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Letter from Matt Stafford
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra (10 recipients)
Yesterday reports came out of Pel Mark of some new creatures appearing. They speak words of peace, and helping humanity fight against the darkness as they fight for the light. There are three of them, one of them is currently in Wudenkin, one was moving towards Avalon, and the last was moving towards either Sint or OG. Again, they do not speak of right or wrong, they say they are the saviors that are the light coming from the darkness.
Matt Stafford (Heroic War King of Bara'Khur)

Letter from Matt Stafford
Message sent to Khaludh Telrunya
Prime Minister Khaludh, At this time, we are not clear what these new creatures are but it is clear they are not showing support for any of the non-human factions. I do believe this could be the prophecy that everyone has been hearing about, and from the bits of information we have received thus far it seems they were here once a long time ago, when the monsters, undead and daimons first ruled these lands and humans were slaughtered everyday, they rallied all of us together and humanity beat the monsters, humanity beat the undead and humanity beat the daimons, casting them into the darkness and sealing them there until recently when the seals where broken.
Matt Stafford (Heroic War King of Bara'Khur)

Letter from Matt Stafford
Message sent to Mordred Lefanis
Ambassador, Yes, there are new creatures. Marta is one of them, last we saw they where heading into Avalon lands. Second one left to quickly and we were unable to retrieve the name but was heading into Sint/Old Grehk lands, and the last one is in Wudenkin now. From the few messages I have received, they are indeed here to beat back the "darkness" which they mean the monsters, daimons and undead.
Matt Stafford (Heroic War King of Bara'Khur)

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Ippetimbal (38 recipients)
A plump, rosy-cheeked woman in a slightly stained white robe walks into the main square of a village in the hills of Ippetimbal. The children in the square gather around her as she sits on the bench by the village well. Without any prompting, they begin clamouring for a story. Marta smiles kindly and nods. "Now, calm down, children. I have a story for you, but you have to sit down and listen."

As she speaks, her voice draws others near, children and adults alike, coming from their work or their market-shopping to listen to her story.

"Long, long ago, a terrible darkness was upon the land. There were terrible wars, and many people were killed, and many others were enslaved and ruled by brutal beings who had no mercy, and no kindness.

"But in the midst of the darkness, a light began to shine. A brave man started drawing people to him, fighting against the darkness, and pushing it back with the power of the light. Soon he had a mighty host of warriors following him, and they faced the darkness. The power of the light shattered the darkness, and the brave man, using the ancient powers that still flowed free in those times, he bound the darkness and sealed it up behind a seal that was never supposed to break. But to make sure that there would be hope even if it did break, he gave his life to seal up the last of the power of the light along with it."

A child pipes up, "But did it break?"

Marta smiles sadly. "For a long, long time, it held. But there are other powers that work in the world besides that ancient darkness and light, though they all come from them, one way or another. Some of those powers weakened the seal, and cracks started to appear. Those cracks let through the Monsters of Gilgamesh, the Daimons of the Netherworld, and the Undead of the Pact. But the cracks only let some of the darkness seep out. The seal wasn't broken completely. Until now."

The children sitting in front of her gasp, and the adults gathered behind them look at each other uncomfortably.

"Yes, now the seal has broken right away, and the Darkness is getting free. But do you know what else is free now, because the seal has broken?"

She looks at the children. After a moment, one of them gasps in childlike astonishment and triumph. "The light!" she squeals.

Marta nods and smiles. "That's right, Lilian. The light is free now, too, and it will help the people to fight the darkness again. There is no one brave man to hold the light and gather all of mankind into an army today—but there is the power of the light, and it brings true hope. So look for the servants of the light, and when they speak, listen to them."

She stands up and dusts off her robe. "Now, children, I have a long way to go, so I need to be on my way. But you remember this story, all right?"

They all nod—as do many of the adults, seemingly without realizing that they are doing so.

Nodding and graciously accepting praise from many in the crowd for the story, Marta walks from the square and continues along the road out of the village. Soon she is lost to sight.

But the villagers talk of her story, telling it to those who weren't there, spreading the word as fast as gossip can travel.

Event from Gerontius
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Verdomite (27 recipients)
The white-robed figure comes to the crest of the last of the foothills and looks out over the plains of Verdomite. Leaning on his staff, he draws himself up to his full height—tall, though very thin—and pulls back his graying, threadbare hood. White hair tumbles down around his shoulders, and his lined face bears a close-cropped beard.

The old man raises one hand and begins to speak, even though there are only a few peasants passing by on the road below. When he speaks, though, his voice seems to roll like thunder, so that all within miles pause in their work to listen in astonishment.

"Behold! The Seal is broken, and the Darkness pours forth! Unchecked, it will wash over mankind like a mighty flood, and drown all who stand in its path. But there is hope in the Light! For the Light, too waited beyond the seal, and now Its Servants have come: come to lend Its power to mankind in one last stand against the Darkness.

"Heed the Servants of the Light, and take hope!"

As the last echoes of his words die, the old man smiles slightly, and begins walking down the hill toward the large town in the distance.

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in Ippetimbal (5 recipients)
I greet you gladly, Priestess, but I am not a "he".

I am one of three who has come to be the Light against the rising Darkness.

The seals weakened before, and darkness leaked out. Now the seals have cracked and broken, and the darkness pours forth. But, as in the ancient fable of the box that held all the world's ills, at the very bottom was a ray of light: Hope.

My family and I are humanity's hope.

Now, child, what can you tell me of yourself? Your letter names you a Priestess of Estahsism; can you tell me what the tenets of this faith are, and who leads it?

Event from Gerontius
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Pel Mark (33 recipients)
The wind blows among the peaks of Pel Mark. High up on the tallest of them, a twinkling light appears, growing slowly brighter. The light issues from a small cave. Soon, the light is occluded by three robed figures standing in the mouth of the cave, who seem almost to shine themselves.

As they turn to descend the mountain, the light from the cave dwindles, then dies completely. It is some time before the figures reach the pass through the mountains below the peak.

When they do, they turn to each other. The tallest one, whose once-white robe is slightly gray and threadbare, places his hands on the heads of the other two, clearly pronouncing some sort of benediction. The shortest, who is also somewhat plump, and whose white robe has a few stains on it, kisses each of the other two on the cheeks. The middle one, whose robe shines the pure white of new snow, hugs the other two heartily.

Then they turn and walk off in three different directions.