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OOC Note: The contents of this page are not in-game canon. They are meant for personal entertainment only. Full disclaimer [[User:Qmasterflex86/Project_Dwi_01/Notes|here]].
OOC Note: The contents of this page are not in-game canon. They are meant for personal entertainment only. Full disclaimer [[User:Qmasterflex86/Project_Dwi_01/Notes|here]].
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|Title=Grandmistress of Alley of Swords}}
|Title=Grandmistress of Alley of Swords}}
===The Grand Balance===
==The Grand Balance==
===Keepers' Legacy===
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|Title=Abbot of Balance's Retreat}}
|Title=Abbot of Balance's Retreat}}
===The Individual===
|Recipients=everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
|Content=The usual rhythm of Balance’s Retreat was altered this day. Most times the apprentices would train outdoors in large groups, but today, all were gathered to an expansive chamber within the mountain fortress. Any apprentice would have noticed that a rare and momentous event was occurring that very moment, for in a flash of brilliant white light, the tall, elegant figure that most of the apprentices only heard about, appeared at the front of the chamber.
With light steps, she crossed the distance to a long table, at the center of which sat Valiant. She greeted him with a bow, and with a flick of her wrist, a banner that was not there before rolled open on the wall behind one of the open seats. The red cloth emblazoned with a white sword hung proudly as the woman announced her arrival in accordance with tradition.
She said in a sharp commanding voice, “Keepers of Balance, heirs of the Old Masters, I, Glorious, who watches over the blades that enforce our wills, grant my sword to this gathering.” After placing her fine blade on the table before Valiant, she took her seat beneath the red banner.
|Title=Grand Mistress of Alley of Swords}}
|Recipients=everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
|Content=Shortly after Glorious arrived, a golden banner laced with intricate patterns of white lines opened on another empty seat. From the banner came forth an old man adorned in a heavy golden robe. In his hand he held a shining silver cane, which he placed on the table, next to Glorious’ blade.
“Keepers of Balance, faithful of the truth,” He said in a loud, clear voice, much like Glorious had, “I, Pious, who guides the journeys of our disciples, grant my faith to this gathering.” With the cane in place, Pious took his seat underneath his golden banner.
|Title=Grand Master of North Divide}}
|Recipients= everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
|Content=The next Grand did not appear with any great show or announcement. Once Pious was finished, those gathered barely noticed when the fur-clad man appeared in front of Valiant, kneeling with a tattered gray cloak held above the blade and cane. In a raspy voice, he spoke.
“Keepers of Balance, enemies of the extremes, I, Hunter, who stalks the threats to Balance, grant my instinct to this gathering.”
Much as he had arrived, after letting the cloak fall on the table beside its fellow treasures, Hunter took an empty seat, though no banner appeared over his.
|Title=Grand Master of South Divide}}
|Recipients= everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
|Content=The final Grand appeared in the center of the room with a bright flash of blue light followed by the fluttering of many blue-winged ghostly butterflies. In the midst of the blue was a young woman who spun around as the lights faded, her blue dress leaving trails of strange dust in the air. Whereas Hunter was subtle in both actions and dress, this one was the complete opposite. Striking a pose that made many apprentices blush, as well as drawing differing looks from her fellow Grands, the last of the Four Grands made her presence known.
While Valiant looked on with his disinterested gaze, Glorious with her stern stare, Pious with a disapproving glare, and Hunter with an annoyed expression as he scratched his beard, the last Grand announced herself in a soft voice, which did not match her appearance.
“Keepers of Balance, defenders of the World, I, Ornate, who lights the dark and shades the bright, grant my vision to this gathering.” Promptly, she withdrew a silver mirror and placed it beside the three other treasures. Pointing at the last empty seat, Ornate said, “Guess I sit there.” Immediately a bright blue banner appeared, embellished with three white mirrors weaved of white threads.
|Title=Grand Mistress of West Divide}}
|Recipients=everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
|Content=When five were seated at the table, Valiant stood up at last and in one motion swept the four treasures away, somehow sealed within a small black box that he held in one hand. Looking over the gathered apprentices, he addressed them all in a calm voice fit for mentors.
“Apprentices, this is a rare event, where the four Grands have all arrived in this fortress. Throughout our history, these happen only when there is a serious threat to the Balance, one which cannot be left to any local forces. Keepers of Balance, executors to the will of the World, the Light waxes.”
The room, which had before been silent while Valiant spoke, suddenly burst into concerned chatter. Valiant sat down, looking at his four comrades. As the apprentices continued to talk, some of the caretakers and guards began asserting order. While the teachers began to answer some of the many questions the apprentices had, the Grands and Valiant retired to another room.
|Title=Abbot of Balance’s Retreat}}
|Recipients=Glorious, Hunter, Ornate, Pious, Valiant
|Content=“You five certainly haven’t lost your touch for theatrics.” A short woman with neck-length brown hair chuckled lightly as Valiant and the Grands entered the private room. They each reacted differently to her presence, though all but Valiant appeared intimidated.
Seeing Valiant ready to speak, she quickly said, “I found out some things. That’s why I’m here, so don’t get so riled up over your silly little ceremony. I understand the tradition. But,” she sighed, giving each Grand a cursory look with her hazel eyes. Though it looked as if she was just a normal woman, somehow each Grand flinched as she set her eyes upon them. When she looked at Valiant, the ageless face stared back with set eyes. She settled on Valiant’s unyielding brown eyes, saying, “You realize my job isn’t to get my feet dirty with the mortal world’s troubles, right? Ah, but I suppose I’m still new to this.”
|Recipients=Eternia, Glorious, Hunter, Ornate, Pious
|Content=“Eternia, please get to the point. I understand you have more important matters that would require you to spend as little time talking to us as possible.” Valiant never blinked as he spoke in his steady and calming voice, seemingly the only one other than Eternia who was capable of speech in the woman’s presence.
|Title=Grand Abbot of Balance’s Retreat}}
|Recipients=Glorious, Hunter, Ornate, Pious, Valiant
|Content=At Valiant’s words, Eternia stuck out her tongue, though no one dared to look surprised or to laugh. “You’re no fun! And here I was, hoping I’d get to spend some more time with uncle Fennel. Valiant. Whatever. Anyway, so about those five I guess.”
Suddenly, Eternia’s tone changed, and even though her physical appearance did not change, there was clearly a greater presence emitted from the woman’s presence. “There was only one in Flowrestown, the Maiden. I felt another, whom I believed to be the Idealist, but I never made contact. They are gaining believers, Valiant. The Old Masters believe there is still not enough to warrant our action, but I think you might want to place human perspective to this. My role here is finished. The rest I leave for humans to decide. Farewell.”
With a slight bow, Eternia walked out of the room, disappearing into the gathering.
===Enemies to Balance===
|Recipients=everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
|Content=Before a gathered throng of people of all types, religious and not, aristocracy and commonfolk, a tall, beautiful woman adorned in a long white robe that matched her pale white hair stood on a platform, looking out upon the many who visited for her sermon.
With a warm but commanding smile, and eyes that seemed to gaze into a faraway distance, she addressed those gathered in the city square. "My dear people, we have struggled together and persevered through all obstacles, overcome all challenges, to reach this day. Today, we look around us, all of us brothers and sisters united by the blood of humanity. The darkness that plagued these lands is all but exterminated, driven away by our everlasting convictions and our indomitable faith. Now we can bring forth the era of light, to shine the brilliance of progress on this world hindered by fear, violence, and death. Today, we call in a new age, where humanity prospers under the light!"
Amid cheers and applause the woman continued on with her sermon, "But our work is only beginning. The fires in the west have been extinguished, but the scars left by their burns must be healed. The devourers of the fields and forests have become the hunted, but the emptiness left by their consumption must be restored. The restless souls have finally found peace, but the death they brought must be replaced with life. Go forth, my brothers and sisters, and together we can make this land beautiful for our children. Together this land will be bountiful for ourselves and those to whom we bequeath it."
|Recipients=everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
|Content=Among the cheering crowd was one woman dressed plainly such that she would not stand out in the fray, who did not share in the enthusiasm. After Joan had completed her sermon and was retiring to her chambers in the temple of Flowrestown, Eternity intercepted her in a less busy alley.
"I must applaud you for you certainly know how to give a show." Said Eternia in a mocking tone. She stood a full head shorter than the tall and graceful Joan, and her short brown hair barely reached her shoulders in contrast to the flowing waist-long white Joan had. To the casual observer, it looked as though a commoner was asking Joan for a blessing.
|Recipients=everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
|Content=Being stopped by random strangers was no surprise to Joan, for many people of all types often asked her for her blessings, which she would gladly give. But this one was different, not only in the way she confronted her, but also in the aura she emitted. Everyone in Flowrestown had been purified by her blessings, yet this one felt much different. Joan knew immediately that she was not one aligned to the light. With stern eyes and voice, Joan replied to who she assumed to be a peasant girl from a faraway village, "My sister, you seem not to have gained the blessings and enlightenment that your brothers and sisters have received. For that, I am sorry to have failed you. If you would follow me to the temple, I will see to it that you are blessed at once."
|Recipients=everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
|Content="That will not be necessary, extremist." Said Eternia, equally cold in her voice and demeanor. Eternia looked over the blindingly white robes Joan wore, showing no signs of the disgust she felt within at the hypocrisy she observed. "I come to warn you that the World is stirring at your imbalance. Do not blind these people into following your single and unrelenting path."
|Recipients=everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
|Content=Hearing Eternia's words made Joan recognize who she was talking to. Her surprise was well-hidden by her stone-cold face, a clear difference from her warm and welcoming during her sermon. "You who wishes to preserve the darkness, renounce such dangerous thoughts and accept the light. There is still time for your redemption." Even as she said this, she began to glow with radiance, as though she was an embodiment of light.
|Recipients=everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
|Content=While the light would have been fatal to anything inhuman, and even blinded most people, Eternia was unaffected. She spoke calmly to Joan, but her disdain was clear. "A radical like you would call anything not within your narrow and intolerant dogma the darkness. This world is not the subject of your desires. You cannot simply choose which kinds of life to preserve. That is not the way of the World. I give you my last warning as messenger of the Old Masters. Cease this folly now, or risk the same fate that the Old Masters once did when they tore the many rifts."
Without looking back, Eternia passed Joan, blending in quickly with the crowd that moved in lively activity in the city.
==The Individual==
|Recipients=everyone in the vicinity of Alley of Swords
|Content=He read the letter again, disbelieving his eyes, but the same words reflected clearly the decision made by the elders. Warren screamed into the deserted night air, the only one remaining in Alley of Swords after the other apprentices abandoned him the day before.
He took stock of his supplies: A longsword made for apprentices defending themselves in their Trial of Swords, a few packets of food to last him possibly two weeks of travel depending on his rationing, a coil of rope, a lantern without oil, and a bag full of scrolls of banishment, holy light, fear, curse of rust, and two scrolls of miracle. Looking at his scrolls, Warren understood why the elders would evict him from the Keepers, but in his mind, it was only a harmless prank.
It was with a heavy heart that Warren made his way east again, to Tranquil, this time with no thoughts of returning to the mountain fortress that had been his home for nearly two decades.

Latest revision as of 01:44, 5 March 2011

OOC Note: The contents of this page are not in-game canon. They are meant for personal entertainment only. Full disclaimer here.


Event from Valiant
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Balance's Retreat
Valiant looked in approval at the disciples performing their daily activities with rare discipline. Many were meditating in well-organized neat rows and columns, all kneeling in the Temple, contemplating the complexities of what they sought to understand and to preserve. Some were outside in the courtyard, sparring with wooden staves in the crisp air surrounding the mountain fortress. Drums beating a constant rhythm kept a unifying tempo throughout Balance's Retreat, helping all the inhabitants live in constant harmony.

A messenger stopped Valiant in his daily tour of the grounds, confirming the number of acolytes who had passed successfully through the Alley of Swords into Tranquil, and who were eligible to become full warriors of the Great Balance. The messenger also brought news of those who failed, either by dying or deserting. Valiant nodded in understanding as the messenger listed many more names among the dead and missing than those who had succeeded the test. He knew that the Old Masters had entrusted them with a grave task, a very serious duty. And though their duty was but an infinitesimally small one compared to that of the Old Masters, nonetheless, among mortal men such a burden was incredible.

Only the strongest, in all parts of body, mind, spirit, and soul, would ever be worthy of becoming one of the Sentinels, the purest, most dedicated, and greatest among mortals who would upkeep the Great Balance that the Old Masters, having learned from their previous folly, sought never to disrupt again.
Valiant (Abbot of Balance's Retreat)

Roleplay from Warren
Message sent to everyone in the region Alley of Swords
A young man raised his arms and cheered upon reaching the fertile plains of Tranquil. The perilous path through the Alley of Swords had drained his stamina greatly, but reaching his goal had refreshed him enough to celebrate with a short victory dance.

A young woman who had made it to Tranquil at the same time looked at the dancing apprentice. She shook her head disapprovingly. "Apprentice brother Warren, this is no time to be so careless. We have only passed our first test, and the true trials only begin now."

"Oh lighten up Scia." Scia looked cross at the informal mention of her name. Warren quickly amended, "Apprentice sister Scia." And without missing a breath he added, "Lighten up. We just passed the hardest trial. It only gets easier from here." He gave a grin and a thumbs up to Scia.

The girl returned neither the gesture nor the smile. She turned her back to Warren and walked neatly, with back straight and head held high, to join the other students who also passed through the Alley of Swords.
Warren (Apprentice)

Event from Glorious
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Alley of Swords
Scrolls that the apprentices had carried with them from Balance’s Retreat through the Alley of Swords simultaneously opened as invisible pens etched arcane script. Symbols of a long lost age appeared in deep black ink, chronicling the immense histories and passions of the scrolls now forming before the apprentices.

None of the apprentices was versed in the language to know what the rituals written on the scrolls fully conveyed, but all knew that it was the ritual for Miracle. Only this one time would they get a scroll that described to them fully how to exact a true miracle. No more for the apprentices, as per the tradition passed along through many millennia when the Old Masters themselves defined the rituals.

The scroll was more a symbol than a spell container. It displayed to the Keepers of Balance that the bearer displayed the attributes required to inherit the Old Masters’ will. Few passed the rank of apprentice, and fewer still lived to become the Sentinels, the greatest warriors mortal men could become. To date, none had ever triggered a miracle, preferring to die or let the scroll be destroyed than to use it, or even worse, let it fall into other hands.
Glorious (Grandmistress of Alley of Swords)

The Grand Balance

Keepers' Legacy

Event from Valiant
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
Though the drums beat in harmony and the disciples continued their strict training regimen, Valiant did not sense the same harmony that had calmly surrounded Balance’s Retreat for several decades. He did not usually depart from the mountains to walk with men of the outside world, but he still knew the latest occurrences among them. This time, he heard troubling reports about the uniformity of faiths to the south.

Valiant’s outward countenance did not change, for his stern face and focused eyes revealed nothing of the growing concern within. He knew that if the men of the south continued down their path, expanding their restrictive and intolerant doctrines, one among the many enemies of the Great Balance would arrive to prey on their delusions.

In the silent chamber reserved for the Abbot, Valiant looked upon the banners hanging along the walls, large tapestries of cloth weaved with the inscriptions of arcane rituals. One was crimson and decorated with gold threads that weaved a story of the history and passions of the old masters who battled against powerful beings of fire. In the words beyond understanding, the inscribed banishment ritual described the tireless inferno that would consume all in its path. It told the legends of the few brave masters who learned how to call the dark clouds that shuttled the otherworldly abominations back to their burning planes.

Another banner was black, etched with bright white threads that weaved a story of the history and passions of the old masters who battled against death itself. In an arcane script few mortals could read, the inscribed ritual of banishment chronicled the endeavors of the old masters to conquer death, and the horrors that they created in pursuit of such a goal. It told of the masters’ realization and wisdom gained, that death was a natural law of the world. With this understood, the tale told of the power of the world that the masters wielded to restore the balance of life and death, and to create unto dust the undying ones.

Beneath the two banners were a sword and shield. The shield was immaculately silver save for black scratches upon its surface that formed ancient scripts. Within these scratches could be found the story of the history and passions of the old masters who battled against savage creatures. In tarnished silver the inscribed ritual of fear recounted the memories of the old masters’ war to establish a world guided more by reason than by instinct. No spells would send the monsters to their own world for their world was one and the same as the masters’. No spells would cause the world to correct the anomaly for the monsters of living flesh and blood belonged to the mortal world. The only shield the old masters had was found in courage. The story engraved into the shield warned that the greatest armor was not found in how much it could guard against attacks, but how well it could prevent any from occurring. And in fear, no beast dared to attack, granting the old masters their greatest shield.

The sword was thoroughly rusted, yet did not break or decay. Along the length of the blade ran parts that were clean and free of any rust. Those areas of untainted steel told a story of the history and passions of the old masters who faced the only enemy they feared: themselves. Fear provided the shield, but humans had the gift of reason and choice, and even in the greatest abyss of fear, humanity could still strike. The old masters needed a weapon against themselves, to disarm those among them who would harm their own kind. The ritual of curse of rust found in the writing of white steel in dull red-brown rust told of the many battles among humans, the rise and fall of empires, and the lives and deaths of conquerors. But the bodies of men are weak, and so the old masters discovered that they relied too much on their weapons forged of the earth. Stripped of the strength of their steel, the humans had nothing but themselves.

But what of the two greatest enemies to the Great Balance, the two perpetually warring extremes? Both were more conceptual than material, unlike the other enemies the old masters faced. But the answer was clear to Valiant, more than ever. He rose steadily from his meditation, and stepped outside his chamber, calling for the four Grands to convene the next day.
Valiant (Abbot of Balance's Retreat)

Event from Glorious
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
The usual rhythm of Balance’s Retreat was altered this day. Most times the apprentices would train outdoors in large groups, but today, all were gathered to an expansive chamber within the mountain fortress. Any apprentice would have noticed that a rare and momentous event was occurring that very moment, for in a flash of brilliant white light, the tall, elegant figure that most of the apprentices only heard about, appeared at the front of the chamber.

With light steps, she crossed the distance to a long table, at the center of which sat Valiant. She greeted him with a bow, and with a flick of her wrist, a banner that was not there before rolled open on the wall behind one of the open seats. The red cloth emblazoned with a white sword hung proudly as the woman announced her arrival in accordance with tradition.

She said in a sharp commanding voice, “Keepers of Balance, heirs of the Old Masters, I, Glorious, who watches over the blades that enforce our wills, grant my sword to this gathering.” After placing her fine blade on the table before Valiant, she took her seat beneath the red banner.
Glorious (Grand Mistress of Alley of Swords)

Event from Pious
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
Shortly after Glorious arrived, a golden banner laced with intricate patterns of white lines opened on another empty seat. From the banner came forth an old man adorned in a heavy golden robe. In his hand he held a shining silver cane, which he placed on the table, next to Glorious’ blade. “Keepers of Balance, faithful of the truth,” He said in a loud, clear voice, much like Glorious had, “I, Pious, who guides the journeys of our disciples, grant my faith to this gathering.” With the cane in place, Pious took his seat underneath his golden banner.
Pious (Grand Master of North Divide)

Event from Hunter
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
The next Grand did not appear with any great show or announcement. Once Pious was finished, those gathered barely noticed when the fur-clad man appeared in front of Valiant, kneeling with a tattered gray cloak held above the blade and cane. In a raspy voice, he spoke.

“Keepers of Balance, enemies of the extremes, I, Hunter, who stalks the threats to Balance, grant my instinct to this gathering.”

Much as he had arrived, after letting the cloak fall on the table beside its fellow treasures, Hunter took an empty seat, though no banner appeared over his.
Hunter (Grand Master of South Divide)

Event from Ornate
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
The final Grand appeared in the center of the room with a bright flash of blue light followed by the fluttering of many blue-winged ghostly butterflies. In the midst of the blue was a young woman who spun around as the lights faded, her blue dress leaving trails of strange dust in the air. Whereas Hunter was subtle in both actions and dress, this one was the complete opposite. Striking a pose that made many apprentices blush, as well as drawing differing looks from her fellow Grands, the last of the Four Grands made her presence known.

While Valiant looked on with his disinterested gaze, Glorious with her stern stare, Pious with a disapproving glare, and Hunter with an annoyed expression as he scratched his beard, the last Grand announced herself in a soft voice, which did not match her appearance.

“Keepers of Balance, defenders of the World, I, Ornate, who lights the dark and shades the bright, grant my vision to this gathering.” Promptly, she withdrew a silver mirror and placed it beside the three other treasures. Pointing at the last empty seat, Ornate said, “Guess I sit there.” Immediately a bright blue banner appeared, embellished with three white mirrors weaved of white threads.
Ornate (Grand Mistress of West Divide)

Event from Valiant
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Balance’s Retreat
When five were seated at the table, Valiant stood up at last and in one motion swept the four treasures away, somehow sealed within a small black box that he held in one hand. Looking over the gathered apprentices, he addressed them all in a calm voice fit for mentors.

“Apprentices, this is a rare event, where the four Grands have all arrived in this fortress. Throughout our history, these happen only when there is a serious threat to the Balance, one which cannot be left to any local forces. Keepers of Balance, executors to the will of the World, the Light waxes.”

The room, which had before been silent while Valiant spoke, suddenly burst into concerned chatter. Valiant sat down, looking at his four comrades. As the apprentices continued to talk, some of the caretakers and guards began asserting order. While the teachers began to answer some of the many questions the apprentices had, the Grands and Valiant retired to another room.
Valiant (Abbot of Balance’s Retreat)

Event from Eternia
Message sent to Glorious, Hunter, Ornate, Pious, Valiant
“You five certainly haven’t lost your touch for theatrics.” A short woman with neck-length brown hair chuckled lightly as Valiant and the Grands entered the private room. They each reacted differently to her presence, though all but Valiant appeared intimidated. Seeing Valiant ready to speak, she quickly said, “I found out some things. That’s why I’m here, so don’t get so riled up over your silly little ceremony. I understand the tradition. But,” she sighed, giving each Grand a cursory look with her hazel eyes. Though it looked as if she was just a normal woman, somehow each Grand flinched as she set her eyes upon them. When she looked at Valiant, the ageless face stared back with set eyes. She settled on Valiant’s unyielding brown eyes, saying, “You realize my job isn’t to get my feet dirty with the mortal world’s troubles, right? Ah, but I suppose I’m still new to this.”

Event from Valiant
Message sent to Eternia, Glorious, Hunter, Ornate, Pious
“Eternia, please get to the point. I understand you have more important matters that would require you to spend as little time talking to us as possible.” Valiant never blinked as he spoke in his steady and calming voice, seemingly the only one other than Eternia who was capable of speech in the woman’s presence.
Valiant (Grand Abbot of Balance’s Retreat)

Event from Eternia
Message sent to Glorious, Hunter, Ornate, Pious, Valiant
At Valiant’s words, Eternia stuck out her tongue, though no one dared to look surprised or to laugh. “You’re no fun! And here I was, hoping I’d get to spend some more time with uncle Fennel. Valiant. Whatever. Anyway, so about those five I guess.”

Suddenly, Eternia’s tone changed, and even though her physical appearance did not change, there was clearly a greater presence emitted from the woman’s presence. “There was only one in Flowrestown, the Maiden. I felt another, whom I believed to be the Idealist, but I never made contact. They are gaining believers, Valiant. The Old Masters believe there is still not enough to warrant our action, but I think you might want to place human perspective to this. My role here is finished. The rest I leave for humans to decide. Farewell.”

With a slight bow, Eternia walked out of the room, disappearing into the gathering.

Enemies to Balance

Event from Joan
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
Before a gathered throng of people of all types, religious and not, aristocracy and commonfolk, a tall, beautiful woman adorned in a long white robe that matched her pale white hair stood on a platform, looking out upon the many who visited for her sermon.

With a warm but commanding smile, and eyes that seemed to gaze into a faraway distance, she addressed those gathered in the city square. "My dear people, we have struggled together and persevered through all obstacles, overcome all challenges, to reach this day. Today, we look around us, all of us brothers and sisters united by the blood of humanity. The darkness that plagued these lands is all but exterminated, driven away by our everlasting convictions and our indomitable faith. Now we can bring forth the era of light, to shine the brilliance of progress on this world hindered by fear, violence, and death. Today, we call in a new age, where humanity prospers under the light!"

Amid cheers and applause the woman continued on with her sermon, "But our work is only beginning. The fires in the west have been extinguished, but the scars left by their burns must be healed. The devourers of the fields and forests have become the hunted, but the emptiness left by their consumption must be restored. The restless souls have finally found peace, but the death they brought must be replaced with life. Go forth, my brothers and sisters, and together we can make this land beautiful for our children. Together this land will be bountiful for ourselves and those to whom we bequeath it."

Event from Eternia
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
Among the cheering crowd was one woman dressed plainly such that she would not stand out in the fray, who did not share in the enthusiasm. After Joan had completed her sermon and was retiring to her chambers in the temple of Flowrestown, Eternity intercepted her in a less busy alley. "I must applaud you for you certainly know how to give a show." Said Eternia in a mocking tone. She stood a full head shorter than the tall and graceful Joan, and her short brown hair barely reached her shoulders in contrast to the flowing waist-long white Joan had. To the casual observer, it looked as though a commoner was asking Joan for a blessing.

Event from Joan
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
Being stopped by random strangers was no surprise to Joan, for many people of all types often asked her for her blessings, which she would gladly give. But this one was different, not only in the way she confronted her, but also in the aura she emitted. Everyone in Flowrestown had been purified by her blessings, yet this one felt much different. Joan knew immediately that she was not one aligned to the light. With stern eyes and voice, Joan replied to who she assumed to be a peasant girl from a faraway village, "My sister, you seem not to have gained the blessings and enlightenment that your brothers and sisters have received. For that, I am sorry to have failed you. If you would follow me to the temple, I will see to it that you are blessed at once."

Event from Eternia
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
"That will not be necessary, extremist." Said Eternia, equally cold in her voice and demeanor. Eternia looked over the blindingly white robes Joan wore, showing no signs of the disgust she felt within at the hypocrisy she observed. "I come to warn you that the World is stirring at your imbalance. Do not blind these people into following your single and unrelenting path."

Event from Joan
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
Hearing Eternia's words made Joan recognize who she was talking to. Her surprise was well-hidden by her stone-cold face, a clear difference from her warm and welcoming during her sermon. "You who wishes to preserve the darkness, renounce such dangerous thoughts and accept the light. There is still time for your redemption." Even as she said this, she began to glow with radiance, as though she was an embodiment of light.

Event from Eternia
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Flowrestown
While the light would have been fatal to anything inhuman, and even blinded most people, Eternia was unaffected. She spoke calmly to Joan, but her disdain was clear. "A radical like you would call anything not within your narrow and intolerant dogma the darkness. This world is not the subject of your desires. You cannot simply choose which kinds of life to preserve. That is not the way of the World. I give you my last warning as messenger of the Old Masters. Cease this folly now, or risk the same fate that the Old Masters once did when they tore the many rifts." Without looking back, Eternia passed Joan, blending in quickly with the crowd that moved in lively activity in the city.

The Individual

Event from Warren
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Alley of Swords
He read the letter again, disbelieving his eyes, but the same words reflected clearly the decision made by the elders. Warren screamed into the deserted night air, the only one remaining in Alley of Swords after the other apprentices abandoned him the day before.

He took stock of his supplies: A longsword made for apprentices defending themselves in their Trial of Swords, a few packets of food to last him possibly two weeks of travel depending on his rationing, a coil of rope, a lantern without oil, and a bag full of scrolls of banishment, holy light, fear, curse of rust, and two scrolls of miracle. Looking at his scrolls, Warren understood why the elders would evict him from the Keepers, but in his mind, it was only a harmless prank.

It was with a heavy heart that Warren made his way east again, to Tranquil, this time with no thoughts of returning to the mountain fortress that had been his home for nearly two decades.
Warren (Apprentice)