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|Sender=Dancer Rea
|Sender=Anyte Luitolf
Anyte sat in her private study, in the back of her keep, going over the letters of the day. There were several, and her eyes were starting to glaze over. When she looked in the mirror, she swore she could see the normal vibrant green slowly being drained of color to a dull grey.  
Anyte sat in her private study, in the back of her keep, going over the letters of the day. There were several, and her eyes were starting to glaze over. When she looked in the mirror, she swore she could see the normal vibrant green slowly being drained of color to a dull grey.  
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|Sender=Dancer Rea
|Sender=Anyte Luitolf
She waited, unamusedly, for the maiden to return. It was quite obvious from her demeanor that she was not wanting company, and a knight from a minor noble family would likely be more a nuisance than anything. "Sometimes I think it will be better if we just got rid of all the nobles be me and those I choose it would be so much better," She sighed, wondering aloud when the door opened once more. Through the maiden walked in, "The knight, mistress."  
She waited, unamusedly, for the maiden to return. It was quite obvious from her demeanor that she was not wanting company, and a knight from a minor noble family would likely be more a nuisance than anything. "Sometimes I think it will be better if we just got rid of all the nobles be me and those I choose it would be so much better," She sighed, wondering aloud when the door opened once more. Through the maiden walked in, "The knight, mistress."  
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|Sender=Dancer Rea
|Sender=Anyte Luitolf
Things were good, for a moment. She felt that she had finally gotten through to him. That she had finally cracked his outer shell. Perhaps even gotten to a side of him that she knew was there but he never showed. The side that had cared more than mere words, but was his true feelings. He had called her his love in the Men Down Unger that night, this she remembered. This was when she realized there was more. Then she heard the words he intended to speak.  
Things were good, for a moment. She felt that she had finally gotten through to him. That she had finally cracked his outer shell. Perhaps even gotten to a side of him that she knew was there but he never showed. The side that had cared more than mere words, but was his true feelings. He had called her his love in the Men Down Unger that night, this she remembered. This was when she realized there was more. Then she heard the words he intended to speak.  
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She grabbed Dancer and puller herself closer, pressing her body against his. After staring into his eyes, pleading with her own, she moved closer to his ear and whispered, "And more importantly than all of that, you have me here. That can't mean nothing," before tracing her lips against his face, down to his mouth, where her lips met his for the first time. "You can still stay," She stated after the soft kiss ended, and she pulled back to look at him again.
She grabbed Dancer and puller herself closer, pressing her body against his. After staring into his eyes, pleading with her own, she moved closer to his ear and whispered, "And more importantly than all of that, you have me here. That can't mean nothing," before tracing her lips against his face, down to his mouth, where her lips met his for the first time. "You can still stay," She stated after the soft kiss ended, and she pulled back to look at him again.
|Sender=Dancer Rea
Her arms were warm around him, and she was close enough he could see tears glittering in the corner of her eyes. A phantom of her kiss pressed on his lips, his shock at it still vibrating though him.
"You can still stay,"
The words tore at him, deep into a primal need in his sense of self, opening a floodgate of emotions. Pain, love, and loss all swirled within him, a veritable storm of emotion, drowning him for several moments. He'd lost everything several times during his life, his family, his mentor, his Brothers, and now, now she said he could have it again. All he had to do was stay here, with her. A cold curtain fell on him, his own words dancing in his head.
"Call me a liar again, Ambrose Peregrine, and I will march my full host into Kell and burn it to the ground around your ears."
He knew couldn't stay, couldn't accept her offer. He pulled her close, and bowed his head, whispering in her ear.
"Anyte, you are more important to me then anyone else ever has been. How could I say goodbye in a letter? How could I leave you here, alone, without giving you a proper goodbye? My Princess," he pulled away, and took a small step back, "You mean everything to me, more then even my own life."
Carefully, he got to his knees, bowed his head, and closed his eyes. "My love, I will return to you, within the fortnight. This, I promise." He clenched his fists, and ground his teeth together. "I'll burn Ambrose's lands to the ground, but," he visibly relaxed, letting his fists and jaw go limp, "I will march with the army. Skalros will be pleased to see a host as large as mine coming over the horizon. I have no doubts he will let me take some of his knights to Kell, if not simply move the whole army."
|Sender=Anyte Luitolf
Anyte watched as Dancer made his promises, and promptly stood and strode toward the door. Her emotions ran wild within her while she watched him walk toward the door. This was the first time he had defied her. This was the first time she had ever given him a real chance to defy her. She did not know whether to respect him more or be angry. The man had something he needed to do, but she wanted him to stay because she did not view it as important. Anyte never did understand why pride was so important to a man.
She could feel her face begin to burn hotter than it was before, the tears threatening to burst forth like the waterfall in the mountains she had seen when visiting The Hollow in Jedinchel. No, she thought to herself, I mustn't, I cannot if he is to survive out there. The last he needs is to think I am this upset.
The Bathory Mistress stood there, watching the only man she'd wanted in The Bathory leave, unknowing what to say but knowing something needed to be said. Her voice caught in her throat and the tears became harder to hold anytime she tried to speak. As Dan hit the door, about to leave her office, she finally managed to gain control enough to voice her words slowly.
"Dan. You cannot die." Her voice quivered as she spoke, "Because I need you as much as you need me. You past is something we can work through together. Know that you always have a home here, with me, where ever I am. Whether that be in a palace as a Queen or a tent as a beggar. I will hold you to your promise."

Latest revision as of 08:08, 9 December 2019

Letter from Ambrose Peregrine
Dear Dancer,

I think you just lied again. Because I know for a fact that whatever I personally say will not stop your realm's premediated aggression. You just keep constructing these weird lies that Grehkia somehow provoked you to attack us. And the blame is on me personally now? Next you will claim you are fighting a defensive war, as you always do. Looking forward to it.

You are unable to talk straight like a man. Only lies, obfuscation, blame shifting, outlandish excuses. Anything to mask your true motives and your true self. You are clearly an evil man. A petty tyrant with a cruel streak. But I won't stop calling you out on your hypocricy. I know what sort of a man you are. You hate hearing the truth so much that you threaten to come to my province and burn it to the ground along with thousands of clueless peasants. I hope this makes your mother proud.

You are a blight on humanity. Warmonger and arsonist.
If I am a goblin, then you are thrice a goblin.

Ambrose Peregrine

Roleplay from Dancer Rea
Cold, clear rage flowed through him, filling his mind with a singular goal. If Ambrose Peregrine wanted to call him a Liar, he would have to do it to his face. Grehkia had hurt his home, twice now. First, they had helped eradicate his Brothers, and now, they had attacked his Kin. He tossed his things from his desk, and dug though the crates littering his study. He'd just started to unpack his things when the letter had come. They had personally attacked him, and lied about his Princess, and now they called him a liar. He slammed quill and pot on his desk, paper following close behind. He couldn't burn Kell for long, not without some help, or the Grehkian army otherwise occupied. Furiously, he scribbled, parchment after parchment filling with calls to arms. In less then a half hour, he had them all ready, eight letters, tucked in envelops, ready to be sealed. One by one, he dropped wax onto them, and pressed his signet ring into the warm lumps. Kell would burn, and its peasants slaughtered, the old way. He would personally drag Ambrose to the stake, and light the flame. Suffer not the Liars to live.
Dancer Rea

Letter from Anyte Luitolf

Would you really trouble yourself over a petty little man like Ambrose? Would you not rather stay where, with me? There are those out there that will take care of him. You don't need to do everything yourself. That is why you have failed in the past. Try a new path. Rely on your friends and allies. Trust us. Come back to me in The Bathory. Let the army take care of the sniveling brats of the south.

Continuing to always go it alone, it will lead to your downfall. You will die. I would be very sad if you died. At the very least, if you must march, then march with the army. However, I beg of you, stay with me.
Anyte Luitolf

Roleplay from Dancer Rea
Dancer made his way down the road to the Bathory proper. The Courts were only a few blocks away, no doubt built that way for a purpose. A pair of bathory maidens stood at attention at the doorway, eyes tracking him slowly.

"I'm here to see the Chancellor, please let her know I have arrived." Dancer spoke quietly, staring hard at the guardswoman.

One of the guards looked at him, a tinge of disdain coloring her voice, "The Chancellor is a busy woman, but I'm sure she can make time for a petty knight like you."

Malice hung in the air as the woman smartly turned, and entered the door, leaving Dan alone with the other maiden.
Dancer Rea

Roleplay from Anyte Luitolf
Anyte sat in her private study, in the back of her keep, going over the letters of the day. There were several, and her eyes were starting to glaze over. When she looked in the mirror, she swore she could see the normal vibrant green slowly being drained of color to a dull grey.

Some much complaining and begging, she thought to herself, barely paying attention still. Her mind was elsewhere. She knew the truth, that if she could not stop him, he would get himself killed. Suddenly, a knock came at her door, and a maiden walked in and bowed.

"I thought I said I didn't want to be disturbed," She snipped at the maiden. "Of course mistress, but there is a rather dower knight asking admittance and as a proper lady I know that you don't turn away your vassals." She said in the most polite way possible.

Great. Dancer wants to play warmonger, alone again, and now I have to deal with ingrate. were the words that went through her head, and the irritation was clear on her face.

"Fine. Bring the poor fool in. I can't be bothered to meet him in the reception room, so this will have to do though. I can't be grand all the time." She barked with clear even more irritation in her voice, as the maiden ran off to retrieve what she assumed to be some random beggar knight.
Anyte Luitolf

Roleplay from Dancer Rea
The sour maiden returned quickly, expression even more distasteful. "She'll see you, follow me." Dancer followed, silently. Through the gate, then past many buildings, all manner of peasants walking around. Dancer recognized several different clothing styles, many from realms hundreds of miles away. The cobblestone road went straight up to a large stone keep, a small bridge traversing the scarp about halfway up. It didn't take long before they walked through the door of the keep. As the temperature dropped in the shadow of the castle, Dancer felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. Several twisting corridors later, they came to a normal looking wood door that stood slightly ajar, and the maiden knocked, business like. "My Lady, the knight for you."
Dancer Rea

Roleplay from Anyte Luitolf
She waited, unamusedly, for the maiden to return. It was quite obvious from her demeanor that she was not wanting company, and a knight from a minor noble family would likely be more a nuisance than anything. "Sometimes I think it will be better if we just got rid of all the nobles be me and those I choose it would be so much better," She sighed, wondering aloud when the door opened once more. Through the maiden walked in, "The knight, mistress."

Anyte, still going through the giant pile of letters from today alone, absentmindedly answered "Fine. Go back to your post, and get some servants outside to clean the pigeon poop left behind from all these letters." After a few moments, she looked up and first thought an illusion stood before her.

"No way... You... you actually came to me?" She said, as her eyes brightened, face seem fresh with color, and her heart raced within her chest. Then something happened that she hadn't felt since childhood. Her eyes started burning, face puffing a small bit, as tears started to build. "Y... You actually came to stay with me? was all she could manage to choke outright them as she ran and threw her arms around Dan, embracing him tightly while using this moment to gather her composer a bit.

After a long moment, she finally let go. "Dan, I am so happy that you have come. You... you are staying, yes?" She asked with a hint of hope in her voice the likes of which had not been heard since she had last seen her sister.
Anyte Luitolf

Roleplay from Dancer Rea
Of course she had been busy at her desk. She'd always been busy with her work, papers going in and out of her office every few minutes some days. When she'd looked up, and saw him, her face had brightened from a scowl in nearly in instant. Dan had tried to get a word out, to tell her he was leaving, but the words caught in his throat, unwilling to ruin her excitement.

"Y... You actually came to stay with me?"

He tried to speak, and failed again. Her face twisted slightly, and she crossed the room an barely two strides, throwing an embrace around him. Dancer sucked in a breath, her sudden grab startling him, and sending a deep ache though both his stab wounds. By Akkan, he hadn't been touched in so long. Her warmth spread through him like wildfire, filling him with something he hadn't felt in, well, a very long time. For a moment, he thought about staying, thought about spending time with her. He could rest, recuperate better from his now closed, if not healed, wounds. He could talk to her, have dinner with her, sit by the fire...... with her. They could talk, could hold each other in the night. He smiled warmly, and leaned into her, returning the embrace, allowing himself this one moment of peace.

Then she pulled away, and his responsibilities returned to the forefront of his mind, like a steel grate falling back into place. "Dan, I am so happy that you have come. You... you are staying, yes?"

He could hear the hope in her voice, the slight girlish desire echoing in the background of her question. "My Princess," he rumbled, "I...I can't stay this time." Dan could see her smile begin to fall, "But I'll be back soon my love, I just need to keep my word....." His voice trailed off, his face falling, wordlessly begging for her forgiveness.
Dancer Rea

Roleplay from Anyte Luitolf
Things were good, for a moment. She felt that she had finally gotten through to him. That she had finally cracked his outer shell. Perhaps even gotten to a side of him that she knew was there but he never showed. The side that had cared more than mere words, but was his true feelings. He had called her his love in the Men Down Unger that night, this she remembered. This was when she realized there was more. Then she heard the words he intended to speak.

"My Princess," he rumbled, "I...I can't stay this time." Dan could see her smile begin to fall, "But I'll be back soon my love, I just need to keep my word....."

The heart within her chest began to sink for she did not know exactly why he cared so much about this Ambrose. She could feel the sadness, the desire, begin to well up and feel the void that her heart had left. It was then that the tears started their return, but was her typical defensive mechanism, they went from tears of anguish to tears animosity and possible unbridled rage should he not be able to mend the situation.

Slowly, over the next few moments, thoughts filled her head that she could not stop.
How could he care about this Ambrose more than me?
How could he just rebuff me like a common whore?
How stupid can I be to think he was not like other men?

Anyte stepped back from Dancer, fists clenched, glaring. "How could you come here, get my hopes up, then tell me some random idiot out there is more important than me? You could have done that in a letter." She choked out, voice quivering from the whirlwind of emotions she never thought she would feel.

Unlike with others, she kept control of the defensive fury coming to the forefront because no matter how much she might deny it, she did care about this man, and a single moment of betrayal could not change that. So, she did not lash out as badly at him as had been seen against others, like Readwit and Laura. She had even brought herself to calm down a bit.

"Dancer, why? Why is he so important to you? You aren't alone anymore. You have friends here. Skarlos is marshal, and I know you two get on well. If you must leave, at least join up with him," She pleaded, her eyes now filled with sorrow again, pleading, as she moved closer once more.

She grabbed Dancer and puller herself closer, pressing her body against his. After staring into his eyes, pleading with her own, she moved closer to his ear and whispered, "And more importantly than all of that, you have me here. That can't mean nothing," before tracing her lips against his face, down to his mouth, where her lips met his for the first time. "You can still stay," She stated after the soft kiss ended, and she pulled back to look at him again.
Anyte Luitolf

Roleplay from Dancer Rea
Her arms were warm around him, and she was close enough he could see tears glittering in the corner of her eyes. A phantom of her kiss pressed on his lips, his shock at it still vibrating though him.

"You can still stay,"

The words tore at him, deep into a primal need in his sense of self, opening a floodgate of emotions. Pain, love, and loss all swirled within him, a veritable storm of emotion, drowning him for several moments. He'd lost everything several times during his life, his family, his mentor, his Brothers, and now, now she said he could have it again. All he had to do was stay here, with her. A cold curtain fell on him, his own words dancing in his head.

"Call me a liar again, Ambrose Peregrine, and I will march my full host into Kell and burn it to the ground around your ears."

He knew couldn't stay, couldn't accept her offer. He pulled her close, and bowed his head, whispering in her ear.

"Anyte, you are more important to me then anyone else ever has been. How could I say goodbye in a letter? How could I leave you here, alone, without giving you a proper goodbye? My Princess," he pulled away, and took a small step back, "You mean everything to me, more then even my own life."

Carefully, he got to his knees, bowed his head, and closed his eyes. "My love, I will return to you, within the fortnight. This, I promise." He clenched his fists, and ground his teeth together. "I'll burn Ambrose's lands to the ground, but," he visibly relaxed, letting his fists and jaw go limp, "I will march with the army. Skalros will be pleased to see a host as large as mine coming over the horizon. I have no doubts he will let me take some of his knights to Kell, if not simply move the whole army."
Dancer Rea

Roleplay from Anyte Luitolf
Anyte watched as Dancer made his promises, and promptly stood and strode toward the door. Her emotions ran wild within her while she watched him walk toward the door. This was the first time he had defied her. This was the first time she had ever given him a real chance to defy her. She did not know whether to respect him more or be angry. The man had something he needed to do, but she wanted him to stay because she did not view it as important. Anyte never did understand why pride was so important to a man.

She could feel her face begin to burn hotter than it was before, the tears threatening to burst forth like the waterfall in the mountains she had seen when visiting The Hollow in Jedinchel. No, she thought to herself, I mustn't, I cannot if he is to survive out there. The last he needs is to think I am this upset.

The Bathory Mistress stood there, watching the only man she'd wanted in The Bathory leave, unknowing what to say but knowing something needed to be said. Her voice caught in her throat and the tears became harder to hold anytime she tried to speak. As Dan hit the door, about to leave her office, she finally managed to gain control enough to voice her words slowly.

"Dan. You cannot die." Her voice quivered as she spoke, "Because I need you as much as you need me. You past is something we can work through together. Know that you always have a home here, with me, where ever I am. Whether that be in a palace as a Queen or a tent as a beggar. I will hold you to your promise."
Anyte Luitolf