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The Crimson Moon

The clan of the Crimsoon Moon has it roots in a long-forgotten era. Their foundation lies in an ancient Eastern empire, which has long ago disappeared in the mists of time. The founder of the clan, Kagasuke no-Shigei, served as chief bodyguard of three generals of said empire, and with his position came great privileges, one of which was permission to create his own personal bodyguard. Shigei hand-picked the finest warriors of the empire, and in time, they became the Clan of Crimson Moon. After the downfall of the empire, the then leader of the clan, Kagasuke no-Nomura, fled his lands, and the Crimson Moon disappeared over time. But after many centuries, the 12th heir of the Crimson Moon, Kagasuke no-Yoshiie, laid the basis of the second coming of the Crimson Moon. His three oldest sons, Nobukage, Ieyasu and Yoshikage have travelled forth from their home in Meneriel, Atamara, in order to ensure the rise of the Crimson Moon once again, while the teenage boys Shigei and Kazuo and their infant sister Shina remain at home, for various reasons.

Kagasuke no-Nobukage

As the eldest son of Yoshiie, Nobukage is the current heir of the Kagasuke family, and as such, heir of the Crimson Moon as well. Currently a Knight of Meneriel under Hylian no-Shephard and leader of a band of trainees named after the Crimson Moon.

Nobukage was born twelve minutes before his twin brother Ieyasu. Some say it was his will to become the heir of the Clan that made him the first to be born. He is stubborn, proud and loyal. His character drove him to challenge Primus no-Doc's Revenge, former King of the Ash Sea Islands, and one of the most skilled and renowned swordfighters in all of Atamara, to a duel, after Doc's Revenge had insulted Ariston no-Basil, Nobukage's general. Nobukage was defeated quickly, but nonetheless, Doc's Revenge commended Nobukage for his bravery.

Nobukage's preferred weapons are Jade Tree, a seven foot long naginata, and Golden Dragon, a katana passed down to him from his father, who had received it from his father, and so forth. Legend has it that Kagasuke no-Shigei, founder of the Crimson Moon, once killed seven hundred men during a battle, using only Golden Dragon as his weapon. This legend leads the Crimson Moon to believe that the blade houses the warrior spirits of those seven hundred warriors, and that the wielder of the weapon channels those spirits. The heirs of the Crimson Moon are the only ones allowed to wield Golden Dragon in battle, a privilege that brings great responsibility, for whoever loses the weapon through negligence or destruction, will lead the Crimson Moon to their destruction.

Kagasuke no-Ieyasu

Second son of Yoshiie, and younger twin of Nobukage. Ieyasu is a Knight of Cantril under Foolsguard no-Broloo and leader of a unit of Ashigaru, eastern spearmen wielding the yari.

Ieyasu is fiercely jealous of Nobukage, because his older brother had the luck of being the firstborn of the two, making him the heir of the Crimson Moon, for which Ieyasu all but hates him. Although he does not say it aloud, Ieyasu wishes for his older brother to die as soon as possible, before he is blessed with a son, so Ieyasu can become heir of the clan. But despite the hate for his brother, Ieyasu is an honourable man.

Ieyasu fights with Deadly Serpent, a yari longspear, and Noble Guardian, a katana gifted to him by a master craftsman after Ieyasu defeated a band of rogue bandits threatening the old man's smithy.

Kagasuke no-Yoshikage

coming soon!

Shigei, Kazuo and Shina

coming soon!