouth, is going to get your head and arms in the pillory. Having seen how much folk here love Sirion, I think it would be a harsh punnishment for insubordenance to a supirior!" The sergeant warned the grumpy corporal. "Sergeant, I would have to be insubordenant first!" "Your right - your not insubordenant! Your insulting her ladyship, and accusing her of things. I think thats called sedittion, and last I checked - there is a deathpennalty on this. Especially in a kingdom. Or have you forgotten what that was like? Apparently, Sirion has had a possitive republican effect on you. So possitive you forget your place, in the order of things!" The sergeant had just spoken the last words of his lecture, as dame Sorcha walked in on him. She is unaware of what the conversation was all about. "Sergeant, what was all the discusion about?" "Nothing, mylady. The men and I had a little discussion, on how we have to be at our best behavior here. Not to damage the good relation of Sirion with the kingdom of Caligus." "Good, man - sergeant! Like your sergeant said, we have to be at our best. I bring your paycheck, so you can spend some time here, getting to know the locals. I also give you all the rest of the day off." "Wont the lords need us? Mylady? We where brought here for a reason." "For now, good sergeant - the lords are invited to the kings banquette, in the royal pallace at the court where we saw the prime minister at this balkony. The nobles are writting letters, around, throwing private affairs into public. A banquette makes them all work better together I guess. It is a chance, for me to get to know these people a bit better. I hope to hear from you men again, by tomorow morning. Enjoy yourselves, but behave?"

At the inn, Sorcha unpacks her best dress - and gets dressed up for the banquette! She looks forward to it. While on the road, she had a correspondance with the lord banker of Sirion, Sir Zadek Dragul. She packs the letters up with care, and takes out some writing equipment. If the lords can write mass letters to the whole community gathered, she can so to. There is one question on her mind. One she is going to ask them. ​Afther writing her letter, she has her scribe copy them, and mass deliver them by her messenger.

Corresponding madness From the letters she keeps getting. Letters adressed to a specific noble, or to the king of Caligus - which gets publicly distributed. Dame Sorcha deducts that a person called Cuthbert II is king of Caligus. Nothing ever prepared her for the life of a noble. She had no formal training in this. Not like there is a school for it.

She heads out to the pallace of Domus city. Where a banquette is held. Food and all sorts of drinks. It is a richly decorated room. Kings never fail to impress their guests with their wealth and majesty. Like all royal banquettes, there is to be a dance aftherwards. Dame Sorcha enjoy's herself. But remains among the lesser nobles for the duration of the party. She feels the need to ask some questions. But realy, the party did not provide her much of an oppurtunity to get to know some of the nobles. All what they do is discus, gossip - and complain that they are offended.

I guess thats what it means to be noble out here, Sorcha thinks.

Invited to the royal hunt

Its is noon, when dame Sorcha gets back out of bed. Afther a night, of partieng at the royal pallace of Domus city. She awoke to the sounds of the friday market. She got dressed and made her way to the local accademy, to do a good work out, afther eating so much good food. She practices swordfighting for six hours. Afther working her into a swet, she heads back to the inn, where a nice hot bath helps her relax.

The king of Caligus, meanwhile a circulated a request for nobles who would want to go with him on a boar hunt in a neighbouring region. Politily Sorcha dictated a letter to her scribe. Who sits behind the door of her bathroom. Offcourse, she is enjoying her bathtub to much, to actualy pay much attention to what she dictated. "Scribe, note the following to his majesty king Cutbirth II of Caligus: Your majesty, and all due blablabla. I would like to join you on a boar hunt if not for the fact that I would like to capture it alive, and take it back hme with me as a ladies pet." She had her scribe send it at once - directly to the king. With the kings name spelled right. Sorcha hardly had any chance at getting to know them. But a wild boar hunt is not what she has in mind as a way of getting to know the king better. "Men, and their boar hunts." Sorcha murmured to herself.

A pup from the royal kennel of Caligus The setting sun is a beautyfull sight in Domus. The city is located on a hill, with the hills of Scio to the north, and vissable from a far - the mountains of Akesh Temple. From the west of the City the forrest region of Winkamus is alocated. There king Cuthbert II of Caligus, is planning to hold a royal hunting party, with his guests.

Dame Sorcha knows how much kings are fond of these games. In the old country, the kings had whole forrests reserved just for the sport of hunting. To deny a king this pleasure, would most defenitly upset him. Sorcha joins with her bow, and her horse in the hunt. As she joins the kings hunting party for the forrest of Winkamus.

The hunting party travels with their hounds along the road, to the forrest. It does not take very long for them to get there. By nightfall, they reach the forrest. The kings serve's are with torches running trough the woods - following the hounds on their senttrail. The king is with his company riding afther these hounds. For the serve's this is a very dangerous job that they are tasked with. Many serve's die, because of hunting accidents. Lucky for them, dame Sorcha is much better with a bow, then with a sword.

Sorcha rides, afther the barking dogs. A wild boar shows up in the light of the torches. It fights of the dogs. Sorcha knows that the first kill allways goes to the king. Never take the honors from a king - and never come inbetween a king and his pray. The king kills the wild boar as, the boar charged the kings horse. Even with the horse galloping, the king remains in the saddle. The dogs, protect the horse and their master the king. Eventually the boar lost. Sorcha bares whitness to the kings display, of his majesty at the hunt. She rides then of, and noticed how wounded hounds where protecting some serve's who got attacked by a fears wild boar. She rides towards them, while aiming her bow. She carefully fired, upon her target. Carefully she picked the moment to release the arrow from the bow. The arrow peirced the haert of the boar, as it had leaped on the chest of the serve - ready to jam its tusks into the serves troath. But the shot killed the boar, leaving it laying on a frightend serve. Sorcha rides on. Killing two more boars during the hunt.

As the hunt draws to a close, dame Sorcha returned to the citty of Domus. She had reported to marshal Bouvier, her absense in the city. Only but temporally - but a dame has the duty to report to her marshal her absense from her post, and the reason why. Call it military protocol. She could not refuse the king. In fear of causing an international incident. As she prepared to return she reported to the king her reason for parting from his company. "Majesty, I beg of you your forgiveness, for my sudden departure. Marshal Bouvier, has given me orders to remain in the city, untill furter notice. Your request is an exception to this order. So I have to obey my marshals orders and return to my post. With your leave, your royal highness?"

A servant came, and pressented dame Sorcha with a puppy, from the royal kennel. A sign of the kings appreciation. Dame Sorcha accepted the puppy, and was at once madly in love with the little bundle of cuteness. "Thank you, your majesty. This is a gift, I will allways cherrish!"

Sorcha returned to the inn in Domus, and went to bed. Only a little puppy was sleeping at the foot end of her bed.

Awaiting Orders Dawn has the city of Domus in the south of the kingdom of Caligus, awake. Bathing in the light of the rising sun. Shadows of its buildings and its walls - making it apear as if slumbering from its sleep into a state of being awake. Awake, with sleepy eye's. In the fields outside the city, birds are singing with joy, and gathering their morning breakfast. The guards are changed, and the gates to the city open. Early merchants enter the still sleepy city. Shops open for trade. The guards make their patroles trough the narrow streets, slidering up to the markets of the city. Strong is the smell of fresh baked bread. Artisans start their work. Slowly life gets started again. When the sun is high enough to shine down on the markets, the inn sets up a terrace outside. Serving to the people drinks, and a full meal. Dame Sorcha, enjoy's her meal. Afther last nights hunt, with the king she has brought back with her a puppy. A gift from the king himself. The pup enjoy's the company of the lady. As she fed her pup food from her table.

Waiting for the army to fullfill its purpouse here in Domus. The long wait gets on everyone's nerves. Idhrendir, her elvish artist sketches the puppy of dame Sorcha. The daily scouts dame Sorcha sends out, stired things up for her. As one of her scouts did not return. She waits untill nightfall, before sending the other scout. HEr scout goes out, and discovers that the region of Scio, had cost dame Sorcha a scout, due to the disdainfull feelings the locals have towards Sirion. The scout had a run in with a few peasants and killed him. It disstresses dame Sorcha, causing her to hope that they will soon be leaving this kingdom. For beside the alliance between the two realms, the peasants are quite disdainfull towards Sirion.

Naming the puppy "Here puppy? Come, catch the sausage?" ,dame Sorcha is playing with her puppy. "Thats a good doggie! Idhrendir, how shall I call my dog?" Idhrendir, looked up from behind his sketching pad. "Mylady, I do not know how or what to call your dog?" Idhrendir replied. "Use your artistic creativity then?" "If I must mylady. I think of her, and the elvish frase - hû uin rodel - comes to my mind." Sorcha looked him with amazement in the eye. "There is more to you, Idhrendir, than meets the eye! What does that mean? What language is that?" "Mylady? The language is Elvish. Hû, means dog. In ancient elvish its pronounced Hûo! But only a few stil speak that language. Its the language of elvish academics." Idhrendir notices that dame Sorcha looks a bit confused at him. "It means, dog of the lofty star." Sorcha blushed, Idhrendir took notice - and he panics. "I did not mean it like that! Mylady, please do not take my words the wrong way? Rodel, literaly translated it means lofty star - but we elves allways refer to a lady of high status as a lofty star. Rodel, it means a noble born lady - in a very respectfull way! For example - lady Sophia Bouvier, would be called in elvish Rodel Merenwen Sáralondë." "So it means, dog of the lady? Thats not very creative, is it now?" Sorcha laughs. "Alright you doggy, your name is going to be Hû Uin Rodel!" she said to her dog. "I hope his highness king Cuthbert II, is not going to mind the fact - that I named one of the dogs from his kennel in elvish." Sorcha gigles. With a bit of worry in his voice, Idhrendir says "Mylady, I would choose an other name? If the king of Caligus, is any bit like his subjects - then he could be as disdainfull to Elves as his people are. Its just, I do not plan on loosing my head just yet!" "Oh, do not worry your pritty head, Idhrendir! If his majesty, would have been anything like his subjects - then he would not be king! Now, would he? His majesty is king of Caligus, because he is a man, who knows how to stay in the saddle of power. To do that, you have to ascend above the common rif raf!" Sorcha explained smirking. "The dog shall need obediance training. Like a good army, it needs to train, or it becomes disobediant, and a liabillity." Sorcha said while thinking of her men "That reminds me! My men, they sounded last so grumpy. They appeare to have Quarels among eachother. Thats settled then! I will train them each inactive day, untill they are in such good shape - that they can handle any situation on the battlefield! And, handle it well."

So she decided, and so she commited her men to some heavy training! Eight hours, she had them drilled. Running trough the narrow streets carrieng buckets of water over their heads. Preforming fysical exorsize to strengthen their arm mussles. Concluding the day with archery practice. Shooting their arrows outside the city, at sticks in the ground. Each time from a greater distance. By nightfall, they went to bed early. Tired from training.

Finaly some news A wooden table, outside by the ins clay walls. Men seated at the tables, on the bench. Their bows with them, their clothes stinking of swet oders. They are enjoying a good meal, at the expenses of their noble lady. The lady is seated at a table, with an elvish artist at her table. A puppy wakking her tale, is anciously awaiting the next peice of meat to be tossed from the table.

Earlier the men had been training hard, getting in shape. The lady had noticed how a messenger rushed in the early hours to the city council. Lunch was served, and the men suddenly hear the bell ringing of the belman. The city announcer. He brings no happy news. Rebels apparnetly had annexated half of the realm of Caligus, to found themselves anew realm.

The news is shocking. Dame Sorcha gives her men the rest of the day off. "Sergeant? Here is a budget, treet the men to some entertainment, at my expenses. I need not to know on what, but make sure, it is some place where they can give themen a bath, and clean their dirty clothes?" The sergeant knodded. He turned to the men, as dame Sorcha went from their table. Followed by her puppy. "Idhrendir, can you look after Hû Uin Rodel? I will be back for her later. Do not feed her to much? She is a pup, and already has had a belly full of meat." "What are you up to, mylady?" Idhrendir asked with worry. "Scout? Leave for Winkamus, and look for any possible rebels? Report back, and We will send both our reports to the army." Sorcha orders her scout. "Idhrendir, what I do, I do not need any approval from you for." Sorcha answered a bit agitated. She got to her room and got dressed up for going undercover among the people of Domus. By nightfall, she goes to the taverns, and walked trough the streets talking to the local wemon. She filed everything she learned in a report that she had her Messenger deliver unto the Sirion army, and one report with a letter to king Cuthbert II of Caligus. Not knowing who she could trust to be loyal still to the king of Caligus. One thing is clear, the Sirion amry was here to prevent the rebels from taking the whole realm of Caligus.

The new realm of Vix Tiramora

The long awaited orders One fine dawn, in the lovely inn, in Domus city. Comfort of home, awaking in a nice bed, with a puppy licking your toe's and tickling your feet. Dame Sorcha awoke, with Hû Uin Rodel playing with her feet. "Hû, do you need to go and releive yourself? Alright then - just let me get dressed. I'll be right with you!" dame Sorcha got up and get dressed. She puts on Hû Uin Rodel's lease made from a peice of rope. Untill she can buy herself a propper lease for Hû Uin Rodel. "Alright now, lets make this snappy? Then we can have a nice breakfast, at the inn." As dame Sorcha walked out of the inn, her messenger arrived with urgent orders. She takes them, and reads her orders as she is walking along the streets. Letting Hû Uin Rodel, do her bisnes. The marshal orders her to go to Ubent castle. "Is that not in rebel territorry?" She said with wonder. As she said this out loud, all the sudden marshal Sophia Bouvier passes her in the street with her unit. "Move out to Ubent Castle! New orders from our General!" She shouts as she passes her on horse back. "Could someone please tell me whats going on? I don't understand this anymore! Aren't we suposed to protect Caligus from the rebels?" she asked. But no-one answered. The general passed her, shouting "Hail Vix Tiramora!" Has everyone gone mad? Sorcha wondered.

Back at the inn, she prepared herself for the long trip to Ubent castle. The inn keeper prepared a breakfast on the go, so Sorcha and her puppy could have something to eat while traveling. Meanwhile her men got ready to. Before the hour was out, they where on the road to Winkamus. She turned around as her horse left the city. Lovely city! I will miss it here. Dispite the dainfull people. Its nobles where kind. She thaught by herself. "Alright men, keep a sharp eye out, we do not know what we will run into, in rebel territory. Apparently, Perdan is spitefull of the new realm. Lets not, let anyone get the better of us?" She orderd her men. And lets hope, someone takes the time to explain what is going on here! She thaught.

The night in Winkamus forrest Slowley, dame Sorcha's horse made its way trough the forrest trail of Winkamus. Her scout returns to her, afther scouting the road ahead. "Mylady, over the next hill is a valley. There is a good road to walk upon. But..." "But what scout?" "There are fields over thornbushes, with razer sharp thorns. The valley is quite misty. I could see why, as I road out to the regions border. Bursa, is a mountain region. This region is very hard to walk trough. There is a mountain trail, but it will require us to go accros it on foot." "Good man, scout. Now that we know what we are up against, I sugest we make camp here for now! There is no point in venturing over these mountains in the dark. The trail might be good, but our horses can break a leg, or one of our men could slip and tumble down a mountain." "I also found marshal Bouviers camp, mylady. As you requested." "Good! Then I will have you lead my messenger to her, with my letter." Sorcha her men started to set up camp. She placed Hû Uin Rodel on the ground, and began preparing lunch. "Its provisions for now Hû! I hope you like it?" Idhrendir came by her side "Mylady, what do you intend to ask marshal Bouvier? If I might be so bold in asking?" "Idhrendir, you may. We have been in the field, given orders. The secret is of. We have been send here clearly, for this rebelion. What is not clear is what is expected from us. If we are to behave accordingly, and react as is expected from us, the vail of secrecy should be lifted by now! Don't you think?" "Mylady, Its not sure, that you will get any answer. Nobles expect orders to be obeyed without question." Sorcha's sergeant replied Idhrendir "Not in our clan! We are a very democratic people. We don't act without concent of our entire clan. Everyone who puts in their bit - has a right to know what they are up against." Thats right sergeant, and thats why I am writing my letter, to the marshal. I just hope she will be as gracious as she was when I first met her." Sorcha went to her horse and got out her writing gear. As she sat down to write a letter, her men got everything ready for Sorcha to prepare lunch. "Men! Unpack the tents, and sleeping gear. But mind to set some alarms around the camp. There are wild boars around here. So no one goes unattended in those woods!" The men got bizzy, while dame Sorcha sealed her letter, and handed it to her messenger. The scout took the messenger over to marshal Bouviers campsite.

To know why Night decends on Winkamus forrest. As the woods are wrapped in total darkness. The cobbling of little forrest streams, are joined by campfires lit all over the forrest. "Beside the gracious lady - marshal Sophia Bouvier - there are eight other Sirionites camped out here in the woods, mylady. There are also tree nobles from Caligus out here. The militia, not included." dame Sorcha her scout reported. The owls in the forrest have awoken, and are on the prowl for their prey. "Then we better not, kill any of the kings boars!" dame Sorcha replied with a smile. Dame Sorcha tries to read her letter from marshal Bouvier. As all the sudden the bushes behind her rustle. The sergeant, signals two of his men. With a torch held high, he sheds light on the bush behind Sorcha. While the two men he signaled, grap their bows, ready to fire upon the bush. A frightend messenger apears from the bush. "I guess its best, that I do not send our messenger out to marshal Bouvier, with my reply. Seeing how we almost shot a messenger ourselves." dame Sorcha replied, icecold. "Mylady, forgive me, for this late hour? I bring a message from the general." "Out with it?" "It is a written letter, from mylady Blackshadow!" Sorcha placed marshal Sophia Bouviers letter aside, and opens the generals letter. "Have you heard any news so far on this new realm... Trix, or something its called?" "Vix Tiramora, mylady?" "Yes, that one!" "The news is, that Sirion made peace with the realm, Vix Tiramora! Shortly afther, Caligus and Vix Tiramora had signed into an alliance." "Your mistress, mylady Serria Blackshadow - sounded very exited when she passed me earlier this day! I guess, she was glad to hear everything ha gone well." "Yes, mylady! We are all hapy." The messenger keeps quite, as not to divulge any information concerning the messengers misstres, the general. "Her ladyship, write's in her letter a detailed explaination of what had transpired these last few days. Her ladyship marshal Bouvier, already explained certain things to me in her letter. Now I understan what it is we are heading into." Sorcha excused the generals messenger, then turned to her men. "Look men, this is our situation. The general, and our marshal are both uncertain of what the future holds. We might face a possible battle. Maybe some skirmish. We are on a mission of mercy. The general intends our mission to Ubent castle, to be a peacefull one. Perdan, considers the land of Ubent to be theirs. If they should come to try and take it from these Vix kingdom. Then we are to join them in support. It is uncertain, how they will react to Sirion. If they will honor our goodwill towards them, or become hostile towards our realm in the future. Our orders are clear! We are in no circumstances, allowed to act agressive to the locals, even if they are dainfull towards us. Their first impression of us, needs to be a good one. We are to be at our best behavior, at all time!" Sorcha placed the letters allong with the others she had received. "Mylady?" Idhrendir asked, searching for her attention "Perdan, looking for the lands of Ubent. It is not that they claim it as their own. It is because, Perdan once had an allied kingdom, called Ubent here in the south. If Perdan, is looking to revive the old kingdoms. Well, it could be just my elvish suspicions about Perdan. I think they want to turn back the clock to the old wars, and evive the southern alliance, and finnish what they had set out to do - all these years ago. Fontan, Coimbra, Oligarch and Ubent. Whats next? Avamar, the kingdom that shortly splitted of from Sirion, while Old Rancagua was born, from the ruins of Racagua. Or the Kalmar Islands. Some things better remain in the past. Where they belong!" "Idhrendir, your supicions, are not suspicions - they are prejudice. I do not appreciate men in my camp to talk like that! Especially here! We are on the border, of Vix realm. If you should talk like that about these pasts of the world - you can damage the relationship Sirion has with these people. Its not because the past left you with a bad taste in your mouth, that it gives you the right to act like this! Perdan,it might be what you say. If it is, they are the fools of history for it. For the Sirion you talk of, is long gone. Our policy is to maintain peace on this continent!" Idhrendir sees her ladyship turn angry at him. It frightend him. Because her men, her clansmen - they are all focusing on Idhrendir, as if ready to skin him. "Let me tell you now a peice of history, Idhrendir! Where I come from! People where burned at the stake, by prejudice of an empire. Whole tribes where exterminated at the will of a fanatic religious dogma! I had to flee my native land, because my mother had already payed the ultimate price. Just for being a women, trieng to help an other women, give birth! So don't you DARE, share your prejudice with me! If anything, people deserve a chance to change! Who ever said, anything else, then it is within the realm of possibility that Perdan might attack. It might not even be for the reasons you say. When people talk like you do, do you know what happens? What will happen is that people will act on prejudice, insteald of letting Perdan proof their case. In that case, you start the war you so fear Perdan for! It is prejudice you need to fear, not Perdan!" raising her voice to Idhrendir. "Forgive my ignorance, mylady?" "Alright! Idhrendir, get to bed? It is late for us all. Sergeant post the watch, and then let us all get some sleep. We have a long trek across those mountains tomorow!" she looked at her pup, which crawled under a blanket, while she raised her voice earlier on. "Oh, come here? Hû Uin Rodel! Come... don't be afraid? Mommy is not angry at her little puppy!" Sorcha said, as she took her little puppy from under the blanket.

Battle in the mountains Our travelers making their way trough the mountain pass. Following the miners mule trails. Mules with bags of Ore pass them, on their way to be sold to ore merchants. Every day at dawn, the mules start making their way down the mountain. The bags of ore hanging from each side on the mules.

At dawn the army had come together and followed eachother up the mountain. In one long line of people. It does not take long before angry peasants come to block the armies path. Soldiers from the local millitia try to talk to the peasants blocking the trail. Earlier that day the army of Sirion had awoken in the woods. Afther eating breakfast, the troops broke up their campsites, and started making their way down the valley road. At the foot of the Bursa mountains, the army gathered at the ore merchant site's. It is there when peasants clearly showed their disdainfull feelings towards Sirion. Alot of distrust was there.

At this point in the journey - when the peasants formed a millittia - the peasants had clearly awaited the Sirion army to come unto a small zig zagging part of the mountain trail. With alot of loose rocks, sloping up against the mountain. Erroding ountain slopes. The lose rock make it hard to walk upon. Even the horses struggled. Its easy for a horse to brake a leg on this trail. The bones sticking out alongside the mountain slope, show that there have been plenty of animals and humans - finding their death on this mountain. Accross the top of this mountain, you see the peasants lining up. The militia, is talking to them. Its not clear what they are saying, but its obvious, that the millitia is making clear that we are here to assist the realm in protecting them. "We want nothing to do with them!" the peasant leader shouted at the militia sergeant. Sorcha had faced such hostile peasants before. So she knew what bothered them. Then, as if the anger of the peasants was not enough - they where fired upon by rogue warriors or bandits. They trew stones with their slingshots, and fired arrows. From accros the top edge of the mountain, Sorcha and her men see a noblemen with his soldiers appear. The peasants and the millitia join the noblemen, in combat with these Outlaw peasants - terrorists also refered to as monsters. The whole Sirion army is withnes to it. But has not been permitted to join them in combat. Afther the battle, the peasants are wounded. The Army of Sirion contineus its journey to Ubent Castle. As Sorcha passed the wounded peasants, she overheard - in the moment of passing - one of the peasants stating "I understand now, why our liege lords at Ubent castle decided on this Elf army to come to our aid. When at war, we can use all the support we can get!"

Dame Sorcha thaught back upon the letter she received from the prime minister of Sirion, explaining his reasons for sending the troops so far south. Untill Vix Tiramora established a government, Sirion needs to offer the new realm a chance to establish itself in peace. Especially with some realms looking for an easy prey. Having been witness to the strugle of these people and the hardlife they live. She feels more commited to the prime ministers cause of mercy and peace. It is a noble cause she serves.

Hû Uin Rodel, the little pup she received from king Cuthbert II 's hounds kennel. Her little pup, was playfull - practicing its little bark at any peble tumbling down the slope. But when the fighting started, she went in hiding behind her mistress Sorcha's legs. Idhrendir, the elvish artist on Sorcha's payrole - realised that Sorcha could not care for the little pup, if she had to join the battle. So he picked the puppy up, and carried it over the hill afther the battle.

Crossing over the mountain pass Our travelers making their way trough the mountain pass. Following the miners mule trails. Mules with bags of Ore pass them, on their way to be sold to ore merchants. Every day at dawn, the mules start making their way down the mountain. The bags of ore hanging from each side on the mules.

At dawn the army had come together and followed eachother up the mountain. In one long line of people. It does not take long before angry peasants come to block the armies path. Soldiers from the local millitia try to talk to the peasants blocking the trail. Earlier that day the army of Sirion had awoken in the woods. Afther eating breakfast, the troops broke up their campsites, and started making their way down the valley road. At the foot of the Bursa mountains, the army gathered at the ore merchant site's. It is there when peasants clearly showed their disdainfull feelings towards Sirion. Alot of distrust was there.

At this point in the journey - when the peasants formed a millittia - the peasants had clearly awaited the Sirion army to come unto a small zig zagging part of the mountain trail. With alot of loose rocks, sloping up against the mountain. Erroding ountain slopes. The lose rock make it hard to walk upon. Even the horses struggled. Its easy for a horse to brake a leg on this trail. The bones sticking out alongside the mountain slope, show that there have been plenty of animals and humans - finding their death on this mountain. Accross the top of this mountain, you see the peasants lining up. The militia, is talking to them. Its not clear what they are saying, but its obvious, that the millitia is making clear that we are here to assist the realm in protecting them. "We want nothing to do with them!" the peasant leader shouted at the militia sergeant. Sorcha had faced such hostile peasants before. So she knew what bothered them. Then, as if the anger of the peasants was not enough - they where fired upon by rogue warriors or bandits. They trew stones with their slingshots, and fired arrows. From accros the top edge of the mountain, Sorcha and her men see a noblemen with his soldiers appear. The peasants and the millitia join the noblemen, in combat with these Outlaw peasants - terrorists also refered to as monsters. The whole Sirion army is withnes to it. But has not been permitted to join them in combat. Afther the battle, the peasants are wounded. The Army of Sirion contineus its journey to Ubent Castle. As Sorcha passed the wounded peasants, she overheard - in the moment of passing - one of the peasants stating "I understand now, why our liege lords at Ubent castle decided on this Elf army to come to our aid. When at war, we can use all the support we can get!"

Dame Sorcha thaught back upon the letter she received from the prime minister of Sirion, explaining his reasons for sending the troops so far south. Untill Vix Tiramora established a government, Sirion needs to offer the new realm a chance to establish itself in peace. Especially with some realms looking for an easy prey. Having been witness to the strugle of these people and the hardlife they live. She feels more commited to the prime ministers cause of mercy and peace. It is a noble cause she serves.

Hû Uin Rodel, the little pup she received from king Cuthbert II 's hounds kennel. Her little pup, was playfull - practicing its little bark at any peble tumbling down the slope. But when the fighting started, she went in hiding behind her mistress Sorcha's legs. Idhrendir, the elvish artist on Sorcha's payrole - realised that Sorcha could not care for the little pup, if she had to join the battle. So he picked the puppy up, and carried it over the hill afther the battle.

Ubent Castle

The castle of Ubent, is a magnificent stronghold to behold. The walls around the city are dubble. One wall in front of a much larger one at the back. The wall is unsuported by butresses. Wich can only mean they use an ancient, and very powerfull wall building method. Two walls of stone, with in between the two walls, stone ruble, and fine sand pored. A mixture creating a very powerfull wall. Solid as a rock. They have actualy two walls. Trieng to lay siege to this city is suicide. Making your way in, you face a high on a rockface located cittadel. Which stretches out for at least tree miles in length, and is capable of bringing a deathly fire down on the enemy troops inside the city. Impressive!

Dame Sorcha spots no-one of Sirions army nearby. She learned from her Scout that marshal Bouvier, her commander, is still fighting in the Bursa mountains, against the outlaw monsters. The peasants there finaly accepted Sirions help. Even king Cuthbert II was spotted, comming to the aid of the new realm.

As Sorcha made her way to the citygate. A gate fortified by two HUGE towers. Two towers that join the wall together. In the southeast, and northwest side of the city, she spots two towerfortresses. The city, leaves one awestruck. As the towers stand there, like a boxer holding up his fists, ready to strike. If Sorcha would draw her sword, she would be struck down by a thousand arrows. Before she even knew what hit her. Impressive defence.

She and her men, stand by the city gate. She had remembered the protocol for entering a city. So she had her men clean up, and make themself presentable as soldiers of Sirion. At the city gate, she calls out to the guards. Requesting permition to enter the city. The gates are closed, as the city had heard of undeath in the region. Probably terrorists, trieng to spread fear among the peasants, in order to turn them against their leige lords.

Dame Sorcha awaits patiantly the reply from the city gurads.

Awaiting permision to enter As the sun sets, dame Sorcha as not been given any answer by the guards at the city gates. Sorcha is forced to make camp outside the city walls. Her men and her go back a few hundred yards, untill she reached a few trees. Where she makes camp, in order to have some wood for a fire, and shelter among the trees from the wind. Her puppy Hû Uin Rodel likes the trees. She has been sniffing everyone of the trees, several times over. Wacking her tail, like crazy. Afther camp has been set up, and evening dinner is enjoyed - dame Sorcha writes a letter to marshal Bouvier, explaining her situation.

The attack on Ubent Castle This morning at dawn, her ladyship, marshal Sophia Bouvier, arrived at Castle Ubent. She was greeted by dame Sorcha, who had camped out in the woods by the road. She explained to the marshal her situation. Why she is not inside the city yet. Marshal Bouvier, had been recorgnised by the city guards. For her the gates did open up. Dame Sorcha, who is relatively unknown as a knight, could enter the city of Ubent castle.

At high noon today, a horde of undeath Perdanites was spotted by the city guards. Alarm was sounded. Dame Sorcha who received accomodations inside the citadel of Ubent, like al the other nobles joining the new realm of Vix Tiramora. The enormous castle, is situated on a high mountain, around which the city of Ubent is build.

When the alarm sounded, the nobles rushed to the city walls with their troops. Marshal Bouvier leads the army of Sirion to which dame Sorcha had been assigned. At the inner wall, Sorcha was assigned a post to line up her archers. During the following battle, the archers fired volley afther volley of arrows at the undeath army. So many arrows where fired, that the afthernoon sun became eclipsed by the number of arrows making it trough the sky. The battle was over, in a matter of minutes.

There afther the nobles returned to their ussual tasks.

Who is Who?

Late in the afthernoon, dame Sorcha dismissed from her post at the walls of Ubent city. Left the wall with her men. Her scout awaited her orders along with the other logistical suport behind the wall. She gives the order to him to scout the area in search for any clues what so ever. That might lead to where these so called undeath came from. Undeath ancient Perdanite warriors. She does not buy into that! There is more to this, and she intends to get to the bottom of this mistery!

As her scout is scouting the region around the castle and city. She goes out with her men, searching the battlefields corpses. Her men take what is still usefull, in order to make some in the field repairs. Sorcha looked for clues. Those death Ancient Perdanites, as peasants beleived them to be, have quite youthfull looks. For someone death for such a long time, that the term ancient is applied to them. Clearly someone is dressing them up to look like a Perdanite of old. She cuts the symbols out of their clothing, and some coat of arms. Anything what could lead to identify those death - undeath warriors.

Her men find some usefull stuff, and she heads back with them to the city. By the side of the road, she spots someone slipping into the shadows, and vanishing enbetween the trees. The coat of arms is the same, as the one the undeath had on. Meaning, that there might be a spy or worse an assisin around!

Currently, the hour is late. When Sorcha got back in the city she had gone undercover to find out what the peasants in the city feel about their new kingdom. And to find out what they actualy feel about Perdan. So dame Sorcha has now her scout report, and with her scribe, she wrote down a detailed report. "Idhrendir have a look at these cloths, and the symbols they bare? What can you tell me about them?" Sorcha hands him the cloths she took from the undeath. "Mylady, I do not need to study them. I know this crest! It is the coat of arms of the kingdom of Perdan. Mylady, is correct in her suspicions!" Idhrendir said, while studieng the cloth. "You mean to say, they are not undeath, but just living people pretending to be undeath?" Sorcha's sergeant asked Idhrendir. "Why would anyone be stupid enough to assault this mighty city? Yah gotta be some serious nutjob, to even think - yah stand half a chance against these here walls! Ther not right in the head - I tell yah!" Her corporal interupted. "Your both right in your assumptions! Perdan, in the old days, never issued uniforms to their soldiers. At least not among the peasantry ranks. While should they? They where pawns in a mighty chess game. In one battle thousands could die. In the end, they where all tossed in a mass grave. No matter where they came from. Nobles had the crest on their shields, of their realm - but on their cloaths they had the crest of their family. This way when they where unconcious, wounded or captured. They could be spared from the gallows. Peasants, they where allways killed, upon capture. The cloath I hold in my hand is made recently! The technology and dies to produce these fine colours, is from recent years. It is discovered by a Sirionite cloth maker. In the old days they stained a cloth, and then stitched the coat of arms upon the uniform. Today it is all done in the die process. What saves on production time." Idhrendir explains. "So, if I get your meaning right, Idhrendir. Then this is recently made, and those men out there are peasants radicalised. Possibly, druged, or religiously dilusional. What would explain their suicide attack upon the city! I must warn the marshal! I beleive our allies, and Vix Tiramora friends, might be in danger. If an assasin kills or wounds a noble government member, they could create chaos - maybe even annarchy in this realm!" Upon saying this, Sorcha leaves the knights quarters. Her sergeant, and corporal join her while she left the knights quarters on the second floor of the city castle. Just outside the upper courtyard. In the knights building there is a spiraling staircase in the round staircase tower. Leading up in the knights building. But marshal Bouvier, as a senior noble lady, has her quarters in the castle's guest rooms at the fourth floor in the rear of this mighty castle.

Dame Sorcha took a shorter route to the guest quarters, by the large spiraling staircase leading to the guest quarters just outside the knights building. While she made her way trough the corridor, past the servant building - with the cithen and the castle provisions. Sorcha spots a man trieng to pick a lock on the door of the servant building. She realised, from an early conversation with the servants on the layout of the castle. That the suspicious person trieng to pick the lock on that door, was actualy trieng to get acces to the servant private staircase, to the royal quarters on the fifth and sixth floor of the castle! If this is an assasin, he might be afther the live of king Cuthbert II, who is staying as an honored guest of Vix Tiramora, in the kings quarters! "HALT! Stay where you are!" Sorcha shouted, as she drew her sword. But the suspicious character ran away. "Afther him men!" Hû Uin Rodel, the puppy king Cuthbert II had given her as a pressent - the pup that hardly ever leaves her side - ran barking afther the shadowy character! The servants showed their faces. "CALL OUT THE GUARDS! There is an assasin in the castle!" Sorcha ordered the servants! Who immediatly warned the guards at the servant quarters. Sorcha ran afther her men.

The assasin ran upstairs to the main staircase tower. All the way up to the fourth floor! She orderd her sergeant to accross the hallway on the third floor to the royal servants staircase, and cut of the assasin on the fourth floor - before he could get to the kings quarters. Sorcha's sergeant ran accros the fourth floor, as Sorcha and her corporal cought up with the assasin on the fourth floor! He tries to make his way into the guest quarters. But the Sergeant and the corporal tackled him. They wressle him to the ground, as all the sudden he screams in pain! "AAAAARHHH! MY NUTS!" Sorcha looked down, and there was lher little pup Hû Uin Rodel! She had sunk her K-nine teeth, in the assasins croutch! Growling and refusing to let go. "Sorry assasin! But she is a puppy from the Royal Hounds Kennel of Caligus! They are natural born hunting dogs. And they tackle bigger swines - then you!" Sorcha said amused. "I am not an assasin! I am an adventurer! My name is Jean Hurlant!" the man shouted! "Thenwhat are you doing in the castle, trieng to pick the lock to the servant quarters? Why where you making your way to his majesties quarters!" Sorcha inquired. "I just wanted to see one of the servant girls! Is that so wrong? You frightend me, and I try to make my way to the king to beg his mercy!" the man explained! "Yeh right!" Sorcha replied in disbeleive! "If your are this Jean! Then you can wait for the kings mercy in the royal dungeons! If you are not who you claim to be! What I strongly doubt! Then you can explain al this to the judge!" "Mylady, he has a poisonous dagger on him!" Sorcha's sergeant pulls out of the mans coat a dagger with some green collour poison smeared all over the blade. "Thats not mine! He planted in my pocket! I am innocent!" Screaming, as the castle guards take the man to the dungeon, and the evidance to the quartermasters quarters - to be pressented to the judge on a later date.

"Alright Sergeant, Coroporal, your dismissed." Sorcha said to her men, as she went to lady Bouviers quarters to report on the incident. While she made her report to the marshal of the army of Sirion. The guards in the city arested a man by the name of Jean Hurlant. Did he escape from custody? Or did the assasin asume the identity of an innocent man? Only the judge can shed light on this case.

"Mylady, with your permision? I would like to return to the knights building, and my quarters to rest?" she requested, holding Hû Uin Rodel in her arms. Hû chewed happely on a peice of trouses. The commotion had woken almost everyone up in the castle.

On the run!

A few days ago, at the manor house of Sunset Harbor. A messenger on horseback arrives. An old man was cutting the weeds in the garden. The sun stould low on the evening sky, as the hour of the day grew late. The old lifted up his weery swet covered head. With a smile he greeted the young messenger. The crest on the messenger showed that the messenger was send by judge Celine Von Genf. "A good day, old man. I have on me a letter from mylady Celine. Is your mistress home?" the messenger had asked. With a loud bang on the door, the old gardner called for the lady in the house. "Mylady Sorcha is with the army, down south. Her aunt is here at the manor house." The old man replied. "Who, might I ask are you, young page?" A lady in her early thirties asked. "I am no one of importance, good lady. But mylady, Celine Von Genf - is of importance! In the realm of Sirion she is the realms highest judge of this land. I bare with me an official letter from her ladyship, to your good daughter Sorcha. Might I ask, to be allowed in her pressence? So that I might hand her the letter in person!" "Mylady, Sorcha is not my daughter. She is my sisters daughter. Mylady Sorcha, her mother was burned to death at the stake in the land of our origin. This by a mighty group of Judges, called the Inquisition." Sorcha's aunty explained her relationship to Sorcha "Mylady Sorcha, is with the army of Sirion in the south of this continent. You of all people should know that!" "I would know of her location, if not for the fact that mylady disappeared from Castle Ubent. Shortly afther I had pressented her with the letter of mylady Celine. Explaining to her ladyship, that her actions in the arrest of one Jean Hurland - would not be without its consequences! I have been looking for her ladyship for three days." Upon hearing this, Sorcha's aunty received this news as a shock. Holding her hand before her mouth, as a polite geste not to show the inside of her mouth. For a breef moment should stould still. Then a tear rolls from her eye, accors her cheek. "Are your well, mylady?" The gardner asked. "Well? Mylady, Celine? Who is to care for her poor worried soul! Mylady, is awaiting her messenger back, and has no idea what has came over the dame of this house - that she should pack up and leave like this? Without even a notice, or word of her abouts and beyonds!" a frustrated messenger spoke. "Mylady Celine is that last person of interest on my mind!" the angry aunt replied. "HOW RUDE! I will remind you, I am a messenger in service to the judge of SIRION! There will be no talking in such disrespect to me!" "Dearest messenger! You would not be the first messenger in history to be killed for baring bad news. Your very lucky, to have arrived at the doorstep of a civilised family." Sorcha's aunty warned the messenger of Celine. The messenger handed the letter of judge Celine to Sorcha's aunty. "I shall hand mylady Sorcha, the letter of your lady. Tell your lady thoh, that I hope and prey, for my sisters daughter, to return safe and well to me? It is of less importance to me, that she sends out her messenger to her ladyship." Afther these words where spoken, the messenger of judge Celine left. As the messenger left, a russle in the bushes nearby drew the attention of Sorcha's aunty. It was the messenger of dame sorcha who appeared from the bushes. Ever so carefully, he presented his ladies message to her aunt. No by written word, by spoken word only. "Mylady?" the messenger asked her ladyship to appear with him in the shadows. "Dame Sorcha, our kinswomen. She bids me in almost begging tone, to bring this word of her to you. She begs your ladyship, to convey her pardon to the estate, for breaking her promise to them? Her ladyship however, as so she be your niece - in no disrespect intended, she ask nay orders mylady, to pack the family estate of all family earthly properties. To meet her with haste in Avamar? Send fourth a servent, to book our lady, and your passage on the first ship out to the continent of Dwillight? For good company, in the form of a fair elf named Idhrendir - has thoh with pain in the haert, decided on this advice to assist her ladyship in escaping. What her ladyship beleives - in light of her past and loss of her mother - that she is about to be killed, for an act - oh so fair of her. In which she had tried, to save the king of Caligus. This from a treat to his life, she beleived to exist against him. Therefor mylady, with due haste - mylady begs your ladyship. Argu not, less you are on a ship with her to her new destination? For she - thoh her company beleived not so - is convinsed that the lady Celine, is afther killing her - for having intersepted in what might have been the death of a king. By what villans request, nay order - was this evil deed required. We may not ever know, for so are the way these things work. Mylady will meet with you outside Avamar, in the woods, where she has been traveling in haste, and hiding from sight. Like a shadow going out of the suns way - so not to be spotted on her flight from this realm. It is fear, what drives mylady. Not that her sanity is a loss - thoh it is not our place. But we her clansmen, are in worry that the lady we love. So fair and innocent in life - yet to be living. Is about to lose her sanity to fear. Is she therefor, not best to leave this realm and world in its entire - to seek life, where her haert might find peace? Thoh, peace rarely seeks out the haerts of those who had seen what mylady had seen, done by evil judges to her mother. There for that fire of the stake is still very alive and burning in her mind. She can however escape all that, where not her mind is challenged by this injustice. I beg no anger to the lady judge here in Sirion? For she has no idea - not having been trough hell herself - what her words have done. Has it been a report arriving late? Or was it the lack of information? Due to many factors here and now. Mylady can, be frightend again! Let us go fourth with her plans, but keep her fear of judges in mind and heart? To assist where we have the shame now. Having failed so mylady."

Sorcha her aunt had to silence the messenger, who was as upset as his lady on her flight. "Tell your mistress, I shall comply, and with due haste meet with her. But I shall make fourth haste now, and catch the messenger of Celine, to convey a word of respect from our fair family - to her fair ladyship. For no lady, would ever be as evil to my mind as an inquisition would be. Thus, go fourth, and worry no more. I have all matters under controle. Her father feared this might hapen, and thus had sended me along with niece."

Today, at Avamar dockside. A lady cloaked in her coat sits by the docks, awaiting. Dame Sorcha her men hand done away all signs of soldiering. Keeping their lady safe. By standing on guard for trouble. But no trouble arrived, as only the ladies fair aunt arrived. With an emotional embrace, the two ladies met. "I arrested a man aunty!" Sorcha cried "Celine said there would be consequences for this! An action to save their ally, the king of Caligus? Can this be evil - worthy of punishment?" The ladies embraced, with Sorcha in tears. "Dearest Sorcha, I have known you since you where little. I know you to have no bad bone in your body. But at your estate a messenger of judge Celine arrived, with a letter for you. I have this letter here with me." Sorcha's aunty handed her the letter. "Read it please, and with no malice, write her back? For if this judge, is less a lady - then title or good name should sugest? Then there would have been a company of men there present - with orders and a warant for your arrest! Not a messenger, grumpy thoh he was - handing me this letter. I will attend you to where ever you go to! But never forget, I am here for you? Trust me, in this? Thou has misjudged this realms judge. Her words not as gentle on paper, as her action might have been. You have judged her cruely, to be like those who wrongfully burned your mother to death!" her aunty was saying, when sudden a voice from the ship sounded out. "Good ladies, board the ship? Unless you seek other arrangements - what ever they might be! This ship will sail upon the tide! Which will be within this hour. Unless though changed your mind, I expect to see you among my passengers." The ships captain called out. "Good sir, we shall be boarding your vessel! Give us just a time, to part with this realm in good spirit? Or thou will have a lesser sane person on board!" Sorcha's aunt replied with authority in her voice. "Sorcha, dear? We ladies feel and think, and therefor we can say we are! But I beg of your inteligence, to get controle over your fears, and part not with this land in such emotional state? Less you seek to leave, a total loss to me?" "Dear aunty, I will read what Celine had to say, and reply if I can. Your are right thoh! I have lost for a time myself to fear - while I was overruled by my fear, I treatend to lose my sanity along with my controle over these my emotions." Sorcha openend the letter writen to her. As she did, she understould the confusion that had been existing with judge Celine. Sorcha decided to write a letter back Judge Celine. For which she paid a young man to deliver the message to the judge.

Afther this, she boarded the ship for Dwilight. The ship set sail on the tide. As the ship left over the horizon, dame Sorcha saw east continent disappear in the light of the setting sun. On board with her, are her family, her puppy and her elvish friend Idhrendir. Even her clansmen had joined her. Thoh not armed and equiped with Sirionite symbols. Here ended their Sirionite adventure. Here began for Sorcha a brand new life, with a fresh start in a whole new world. But leaving on much better terms then her past flight.

A noble career in Luria Nova

Askileon the silver city

Seasick The sea is rough and cold. Winter is the worst time to travel the seas. High waves, stormy weather. The ship taking Sorcha to her new home in Dwilight, is rocked upon the waves. Day's ago, Sorcha trew up her last meal - over the side of the ship. Seasickness! Nothing stayed down. A few more days at sea, and the lady would have died from dehydration. Then finaly, at dawn - the ships look out spotted land! Sorcha's aunt, braught her the news down bellow deck. She smiled, but nothing more. "Mylady needs to be of this ship, and needs some sollid food! Not this brandy, or that salty food they serve onboard!" Sorcha's aunt said to Idhrendir. Idhrendir, Sorcha's trusted elvish friend and artist - since she met him at Oligarch city - he stayed by her side, and cared for her. "Myladies aunty, in her care for mylady, is right! She will not make it, an other day onboard this ship. Since we left, there have been much trouble for mylady. I am greatfull that this journey is almost over. Now the look out has spotted from the crows nest land." Idhrendir said. "Good elf, you have proven to me that your a loyal friend of my niece! I thank, you for that. Although, I have never met anyone of your race. Still it is an honor, and credit to your race - that her first elf she came to meet, is also a gentle elf." "Mylady, you honor me to much! It has been my race thier realm, who caused your niece so much grieve!" "Nay, good elf! Mylady, had cause herself such grieve. Yet, its not she - but those who have burned her mother to death on the stake. They are to blame. For you see? My niece was forced to watch, as her mother was first humiliated, and then how the fire of the stake was a light under her. The flames still burn infront of mylady her eyes. So you see, when she is in a conflict with anyone who is a member of government. She could pannic, and try to run all over again. It takes time for her to trust people. At least she does not cry in her sleep no more." The heavy emotional conversation between the aunty and Idhrendir, is interupted by Sorcha's former Sergeant. "Idhrendir? Mo bhean aintín? I have enquired with our captain, he said that by nightfall we should make landfall at the city of Askileon. How ever, good news - the ship will be for most of the time going trough much calmer waters. Once we reach the river leading land inwards." "Go raibh maith agat sáirsint!" Sorcha's aunty said in their native Gealic. Meaning as much as: thank you sergeant. The sergeant knods in the direction of Idhrendir. Since they first met, the sergeant and Idhrendir did not quite get along with eachother. How ever, since Idhrendir prooved himself more then loyal. Idhrendir gained the respect of not only the sergeant, but also of Sorcha's puppy Hû uin rodel. Hû had not left her ladies side, only when she saw Idhrendir apear. Then Hû uin rodels tale started wigling of joy.

As the ship reached the Sea of Luries, it made its way to the dockside. Many merchant vessels are anchored offshore. The ship makes its way in to the harbor. While the ships pilot takes the helm, the captain of the ship to some time to advice lady Sorcha - who made it on deck with the last bit of strength she could master. "Mylady, if I may? The city of Askileon, is a noble city, with many districts. The district of Seqdew should be to your liking. Its where the port is, where we will dock the ships soon. It also has some taverns, and inn's where your ladyship can find accomodations. I suspect your ladyship will recover soon afther having some solid land under your feet." Sorcha looked at the captain with a sad puppy look. The captain gave her a compasionate smile. "You are not the first noble lady to become seasick, mylady. Even though battle hardend men, tossed their lunch overboard. From as soon even, as the first sail had been set."

When the ship had docked at port. Sorcha disembarked. Her clansmen, took her and her families belongings on shore. Her aunty, baught them a cart to transport their earthly goods to their new home. For now, lady Sorcha took it easy. Trieng to regain her strength. Everything was still shaking. So, her aunty puts her on the cart. Her clansmen follow the cart with Idhrendir. Just as they made their way to the first inn, a young page apears before lady Sorcha's cart. The young lady hands Sorcha a letter. Amazed, she opens it, while asking. "Its from mylady Bouvier." Sorcha's face turned from a sad face, to an expression of amazement. She reads the letter, and realised that it came not from lady Sophia Bouvier - Sorcha's former marshal - but from lady Sophia's cousin. Lady Letizia Bouvier! "Good messenger. Since your mistress is cousin to mylady Sophia Bouvier, marshal of the Army of Sirion? Can I trust your answer to my question to be true?" Sorcha asked. "Mylady, do ask? I shall answer with due honosty!" "Then, good page! Do tell me where I can find a good home for noble myself and my noble family?" "Mylady, the city has but all devided the noble estates. There be one available to you in the region of Askileon Purlieus. Do ask for the noble local landlord to grand you the honor of such an estate and home, for you and your noble family? Welcome in Luria Nova, mylady!" As polite as you can expect a servent of the noble Bouvier family to be. He answered and then left for the noble estate of the Bouvier family.

Afther their dinner at the inn, lady Sorcha left with her family and clansmen for the region of Askileon Purlieus.

The estate of Askileon Gate

Looking for a new place called home During the early hours, whenbirds start to sing, but sun is still vast asleep. Cart wheels squeek, and hoofs stump in the ground, like dragging a heavy load. Mens feet rustle the small stones, and grasses beneath their feet. Deers lift their heads, and make a run for it - while the hares sit upright among the tall grasses, with ears fixed on the exhausted travelers.

"Let us make camp? Here!" a ladies voice sounds trough the silent fields, where only the wind made the loudest noice. "No, my dear niece! We must get to the nearest town, to find ourselfs a new home first." "Mylady? Over there, I see a town in the distance! The brook by the side of the road leads straight to it." A tall muscular ginger male, pointed out. The artist Idhrendir, spots a road sign and heads for it. As he made his way back, he reports to lady Sorcha. "Mylady? There is a road sign, it reads that the town is apart of the estate of Askileon gate." "Idhrendir, could you go into town later today and inquire afther name of the landlord? So I can write a letter to the local lord or lady!" Sorcha asked Idhrendir. "Forgive me mylady? But people of my race have not been much welcome anywhere of late. Your ladyship is kind, but I do not wish any trouble with these people." Idhrendir said, with a little bow before her. Sorcha's clansmen looked with wonder at Idhrendir. Wondering if the man just turned racist. "Allow me to explain?" he asked. "Please, do?" "Within the past, there have been so many wars, and also so many people. All of them are basicly the same species. But we all evolved into our own distinct heritable looks and characteristics. When people from different parts of the world come together, we find ourselfs in a melting pot of culture and heritage. We inherit as such a global problem, called hatred for other species. We are a small group of people forced out of existance by warlords. People fear, often that what they do not know, or understand. As such I hope you will forgive me, for not going?"

Afther Idhrendirs explaination, lady Sorcha's men looked his way with compasion in their eyes. Some who passed him, pat him on the shoulder. In such understanding suroundings, Idhrendir finds peace. There is realy no need to explain his reasn for wanting to remain in this company. He must have been dragging this truth about him along, for a long time now. "We also know what you mean good sir. Where we came from, you would be exterminated, for not being to blond or blue eyed. As you see, my niece, myself and our kinsmen are all folk with red hair, and green eyes. We to know what it is like. By now already have four empires tried to get rid of us. Our history is loaded with persecution. You Idhrendir, are therefor in the right company." Sorcha's aunty said. The sergeant of Sorcha's former unit, clearly feels like saying a word or two himself. "Good Idhrendir, I did not realise there was a history like this to your own kind. When we came here, we beleived, as we still beleive. That many are drunk, and giving into beleiving in fiction."the sergeant said, as he winded a rope up over his arm. "But I learned from how you where mocked. Called a pixie, a fairy or an elf. Its perhapse a mocking name. As once in ancient times the Albanach where given the nickname Picks by the Narbonsis Gauls. Although, in our Gaelic race, we have myths of people. Who we call the spirit folk, or fair folk. We chased afther the mythic lands of these folk. When ended up in Sirion for the first time."

Sorcha picked in on the history lesson of the sergeant "Now good Idhrendir, you are getting a history lesson! Yes, my people have myths surrounding an folk called the fairfolk. But the oldest myths refer to an ancient tribe who refused to be submitted to anyone else. They stuck to their ancient way's, and thus became a myth. As slowly the truth about these mythic persons disappeared. All under the pressure of the empirial forces at work. Religious dogma, prohibbited anything that had any conection to past cultures. As such, we who kling to our ancient way's - have ended up here with you."

"If you do not wish to go, then the good sergeant will go. They wont dare to mess with a man of his stature." Sorcha's aunt said unto Idhrendir with a wink.

So, by the breaking of dawn, the camp of Sorha by the side of the road became visited. A well dressed, and respectable young gentlelady came to Sorcha's camp. She explained that this region is has a noble lady named Anita Wykeo as its local lord or Margravine. Sorcha handed the young maiden a letter to the Margravine. The girl roughly the same age as Sorcha, took the letter and left with it.

Making plans A few hours had gone by, since the young gentle lady left with Sorcha's message. As soon as she returned with the reply from margravine Anita Weyko. The youth kneeled before Sorcha. She handed Sorcha the letter from the margravine. Clear already by the youths reaction. She had been appointed as dame of Askileon Gate an estate of Askileon Purlieus.

The small town was build as a type of motte and baily. Since there had been no lord or lady appointed. The keep and the town where in disrepair. Stone is very scarse, in the region. Only important defence structures are made of stone. The town and fields by the keep have several brooks running trough. The brooks flow to the silver city of Askileon. They are part of the complex waterworks feeding the city with water. The keep of Askileon Gate, is a watch tower guarding the main road to the city of Askileon. It is the task of this estate to protect the merchants making their way by road to the city. The town has a partial thin wall.No more then a foot thick. But it serves to provide the people of this town with security. As the gate can be closed at night. Preventing raiders from making the most of this town. The town is well kept. It has a small part that slopes upward like a small hill. Al this makes Sorcha think. As she views the town from the roof of her keep by the road.

She called her trusted friend and artist by her side. Idhrendir, knew what his lady called him for. She wants to make an investment in the town. So the town gets upgraded, to a place she has in mind. "Idhrendir?" she said standing at the battlements of the keeps main and only tower. "Yes, mylady?"Idhrendir said, while looking across the cold landscape. "There is hardly any snow. Grasses are quite vissable for deers and rabbits to enjoy them. That means, the ground is good for building! Right?" She asks with her face all blue from the cold. "No, mylady. The ground is frozen, and can be very well frozen to up to two foot and a half under the very surface. Its impossible to dig in frozen ground." "Have you done architecture before?" "Yes, I have - mylady." "You have sketched before the things I found inspiring. They are beautyfull sketches. I have decided upon what I want to do with this town and keep." "That is nice mylady. But, what? If I may ask, of mylady?" "This keep, what would you advice me for it?" "First thing I see of this keep! There is this structure we stand here. It is the main housing. But it is build originally as a single tower, guarding the main road to the city. From the looks of it, the Road ran once straight trough, where now you have the wall." "What are you trieng to tell me? Should we remove the wall? I do not think thats a wise thing to do!" "Thats not what I try to advice, mylady!" "What of it then?" "Mylday, the walls where build in a haste. There is no structure pressent to defend. Its made high to keep someone, out, and protect the people within. Possibly, somewhere in its past this wall was added in haste, to give shelter to those traveling along these roads. As its a four hour journey to the city." "I was a bit bothered by the lack of structure for a propper defence. We shall add scaffolding to the walls to help with the defence." "If I may sugest, mylady? We could rebuild the old barn, storage and stables, adding servent quarters on top. If you look at it from above here. It looks like a square, with to the northside the ruined structures and to the west facing the brook below. The old cithcen and servant quarters. We can rebuild that, and make there on the ground floor the citchen and diningroom. Above it quarters for your men, and offices for yourself and your clercks. The servants can get housing above in the northside structure. We rebuild it from west to east on the ground floor as food and other suplies storage, a barn for hay plus anything else the animals require - and ofcourse a stable for the horses. On the second floor quarters for the servents. This structure is easaly rebuild into quarters for you and your aunty. You can have both seperate quarters. Thus having some privacy. Enabling your ladyship to have a guest over for tea." "Nice, you put that plan in work, dear Idhrendir! But also mind that you do something about both gates. They look a bit like they have seen better days. I understand that the keep defended the road. But the state its in now, does not allow for much of that! Does it? So, fix it!" "Anything else, mylady?" "Yes! You remember the road trough that swampy region north of Domus in the kingdom of Caligus?" "The one where we had to hide from the storm?" "Yes, that cold one, with the bad road, and grumpy peasants!" "Yeh, they where realy something else." "Well Idhrendir, I do not want this town to be remembered by travelers. That road is going to be paved. The part that runs by the keep is going to be full of gravel. Before you protest? I know that stone workers have plenty of gravel, just get merchants to collect it, and sell it to you. Small stones fit for pavement, are of no use to anyone else. Buy those to! I want this town to look at its best. By the side of the road, where you now have a row ow fieldworker homes. I want the wall to extend around them, and across from them you build me an inn, for traveling folk. This will be the second baily. The first will be accesable from the second baily. A third baily is to be constructed on the slope to the west of town. A bridge from the first baily will be the only conection of the third baily to the outside world. On the third baily you build me an inn for the nobillity. Exclusively, so they will remember their stay here. A resort as it where. White washed clay wall buildings. Three of them. To the west stables, for their horses. To the north, a two story building, with a citchen and dining room. Where they can have music and be mery. Above room for the noblemens servents. In the building to the south, I want to place lodging quarters for nobles accross three floors. The whole third bailey will be surrounded by a wall. The keep will guard the road. But I want it all to be able to house in the future a militia so the town is safe as well. The oldest, and the only baily we see now, is the first bailey. It maybe has only a partial wall, but it has also the water front guarding it. There are plenty of abandoned houses. By the end of the works. I want artisans in the town, merchants. People of all sorts. Also I want a boat service starting from a little port. Flat bottom boats, a barge! A barge for passengers, and for goods. Like for taking those who can afford it on a relaxed cruise allong the brooks to the cannals al the way up the water works of the city. To as close as they can get." "Sounds like a plan. The inn by the road is then for merchants, common travelers?" "Yes, and also good for the soldiers to build up camp in the second baily." "I shall get to work on the blueprints, mylady! We shall start the works that can be done in winter time." "Very well, Idhrendir."

The artist, Idhrendir makes his way down stairs with Sorcha. Straight away he started drafting the blueprints. Sorcha is very ambitious in her plans. Only time can tell, if she will be able to finnish these investments she plans on making here in Askileon Gate. Meanwhile dame Sorcha takes some time to respond to some letters that keep comming in. Now she has an adress, people seem to write her alot. Sorcha feels quite at home, and welcome in this new realm. She even decided to make the young youth her page. She will carry her messages troughout the realm. Under protection of her coat of arms, and the banner of a messenger of the realm. A job, she gladly accepted. The young and their thirst for adventure!

Looking for men It is early in morning hours. The snows have been mercyfull last night. Freezing cold wind. It does make alot of good people their lifes so much harder. The brooks run wild and freely. But the fields are surrounded by white spots of snow. Like whiped cream dropped from the sky. Deers take their risks for a bite to eat. Hares, join the in search for a meal. The howling of the wolfs make for a disturbing sound in the background. Long have they been feared by peasants.

The town gate of the old baily is still closed. Sorcha notices how merchants knocking on the gate, got no answer. Her room in the top of her keep, is cold and has a nasty draft. Idhrendir, has been bizy. Since the sound of hamering filled the courtyard. The lady Sorcha gets herself dressed, to see what the noice is all about.

While the winter sun is rising the architect of Sorcha's estate is very hard at work in the courtyard. "What is all the noice about, good Idhrendir?" She inquired, standing at her bedroom window. "Good lady? I do hope we did not deprive you from your sleep?" A man servent inquired. "Good goddess! Idhrendir, who are these people?" "Mylady, you have made me architect of this project? I serve my ladies ambitions! These good people arrived here late last night." Idhrendir explained. "Mylady, your architect has so kindly offered us shelter from the cold. We saw the castle was again occupied! So currious we where, we decided to knock at the door." One man said. "They kindly offered to help rebuild, as they once served the previous estate holder." Idhrendir concluded. And he signals the other men to help him lift a wooden twill in place. Sorcha noticed that the men had small fires lighted. As they worked on building scaffolding against the walls. One of these men seems to be an experianced carpenter. He stained the large wooden twills, before he fixed them in place. Purlins are been fixed on top of the frame of twills, one every two feet. A stone base provided twill collumns the much needed base support. The Purlins are supported on twills anchorred in the wall. A platform is been errected as such, to a small section of the wall. Remains from the purlins that are to short for other usage, are fitted to the walls as a wooden battlement. Sorcha saw al this. She also spots that there are alot of men at work. Yes, many hands make heavy work light. The progress is enormous.

Her young page from the village appears in her room. She hears the sqeeking of the door opening, as Sorcha made her way to the other window overlooking the ruins of the old northern quarters. "Mylady, your wierd looking friend. He has been talking to these men. He has big plans." her page said. "Yes I know, I orderd him to do this work. But it amazed me to see so much don already." "The men are old servents of this keep, when it was still a tower overlooking the road. The old motte is still at town, but this be the keep now. Raids in the past made it more logical to have this keep here. The servents helped to build up this wall and surounding structures." Sorcha looked out of her window, that the old ruïned quarters was getting a wooden floor, and also wooden trusses made from purlins. "He surely has a weird building method. It is not used here." said the page, as she stould by her mystress at the window overlooking the northern building of the keep. "His building method is quite respected by me, young page. He is a learned and very experianced Artist - thaught in the arts of architecture and structural engineering. He is a Sirionite. I have seen with my own eyes, how breath taking their architecture can be. Even in the world I came from, people made stunning architecture." Sorcha explained, as she walked from the window. "Where did they get that wood from?" She asked, and turned to her page. "I do not know, mylady! Only that these men, where a company of carpenters, who made it their bisness selling wood. They where trieng to sell their wood on the markets. But they found a customer in Idhrendir. He told them, that your ladyship would pay the bill." Sorcha looked at her page in wonder, while her page came up with this reply to her question. "I did try to tell them, that you would not appreciate this!" the page said in a defenive tone. "There is no need for any of this. Idhrendir, proved to be a man of initiative. I like that." The page looked confused at her mistress. "Come? Put on some warm clothes, for you and I are going shopping for some men!" Sorcha said, as she took a warm coat from her closeth. "Men?" the page replied. "Not that kind! I need soldiers for the town. We need a permenant guard to check the roads and provide security to the keep and the town. By night and by day.

The two wemon left the main tower of the keep in warm cloths. Sorcha give an approving look at Idhrendir, and nods at him in gratitude. A servent had the horses ready. "Come, page? Your lady might wait, but the sun waits for no-one! Let us ride, before the sun turns the roads to mud?" Of they go, to the silver city, Askileon.

It takes them four hours in good conditions to make the whole journey. In the city she recieved word from the good lady Anita Wykeo, margravine of Askileon Purlieus. She informs Sorcha that she is at the market. But Sorcha does not know how her ladyship looked like. Even Sorcha's page could not tell what her ladyship was doing there. The margravines messenger left with Sorcha's reply, in a hury. Therefor dame Sorcha could not ask any question.

At a local training center dame Sorcha recruited ten halberts. The center also provided her with a captain for these men. Captain Gerber, commander of Askileon Gate Halberts. With these men she makes her way back to her estate. Her own clansmen had joined a recruiting center in Askileon. To be prepared for duty as Sorcha's trusted archery unit.