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===The Circle of Power===
===The Circle of Power===
:The circle of power is a way to represent the power of gods. Imagine a circle, with 10 other cirlces in it, with the last circle be little more then a dot. Each circle is a level of power, the closer to the center of the circle, the greater the level of power. In the middle resides the Father, the god from which the first gods were born. On the 9th and 8th circle are the ancient gods, those originally born of The Father. On the 10th circle resides the champion and demi-gods.
:The circle of power is a way to represent the power of gods. Imagine a circle containing 10 other circles, with the last circle be little more then a dot in the middle. Each circle is a level of power, the closer to the center of the circle, the greater the level of power. In the middle resides the Father, the god from which the first gods were born. On the 9th and 8th circle are the ancient gods, those originally born of The Father. On the 10th circle resides the champion and demi-gods.
[[Category:Veritas vincit]]
[[Category:Veritas Vincit]]

Latest revision as of 10:00, 24 December 2008

General Beliefs

The Veritas Vinicit believe that almost every religion touches the truth, but fails to see the whole truth by limiting their belief just to the gods they worship. Most gods of other religions are real, but ultimately such gods are just a few among thousands of other gods and demi-gods. The Veritas believe that by denying this truth, and limiting their beliefs, other religions open themselves to conflict and corruption.
Even though all Veritas main mission is to seek out the truth, there are many elements to the religion. From preparing for the War of Time, to defying evil gods, the Veritas Vincit encompasses many aspects.

Seeking out the Truth

The Chief goal of the Veritas are to seek out the truth of the gods: to discover what gods exist, the belief of gods,who the gods ally themselves with , and the history of the gods. But every member of the Veritas strives to discover the identity and truth of "The Father" or the god who gave battled the darkness and gave birth to all of creation, including the ancient gods.
By seeking out such knowledge, the Veritas hope to unit humanity on a spiritual level, to defy the powers of darkness and to prepare the world for the coming of the War of Time.

Good and Evil

The Verita believe firmly in good and evil. Though there can be many gray areas when it comes to humanity, it is no so with the gods. The Verita classify gods into 3 groups, good, neutral, and evil.


These are the gods that the Verita actively worship and ally themselves with. The good gods seek to better man kind, and threat humans benevolently. Gods in this group will guide and protect humans and the land they live on, while actively opposing any dark powers that seek to do humans harm. Many of these gods treat humans like their own children, while others treat humans more like dumb animals who may one day be of use, and as such need their protection. Many times these gods will task their champions to aid and protect humanity. It should be noted that whole religions have been formed around these champions at times.


Neutral gods take very little interest in humanity expect for those who chose to worship them. During the constant warfare among the gods of good and evil, neutral gods will occasionally ally themselves with one side or another depending on how the situation will benefit them.


Evil gods actively seek to destroy or enslave humanity. Though there are those that would worship such gods, it is usually under lies of power from such gods. Many of these gods out right hate humanity, while other see them as a dangerous tool of the good gods. The evil gods will always oppose the good gods, and have on many occasions came close to destroying all of humanity, but the intervention of the good gods stopped their plans. One of the main goals of the Verita is to oppose such evil gods, and those who would follow them.

The conflict of the gods and religious war

The gods of good and the gods of evil wage a constant war on each other in their own realm, one which occasionally spills into the realms of the human. Gods, like humans, can be killed, though normally it takes a lot more to kill a god. When a god dies, its power rushes out into the world, many times creating natural disasters that can cause much havoc among the human realms. Gods, both good and evil, will sometimes choose humans to become their champions. Sometimes this choice is made while their still alive, but most of the time after they have died and proved themselves. Such champions fight for the gods, and acts as guides to the humans.
One of the principle beliefs of the Veritas Vincit is that the church must remain free, and refrain from getting involved in realm politics. Most religious wars must be fault on the spiritual and religious level, concentrating on converting followers and stopping evil priest from spreading lies and deceit. Though occasionally the Veritas may ally themselves with a realm to assist the realm who is fighting against an evil god, but under no circumstance should the veritas attempt to influence realms to go to war.

The War of Time

The Veritas believe that every so often, the gods from both side will attempt to over throw the other side. What usually results is a huge war between the gods that most times tears apart civilization upon the human realms. As humans are viewed as an important tool, the war almost always spills over into the human realms. Such a time is a time of chaos as everyone is at war, as the world itself is in turbulence. As gods die, their release of energies causes great cataclysms upon the realms. After the war is over one of 3 things happen. The gods of good defeated the gods of evil, and for a a time of several millennium peace and goodness rules the lands. But also the evil gods can defeat the gods of good. If this happens human kinda is enslaved for millennium. After several thousand years though, the balance is usually restored. But most times the war is a stalemate, and both sides influence over the human realms are weakened considerably.

The Circle of Power

The circle of power is a way to represent the power of gods. Imagine a circle containing 10 other circles, with the last circle be little more then a dot in the middle. Each circle is a level of power, the closer to the center of the circle, the greater the level of power. In the middle resides the Father, the god from which the first gods were born. On the 9th and 8th circle are the ancient gods, those originally born of The Father. On the 10th circle resides the champion and demi-gods.