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(New page: '''Roleplay from Asriel Octavius''' Whilst his troops set up camp, Asriel went for a ride around the local area. On the way back he made a point of passing all the other encampments on h...)
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'''Roleplay from Asriel Octavius'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Whilst his troops set up camp, Asriel went for a ride around the local area. On the way back he made a point of passing all the other encampments on his way. At the sight of the banners outside one he yanked on the reigns so hard that the poor horse came to a complete stop. "Duchess Sorsha." he breathed.
Asriel spurred his horse through the camp to the Duchess's tent. He halted his horse by the guards and said
"Tell her grace that Asriel Octavius is here and that he would be delighted if she could spare the time to see him. If she cannot then tell her that my camp is only a brief ride away."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had been traveling for a week now. She was sore and tired, her back hurt from riding, she hated playing catch up, more so she had no patience whatsoever. Therefore when her guard approached to inform her Sir Asriel wished to speak with her, it took her a moment to consider seeing him or not and finally she reluctantly agreed. “Show him in.”
She was too far ahead in her pregnancy now, making it impossible to hide, so why bother? Her leathers had been discarded once again, but she wore a thick black velvet dress and a black cloak trimmed in white wolf’s furs, which she used to cover herself and waited for him to enter her tent.
'''Roleplay from Asriel Octavius'''
Asriel entered the tent and bowed his head in acknowledgement of its occupant. his eyes noticed the bulge of Sorsha's pregnancy but immediately decided to feign from comment.
"My lady, it is good to see you again. I beg your forgiveness for intruding on your time, no doubt you have many things that occupy your attention, but I was passing by and found myself filled with an impulse to see you again. Pray tell me, how are you?"
Asriel's voice was warm and tinged with friendliness and concern in equal measure.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had almost turned Asriel away, but deep down she couldn’t. Had it not been for him, she would no longer be of this world, her memory fading away into nothing. She had never told anyone, but while in her comatose sleep, she’d had a dream. One that had touched her so deeply, a part of her had then been renewed with hope. Rathan had come to her, pleading for her not to throw away her life, asking of her to visit his grave at least and then she had returned to Asriel’s presence.
She’d since left D’hara on a journey for her own soul, and had honored Rathan’s wish and visited his grave. Only, she found it empty and had come face to face with the man himself.
A brief smile touched her lips and she focused her gaze on Asriel.  “I am tired,” she admitted, “but it is nothing I have not experienced before. And you?”
'''Roleplay from Asriel Octavius'''
"I have been... well." he replied. "I must confess to moments when I am troubled that so many years have gone by with nothing accomplished but those moments do not last too long, nor come too frequently."
Asriel sat down in a chair.
"I am glad to see that you are well, I trust you have now fully recovered from your," Asriel hesitated before deciding Sorsha would appreciate bluntness "suicide attempt?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha’s expression changed and became serious. “The pain has faded,” she answered softly and sat as gracefully as she could in the chair across from Asriel. Of course she would never tell anyone unless she had absolutely no other choice, but the reason why the pain no longer affected her was because Rathan was once more a part of her life, filling the pain and emptiness as only he could. Love had been returned to her and she would protect it with her life. “Thank you for saving me,” she added with a gentle voice.
'''Roleplay from Asriel Octavius'''
"I didn't do anything to save you, you saved yourself." Asriel said gruffly. He felt a portion of his burden lifted from his shoulders and he smiled gently at her. "I am glad you have found something in this life worth living for."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Yes, I have found something worth living for,” she absently touched her stomach, cradling it tenderly.  Rathan was the father, and Sorsha was terrified that if the truth ever came out she would be cast out of D’hara along with her unborn child. Sadly, deep down, she knew Rathan could never return in her realm but she was still fiercely loyal to the King a man she considered as her own father, but she knew how terribly disappointed he would be in her for this. The betrayal he would feel would be deep and break his heart as a result wound her deeply, therefore it was best to keep it a secret, truly all she wanted was a chance at love. Was it incredibly impossible that she could have that?
She had sworn to protect the King and his family at all costs, and she would forever keep that promise. So far she did manage to keep realm matters and affairs of the heart separate and Rathan knew that to try and use her for means of war was a lost cause.
Sorsha’s thoughts kept returning to Rathan, and she tried extremely hard to focus on the man before her. “I apologize Sir Asriel, I have a lot on my mind and I have been absentminded with you. Would you care to join me for dinner?” she offered, “I’m famished, and I promise to be more attentive.”
'''Roleplay from Asriel Octavius''' 
"It would be a pleasure to share dinner with a lady such as yourself." replied Asriel, smiling and completely failing to notice Sorsha's distraction.

Latest revision as of 16:22, 17 December 2012

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