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Taking a stroll through Rines, looking very out of place in her hood. Mariana took cautious steps, eyes darting around as had become natural for her. The minor nobles of the city muttering to each other with the occasional laugh coming from the groups. However, Mariana simply shrugged this off. She had become aware her looks were not quite befitting of a noble, however this came with the Job.  
Taking a stroll through Rines, looking very out of place in her hood. Mariana took cautious steps, eyes darting around as had become natural for her. The minor nobles of the city muttering to each other with the occasional laugh coming from the groups. However, Mariana simply shrugged this off. She had become aware her looks were not quite befitting of a noble, however this came with the Job.  
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|Content=The sails began to drop as the sea breeze subsided. The crew beginning preparations to dock. The city skyline came into view. Mariana lent up against the rail, holding the invitation in her hands. The seal broken, bound only by a small ribbon from her luggage. She smiled before pulling the hood of her cloak over her head once again.  
|Content=The sails began to drop as the sea breeze subsided. The crew beginning preparations to dock. The city skyline came into view. Mariana lent up against the rail, holding the invitation in her hands. The seal broken, bound only by a small ribbon from her luggage. She smiled before pulling the hood of her cloak over her head once again.  
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|Content='''Letter from Mariana left at the Offices of the Inquisition'''
Mariana wondered the city. Her day of training had been hard, the coach was particularly rough on her this time. She passed by the Basilica and the Templar Nexus, making her way further into the city. She knew where to go.
In the harbour, nearby her old estate, was an establishment for the upper classes. A place she frequented in the past though the had not been in a long time. It had not changed. The windows glistened, the buzz of business in the area as ships arrived and left. Snooty minor nobles and merchants wondered the area, attendants in tow, bragging about their recent trades. Mariana pushed her way through the heavy oak door, the smell of roasting meat greeted her nose.
"Welcome to the Harbour Classic!"  A man behind the bar shouted, wiping down the surfaces.
Mariana took a seat on a table nearby, unlatched the fastening of her cloak folding it neatly and placing it on her lap. A barmaid approached.
"Good evening ma'am, what can I get for you?"
They dont recognise me... good. Mariana thought to herself. "A mug of ale and a glass of Blackreach Whiskey please." She handed the maid a gold piece. Her eyes lit up and she dashed to the counter leaving Mariana in peace.
The gentle glow of the evening sun dipping below the horizon cast a orange glow over the city. Shops were closing for the day and merchants were packing up their market stalls. Sailors travelled to taverns scattered across the harbour and labourers began to return home to their families.
Mariana exited the training hall, her hair tied up and a sword hanging from her side. The steel caps of her boots rasped against the cobbled streets. She was tired from her day of training, her muscles ached with every step she took.
She passed by the Grand Temple, its large oak doors still open. Mariana brushed the creases in her outfit and took a step towards the entrance. She nodded politely to the clergymen that passed through the doorway. The moonlight pierced through the great windows of the temple shining down on a grand statue to the goddess.
Mariana steadily approached the statue, her arms held out in reverence of the figure before her. She was not alone as she walked the halls. Clergymen were worshipping the statue under the moonlight. As Mariana reached the base of the statue, she clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and bowed her head.
After a few minutes, she raised her head. She looked up at the statue, her eyes filled with childlike innonence as she studied the statue. She bowed once again and took a step back. Slowly turning around, she took a seat on a nearby pew. Alone she sat on the seat, her arms crossed and her eyes closed. She was left to her thoughts, bathed under the moonlight in the shadow of the statue of the goddess.
Grand Inquisitor,  
It had been a couple of days since her visit to the Grand Temple. As ever, she was still busy but today she gave herself some time off. Having visited a tailor on her way to the academy, she had bought small black leather collar, studded with green gemstones. She decided that if she is to wander the city with Malachite, she would need sometime to reassure the guards that no harm would come of it.
I shall be within the City of Rines for the next couple of days before I set off once again. Should you wish to meet while I am home bound, now would be the perfect time.  
The two of them left the manor in which they were staying. Malachite full of energy, strutting around in his new collar, the wolf puppy kept close to Mariana as they wandered the streets. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, the gentle sea breeze blew across the harbour. The smell of salt wafting up their noses. They wandered across the harbour, Malachite getting the attention of most passersby and workers. Suddenly he stopped and raised his nose to the air.
Cautiously, Mariana approached check on Malachite to make sure he was okay... then it hit her. The thick aromatic smell of spices and herbs drifting along the wind. Both Mariana and Malachite scoured the streets, searching for the origin of the smell. Their eyes locked onto a small open-fronted shop. Smoke billowing out from a small chimney poking out from the store. The both of them could feel themselves drifting towards it.
Upon reaching it, everything became clear. A large open fire grill with haunches of meat sizzling atop it. Large pots of stew and soup boiling away atop the fire. A stout man with a large beard prodded and flipped the meat, stirring the concoction within the large pots. He sensed their approach, wiped his hands and approached the counter.
"G'evening madam, fine weather we are having."
His face was soft. His beard braided with find jewellery. He had a gentle and inviting smile.
"What are you cooking this evening? It smells wonderful."
"Tonight we have a beef and potato stew, a leek and potato soup, herb roasted steak and marinated pork. All special family recipes."
Mariana pondered for a bit. She felt the dribble of saliva on her foot as Malachite began to salivate profusely.
"I will have the stew and can I get a portion of the steak." She reached into her pocket and took out a gold piece. It was at this point that the chef caught sight of a golden pin the inside of Mariana's cloak, symbolising her house. Mariana handed the chef the gold coin. He was stunned into silence for a moment.
"M'Lady, that is far too much. I charge only a few silver pieces for my food."
She smiled back as he spoke, she could tell that he was flustered.
"Well, how about this. You take this gold coin and I shall return and partake in more of your delicious food another time. The work of a chef is an honourable duty."
Reluctantly, he took the gold coin. His hands shaking he placed it into a pocket in his apron. Quickly, he turned and began pouring out some of the soup into a small bowl and portioning up a haunch of steak, cutting it into small pieces. After a few seconds he returned.
"M'Lady here is your food. I hope the food is to your liking. Thank you for your generosity."
Mariana took the food, smiled and thanked him before continuing down the street a little further. Once they found a quiet place, Mariana placed the small bundle of steak onto the ground in front of Malachite who quickly began to eat the food. Mariana carefully blew on the bowl before taking a sip of it. The warmth was welcoming. The two of them sat peacefully on the docks, enjoying their meal, listening to the gentle hum of people nearby. The crashing of waves against the dock providing a soothing melody for them to relax to.
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He looked at all three nobles as he spoke, a grin on his face the entire time.
He looked at all three nobles as he spoke, a grin on his face the entire time.
|Sender=Vahanian Blint
Vahanian had been working the leather the entire time the conversation carried on around him. The smoke from his pipe wafting through the air swirling around him like a veil.
He removed the stopper from his final bottle which released an oddly leather-like aroma into the air, he held the bottle over the end of his pipe, letting the small ember and smoke slightly warm the liquid in the bottle before pouring the slightest drop onto a clean rag.
Marcus offered to show them a project he'd been working on and Vahanian smiled at the man and politely declined saying "Perhaps another time, my young friend. I must make preparations for my journey back to the White Citadel."
He began working the cloth around the leather with an expert hand. He looked up at Ferdinand and said "Grand Templar, If you're going to see the Steward's project, do come see me in the nexus before I leave.. If you're not going to see it, would you walk with me to the Nexus?"
|Sender= Ferdinand Greybrook
Ferdinand listened to the steward depict the Farseers expedition once again. It seems that the investigation would require the Inquisition. Turning his head to Mariana, whom has just undone her hair, it took a few more counts before he continued:
"I would like to assume then that the Inquisition would be investigating the temple - it isn't really the best of purposes for the Farseers. Not yet at least."
Listening to the replies and the invitation of the Steward, his mind was still preoccupied with the previous conversation with the Duke:
"If it is alright with you Steward, I would like to visit the project perhaps later this afternoon or evening when the sun has gone in. I have a few matters of the Templar Order to settle with the Duke."
Standing up and looked briefly to his mentor. Often, their body language was enough to depict intentions. Casting a look to the other two nobles there, his eyes portrayed a greater story and idea came to his mind:
"After this, perhaps this could be a opportunity for a famous Daubeny evening for the nobles in Rines? I would enjoy hearing the different renditions of the tournament - there are also nobles whom I know are in the city but I have not met in some months and new arrivals as well."
Despite what he has previously said, he did enjoy the last evening they hosted. Lots of different nobles discussing different things. Perhaps this one will be far more low key...
|Sender=Vahanian Blint
Vahanian finished his work with the saddle and returned the rags and bottles to a satchel in a neat and orderly fashion. He stood, dusted his hands off on his trousers and bowed his head first to Mariana and then to Marcus saying "My Lady, Lord Steward, If you'll both excuse me, I must return to the nexus. It has been a lovely chat, if either of you are ever near Grehk, do please stop in, there will always be a warm welcome awaiting."
He hoisted his saddle with ease and looked at Ferdinand and said "I'll be with the stable master when you're ready, my friend." Ferdinand nodded and Vahanian walked into the stable to presumably deposit his saddle into storage until he was ready to ride.
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana watched and listened to the conversation unfold. She noted how preoccupied the duke was and the tension in the air. Realizing she may have disturbed an important conversation, she perked up at the stewards request.
"Steward Marcus, I would be honored to see this project that you have been working on. Shall we head there now and leave Duke Vahanian and Grand Templar Marcus to their important matters?"
She looked at the reactions of the two. She smiled towards the young steward before offering her hand. Ferdinand's next question surprised Mariana.
"Ferdinand, that is a great idea. The last ball was such a wonderful time, I would love to attend another."
She smiled again and waited for Marcus's response.
|Sender=Marcus Daubeny
Marcus gave a smile to the Countess and took her offered hand 'Come then let us leave Ferdiand to his business with the Duke"
He gave a final nod to Ferdiand before leading Mariana into the Grand Temple,
It was clean as it normally was the banners of Obia'Syela hung from the walls, Marcus soon realised he was still holding Mariana's hand, he let of her hand clearly embarrassed.
He then smiled again "The New Hall is this way"
|Sender=Ferdinand Greybrook
With the regards of the Steward, Ferdinand got up from his stool, gave a nod to both nobles in front of him:
"I shall see you then later this evening. Enjoy your visit."
Heading in the direction of the Duke, the beating sun continued to rain down on the stable house as the Grand Templar found his mentor holding a brief discussion with the stable master.  Quickly noticing his approach, the master immediately bowed then proceeded to tend elsewhere in the stable. Resting on the beam beside Vahanian, their conversation continued:
"Mentor, to resume our conversation previously, would you be able to answer my previous question?"
|Sender=Marcus Daubeny
Marcus led Mariana through the Grand Temple, He came to a large entrance that lead to a large stair case leading down,
Marcus grabbed a torch an led Mariana downstairs,
The room they arrived to was a massive hall 36 stone bases were there, already sculptors worked on statues, there was currently one of the Oracle and one of Jessica Gildre and one of Eva Foote.
Marucs smiled and waved to the sculptures and masons "This, is the hall of Heroes, it will hold a statue of all the nobles of Obia S'yela, it currently has room for 36 statues and can easily be expanded for more."
He motioned to the half complete statue of Ferdiand being worked on by two sculptors "This is how we will be remembered, the world will remember us, all of us."
He turned around to look at Mariana the Light catching in Marcus's pale grey eyes made them seem to glow "When we are naught but dust this hall all stand and when the next generation that follows us enters this hall they will see the faces off heroes."
He smiled "I care about all of the nobles in our realm, I have met almost all of them and there isn't one that I would call anything less then my friend, this is my homage to them, so that when we are gone we will not be forgotten"
In that moment Marcus seemed truly happy, proud to a Obian
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana took her time to inspect each of the podiums, the completed and half completed statues. Carefully she stepped towards each, bowed her head in prayer. She came to Ferdinands, placing a hand at the base of the statue she smiled. Finally, she turned back to Marcus.
"Sir Marcus. I must say, this is quite remarkable. The hall of Heros shall serve as a monument to our triumphs and as a model for future Obians that shall follow us."
She returned to Marcus' side, linked her arm around his and continued down the hall.
"This has certainly been surprising. Honestly, I had not expected this when you told me you had something to show us."
After a short walk, they came to the podium with her name on it. No statue rested on its base, simply a name. She brushed her hand against the name le Craint.
"Sir Marcus, I am most impressed. When this hall is filled with the statues of our brothers and sisters it shall be a sight of glory. The far reaches of Bolkenia shall never see such beauty, though I hope this shall serve as a guide for those who follow us."
She smiled as they walked down the hall. Candle's hung periodically along the walls, darkness enshrouded the corners of the room. The light almost seemed holy when it shone down upon the statues.
"Now where might yours be? As the curator of such grandeur, you must have saved a prominent place for yourself?" She looked expectantly at Marcus.
|Sender=Marcus Daubeny
Marcus couldn’t help but smile as Mariana spoke, he was glad that Mariana liked it, he hoped the others would too
He smiled and took a torch from the wall, he continued down the hall until he reached the the end of the hall and there he was, well where he will be as it was only a block of marble at the moment however the plaque was there “Marcus Daubeny, Steward of Rines”
He turned around and smiled at Mariana “I am glad you like it Mariana” he looked around the room once more and smiled glad he thought to do this
|Sender=Mariana le Craint
Mariana took her time to look around the room some more. They stood before the piece of stone that would become Marcus. She couldn't help but think of all that has occurred. The victories and the losses. As she looked at Marcus, she saw hope. A willingness for the future.
"Truly, these statues shall become a great memory to our actions and the sacrifices we have made. Hopefully the generations that follow us will look upon these statues fondly."
Mariana spun around to face along the hallway, looking towards the entrance with statues all along the walls. She crossed her hands behind her back, observing each and every name. In the distance, she could hear the chime of a bell marking the coming of the evening.
"I thank you for taking the time to show me this. Truly it is wonderful. However, it seems my time has come to move forward. I have a long journey ahead of me. When I come back, maybe I shall see more familiar faces within these halls."
She turned to Marcus. with a gentle smile and caring eyes she bowed politely before the young noble.
"Take care Sir Marcus."
She began to step towards the exit. Raising her dress slightly as to not trip. As she came to the doorway, she turned back at Marcus and waved before departing into the night. Leaving almost as quickly as she had arrived.

Latest revision as of 22:21, 9 June 2019

Roleplay Archive

Mariana's travels in Rines:

Taking a stroll through Rines, looking very out of place in her hood. Mariana took cautious steps, eyes darting around as had become natural for her. The minor nobles of the city muttering to each other with the occasional laugh coming from the groups. However, Mariana simply shrugged this off. She had become aware her looks were not quite befitting of a noble, however this came with the Job.

Her first stop was the city smithy. Her blade has become dull and was in need of some major repairs.

Taking care not to cause to much of a commotion, she pushed her way through the door. The smith was hard at work, fixing dents in a chest piece of a set of armour. There were few other customers within, suiting Mariana well.

"Excuse me, I seek your services to repair my sword."

The smith looked upon the cloaked figure, not aware of the person beneath the hood, let out a sigh.

"Cant you see I'm busy, come back another..", before he could finish his sentence, Mariana pulled her hood down and unhitched the sword from her belt. This caught the smith off guard, finally realising who stood before him. The crest stitched onto her chest, while it was faded it was still prevalent.

"My lady, please excuse my ignorance. I shall fix this at once, it shan't be but a moment." The smith took ahold of the sword, placing the blade within the coals of the forge until it glowed red.

Mariana took this opportunity to look around the smith, simple weapons lined the walls, most made for the minor nobles who took an interest in swordsmanship. However, something caught her eye. A smaller blade, its handle blackened and wrapped in a red fabric. The pommel adorned with a deep red ruby. Walking over, she took the blade from the wall. Shifting the blade from hand to hand, comparing the weight. Gliding her finger across the blade from handle to point. Looking upon the cut as blood began to pour out from it, wiping the blade and her finger clean afterwards.

"Good smith, how much for the blade?", the smith looked up from his anvil towards Mariana. He looked at her in confusion.

"My lady, that is but a personal project, nothing that should interest you. It is not ready nor would it not serve you well."

Mariana began to swing the small blade around again. Testing the grip. "I would like to buy this. I shall not hear any more complaints." Taking her pouch from her belt, producing a couple of gold pieces, "Provide me with a attachment that I can place on my boot so that it shall not cause me trouble."

The smith, still confused, accepted the gold and continued to work on the sword. After a few more minutes, the sword was finished. Mariana placed the sword at her hip once again. She latched the newly made boot hook and placed the new blade into it. She nodded her thanks, pulling the hood up once again and stepping through the door leaving the smith in his confusion. She continued along the road towards the basilica, proud with her purchase however did not show it on her face. Ensuring that the hood covered as much of her faced as possible, she smirked before continuing on to her destination.

The sails began to drop as the sea breeze subsided. The crew beginning preparations to dock. The city skyline came into view. Mariana lent up against the rail, holding the invitation in her hands. The seal broken, bound only by a small ribbon from her luggage. She smiled before pulling the hood of her cloak over her head once again.

Arriving within port, the gangplank placed haphazardly across the gap over the water. The crew carrying crates of different sizes on and off the ship. The captain overlooking the operations, flirting with a local barmaid expecting the arrival of someone from the ship. Mariana slipped through a gap in the line that had began to form and headed off towards the centre of the city. Not quite sure what to expect, she kept a brisk pace as she marched down the streets.

Passing by her old estate, she gave it a quick look, fond memories as one would say. However this did little to deter her. She made her way to Basilica. Checking up within the offices of the inquisition, leaving a not with one of the clerks that worked that.

Very hastily written, she sealed it in wax with her crest and departed once again. The invitation has said two days time, however she had arrived early. Rather unsure of what to do, she headed towards the centre of the Templar nexus. Partially in hopes that maybe she would catch sight of the Templar she had met that time, however it was more to waste time.

She passed the temple, catching sight of the Vortex guards that has once caused such a commotion. Still hesitant around them, she tread carefully. Before long, the nexus came into sight. With no intentions to enter, she passed around, admiring the work but with hesitation. She came to large fountain leading to the market place.

The courtyard was emptier than usual, this pleased her. She took a seat on the edge of the fountain and let out a sigh of relief. Watching the few people that were around. Something she had become rather fond of.

Mariana wondered the city. Her day of training had been hard, the coach was particularly rough on her this time. She passed by the Basilica and the Templar Nexus, making her way further into the city. She knew where to go.

In the harbour, nearby her old estate, was an establishment for the upper classes. A place she frequented in the past though the had not been in a long time. It had not changed. The windows glistened, the buzz of business in the area as ships arrived and left. Snooty minor nobles and merchants wondered the area, attendants in tow, bragging about their recent trades. Mariana pushed her way through the heavy oak door, the smell of roasting meat greeted her nose.

"Welcome to the Harbour Classic!" A man behind the bar shouted, wiping down the surfaces.

Mariana took a seat on a table nearby, unlatched the fastening of her cloak folding it neatly and placing it on her lap. A barmaid approached.

"Good evening ma'am, what can I get for you?"

They dont recognise me... good. Mariana thought to herself. "A mug of ale and a glass of Blackreach Whiskey please." She handed the maid a gold piece. Her eyes lit up and she dashed to the counter leaving Mariana in peace.

The gentle glow of the evening sun dipping below the horizon cast a orange glow over the city. Shops were closing for the day and merchants were packing up their market stalls. Sailors travelled to taverns scattered across the harbour and labourers began to return home to their families.

Mariana exited the training hall, her hair tied up and a sword hanging from her side. The steel caps of her boots rasped against the cobbled streets. She was tired from her day of training, her muscles ached with every step she took.

She passed by the Grand Temple, its large oak doors still open. Mariana brushed the creases in her outfit and took a step towards the entrance. She nodded politely to the clergymen that passed through the doorway. The moonlight pierced through the great windows of the temple shining down on a grand statue to the goddess.

Mariana steadily approached the statue, her arms held out in reverence of the figure before her. She was not alone as she walked the halls. Clergymen were worshipping the statue under the moonlight. As Mariana reached the base of the statue, she clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and bowed her head.

After a few minutes, she raised her head. She looked up at the statue, her eyes filled with childlike innonence as she studied the statue. She bowed once again and took a step back. Slowly turning around, she took a seat on a nearby pew. Alone she sat on the seat, her arms crossed and her eyes closed. She was left to her thoughts, bathed under the moonlight in the shadow of the statue of the goddess.

It had been a couple of days since her visit to the Grand Temple. As ever, she was still busy but today she gave herself some time off. Having visited a tailor on her way to the academy, she had bought small black leather collar, studded with green gemstones. She decided that if she is to wander the city with Malachite, she would need sometime to reassure the guards that no harm would come of it.

The two of them left the manor in which they were staying. Malachite full of energy, strutting around in his new collar, the wolf puppy kept close to Mariana as they wandered the streets. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, the gentle sea breeze blew across the harbour. The smell of salt wafting up their noses. They wandered across the harbour, Malachite getting the attention of most passersby and workers. Suddenly he stopped and raised his nose to the air.

Cautiously, Mariana approached check on Malachite to make sure he was okay... then it hit her. The thick aromatic smell of spices and herbs drifting along the wind. Both Mariana and Malachite scoured the streets, searching for the origin of the smell. Their eyes locked onto a small open-fronted shop. Smoke billowing out from a small chimney poking out from the store. The both of them could feel themselves drifting towards it.

Upon reaching it, everything became clear. A large open fire grill with haunches of meat sizzling atop it. Large pots of stew and soup boiling away atop the fire. A stout man with a large beard prodded and flipped the meat, stirring the concoction within the large pots. He sensed their approach, wiped his hands and approached the counter.

"G'evening madam, fine weather we are having."

His face was soft. His beard braided with find jewellery. He had a gentle and inviting smile.

"What are you cooking this evening? It smells wonderful."

"Tonight we have a beef and potato stew, a leek and potato soup, herb roasted steak and marinated pork. All special family recipes."

Mariana pondered for a bit. She felt the dribble of saliva on her foot as Malachite began to salivate profusely.

"I will have the stew and can I get a portion of the steak." She reached into her pocket and took out a gold piece. It was at this point that the chef caught sight of a golden pin the inside of Mariana's cloak, symbolising her house. Mariana handed the chef the gold coin. He was stunned into silence for a moment.

"M'Lady, that is far too much. I charge only a few silver pieces for my food."

She smiled back as he spoke, she could tell that he was flustered.

"Well, how about this. You take this gold coin and I shall return and partake in more of your delicious food another time. The work of a chef is an honourable duty."

Reluctantly, he took the gold coin. His hands shaking he placed it into a pocket in his apron. Quickly, he turned and began pouring out some of the soup into a small bowl and portioning up a haunch of steak, cutting it into small pieces. After a few seconds he returned.

"M'Lady here is your food. I hope the food is to your liking. Thank you for your generosity."

Mariana took the food, smiled and thanked him before continuing down the street a little further. Once they found a quiet place, Mariana placed the small bundle of steak onto the ground in front of Malachite who quickly began to eat the food. Mariana carefully blew on the bowl before taking a sip of it. The warmth was welcoming. The two of them sat peacefully on the docks, enjoying their meal, listening to the gentle hum of people nearby. The crashing of waves against the dock providing a soothing melody for them to relax to.

Outside the Nexus - Ferdinand, Marcus, Mariana and Vahanian

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
Standing on the steps of the The Holy Basilica of Rines, he knew that the city must of been thriving when the tournament was in session. It had been a very long period of time since he had last had time in the city for his own thoughts. Yet, whilst one problem seemed to be over, another would begin - he had no doubt.

Walking into the street after spending a hour in the temple with his thoughts, his mind wondered again.

He had not visited the Templar Nexus in months.

Therefore, he walked the cobbled streets through his familiar walk, passing the usual sites and sounds. It was rather odd that in his time here, he had not seen another noble. Whilst he was not a betting man, it would not be too long before one did...
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
The ship had been acquired and the scouts were equipped. However, she had hours before the ship would depart. It had been a long time since she had been in Rines. Maybe I should visit the Grand Temple or the Nexus, She thought to herself as she wandered aimlessly around the harbour. Taking a side alley, she stepped off the street and headed towards the central plaza. The main roads were busy with merchants and visitors like normal, the occasional pilgrim from Bolkenia stopped and bowed before her. This pleased her.

After a few minutes of darting through side streets and alleys, she finally came to the central plaza. The grand structures of the Nexus and the Temple within sight. The fountain in which she spent a lot of her early days as a knight of Obeah still poised in position to catch much of the afternoon sun. The courtyard was surprisingly empty, the occasional bureaucrat or minor noble gracing the steps of the Grand Temple before quickly rushing inside.

Mariana took this time to sit upon the edge of the fountain. Crossing her legs and turning towards the Nexus. Basking in the warmth of the afternoon sun. She was wearing a long flowing dress, deep purple rippled in the wind flashing slight glimpses of silver as the sun hit the dress at certain points. Her hair was tied up neatly, nary a stray hair out of place. Her lips, as rosy as a fresh summer strawberry. She seemingly glowed under the beams of sunlight that crested over the Nexus.

Brimming with excitement, her mind rushed with thoughts of adventure. She gently leaned her head back and stared up at the bright blue sky.

"One could certainly get used to days like this. Maybe we shall have a good summer this year? I wonder if the strawberries I planted last season will bear fruit." She murmured to herself.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian was in the stables outside the Nexus, he was fully confident in the abilities of the stable hands and groomsmen that were employed here, but today, he wanted to handle his horse himself. He took the bridle and reins and led his horse outside, the sun was shinning, the skies were clear, it was a beautiful warm day. Vahanian lightly tied the reins of his horse to a peg on the side of the stable. He removed the leather overcoat he favored as of late and laid it across some barrels, he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and lit his pipe and began humming to himself as he brushed the coat of his Turkoman horse. In the distance by a fountain he was sure he saw Mariana sitting by a fountain. He nodded to her, unsure if she could see him or not, and continued his slow and methodical brushing. It helped him think, helped him to relax. He loved this horse and had spent a long time building a solid bond with the creature. He allowed his mind to wander, and replay the events of the last few days as he worked the brush across the dark bay coat of his horse.
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
With the Nexus only a few streets away from the Basilica, it was a short work that Ferdinand tended to enjoy. Rines was one, if the only city that he could feel relatively at ease. Every other region he visited, the paranoia of a lifetime fighting always took him for a ride. He remembered one such instance back in Dwilight where bandits came from the south and attempted to attack his family's noble convoy. Obviously, he was but a boy back then but his training only made it more certain that threat was round every corner...

Round that corner, he noticed two nobles he knew VERY well. By the stables, his mentor tended to what appeared to be a Turkoman horse. In comparison to the workman like ethic of the ex-Grand Templar now Duke, he saw the Countess relax by the fountain. The luxurious purple was completely out of place but appropriate for her surroundings.

"Typical..." Ferdinand muttered under his breath.

He was never at ease when the Inquisitor was around. The woman made him on edge. While there was a mutual respect there, a subtle feeling dwelt that could resemble nerves - not that Ferdinand knew what these feelings were. It was in weather such as this and situations like this where Ferdinand pondered the shaved head that he had promised himself one day.

Knowing that he could not approach either without alerting the other, Ferdinand simply walked towards the stables while openly acknowledging the presence of the Inquisitor. Suprised that Mariana did not make a approach, Ferdinand continued. Once arriving at the at the stables, Ferdinand stopped probably a few feet away from the Duke and saluted as Ferdinand always did:

"Mentor, I was on my way to see you. I..."

Ferdinand may of continued his sentence but he instantly knew that it was perhaps wise to let the older man finish his grooming before any official business began. Watching the Duke brush across the animals coat, Ferdinand let himself wonder around the horse. Letting himself relax, Ferdinand spoke:

"Vahanian, I hear that you beat the Marshal during the Oracle's birthday celebrations - I wish I could have been there."

A small chuckle came from the other side of the horse as Ferdinand took one step at a time, almost patrolling their conversation:

"I was initially suprised however that Lord Agamemnon best you in the second round. Perhaps he has a greater potential than I initially placed upon him. I should talk to him about joining the Templar Order - he may have a rich future in service of Obeah."

Turning back around to face Vahanian, he awaited his reply while anticipating the welcome interruption from his fellow nobles...
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian was amused that Ferdinand stopped himself mid-sentence. He wouldn't have all together minded if Ferdinand had continued, but did appreciate the man diverting to some simple small talk while Vahanian continued his task.

Vahanian's head poked up above the horse's back as he looked at his friend and said "I beat Antonia in the first round, lost in the second, and lost to Maura at the party.." There was an odd calm about the way Vahanian described the events. He brushed down the mane of his horse and rubbed the creature affectionately down his face and nose.

Vahanian handed the reins off to a stable-hand with his thanks as the young man led his horse back into the stables. Vahanian sat on a bench and threw his saddle over a wooden saddle stand, removed the stirrups and cinches and took out a few rags and several bottles of odd liquids. He began rubbing his saddle down with a dry rag, removing the top layer of dust and dirt that had accumulated. He looked up at Ferdinand, squinting one eye against the sun and said "I'll get a rematch in against both Agamemnon and Maura soon enough.. soon as my shoulder's healed.." He finished with the first rag and noticed Ferdinand fidget uncomfortably. He poured a foul smelling liquid onto a second rag and began working it into the leather. He looked up and with his foot slid a stool over to Ferdinand to sit if he wished and said "Speak your mind son.. No need to dance around it.."
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
It was frustrating to Ferdinand that Vahanian knew him so well. However, he thought that same familiarity would work both ways. As the sun shone down on the man in his late 70's, Ferdinand didn't truly know what to say. Yet, he tried anyway:

"I have never been good at small talk mentor. Therefore, I will be as straight as I can be. You have been... quiet... in the last few weeks. Even before Maura's return nor Duchess Jessica stepping down, which we have still yet to discuss, you are alot more secluded than I have known you to be."

Sitting down on the stool next to Vahanian, the smell from the rag penetrated his nostrils like the plague. In comparison to the smell of rotting undead, this smell was far more artificial and harder to digest. Leaning into Vahanian, Ferdinand spoke:

"What is currently or has been on your mind mentor? I have noticed the change in your behaviour."

Looking out to the fountain, not noticing Mariana there anymore and quickly back again, Ferdinand watched Vahanian's face to notice any emotion that flickered across them.
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Marcus Daubeny
Marcus was doing his daily rounds around the Basilica, he had just finished signing some papers and dealing with a minor dispute between the Stone Masons Guild and the Woodcutter Guild, it was quite amusing to the Steward, the two old guild leaders bickered like two housewives, if housewives sounded like parrots, that thought brought a small chuckle.

He looked at his check list and he trailed his finger done to the next item on his list, The Stables, Marcus set off for the stables and within three minutes begun to check around with Horsemaster, seeing that all the horses for the Cavalry and Nobility were being cared for after he did that he took a small look around, He noticed Vahanian and Ferdiand, he thought of going over to talk to them, he thought it might be better if he didn't,after all he didn't want to interrupt, he simply went over and stood near them, he groomed and petted his own horse, brought with him from Dwilight,

He heard a chuckle and then decided to talk "Good Morning Duke Blint, Grand templar Greybrook" He then put down his brush, he leaned against the a stable wall and smiled at the two,
Marcus Daubeny

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana opened her right eye just in time to see Duke Vahanian approaching the stables, she nodded back politely however paid him no mind. As she began to close her eye, she caught sight of something far more interesting.

Ferdinand had made an appearance. He had begun his approach to the duke. An opportunity she would not miss. Slowly she uncrossed her legs and stretched, quietly moving towards the pair. Scheming with her mind, considering every option. Finally, she set her mind on an idea.

Casually, she continued to step towards the pair, ensuring she was out of eyesight of Ferdinand. With one quick motion, timing it perfectly with the arrival of Steward Marcus, she swooped in and linked her arm around Ferdinand's. She gripped tightly around him, ensuring he would be aware of her presence.

"Duke Vahanian, Grand Templar Ferdinand, Steward Marcus. It is good to see you all are well. I hope you do not mind me joining, I have not seen the handsome Ferdinand in so long." She put sarcastic emphasis when she spoke Ferdinand's title.

"I am soon to depart once again and seeing Ferdinand, I did not want to miss him again." A sly smile crept across her face.

She politely dipped her head towards the duke, a common sight of courtesy. However she gripped tighter against Ferdinand's arms, this time weaving her fingers into his hand gently caressing his palm.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
There was a matter of seconds, a few counts where Vahanian used the opportunity to speak just before the chaos of the situation flooded the stables.

Steward Marcus, as diligent as the first night that they had met and Countess Mariana, linking her arm within his. Taking the matter as if nothing was wrong, he opened the conversation to the two nobles:

"Steward Marcus, Countess Mariana, it is certainly a surprise to see you both in Rines on this hot summer's day. As you can see the Duke and I were just having a conversation about recent events."

Turning to the Steward himself, Ferdinand asked:

"How was the Farseer campaign abroad Steward? I obtained the report from Marshal Antonia but I would appreciate the first hand account too."

Ferdinand made some effort to shake the young woman off his arm. Yet, by the end of his sentence, Ferdinand resigned himself that as he was in good company, there would be no need to make a point of removing the Countess from his arm and ruin the conversation.
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Marcus Daubeny
Marcus sighed as Ferdinand asked about his recent campaign,

“Well enough for the others, I had to leave early to make it back for the elections, might I add the purple of the priest doesn’t look good on me” he laughed at his jest.

Then he felt remorse as he thought on the campaign, that cursed campaign, “But I will speak plainly, It was a disaster on my part, my men suffered total casualties, only two came back to the boat with me and they both died at sea, If only I had left with the rest of the Farseers” he sighed and wiped a single tear from his eye, “But that is in the past”

He then flashed Mariana a smile “How have you been Mariana, I haven’t seen you since that day at the Tournament, speaking of Tournaments” Marcus looked at the Duke “Vahanian, I hope you are well, I haven’t seen you since you unsaddled me in the joust.”

He hoped his rapid speaking didn’t make it too hard for the others to follow, he couldn’t help but smile, he was with his friends. A moment of doubt followed this thought, were these his friends, he most certainly hoped so.
Marcus Daubeny

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian worked the rag around the saddle with a deft hand, Ferdinand posed a question to him and stared at Vahanian. He maintained his normal stoic mask on the surface but underneath he was pleased with his pupils diligence. He was learning to read faces.

Within the span of a few moments, the Steward and Countess Mariana both swooped into the area and conversation. Vahanian continued his work, switching rags for a third time and opening an even worse smelling liquid and pouring it into the third clean rag. He began working the liquid into the leather of the saddle with vigor.

He smiled at the steward and inclined his head, he did the same at the countess. He raised a quizzical eyebrow as she slid her palm into his, and suppressed a chuckle as he saw Ferdinand nearly jump out of his boots in either shock or embarrassment.

Vahanian shot Ferdinand a look that indicated their conversation will continue later, once they were alone. He continued puffing on his pipe and working the leather of his saddle.
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
Ferdinand watched the steward talk. While he was not as adept as the Duke in reading people, the conscious change of mood and feeling was noticed, as well as the rapid speaking. Taking a moment to contemplate his actions, Ferdinand stood up from his seat, just managing to get the Countess off his arm and took a few steps away from the group. The ease from his shoulders started to tighten - something was missing. With a assertion of authority yet keeping the conversation as social as it could be, Ferdinand asked: "Tell me Steward Marcus, how did the expedition fare beyond this? You were instructed if I am correct to obtain gold and food for the theocracy as well as investigate the Unholy Order. Did you get to Wudenkin and investigate the temple or its ruins?"
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Marcus Daubeny
Marcus just shook his head,

"I am sorry my friend, no Farseer set a foot into that dammed city, We did not steal neither food nor gold, at least I didn't, the Marshal Fitz Roberts said no looting or raiding, She went ahead to look for the richest target, She said it was the city."

Marcus paused as he tried to remember the name of the region they made it too before it all went downhill, Vale, that was it.

"We made it to Vale and then we waited a few days, the Marshal ordered us to move out, I took to long getting ready to leave and we were caught off guard by a large horde of Monsters, My men charged into the ranks of the monsters, giving the archer time to fire upon the enemy but once my men broke, the archers were slaughtered."

He then sighed "I also lost the Swift Lance, a relic I brought not 2 weeks prior to the campaign, I have hired a Adventurer to retrieve it but, there was already a Thalmarkin Adventurer there, they likely took the lance."

He then waited for a response,
Marcus Daubeny

Roleplay from Marcus Daubeny
Marcus then slapped his forehead and realised he forgot the most important part of the question that Ferdiand was asking "And no, sorry, we didn't enter the city except maybe the Marshal, we didn't investigate the ruins or temple, I am sorry." Marcus had yet again spoke quickly, quicker then before even, He hoped everyone still understood him.
Marcus Daubeny

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
"I have been quite alright. The summer breeze does wonders to my skin. I am sad that I was unable to attend the party you so generously hosted, however duty called." She chuckled slightly, tightening her grip around Ferdinand's arm. "The tournament was wonderful. I am surprised I got so far in the tournament, it had been a long time since I had properly swung a sword about like that."

When Ferdinand finally broke free from her grip, she couldn't help but smile. She resigned herself to stand opposite him, continuing to listen to the conversation. She folded her arms and leaned slightly further into her right leg, tilting her head slightly.

"Tell me Steward Marcus, how did the expedition fare beyond this? You were instructed if I am correct to obtain gold and food for the theocracy as well as investigate the Unholy Order. Did you get to Wudenkin and investigate the temple or its ruins?"

They spoke of matters of war. This did not concern Mariana as such but continued to listen. She gently tapped her fingers against her elbow. Her mind wandered. First came the journey ahead of her, days at sea before she will even make landfall, then the endless roads. Then she began to think of Malachite. Like a doting parent, she grew concerned for the puppy. Worried she was showing it on her face, she snapped herself out of it with a gentle pinch.

She listened to Marcus speak, catching onto his pain. As he was speaking she reached up and untied her hair, letting it drop behind her shoulders onto the back of her dress. The hair clip, which had been adorned with small emeralds, she placed into a small pouch at her side. She ruffled her hair before letting it settle.

"That is a terrible shame, Sir Marcus. Both for your men and your item. With luck, maybe you will find a chance to replace it. I hear you have taken up the priestly robes? I must say I am surprised. Though I hear you are a remarkable bureaucrat."

She smiled towards him, hoping to ease the tension.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Marcus Daubeny
Marcus smiled at the Countess, grateful for her kind words "Obeah willing that Adventurer will soon send me a letter telling me they have retrieved it."

Marcus then thought to his short time as a priest, it was mostly spent praying and preaching around the city "Yes for a time, But I do not think it is for me, my time of swing my sword for Obeah is not yet up, I think I have a few thousand more enemies before I will put my sword up again." He chuckled slightly at his own jest "and I thank you Mariana, I am glad you think I am a good bureaucrat, I do try my best."

He then realised something and he smiled, excitement written all of his face "I just remembered, I have been working on a project, a new hall in the Grand Temple, If you three want I can show it too you all."

He looked at all three nobles as he spoke, a grin on his face the entire time.
Marcus Daubeny

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian had been working the leather the entire time the conversation carried on around him. The smoke from his pipe wafting through the air swirling around him like a veil.

He removed the stopper from his final bottle which released an oddly leather-like aroma into the air, he held the bottle over the end of his pipe, letting the small ember and smoke slightly warm the liquid in the bottle before pouring the slightest drop onto a clean rag.

Marcus offered to show them a project he'd been working on and Vahanian smiled at the man and politely declined saying "Perhaps another time, my young friend. I must make preparations for my journey back to the White Citadel."

He began working the cloth around the leather with an expert hand. He looked up at Ferdinand and said "Grand Templar, If you're going to see the Steward's project, do come see me in the nexus before I leave.. If you're not going to see it, would you walk with me to the Nexus?"
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
Ferdinand listened to the steward depict the Farseers expedition once again. It seems that the investigation would require the Inquisition. Turning his head to Mariana, whom has just undone her hair, it took a few more counts before he continued:

"I would like to assume then that the Inquisition would be investigating the temple - it isn't really the best of purposes for the Farseers. Not yet at least."

Listening to the replies and the invitation of the Steward, his mind was still preoccupied with the previous conversation with the Duke:

"If it is alright with you Steward, I would like to visit the project perhaps later this afternoon or evening when the sun has gone in. I have a few matters of the Templar Order to settle with the Duke."

Standing up and looked briefly to his mentor. Often, their body language was enough to depict intentions. Casting a look to the other two nobles there, his eyes portrayed a greater story and idea came to his mind:

"After this, perhaps this could be a opportunity for a famous Daubeny evening for the nobles in Rines? I would enjoy hearing the different renditions of the tournament - there are also nobles whom I know are in the city but I have not met in some months and new arrivals as well."

Despite what he has previously said, he did enjoy the last evening they hosted. Lots of different nobles discussing different things. Perhaps this one will be far more low key...
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint
Vahanian finished his work with the saddle and returned the rags and bottles to a satchel in a neat and orderly fashion. He stood, dusted his hands off on his trousers and bowed his head first to Mariana and then to Marcus saying "My Lady, Lord Steward, If you'll both excuse me, I must return to the nexus. It has been a lovely chat, if either of you are ever near Grehk, do please stop in, there will always be a warm welcome awaiting." He hoisted his saddle with ease and looked at Ferdinand and said "I'll be with the stable master when you're ready, my friend." Ferdinand nodded and Vahanian walked into the stable to presumably deposit his saddle into storage until he was ready to ride.
Vahanian Blint

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana watched and listened to the conversation unfold. She noted how preoccupied the duke was and the tension in the air. Realizing she may have disturbed an important conversation, she perked up at the stewards request.

"Steward Marcus, I would be honored to see this project that you have been working on. Shall we head there now and leave Duke Vahanian and Grand Templar Marcus to their important matters?"

She looked at the reactions of the two. She smiled towards the young steward before offering her hand. Ferdinand's next question surprised Mariana.

"Ferdinand, that is a great idea. The last ball was such a wonderful time, I would love to attend another."

She smiled again and waited for Marcus's response.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Marcus Daubeny
Marcus gave a smile to the Countess and took her offered hand 'Come then let us leave Ferdiand to his business with the Duke"

He gave a final nod to Ferdiand before leading Mariana into the Grand Temple,

It was clean as it normally was the banners of Obia'Syela hung from the walls, Marcus soon realised he was still holding Mariana's hand, he let of her hand clearly embarrassed.

He then smiled again "The New Hall is this way"
Marcus Daubeny

Roleplay from Ferdinand Greybrook
With the regards of the Steward, Ferdinand got up from his stool, gave a nod to both nobles in front of him:

"I shall see you then later this evening. Enjoy your visit."

Heading in the direction of the Duke, the beating sun continued to rain down on the stable house as the Grand Templar found his mentor holding a brief discussion with the stable master. Quickly noticing his approach, the master immediately bowed then proceeded to tend elsewhere in the stable. Resting on the beam beside Vahanian, their conversation continued:

"Mentor, to resume our conversation previously, would you be able to answer my previous question?"
Ferdinand Greybrook

Roleplay from Marcus Daubeny
Marcus led Mariana through the Grand Temple, He came to a large entrance that lead to a large stair case leading down,

Marcus grabbed a torch an led Mariana downstairs,

The room they arrived to was a massive hall 36 stone bases were there, already sculptors worked on statues, there was currently one of the Oracle and one of Jessica Gildre and one of Eva Foote.

Marucs smiled and waved to the sculptures and masons "This, is the hall of Heroes, it will hold a statue of all the nobles of Obia S'yela, it currently has room for 36 statues and can easily be expanded for more."

He motioned to the half complete statue of Ferdiand being worked on by two sculptors "This is how we will be remembered, the world will remember us, all of us."

He turned around to look at Mariana the Light catching in Marcus's pale grey eyes made them seem to glow "When we are naught but dust this hall all stand and when the next generation that follows us enters this hall they will see the faces off heroes."

He smiled "I care about all of the nobles in our realm, I have met almost all of them and there isn't one that I would call anything less then my friend, this is my homage to them, so that when we are gone we will not be forgotten"

In that moment Marcus seemed truly happy, proud to a Obian
Marcus Daubeny

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana took her time to inspect each of the podiums, the completed and half completed statues. Carefully she stepped towards each, bowed her head in prayer. She came to Ferdinands, placing a hand at the base of the statue she smiled. Finally, she turned back to Marcus.

"Sir Marcus. I must say, this is quite remarkable. The hall of Heros shall serve as a monument to our triumphs and as a model for future Obians that shall follow us."

She returned to Marcus' side, linked her arm around his and continued down the hall.

"This has certainly been surprising. Honestly, I had not expected this when you told me you had something to show us."

After a short walk, they came to the podium with her name on it. No statue rested on its base, simply a name. She brushed her hand against the name le Craint.

"Sir Marcus, I am most impressed. When this hall is filled with the statues of our brothers and sisters it shall be a sight of glory. The far reaches of Bolkenia shall never see such beauty, though I hope this shall serve as a guide for those who follow us."

She smiled as they walked down the hall. Candle's hung periodically along the walls, darkness enshrouded the corners of the room. The light almost seemed holy when it shone down upon the statues.

"Now where might yours be? As the curator of such grandeur, you must have saved a prominent place for yourself?" She looked expectantly at Marcus.
Mariana le Craint

Roleplay from Marcus Daubeny
Marcus couldn’t help but smile as Mariana spoke, he was glad that Mariana liked it, he hoped the others would too

He smiled and took a torch from the wall, he continued down the hall until he reached the the end of the hall and there he was, well where he will be as it was only a block of marble at the moment however the plaque was there “Marcus Daubeny, Steward of Rines”

He turned around and smiled at Mariana “I am glad you like it Mariana” he looked around the room once more and smiled glad he thought to do this
Marcus Daubeny

Roleplay from Mariana le Craint
Mariana took her time to look around the room some more. They stood before the piece of stone that would become Marcus. She couldn't help but think of all that has occurred. The victories and the losses. As she looked at Marcus, she saw hope. A willingness for the future.

"Truly, these statues shall become a great memory to our actions and the sacrifices we have made. Hopefully the generations that follow us will look upon these statues fondly."

Mariana spun around to face along the hallway, looking towards the entrance with statues all along the walls. She crossed her hands behind her back, observing each and every name. In the distance, she could hear the chime of a bell marking the coming of the evening.

"I thank you for taking the time to show me this. Truly it is wonderful. However, it seems my time has come to move forward. I have a long journey ahead of me. When I come back, maybe I shall see more familiar faces within these halls."

She turned to Marcus. with a gentle smile and caring eyes she bowed politely before the young noble.

"Take care Sir Marcus."

She began to step towards the exit. Raising her dress slightly as to not trip. As she came to the doorway, she turned back at Marcus and waved before departing into the night. Leaving almost as quickly as she had arrived.
Mariana le Craint