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As November rolled around and green leaves continued to crinkle and bend with the tinges of a dry fall, Filia heaved with the burden of two roiling boys within her. Stephan, her husband, and the father of these soon-to-be sons, often found himself awake nights upon nights in staying by her bedside, cool cloth in hand and sweet whispers on his lips. For without him she might not have made the long trek, the 25th came soon and just in time, and left the happy pair with two wailing, flailing boys of their own - Abel and Jentroth.
As November rolled around and green leaves continued to crinkle and bend with the tinges of a dry fall, Filia heaved with the burden of two roiling boys within her. Stephan, her husband, and the father of these soon-to-be sons, often found himself awake nights upon nights in staying by her bedside, cool cloth in hand and sweet whispers on his lips. For without him she might not have made the long trek, the 25th came soon and just in time, and left the happy pair with two wailing, flailing boys of their own - Abel and Jentroth.
===Early Life===
===Early Life===
Filia and Stephan raised the boys as best they could, but quickly found just how strenuous their location in Outer Tilog was on the youths. Frequent attacks from beasts known as "Bread Golems," and raucous howls from various "Keepers of Hair" left the tiny lads crying the night long. To make it all harder, within just a year of the boys' birth, Filia was pregnant again and soon gave birth to a daughter - Allegria (see [[Allegria Drakynor]]).  
Filia and Stephan raised the boys as best they could, but quickly found just how strenuous their location in Outer Tilog was on the youths. Frequent attacks from beasts known as "Bread Golems," and raucous howls from various "Keepers of Hair" left the tiny lads crying the night long. To make it all harder, almost two years old, and in dire need of attention, the Drakynor estate held a black pearl, unfosterable in the now rowdy estate - Allegria (see "Allegria Drakynor" below).  
It was only a matter of time before the chaos that surrounded them began to cause familial problems. At age 5, while Abel and Jentroth were out in the field, a feral howl scared them to their bones. Jentroth recounted many years later the sheer fear he felt as he and his brother dashed back towards their parents' estate. Although little more than what follows has been disclosed, rumours circulate amongst those who know the Drakynor family. As it were, something terrible must have occurred between the last memory that Jentroth has reminisced on and when they finally were hurrieed back into the Drakynor mansion by a family steward, bleeding, broken, and both boys wide-eyed and still in shock. Filia and Stephan were quickly ushered from their quarters and letters were sent on the fly for the best doctors in Outer Tilog to come and care for the young boys.
It was only a matter of time before the chaos that surrounded them began to cause familial problems. At age 5, while Abel and Jentroth were out in the field, a feral howl scared them to their bones. Jentroth recounted many years later the sheer fear he felt as he and his brother dashed back towards their parents' estate. Although little more than what follows has been disclosed, rumours circulate amongst those who know the Drakynor family. As it were, something terrible must have occurred between the last memory that Jentroth has reminisced on and when they finally were hurrieed back into the Drakynor mansion by a family steward, bleeding, broken, and both boys wide-eyed and still in shock. Filia and Stephan were quickly ushered from their quarters and letters were sent on the fly for the best doctors in Outer Tilog to come and care for the young boys.
Months passed, and finally Jentroth was able to stand again. Every day and every night, he would wait by his brother's bed, staring at him with those same wide-eyes they both wore on that fateful night, mumbling over and ver, "it's ok, it's ok." Abel had the worse of the injuries; Abel had suffered a severe concussion and hemorrhaged substantially for some time. Luckily, no permanent damage appeared to have been done, as, just two months after Jentroth had finally healed, Abel had as well.
Months passed, and finally Jentroth was able to stand again. Every day and every night, he would wait by his brother's bed, staring at him with those same wide-eyes they both wore on that fateful night, mumbling over and ver, "it's ok, it's ok." Abel had the worse of the injuries; Abel had suffered a severe concussion and hemorrhaged substantially for some time. Luckily, no permanent damage appeared to have been done, as, just two months after Jentroth had finally healed, Abel had as well.
===Young Adulthood===
===Young Adulthood===
Although no signs of their past trauma - scars aside - seemed to linger in the boys, Filia and Stephan were reluctant to send them out into the world of Knighthood. Despite their good wishes, however, both young men pushed and urged their parents to enlist them in training at the young age of 9.
Although no signs of their past trauma - scars aside - seemed to linger in the boys, Filia and Stephan were reluctant to send them out into the world of Knighthood. Despite their good wishes, however, both young men pushed and urged their parents to enlist them in training at the young age of 9.
===Parting Ways and Knighthood===
Soon, the twins' 15th birthday came to pass; Celebrations took place, and the stewards toasted and cheered. Had Allegria been, there, they were sure (Jentroth especially), she would have been so proud. As Abel lifted his newly-minted wine goblet and turned to his brother, however, a sharp crack split the night sky outside with a flash of light, and a howl echoed through the mansion. The pale faces of both Jentroth and Abel turned sallow, and their eyes shivered. Dropping his cup, Jentroth sprinted from his seat, plowed through the stewards around him, and, flailing and yelling, crashed through the manor's entrance, Abel following closely behind.
For many miles, the young men ran, never breaking stride, never stopping for breath. All the while, Jentroth strode on ahead, just paces in front of his brother, but not once looking back.
"Hey kid..." a voice cooed from behind a thicket.
Abel slid to a halt, expecting his brother to slow as well, but to no avail - Jentroth, despite Abel's cries for him to stay his gait, plunged deep into the night. Turning angrily to the voice, Abel growled "...what the hell do you want?"
"That's no way to speak to a noble, kiddie," The voice croaked. "Especially not one that has an offer - one you simply can't refuse!"
It was soon after that the Drakynor estate realized just what had taken place. The two boys were gone.
In the three years that followed, the Drakynor estate remained relatively quiet. Shortly after the boys had disappeared, a letter arrived from a man calling himself "Spoons,"and urging the family to remain calm. As it became known, Abel had come under the good graces of Bakkhaenal Marauder, Baron of Volkanita and Marshal of the Hills Offensive Fighting Force army.
The letter read as follows:
"I have spoken, my parents, to our dearest brother Jentroth, but he has taken a coo to the west-winged fancy and you see: he is well, but unable to speak with any of you. I, too, wish to break an ear and live on my ways for a time being.
Much love and toodles to you all,
Spoons Drakynor"
===Insanity and the End of Forks===
Away from his family in Hilly Holes, Jentroth stumbled onto the first boat he could find and quickly set sail with what little gold he carried on his person. He arrived, after a grueling trek, in Minas Ithil - far from home, and in a realm in turmoil.
The Duchess of Cantervern, a kind lady, gave him refuge from the cold, and, when she learned of his heritage, granted him an estate - Forks Drakynor had attained knighthood.
Nigh five years passed in this land, wherein no development proceeded, only blood, loss, and more blood.
Finally, December 21 of his 26th year, on the outskirts of Winwich, he stumbled upon a form in the field that he could not shake from his mind. The eerie vision stunned him to his soul and racked his body with a violent howl - a howl he had not heard for almost 20 years.
Terrified by this feral display, Forks' soldiers began to talk and panic. He spun wildly, screaming, gnashing his teeth, and clutching his temples, and then, falling to his knees aside the body.
It is not known, to this day, what Jentroth had buried so deep in his psyche, but it is known for sure that it was truly his downfall. As any of his final unit can readily convey, the slashes he dug into his own body as he knelt over the ghoulish, shimmering blonde form were nary flesh wounds, but pleas for a speedy death.
==Allegria Drakynor==
[[Image:AllegriaDraynor.png|frame|right|Allegria, Age 19]]
===Early Life===
Born and christened Allegria Drakynor, the blue-eyed, sallow- and gaunt-faced child bore stern resolve from even her first few days. Arriving one moon-and-one-half before expected, the labor and her delivery were expedient, brusque, and, much to Filia's gratitude, without complication. In coming years, this same facile growth dictated Allegria's expansion as she quickly became the tempered, but inquisitive framework for the woman she'd become.
At age 2, dramatic changes began to take place within the Drakynor estate; The introduction of Abel and Jentroth diverted the providence of her parents' care to her rowdy brothers, and Allegria, already reserved, ceased even what little speech she had. The subsequent three years consisted of humble, quiet care for her brothers, and an ever-decreasing voice for the young maiden. By age 7, her nigh 5-year-old brothers had become almost too much to contain. Their constant treks beyond the estate gates, and their increasingly unconstrained behavior precluded effective attention to Allegria, and she became distant from her family and enveloped in studies.
Being that a daughter could never accomodate, nor hold the estate so well as a man, knighthood - to Filia and Stephan - was considered an absurd impossibility. Instead, her education took place under scribes, and in secret: on ancient scriptures, cultural history, and oratory.
Subsequent to her brothers' trauma, it became increasingly clear that no middle ground would be reached in the Drakynor parents' delegation of attention, and the decision was made to provide a better future for Allegria elsewhere. Dedicating a full sum of gold, the Drakynor's parted ways with their daughter (much to the twins' dismay), and Allegria found herself in lands significantly different from what she had become accustomed to.
By age 15, Allegria had been fully integrated in the great realm of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, a land which bestowed upon her the education, practice, and training of any noble warrior, scholar or bureaucrat she desired. Such power came to her from her learning that, though she entered into knighthood under an oath of fealty to the Earl of Fissoa Fields, Eldrond Nabarl, she quickly rose to post as Viscountess of Nuas in her mid-twenties. Although battle never became an area of strength for the young Viscountess, she rapidly became respected - and even revered - by the Nuasian populous, who learned to expect nothing less than her forthright, direct, but genuine rule. Still a landed-lord, Viscountess Drakynor imposed steep levies on production, but simultaneously wrangled the raucous parties who strove against discourse, and encouraged peaceful engagement.
Shortly into her holding of Nuas, the Viscountess arranged a renetworking of the Nuasian prefectures, and a more even distribution of foods from Southern, coastal lands, to the less arable desert- and pasture-land. Although faith remained an issue throughout the entirety of her position-holding, the most trying of the segregations between the three prefectures diminished and diminished over her years in judiciary, bureaucratic, and precinct-oriented involvement.
====Nuasian Occupation by Pian en Luries====
The evening of the 16th of March, whilst Viscountess Allegria - now 35 - paced before the hearth at her Maraban camp, brought lights and clashing armor over Nuasian borders. Her tent was rustled by the furious influx of one woman, and two men, one a scribe dispatch the day prior.
To her horror, Lurian forces had stormed the Northern reaches of Nuas - Sailles - and had burgled fees from residents and farmers under orders of Queen Alanna.
The following note was presented to the Viscountess:
To The Local Lord of Nuas,
''By decree of Her Majesty, Empress Alanna Anaris, Queen of Pian En Luries,
It has come to Her Majesties attention that rebels reside within Fissoa. Her Majesties personal army has been dispatched to deal with said threat.
All appropriate tithes, be it monies, or other commodities, due Her Majesty from the loyal subjects of Fissoa is to be here-by requisitioned.
Martial Law is now in effect within Fissoa. Any and all gatherings of armed men within Fissoa territories is strictly forbidden. All current such gatherings shall disband immediately.
This is to avoid the tragic loss of life that might ensue if such gatherings were to be mis-interpreted as rebels.
The Nobles Loathin Fantom, and Phonos Decimus are here-by declared outlaws, and are to be arrested on sight.
Her Majesty has further declared that Local Lords of all municipalities of Fissoa will grant full stay, food, and rest to all of Her Majesties forces.
Dusk curfew is in effect. Any and all persons to be found outdoors after said time will be deemed a rebel and arrested on sight.
Her Majesty of course reserves the right to search and seizure. All homes will be searched for rebels, and illegal contraband.
Her Majesty thanks her loyal subjects within Duchy of Fissoa for their understanding during these hard times, and we all look forward to the end of the rebel threat, and times returning to normal.
Taronis Thurdan
Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Ambassador of Pian en Luries''
Shocked and appalled, she ruminated for a number of hours on how to respond, but no words came to mind. No vulgarity, no vitriol, no curse could speak to the dismay she felt in seeing both the decree, and the faces of her peasantry that had come forth in such loyalty.
All that could be said, was placed into the following denial:
''Royal Exchequer, and, as it were, Ambassador Thurdan,
I hope that you will not take what I say as anything more than your due response, and a humble suggestion. I am certain that you are well-respected in your lands; Here, your assertion - rather, your demeanor - is not.
I am sure that you will understand and appreciate when I say that I truly - honestly, and in my heart-of-hearts - did not, and yet do not welcome what I perceive to be your wanton, uninvited pamphleting of the Nuasian populous.
No Lurian jurisdiction is sanctioned within these reaches, nor warranted by judiciary, parliament, or divine manifestation. Indeed, then, your claim to these lands comes as the eldest child may lay his possession to the youngest's doll: in brute seizure and spurious substantiation.
Yet, I remain unsurprised - dismayed, certainly, but unsurprised.
I wonder, should Lurians truly be so different than I, these Great Fissoan Lords (a class into which I could not hope to incorporate myself), our Grand Regent...How different can the mind be, we wonder. For every Lurian breath and growl, whisper and sigh that blows from cool lake air in Irvington through the barren bastion of Maf reaches my ears tinged with the rule of granite. And your words, unlike the silver mirror, reflect like this rule - mottled shadows.
Where none can aspire to reach a rule of gold (for such a standard must truly be of high perfection) I certainly do prefer that of silver to the alternatives which I have seen conveyed.
I am no ambassador - I clearly lack the training and skill that you have acquired in your position - by my untrained eye, however, your negotiations fail to elicit any semblance of regard from me.
Nuas - and I assure you, all of Fissoa - rejects and denies your claim.
Signed and Specified,
Allegria Drakynor
Viscountess of Nuas''

Latest revision as of 01:23, 18 March 2011

The Drakynor Family, originating from Hilly Holes of the Colonies, is a small family consisting of the little known, wild, and unruly Drakynor twins, the oft-acknowledged-separately Allegria Drakynor, and their yet unknown younger brother Leon. The family, deriving from an ill-recorded ancestral line, was begotten by wealth that has forgotten itself and instead simply lives off the land; The parents, Filia and Stephan Drakynor still reside in Hilly Holes, away from the hustle, bustle and panic of Outer Tilog's insanity, in a secluded acre.

The Drakynor Twins


As November rolled around and green leaves continued to crinkle and bend with the tinges of a dry fall, Filia heaved with the burden of two roiling boys within her. Stephan, her husband, and the father of these soon-to-be sons, often found himself awake nights upon nights in staying by her bedside, cool cloth in hand and sweet whispers on his lips. For without him she might not have made the long trek, the 25th came soon and just in time, and left the happy pair with two wailing, flailing boys of their own - Abel and Jentroth.

Early Life

Filia and Stephan raised the boys as best they could, but quickly found just how strenuous their location in Outer Tilog was on the youths. Frequent attacks from beasts known as "Bread Golems," and raucous howls from various "Keepers of Hair" left the tiny lads crying the night long. To make it all harder, almost two years old, and in dire need of attention, the Drakynor estate held a black pearl, unfosterable in the now rowdy estate - Allegria (see "Allegria Drakynor" below).

It was only a matter of time before the chaos that surrounded them began to cause familial problems. At age 5, while Abel and Jentroth were out in the field, a feral howl scared them to their bones. Jentroth recounted many years later the sheer fear he felt as he and his brother dashed back towards their parents' estate. Although little more than what follows has been disclosed, rumours circulate amongst those who know the Drakynor family. As it were, something terrible must have occurred between the last memory that Jentroth has reminisced on and when they finally were hurrieed back into the Drakynor mansion by a family steward, bleeding, broken, and both boys wide-eyed and still in shock. Filia and Stephan were quickly ushered from their quarters and letters were sent on the fly for the best doctors in Outer Tilog to come and care for the young boys.

Months passed, and finally Jentroth was able to stand again. Every day and every night, he would wait by his brother's bed, staring at him with those same wide-eyes they both wore on that fateful night, mumbling over and ver, "it's ok, it's ok." Abel had the worse of the injuries; Abel had suffered a severe concussion and hemorrhaged substantially for some time. Luckily, no permanent damage appeared to have been done, as, just two months after Jentroth had finally healed, Abel had as well.

Young Adulthood

Although no signs of their past trauma - scars aside - seemed to linger in the boys, Filia and Stephan were reluctant to send them out into the world of Knighthood. Despite their good wishes, however, both young men pushed and urged their parents to enlist them in training at the young age of 9.

Parting Ways and Knighthood

Soon, the twins' 15th birthday came to pass; Celebrations took place, and the stewards toasted and cheered. Had Allegria been, there, they were sure (Jentroth especially), she would have been so proud. As Abel lifted his newly-minted wine goblet and turned to his brother, however, a sharp crack split the night sky outside with a flash of light, and a howl echoed through the mansion. The pale faces of both Jentroth and Abel turned sallow, and their eyes shivered. Dropping his cup, Jentroth sprinted from his seat, plowed through the stewards around him, and, flailing and yelling, crashed through the manor's entrance, Abel following closely behind.

For many miles, the young men ran, never breaking stride, never stopping for breath. All the while, Jentroth strode on ahead, just paces in front of his brother, but not once looking back.

"Hey kid..." a voice cooed from behind a thicket.

Abel slid to a halt, expecting his brother to slow as well, but to no avail - Jentroth, despite Abel's cries for him to stay his gait, plunged deep into the night. Turning angrily to the voice, Abel growled "...what the hell do you want?"

"That's no way to speak to a noble, kiddie," The voice croaked. "Especially not one that has an offer - one you simply can't refuse!"

It was soon after that the Drakynor estate realized just what had taken place. The two boys were gone.

In the three years that followed, the Drakynor estate remained relatively quiet. Shortly after the boys had disappeared, a letter arrived from a man calling himself "Spoons,"and urging the family to remain calm. As it became known, Abel had come under the good graces of Bakkhaenal Marauder, Baron of Volkanita and Marshal of the Hills Offensive Fighting Force army.

The letter read as follows:

"I have spoken, my parents, to our dearest brother Jentroth, but he has taken a coo to the west-winged fancy and you see: he is well, but unable to speak with any of you. I, too, wish to break an ear and live on my ways for a time being.

Much love and toodles to you all, Spoons Drakynor"

Insanity and the End of Forks

Away from his family in Hilly Holes, Jentroth stumbled onto the first boat he could find and quickly set sail with what little gold he carried on his person. He arrived, after a grueling trek, in Minas Ithil - far from home, and in a realm in turmoil.

The Duchess of Cantervern, a kind lady, gave him refuge from the cold, and, when she learned of his heritage, granted him an estate - Forks Drakynor had attained knighthood.

Nigh five years passed in this land, wherein no development proceeded, only blood, loss, and more blood. Finally, December 21 of his 26th year, on the outskirts of Winwich, he stumbled upon a form in the field that he could not shake from his mind. The eerie vision stunned him to his soul and racked his body with a violent howl - a howl he had not heard for almost 20 years.

Terrified by this feral display, Forks' soldiers began to talk and panic. He spun wildly, screaming, gnashing his teeth, and clutching his temples, and then, falling to his knees aside the body.

It is not known, to this day, what Jentroth had buried so deep in his psyche, but it is known for sure that it was truly his downfall. As any of his final unit can readily convey, the slashes he dug into his own body as he knelt over the ghoulish, shimmering blonde form were nary flesh wounds, but pleas for a speedy death.

Allegria Drakynor

Allegria, Age 19

Early Life

Born and christened Allegria Drakynor, the blue-eyed, sallow- and gaunt-faced child bore stern resolve from even her first few days. Arriving one moon-and-one-half before expected, the labor and her delivery were expedient, brusque, and, much to Filia's gratitude, without complication. In coming years, this same facile growth dictated Allegria's expansion as she quickly became the tempered, but inquisitive framework for the woman she'd become.

At age 2, dramatic changes began to take place within the Drakynor estate; The introduction of Abel and Jentroth diverted the providence of her parents' care to her rowdy brothers, and Allegria, already reserved, ceased even what little speech she had. The subsequent three years consisted of humble, quiet care for her brothers, and an ever-decreasing voice for the young maiden. By age 7, her nigh 5-year-old brothers had become almost too much to contain. Their constant treks beyond the estate gates, and their increasingly unconstrained behavior precluded effective attention to Allegria, and she became distant from her family and enveloped in studies.

Being that a daughter could never accomodate, nor hold the estate so well as a man, knighthood - to Filia and Stephan - was considered an absurd impossibility. Instead, her education took place under scribes, and in secret: on ancient scriptures, cultural history, and oratory.

Subsequent to her brothers' trauma, it became increasingly clear that no middle ground would be reached in the Drakynor parents' delegation of attention, and the decision was made to provide a better future for Allegria elsewhere. Dedicating a full sum of gold, the Drakynor's parted ways with their daughter (much to the twins' dismay), and Allegria found herself in lands significantly different from what she had become accustomed to.


By age 15, Allegria had been fully integrated in the great realm of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, a land which bestowed upon her the education, practice, and training of any noble warrior, scholar or bureaucrat she desired. Such power came to her from her learning that, though she entered into knighthood under an oath of fealty to the Earl of Fissoa Fields, Eldrond Nabarl, she quickly rose to post as Viscountess of Nuas in her mid-twenties. Although battle never became an area of strength for the young Viscountess, she rapidly became respected - and even revered - by the Nuasian populous, who learned to expect nothing less than her forthright, direct, but genuine rule. Still a landed-lord, Viscountess Drakynor imposed steep levies on production, but simultaneously wrangled the raucous parties who strove against discourse, and encouraged peaceful engagement. Shortly into her holding of Nuas, the Viscountess arranged a renetworking of the Nuasian prefectures, and a more even distribution of foods from Southern, coastal lands, to the less arable desert- and pasture-land. Although faith remained an issue throughout the entirety of her position-holding, the most trying of the segregations between the three prefectures diminished and diminished over her years in judiciary, bureaucratic, and precinct-oriented involvement.

Nuasian Occupation by Pian en Luries

The evening of the 16th of March, whilst Viscountess Allegria - now 35 - paced before the hearth at her Maraban camp, brought lights and clashing armor over Nuasian borders. Her tent was rustled by the furious influx of one woman, and two men, one a scribe dispatch the day prior. To her horror, Lurian forces had stormed the Northern reaches of Nuas - Sailles - and had burgled fees from residents and farmers under orders of Queen Alanna. The following note was presented to the Viscountess: To The Local Lord of Nuas, By decree of Her Majesty, Empress Alanna Anaris, Queen of Pian En Luries,

It has come to Her Majesties attention that rebels reside within Fissoa. Her Majesties personal army has been dispatched to deal with said threat.

All appropriate tithes, be it monies, or other commodities, due Her Majesty from the loyal subjects of Fissoa is to be here-by requisitioned.

Martial Law is now in effect within Fissoa. Any and all gatherings of armed men within Fissoa territories is strictly forbidden. All current such gatherings shall disband immediately.

This is to avoid the tragic loss of life that might ensue if such gatherings were to be mis-interpreted as rebels.

The Nobles Loathin Fantom, and Phonos Decimus are here-by declared outlaws, and are to be arrested on sight.

Her Majesty has further declared that Local Lords of all municipalities of Fissoa will grant full stay, food, and rest to all of Her Majesties forces.

Dusk curfew is in effect. Any and all persons to be found outdoors after said time will be deemed a rebel and arrested on sight.

Her Majesty of course reserves the right to search and seizure. All homes will be searched for rebels, and illegal contraband.

Her Majesty thanks her loyal subjects within Duchy of Fissoa for their understanding during these hard times, and we all look forward to the end of the rebel threat, and times returning to normal.

Taronis Thurdan Royal Exchequer of Pian en Luries, Ambassador of Pian en Luries

Shocked and appalled, she ruminated for a number of hours on how to respond, but no words came to mind. No vulgarity, no vitriol, no curse could speak to the dismay she felt in seeing both the decree, and the faces of her peasantry that had come forth in such loyalty.

All that could be said, was placed into the following denial:

Royal Exchequer, and, as it were, Ambassador Thurdan,

I hope that you will not take what I say as anything more than your due response, and a humble suggestion. I am certain that you are well-respected in your lands; Here, your assertion - rather, your demeanor - is not.

I am sure that you will understand and appreciate when I say that I truly - honestly, and in my heart-of-hearts - did not, and yet do not welcome what I perceive to be your wanton, uninvited pamphleting of the Nuasian populous. No Lurian jurisdiction is sanctioned within these reaches, nor warranted by judiciary, parliament, or divine manifestation. Indeed, then, your claim to these lands comes as the eldest child may lay his possession to the youngest's doll: in brute seizure and spurious substantiation.

Yet, I remain unsurprised - dismayed, certainly, but unsurprised.

I wonder, should Lurians truly be so different than I, these Great Fissoan Lords (a class into which I could not hope to incorporate myself), our Grand Regent...How different can the mind be, we wonder. For every Lurian breath and growl, whisper and sigh that blows from cool lake air in Irvington through the barren bastion of Maf reaches my ears tinged with the rule of granite. And your words, unlike the silver mirror, reflect like this rule - mottled shadows. Where none can aspire to reach a rule of gold (for such a standard must truly be of high perfection) I certainly do prefer that of silver to the alternatives which I have seen conveyed.

I am no ambassador - I clearly lack the training and skill that you have acquired in your position - by my untrained eye, however, your negotiations fail to elicit any semblance of regard from me. Nuas - and I assure you, all of Fissoa - rejects and denies your claim.

Signed and Specified,

Allegria Drakynor Viscountess of Nuas