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The Lights, appeared in the Pel Mark mountains in Bara'Khur. They claim to represent Light, ancient enemies of the Darkness. The three of them blessed temples in [[Firbalt]], [[Grehk]], and [[Creasur]]. Recently, they left Creasur, abandoning it to the daimon siege.
''The letters are written from oldest to newest.''
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|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Creasur (70 recipients)
|Content= After spending some time in meditation, Marta emerges to speak to the people. Her face is troubled.
"My children, I have some sobering news. I am not yet sure what the cause of it is—whether the forces of Darkness have found some power that partially blocks the strength of the Light, or the lifting of the curse of mortality used more of the Light's power than we thought—but the Purifying Light cannot be used as frequently as we have been using it. I will need more time to ensure that the necessary energies can be gathered after each time it is used, so we can now only cleanse the land of the forces of Darkness once a day.
"But do not despair! This will still be more than enough to ensure that the dark forces that assail us are thrust back! Humanity and the Light will still win the day, my children."
She smiles, but it is a slightly shaky smile, and she does not stay long to talk to the people, returning back inside the Temple.
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (20 recipients)
Gerontius walks through Fwuvoghor's streets, his nose wrinkled as if he smells something foul. As he walks, some people hear him muttering to himself.
"This place smells of those beasts all over...what a stink. But I should seek out someone who can tell me about this New Way of the Dragon I've heard of."
He spots a message-runner and stops her. "You, lass, find someone who can tell me about the New Way of the Dragon, and tell them to come and meet me by the fountain in the square back that way." He points back the way he came.
The messenger, after she has recovered from her shock, nods and races off.
'''22 October'''
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Firbalt (20 recipients)
|Content=At last, Virgil emerges from the temple, face dripping with sweat, legs shaky. But his expression is one of triumph.
"It is done. This is now the second Temple of Light. You need not fear the Daimons any longer."
'''24 October'''
|Recipients=Everyone in the vicinity of Creasur (59 recipients)
Marta regards the two men bickering with maternal exasperation and disappointment.
"Guillaume, it is well known to me that you and yours have allied with the Daimons. Even now, when you come to me, you do not ask to be protected from them, only from the monsters and the undead.
"You call these people Evil, but they are the ones working to drive back the Darkness, while you invite it into your hearts. You even call the people here 'the Damned,' passing judgment upon them.
"We do not come to pick and choose among humanity, rewarding the virtuous and condemning the corrupt. We seek only to drive back the Darkness. To do this, we must have Temples that are free from taint, that we can bless. I know little of my son's actions in Sint, but from the feel, the temple he found was pure when he blessed it."
Her face softens and she holds out a hand to Guillaume.
"This does not mean you should despair, Guillaume, or think that we of the Light are against you. We want all the peoples of humanity to put aside their differences and stand once more against the Darkness. It is never too late for redemption. Even one with his hands steeped in the blood of innocents may cry out against the injustice of all he has done and all he sees, and seek to atone for his deeds."
'''9 November'''
|Recipients= Everyone in the vicinity of Creasur (54 recipients)
|Content=For days, Marta has been silent, going about her duties in the Temple with nothing but occasional whispered words to the white-robed acolytes who attend her. But every day, she goes to the steps of the Temple and looks out, as if, through all the buildings of the city, she can see the devastation that surrounds it, and the armies coming to take it.
Today she looks to the east, toward the approaching Enweilian force. Her face no longer holds the exalted joy it did when she proclaimed this the first Temple of Light. It shows sadness, frustration, and grief.
She returns inside the Temple and kneels on the mystic circle. Her lips move, apparently in prayer. She stays there for a long time.
'''11 November'''
|Recipients=All the Rulers of Beluaterra
|Content=Marta has knelt in the mystic circle for much longer than "a few more hours." As the time passes, she seems to grow more and more exhausted, as if what she is doing is a great effort to her. The glow of the mystic circle seems to pulse gently, as if in time with her heartbeat.
For hours, that pulse is steady. But then, it seems to slow, and the glow to dim, little by little, with each pulse.
Slowly, the glow fades, and with it, the circle itself. At last, the circle vanishes entirely, and a shine that has hung over the whole temple since it was first blessed disappears.
Two white-robed acolytes help Marta to stand and walk shakily to the entrance to the temple. When those who gathered there see her, they are shocked. She is thin, even gaunt, with shadowed eyes and sallow skin wet with perspiration.
In a voice that trembles and cracks, but still reaches all ears in Creasur, Marta announces, "The temple of Daishi...is no longer blessed. My mission...here in Creasur...has failed. I must...move on. Try to find another temple...worthy of the Blessings. My children...I am so sorry. I grieve...for what we...almost achieved here..."
Her voice breaks off in a sob, and tears stream freely down Marta's cheeks. After taking several deep breaths, she continues, "I grieve for what we...almost achieved here, my children. But I grieve all the more...for you, without..." She gulps, and goes on with an effort, "Without my protection, for the Daimons...the Daimons will surely...seek vengeance..."
Her voice trails off again, and she sags in the grip of the two acolytes. They half-lead, half-carry her back into the temple, to the sound of loud cries of dismay, disbelief, and panic.
|Recipients=Strat Fender
It is not you who have failed me. I have failed you, and in that failure, have doomed Creasur. For this, I am sorry beyond measure.
But it is not given to me to stay and fight a hopeless battle. I must move on, and try to find another site where I can fight. One that has a true hope of victory over the Darkness.
'''November 15'''
|Recipients=Everyone in the vicinity of Ypsilanti (34 recipients)
|Content=Marta calmly walks into the clearing where Ramus waits, alone. She appears in better shape than when she left Creasur, though she is still thinner than she was, and her face is tear-stained.
She faces the well-preserved undead man with a carefully-controlled face.
"Ramus. Why do you come here and speak to me thus? You know this is not the way of things."
With a twitch of her lip—the only sign of deep disgust that escapes past her mask—she sighs, and says, "If you would talk, you must follow me. I cannot stay here any longer. I must continue onward."
She hesitates. It seems almost as though there is something holding her back. But then she turns sharply and stalks away, toward the southwest. Toward the city of Iato.
|Recipients=Everyone in the vicinity of Ypsilanti (34 recipients)
|Content="Ramus. Why do you come here," the woman began, "and speak to me thus? You know this is not the way of things."
Ramus considered for a moment before responding, locking his eyes to the woman, touching the Flow which gave life, and... stretched. A simple trick, but one a creature such as the one he faced would not miss. Ramus was rewarded with a small twitch of her lip, and smiled softly.
"If you would talk," she continued, "you must follow me. I cannot stay here any longer. I must continue onward."
"Not the way of things, tainted one?" His smile slowly twisted from soft to cruel, from one born of calmness to the look of hatred. "To see you defeated? Forced to retreat? You know what we are. You know why we are given the title of Ramus. Seven thousand years has not lessened our hatred for you and your taint, Marta."
As he spoke, the unearthly normality about Ramus seemed to lessen. His hair seemed to lengthen slightly, his eyes seemed to see more, his skin become more living. His clothes began to appear less natural, as though they were a disguise, and he seemed to stand taller by doing nothing, as royalty do... as though...
...and then the unnatural normality was back in the blink of an eye, a thing of mere illusion, or perhaps even imagination. The hatred was gone from his face when he spoke again, his voice soft once more. "Let us go on, then, tainted one."
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I think that you have already helped me in my quest, by telling me of Yao Ling. I will try to speak to him more, and find out more about Daishi. It sounds like a religion that seeks the true Light.
I think that you have already helped me in my quest, by telling me of Yao Ling. I will try to speak to him more, and find out more about Daishi. It sounds like a religion that seeks the true Light.
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I have heard also of a Yao Ling Pryde, who might be among those best suited to tell me more of Daishi and help me make a decision about it. Could you be a dear and have him join me there as well?
I have heard also of a Yao Ling Pryde, who might be among those best suited to tell me more of Daishi and help me make a decision about it. Could you be a dear and have him join me there as well?
|Sender= Marta
|Recipients= Mordred Lefanis
I do not know what stories the walking dead have been telling, so I cannot answer for those.
The Light was sealed because if it had remained in the world, it would have become diluted, and faded into nothing but a faint glow unless it were once more to be concentrated by the efforts of a valiant few. Unfortunately, the art that allowed the brave soul who rallied men to arms under the banner of the Light to do all he did has since been lost.
I'm afraid whoever is telling you of a debt incurred by the use of the Purifying Light is deceiving you. Nothing is without cost, but the power of the Light is bought by the sacrifices you give, when it is not simply gathered by my art and that of my family.
The monsters are one of the three faces of the Darkness. They are pure brute strength personified, and in the past were the war dogs of the greater Powers of Darkness. Now they seem to have slipped their leashes.
|Sender= Marta
|Recipients= Mordred Lefanis
Though the art of men is less than it once was, so, too, is the might of the Darkness. They can be defeated, as long as mankind has the courage to do so, and has a safe haven from their ravages. We provide that safe haven, and the hope to inspire courage.
|Sender= Marta
|Recipients= Mordred Lefanis
You think of these things too literally.
The seal is not a bottle that holds the forces of Darkness inside it; it is much less physical than that. The seal prevents the forces of Darkness from entering this world from wherever they are.
Then, too, it is not impossible that there are forces that are of the Darkness that were not part of the great battle in ancient times, and so were not sealed away with the rest. I do not make a habit of having friendly conversations with abominations that seek to destroy or conquer this world, so I cannot say for certain if all of the Daimons were part of the same group before.
If by "the One" you mean the hero of ancient days who rallied all humanity to his cause...if the price for calling upon the power of the Light to cleanse a single region of Darkness is a human life today, what do you think the price might have been to seal the myriad legions of Darkness away from the world was in ages past?

Latest revision as of 06:20, 17 December 2010

The Lights, appeared in the Pel Mark mountains in Bara'Khur. They claim to represent Light, ancient enemies of the Darkness. The three of them blessed temples in Firbalt, Grehk, and Creasur. Recently, they left Creasur, abandoning it to the daimon siege.

The letters are written from oldest to newest.

Letter from Matt Stafford
Message sent to The human rulers of Beluaterra (10 recipients)
Yesterday reports came out of Pel Mark of some new creatures appearing. They speak words of peace, and helping humanity fight against the darkness as they fight for the light. There are three of them, one of them is currently in Wudenkin, one was moving towards Avalon, and the last was moving towards either Sint or OG. Again, they do not speak of right or wrong, they say they are the saviors that are the light coming from the darkness.
Matt Stafford (Heroic War King of Bara'Khur)

Letter from Matt Stafford
Message sent to Khaludh Telrunya
Prime Minister Khaludh, At this time, we are not clear what these new creatures are but it is clear they are not showing support for any of the non-human factions. I do believe this could be the prophecy that everyone has been hearing about, and from the bits of information we have received thus far it seems they were here once a long time ago, when the monsters, undead and daimons first ruled these lands and humans were slaughtered everyday, they rallied all of us together and humanity beat the monsters, humanity beat the undead and humanity beat the daimons, casting them into the darkness and sealing them there until recently when the seals where broken.
Matt Stafford (Heroic War King of Bara'Khur)

Letter from Matt Stafford
Message sent to Mordred Lefanis
Ambassador, Yes, there are new creatures. Marta is one of them, last we saw they where heading into Avalon lands. Second one left to quickly and we were unable to retrieve the name but was heading into Sint/Old Grehk lands, and the last one is in Wudenkin now. From the few messages I have received, they are indeed here to beat back the "darkness" which they mean the monsters, daimons and undead.
Matt Stafford (Heroic War King of Bara'Khur)

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Ippetimbal (38 recipients)
A plump, rosy-cheeked woman in a slightly stained white robe walks into the main square of a village in the hills of Ippetimbal. The children in the square gather around her as she sits on the bench by the village well. Without any prompting, they begin clamouring for a story. Marta smiles kindly and nods. "Now, calm down, children. I have a story for you, but you have to sit down and listen."

As she speaks, her voice draws others near, children and adults alike, coming from their work or their market-shopping to listen to her story.

"Long, long ago, a terrible darkness was upon the land. There were terrible wars, and many people were killed, and many others were enslaved and ruled by brutal beings who had no mercy, and no kindness.

"But in the midst of the darkness, a light began to shine. A brave man started drawing people to him, fighting against the darkness, and pushing it back with the power of the light. Soon he had a mighty host of warriors following him, and they faced the darkness. The power of the light shattered the darkness, and the brave man, using the ancient powers that still flowed free in those times, he bound the darkness and sealed it up behind a seal that was never supposed to break. But to make sure that there would be hope even if it did break, he gave his life to seal up the last of the power of the light along with it."

A child pipes up, "But did it break?"

Marta smiles sadly. "For a long, long time, it held. But there are other powers that work in the world besides that ancient darkness and light, though they all come from them, one way or another. Some of those powers weakened the seal, and cracks started to appear. Those cracks let through the Monsters of Gilgamesh, the Daimons of the Netherworld, and the Undead of the Pact. But the cracks only let some of the darkness seep out. The seal wasn't broken completely. Until now."

The children sitting in front of her gasp, and the adults gathered behind them look at each other uncomfortably.

"Yes, now the seal has broken right away, and the Darkness is getting free. But do you know what else is free now, because the seal has broken?"

She looks at the children. After a moment, one of them gasps in childlike astonishment and triumph. "The light!" she squeals.

Marta nods and smiles. "That's right, Lilian. The light is free now, too, and it will help the people to fight the darkness again. There is no one brave man to hold the light and gather all of mankind into an army today—but there is the power of the light, and it brings true hope. So look for the servants of the light, and when they speak, listen to them."

She stands up and dusts off her robe. "Now, children, I have a long way to go, so I need to be on my way. But you remember this story, all right?"

They all nod—as do many of the adults, seemingly without realizing that they are doing so.

Nodding and graciously accepting praise from many in the crowd for the story, Marta walks from the square and continues along the road out of the village. Soon she is lost to sight.

But the villagers talk of her story, telling it to those who weren't there, spreading the word as fast as gossip can travel.

Event from Gerontius
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Verdomite (27 recipients)
The white-robed figure comes to the crest of the last of the foothills and looks out over the plains of Verdomite. Leaning on his staff, he draws himself up to his full height—tall, though very thin—and pulls back his graying, threadbare hood. White hair tumbles down around his shoulders, and his lined face bears a close-cropped beard.

The old man raises one hand and begins to speak, even though there are only a few peasants passing by on the road below. When he speaks, though, his voice seems to roll like thunder, so that all within miles pause in their work to listen in astonishment.

"Behold! The Seal is broken, and the Darkness pours forth! Unchecked, it will wash over mankind like a mighty flood, and drown all who stand in its path. But there is hope in the Light! For the Light, too waited beyond the seal, and now Its Servants have come: come to lend Its power to mankind in one last stand against the Darkness.

"Heed the Servants of the Light, and take hope!"

As the last echoes of his words die, the old man smiles slightly, and begins walking down the hill toward the large town in the distance.

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in Ippetimbal (5 recipients)
I greet you gladly, Priestess, but I am not a "he".

I am one of three who has come to be the Light against the rising Darkness.

The seals weakened before, and darkness leaked out. Now the seals have cracked and broken, and the darkness pours forth. But, as in the ancient fable of the box that held all the world's ills, at the very bottom was a ray of light: Hope.

My family and I are humanity's hope.

Now, child, what can you tell me of yourself? Your letter names you a Priestess of Estahsism; can you tell me what the tenets of this faith are, and who leads it?

Event from Gerontius
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Pel Mark (33 recipients)
The wind blows among the peaks of Pel Mark. High up on the tallest of them, a twinkling light appears, growing slowly brighter. The light issues from a small cave. Soon, the light is occluded by three robed figures standing in the mouth of the cave, who seem almost to shine themselves.

As they turn to descend the mountain, the light from the cave dwindles, then dies completely. It is some time before the figures reach the pass through the mountains below the peak.

When they do, they turn to each other. The tallest one, whose once-white robe is slightly gray and threadbare, places his hands on the heads of the other two, clearly pronouncing some sort of benediction. The shortest, who is also somewhat plump, and whose white robe has a few stains on it, kisses each of the other two on the cheeks. The middle one, whose robe shines the pure white of new snow, hugs the other two heartily.

Then they turn and walk off in three different directions.

Event from Gerontius
Message sent to Everyone in Cori (29 recipients)
Gerontius looks south across the broken plains of Cori to Cteduul, and covers his nose and mouth with a fold of his cloak, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Ptah! Those foul beasts have ruined the place," he growls. "There is nothing more I can do here. Such a shame."

He looks north, to Stempleto, and southeast, to Lacint.

"Now, which way to go? I have heard that in the north they have joined with the dead, and in the islands they have joined with the beasts...that does not leave many good choices."

Roleplay from Regstav Pryde
Message sent to Everyone in "The Western Alliance" (56 recipients)
A few hours ago, it looked as if the Daimons were about to destroy us. Reports showed that nearly 60k CS worth of them were going to make their way to Creasur.

Then the Light Marta said Creasur was under her protection and that if they came they would die. The Daimon lords did not march, though one of their human slaves and his men did not turn around and tried to sneak into our city. That slave is in our dungeons now.

It appears that the Lights can stop the Daimons. I do not know for how long, I do not know how they do it, I do not know anything more. But they say they are here to fight the Darkness, to offer the blessings of their Light to us, and we currently have the blessing of another day that we would not have had.

Seek out the Lights if you can, and do so with a pure heart. If they find you, they may be able to protect you.
Regstav Pryde

Event from Marta
Message sent to The Rulers of Beluaterra (14 recipients)
The people of Creasur make excuses to stop by the Temple of Daishi all day, and keep looking expectantly at the doors where Marta, the Servant of Light, entered yesterday. Since that time, those who have dared to look inside have seen her chanting, inscribing symbols on the floor in front of the altar, or just kneeling on the floor within the designs with her eyes closed.

Suddenly, the temple bursts forth with a pure white light. The light travels outward through the skies above the entire continent in a vast ring.

When those near the temple are able to see once more, Marta stands on its steps. The temple is still shining with a gentle white light, and Marta herself shines as well. Her robe, once stained and rumpled, is now crisp, clean, and pure white. Her face is tired and damp with sweat, but full of triumph and exultation.

Marta raises her hands and lets out a loud, wordless cry of joy. Then she speaks, and her warm voice is heard around the entire continent.

"The Temple of Light is complete. The curse of mortality which fell upon this continent with the first cracking of the seal is lifted! The hordes of Darkness can now be vanquished, and hope shall be reborn in every human heart. People of Beluaterra, rejoice!"

Marta sways, and a white-robed acolyte moves to support her. With a smile, she leans on his arm as she walks back into the temple. In the doorway, she turns around and speaks once more. "Now, my children, I must remain with the Temple, to gather the power needed to purify the land, and to protect it from the Darkness that would see every light put out."

She disappears inside the temple to the sound of wild cheering from the gathered people of Creasur.

Around the same time, other rumours begin to reach your ears: the Daimons, Undead, and Monsters have begun blockading the ports in response to the creation of the Temple of Light. No one will be able to immigrate to the continent until they are all defeated.

This temple has been granted the Blessings of Light. This is a powerful weapon in the fight against the forces of darkness that invade the land. The power of the purifying light that cleanses the land of the servants of darkness takes a great deal of mystical energy, which must be gathered by the Servants of Light before the power can be used. However, it can be supplemented by sacrifices given by those who wish to fight the darkness, no matter their faith. These sacrifices must be given willingly, and must be in blood.

If you wish to make a sacrifice, please decide how much you are willing to give for the cause of the Light. Beware, for the blood that is taken will spill out some of your life with it.

Spill a little blood - this will leave you unable to act for a day or so

Spill a lot of blood - this may leave you unable to act for several days

Give your life for the cause - the ultimate sacrifice: give up your life for the good of all humanity

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Creasur (63 recipients)
Marta speaks to a group of people in the Temple, as she has done almost without pause since she arose from her rest following the announcement of the Temple's blessing.

One man asks her a question, and she smiles and sighs. Raising a hand, she immediately draws the attention of everyone in the Temple.

"Many have asked questions regarding the nature of the Light.

"The Light is the Light. Its full nature is unknowable to the mortal mind.

"However, I can try to tell you something about it, though it is difficult to put it into words—and you must understand that any description will be incomplete and possibly confusing."

She pauses for a moment, and seems to be collecting her thoughts.

"The Light is a force of nature, as old as the world. It fights the Darkness for the same reason that the wind blows.

"The Light is a Power, as old as the three forces of Darkness. It seeks ever to hold back the Darkness, for the same reason that the Darkness seeks ever to spread.

"The Light is the energy of people's belief in their own power to defeat the Darkness, focused on a mighty leader in ancient times and imbued with his people's drive to fight the Darkness forever.

"All these things describe what the Light is, and yet fail to describe it. The Light seeks no dominion over humanity, nor the destruction of anything human. The Light has no desire for your souls; the power of the Light can be increased only by the earthly energy you can give from your living body.

"I hope that this helps you to see, even if it has brought you no closer to understanding."

Event from Imperi
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Jaekind (66 recipients)
* Ties together the corpses of the Hetland soldiers that tried defending Jaekind *

I figure the dead, belong with the dead...

* Imperi hurls the charred mess of flesh and bone towards the Great City of Hetland *

What a satisfying splat...those walls are tough...but fire purges all--and the smoke always draws out the rats that think they're safe hiding in this or that...what a great day awaits...

* The locals in Jaekind begin fleeing towards Hetland's center of strength, in hope of seeking refuge. They note that the Daimons are busy clearing the land, as if purging it of all life with flames...but oddly...a few are busy clearing a long, straight, strip...for what purpose? No one knows... *

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Creasur (64 recipients)
Though Marta walks the streets of Creasur, she seems not to attend to the words of the nobles who call to her, nor to the messengers who seek to hand her letters. She merely tells them quietly, "In a minute," as she goes about among the common people, laying a hand on a troubled shoulder, or giving a kind word to lift a failing spirit.

It is almost as if she does not feel the passage of time the same way others do.

At last, she seems to have done what she sought to do, and she makes for a small in on a market square in a humble quarter of the city. She tells the innkeeper that she will answer all the nobles who have come to her in the morning.

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Creasur (64 recipients)
Suddenly, Marta bursts from the temple and faces the northwest, eyes flashing with rage. She calls out in a voice that seems no louder than usual, but can be heard as far away as Jaekind.

"Nyx of the Nyght! You will not come here! These people are under my protection now! If you set one foot in this city, you will nevermore return to your masters!"

Event from Argent
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Creasur (63 recipients)
Argent heard the message, addressed to Nyx but it was audible to all. The voice seemed to make his insides itch. It was a powerful voice, not one that could be ignored.

It did not take hard thought to guess who it was. The scoutings had already indicated that the creatures who referred to themselves as the Servants of the Light were behind this. It was unfortunate that Nyx had been unable to speak to them or perhaps capture them. Prudent would have been interested in experimenting with them.

Argent was now faced with a different dilemma. The attack orders had been issued but with the presence of that damnable creature, Argent was now having second thoughts. He was completely unaware of their capabilities or even their personalities except that they despised his race.

Roleplay from Yao Ling Pryde
Message sent to Everyone in the region of Creasur (53 recipients)
Marta stepped away and Yao Ling looked out on the city.

She took in a deep breath, and then called for her aids. She called on them to bring together all of the reports they had of the nearby regions, finding out which regions had the largest numbers of Daimons in them.

Jaekind was empty, while Xinjin, Eg Tutnu, Ypsilanti, Weghie, and her own Zdenka were infested, with Zdenka have more than any other. But both Zdenka and Weghie were far away from Creasur in these times.

She sighed and pushed Zdenka away. It's time would come. Creasur had to be secured.

That left Xinjin, Eg Tutnu, and Ypsilanti. Of them, Xinjin was most heavily infested.

She sighed and pushed away Ypsilanti and Eg Tutnu. There time would come. Now was not it.

Xinjin would be the target. Xinjin would be the test.

Would the power of Light do what she was told?

There was only one way to find out. She walked into the temple, moved to the mystic glowing circle inscribed into the stone, and stepped into it. She aimed her finger towards Xinjin, and called for the Light to bless it. To drive the Invaders away. To kill yet another Daimon that took the name of Kree, and the one known as Palla.
Yao Ling Pryde

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Creasur (70 recipients)
After spending some time in meditation, Marta emerges to speak to the people. Her face is troubled.

"My children, I have some sobering news. I am not yet sure what the cause of it is—whether the forces of Darkness have found some power that partially blocks the strength of the Light, or the lifting of the curse of mortality used more of the Light's power than we thought—but the Purifying Light cannot be used as frequently as we have been using it. I will need more time to ensure that the necessary energies can be gathered after each time it is used, so we can now only cleanse the land of the forces of Darkness once a day.

"But do not despair! This will still be more than enough to ensure that the dark forces that assail us are thrust back! Humanity and the Light will still win the day, my children."

She smiles, but it is a slightly shaky smile, and she does not stay long to talk to the people, returning back inside the Temple.

Event from Gerontius
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Fwuvoghor (20 recipients)
Gerontius walks through Fwuvoghor's streets, his nose wrinkled as if he smells something foul. As he walks, some people hear him muttering to himself.

"This place smells of those beasts all over...what a stink. But I should seek out someone who can tell me about this New Way of the Dragon I've heard of."

He spots a message-runner and stops her. "You, lass, find someone who can tell me about the New Way of the Dragon, and tell them to come and meet me by the fountain in the square back that way." He points back the way he came.

The messenger, after she has recovered from her shock, nods and races off.

22 October

Event from Virgil
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Firbalt (20 recipients)
At last, Virgil emerges from the temple, face dripping with sweat, legs shaky. But his expression is one of triumph. "It is done. This is now the second Temple of Light. You need not fear the Daimons any longer."

24 October

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Creasur (59 recipients)
Marta regards the two men bickering with maternal exasperation and disappointment.

"Guillaume, it is well known to me that you and yours have allied with the Daimons. Even now, when you come to me, you do not ask to be protected from them, only from the monsters and the undead.

"You call these people Evil, but they are the ones working to drive back the Darkness, while you invite it into your hearts. You even call the people here 'the Damned,' passing judgment upon them.

"We do not come to pick and choose among humanity, rewarding the virtuous and condemning the corrupt. We seek only to drive back the Darkness. To do this, we must have Temples that are free from taint, that we can bless. I know little of my son's actions in Sint, but from the feel, the temple he found was pure when he blessed it."

Her face softens and she holds out a hand to Guillaume.

"This does not mean you should despair, Guillaume, or think that we of the Light are against you. We want all the peoples of humanity to put aside their differences and stand once more against the Darkness. It is never too late for redemption. Even one with his hands steeped in the blood of innocents may cry out against the injustice of all he has done and all he sees, and seek to atone for his deeds."

9 November

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Creasur (54 recipients)
For days, Marta has been silent, going about her duties in the Temple with nothing but occasional whispered words to the white-robed acolytes who attend her. But every day, she goes to the steps of the Temple and looks out, as if, through all the buildings of the city, she can see the devastation that surrounds it, and the armies coming to take it.

Today she looks to the east, toward the approaching Enweilian force. Her face no longer holds the exalted joy it did when she proclaimed this the first Temple of Light. It shows sadness, frustration, and grief.

She returns inside the Temple and kneels on the mystic circle. Her lips move, apparently in prayer. She stays there for a long time.

11 November

Event from Marta
Message sent to All the Rulers of Beluaterra
Marta has knelt in the mystic circle for much longer than "a few more hours." As the time passes, she seems to grow more and more exhausted, as if what she is doing is a great effort to her. The glow of the mystic circle seems to pulse gently, as if in time with her heartbeat.

For hours, that pulse is steady. But then, it seems to slow, and the glow to dim, little by little, with each pulse.

Slowly, the glow fades, and with it, the circle itself. At last, the circle vanishes entirely, and a shine that has hung over the whole temple since it was first blessed disappears.

Two white-robed acolytes help Marta to stand and walk shakily to the entrance to the temple. When those who gathered there see her, they are shocked. She is thin, even gaunt, with shadowed eyes and sallow skin wet with perspiration.

In a voice that trembles and cracks, but still reaches all ears in Creasur, Marta announces, "The temple of Daishi...is no longer blessed. My mission...here in Creasur...has failed. I must...move on. Try to find another temple...worthy of the Blessings. My children...I am so sorry. I grieve...for what we...almost achieved here..."

Her voice breaks off in a sob, and tears stream freely down Marta's cheeks. After taking several deep breaths, she continues, "I grieve for what we...almost achieved here, my children. But I grieve all the more...for you, without..." She gulps, and goes on with an effort, "Without my protection, for the Daimons...the Daimons will surely...seek vengeance..."

Her voice trails off again, and she sags in the grip of the two acolytes. They half-lead, half-carry her back into the temple, to the sound of loud cries of dismay, disbelief, and panic.

Letter from Marta
Message sent to Strat Fender

It is not you who have failed me. I have failed you, and in that failure, have doomed Creasur. For this, I am sorry beyond measure.

But it is not given to me to stay and fight a hopeless battle. I must move on, and try to find another site where I can fight. One that has a true hope of victory over the Darkness.

November 15

Event from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Ypsilanti (34 recipients)
Marta calmly walks into the clearing where Ramus waits, alone. She appears in better shape than when she left Creasur, though she is still thinner than she was, and her face is tear-stained.

She faces the well-preserved undead man with a carefully-controlled face.

"Ramus. Why do you come here and speak to me thus? You know this is not the way of things."

With a twitch of her lip—the only sign of deep disgust that escapes past her mask—she sighs, and says, "If you would talk, you must follow me. I cannot stay here any longer. I must continue onward."

She hesitates. It seems almost as though there is something holding her back. But then she turns sharply and stalks away, toward the southwest. Toward the city of Iato.

Event from Ramus
Message sent to Everyone in the vicinity of Ypsilanti (34 recipients)
"Ramus. Why do you come here," the woman began, "and speak to me thus? You know this is not the way of things."

Ramus considered for a moment before responding, locking his eyes to the woman, touching the Flow which gave life, and... stretched. A simple trick, but one a creature such as the one he faced would not miss. Ramus was rewarded with a small twitch of her lip, and smiled softly.

"If you would talk," she continued, "you must follow me. I cannot stay here any longer. I must continue onward."

"Not the way of things, tainted one?" His smile slowly twisted from soft to cruel, from one born of calmness to the look of hatred. "To see you defeated? Forced to retreat? You know what we are. You know why we are given the title of Ramus. Seven thousand years has not lessened our hatred for you and your taint, Marta."

As he spoke, the unearthly normality about Ramus seemed to lessen. His hair seemed to lengthen slightly, his eyes seemed to see more, his skin become more living. His clothes began to appear less natural, as though they were a disguise, and he seemed to stand taller by doing nothing, as royalty do... as though...

...and then the unnatural normality was back in the blink of an eye, a thing of mere illusion, or perhaps even imagination. The hatred was gone from his face when he spoke again, his voice soft once more. "Let us go on, then, tainted one."


Roleplay from Faile sur Paendrag Tanreal
Message sent to Everyone in the region Jaekind (17 recipients)
News arrives to Faile's ears, Marta arrived in Jeakind. a single women, without company. And that in these dark times. She don't need to think twice.

"Edward, could you give this letter to Marta?" "It's important that you do it right away:


As lord of Jaekind, and as banker of Hetland, I welcome you to Hetland. I hope your journey was one without trouble. It are strange days, but even now there is hope. As you can see, the place needs some work, but I managed to instal my estate in the last couple days. I would like to offer you a warm meal. The last couple days where cold. Please join me for dinner and lets talk. I shall ask to light up the fireplace. Let's talk about your journey, how I can assist you and how I can help you?. if there is anything I can do for you, while your in my region, let me know and I shall do my best to make it happen I can't offer you much, Jaekind is looted badly, but with the wisdom and power of 'Daishi' I can offer you more then only a physical gift, somethings a talk is more then some people hope for

I hope to see you this evening, your more then welcome.

May Daishi protects you,

With Respect,

Faile turns her head and walks to the kitchen "Elaine, we could have a guest tonight" "Let's give her a warm welcome"
Faile sur Paendrag Tanreal

Roleplay from Marta
Message sent to Everyone in the region Jaekind (17 recipients)
Marta smiles at the messenger who hands her the letter. "Thank you, child. Please wait a moment in case it requires a reply."

She reads the letter, and murmurs, "Well, now. How can I refuse such a gracious invitation?"

Turning to the messenger, she says, "Please tell the dear Senator that I will be happy to join her for dinner, but that I will not be able to stay long afterwards."

Roleplay from Faile sur Paendrag Tanreal
Message sent to Marta
Faile looked around, she can see why it was so hard to lose this region to Daimons. But she's happy to have the region back, daimon free. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't noticed that Edward returned and walked into the room.

"Milady, milady" Edward tries to get the attention of Faile, his lord.

Faile turns her head, looking for the sounds she hears, then she looks straight in the eyes of Edward and a smile is born. "Edward!" Your back, your safe, how was your meeting with Marta?"

"Milady, I'm safe, my journey was short but I've met her. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but Marta is person you need to meet, she is a calm and wise women. Her presents is ..."

"It's what Edward?"

"It's like I feel young again, she called me child, but when she said it, I really felt it, young. I can't tell it you with words, but she is a one of a kind person, I felt honored to meet her"

"But is she staying for dinner? Can I tell the kitchen to prepare the food?"

"yes you can milady, she is coming. But she told me that she couldn't stay long afterwards. I don't know why, but it sounded like her journey doesn't end here"

"Then Edward, we need to give her a good meal, a nice dinner, one she shall not forget soon, Lets show what Jaekind has to offer. Lets show that even in these hard times, humanity still has his hospitality. Lets show her that after all what we have faced, we still love and care about others".

"yes milady, I shall go to the kitchen, straight away"

"Wait Edward!, Please ask them to pack some more food, when she can't stay tonight and has to leave, then the only thing we can do is to give her enough food for her journey".

Edward turns around and walks to the kitchen, leaving Faile alone. She smiles, a wonderful thing shall happen in the next few hours. She shall meet Marta, and if she has to believe Edward, then it shall be a honor.

Faile walks out of the room, waiting for her guest to arrive.
Faile sur Paendrag Tanreal

Roleplay from Faile sur Paendrag Tanreal
Message sent to Marta
Dear Marta,

It's good to see your still in Jaekind. I hope my people have treated you well and have shown you how friendly men can be in times of war. I heard from others that your journey is a kind of quest. A quest to find out more about the religions on this island. I personally think it's a noble thought. That way you can see why people think like the way they do and why the react different across the island. It's sad that daimons have destroyed the temple of Daishi in Jaekind, otherwise I could show you something about my believes and where Daishi stands for. Maybe it's a idea to speak with Yao Ling Pryde, he's the one who taught me everything I know about Daishi. It's a wise men and a good friend. Someday I have again enough money and then I will restore the temple of Daishi in this region. But then we first have to deal with the daimons. It seems that they don't like humans, or in this case Hetland. They are on our island for sometime now, but it seems that we know little about them. But that's a other subject to talk about.

But back on your quest, could you tell me a little more about it? and could you tell me if there is a way I can help you with it?

Just think about it and let me know If you need something.

With Respect,
Faile sur Paendrag Tanreal

Letter from Marta
Message sent to Faile sur Paendrag Tanreal
Dear Faile,

My quest takes me to the religions of the world because that is where the people's hearts are most drawn to the Light. I want to find a worthy temple to grant the Blessings of Light to, so that the men and women of this land can fight back against the darkness.

I think that you have already helped me in my quest, by telling me of Yao Ling. I will try to speak to him more, and find out more about Daishi. It sounds like a religion that seeks the true Light.

Roleplay from Faile sur Paendrag Tanreal
Message sent to Marta
Dear Marta,

It's good to hear from you that you would like to contact my friend, Yao Ling. I hope you see the true colors of Daishi, a proud and honorable religion. On we do believe are one to fight the darkness. But it seems that I still have a lot to learn. So forgive me to ask you the following question. What are the Blessings of Light? Is there a way to explain it, or do we need to discover it? It sounds like it's something to pray for, that you and daishi will find us worth to receive it. I hope with the all my hearth that your talks with Yao Ling will be some that write history. Because at this moment the Daimons have done a lot of damage. But as a wish men said:

" The Daimons, the undead, the monsters, and those who worship them are our prey. We face the chaos, we stand and we fight."

Let's pray that we can continue to fight in the light and that darkness will not be the end of hetland, of Daishi, of Humanity!

With Respect,
Faile sur Paendrag Tanreal

Letter from Marta
Message sent to Faile sur Paendrag Tanreal
Dear Faile, When I find a temple to grant the Blessings of Light, then I can explain more about what they are.

Letter from Marta
Message sent to VonGarret Anderbliss
Dear VonGarrett,

I do plan to visit the temple of Daishi in Creasur, and I would be honored to meet you there.

I have heard also of a Yao Ling Pryde, who might be among those best suited to tell me more of Daishi and help me make a decision about it. Could you be a dear and have him join me there as well?

Letter from Marta
Message sent to Mordred Lefanis

I do not know what stories the walking dead have been telling, so I cannot answer for those.

The Light was sealed because if it had remained in the world, it would have become diluted, and faded into nothing but a faint glow unless it were once more to be concentrated by the efforts of a valiant few. Unfortunately, the art that allowed the brave soul who rallied men to arms under the banner of the Light to do all he did has since been lost.

I'm afraid whoever is telling you of a debt incurred by the use of the Purifying Light is deceiving you. Nothing is without cost, but the power of the Light is bought by the sacrifices you give, when it is not simply gathered by my art and that of my family.

The monsters are one of the three faces of the Darkness. They are pure brute strength personified, and in the past were the war dogs of the greater Powers of Darkness. Now they seem to have slipped their leashes.

Letter from Marta
Message sent to Mordred Lefanis
Mordred, Though the art of men is less than it once was, so, too, is the might of the Darkness. They can be defeated, as long as mankind has the courage to do so, and has a safe haven from their ravages. We provide that safe haven, and the hope to inspire courage.

Letter from Marta
Message sent to Mordred Lefanis

You think of these things too literally.

The seal is not a bottle that holds the forces of Darkness inside it; it is much less physical than that. The seal prevents the forces of Darkness from entering this world from wherever they are.

Then, too, it is not impossible that there are forces that are of the Darkness that were not part of the great battle in ancient times, and so were not sealed away with the rest. I do not make a habit of having friendly conversations with abominations that seek to destroy or conquer this world, so I cannot say for certain if all of the Daimons were part of the same group before.

If by "the One" you mean the hero of ancient days who rallied all humanity to his cause...if the price for calling upon the power of the Light to cleanse a single region of Darkness is a human life today, what do you think the price might have been to seal the myriad legions of Darkness away from the world was in ages past?