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About my occasional mis-spellings: If you ever got a chance to read a literal copy of anyone who kept a Journal or Diary during the time period that BattleMaster is set in, you will find a huge number of spelling mistakes. Just look at the Diary of Samuel Pepys, (God, who knew that 12th grade English would come in handy one day?), it wasn't even in plain English! It was shorthand that only people from his timeperiod could read without a translation. Reason I'm saying this? I can't spell... and I'm defending it as historical... :sigh: What has the state of History become? :heads of to the stocks for a historically relevent dose of punisment:
About my occasional mis-spellings: If you ever got a chance to read a literal copy of anyone who kept a Journal or Diary during the time period that BattleMaster is set in, you will find a huge number of spelling mistakes. Just look at the Diary of Samuel Pepys, (God, who knew that 12th grade English would come in handy one day?), it wasn't even in plain English! It was shorthand that only people from his timeperiod could read without a translation. Reason I'm saying this? I can't spell... and I'm defending it as historical... :sigh: What has the state of History become? :heads of to the stocks for a historically relevent dose of punisment:
About the SEI reference: This charater was the General of SEI's Taselak around New Years time (If you had clicked on my House link and read it you would have known all this by now!) and he tried to force Ikalak to fight a two front war. I don't know if I will write anything (IC or OOC) about it because it got kinda emotional and I don't nessacerily want to go there again...
About the SEI reference: This charater was the General of SEI's Taselak around New Years time (If you had clicked on my Family link and read it you would have known all this by now!) and he tried to force Ikalak to fight a two front war. I don't know if I will write anything (IC or OOC) about it because it got kinda emotional and I don't nessacerily want to go there again...

Revision as of 03:31, 8 September 2005

This is a personal account of Marc Keithson, currently in Riombara. Accourding to the wishes of his 
family a copy has been placed in this Library.

The letters that spell out the word "Journal" aren't as faded as the ones on the first book that you picked up, but they are quite hard to read. As you open up the cover, you see the same writing from the first book. This book is begun in the same way as the other one, down to the same smells of blood, mud and dirt. The first page also has the name of the owner written as plain as before; "Marc Keithson" the same name as the other book. Turning the page you see the first entry and the date that it was written:


I have sent my brother, Paul of Oligarch, a copy of my first Journal. He enjoyed it so much that he sent me another book to continue my writing. I would have prefered him send me the gold used to buy this book, but one can not look at militiaman by the size of his unit. My cousin, Tom of Minas Ithal, sends word that one of my fellow Taselakians by the name of Shaan has come to Minas Ithal. Shaan I remember well, always a fierce warrior, sent from his family to avenge the death of his brother, the Hero Shaal, but I may have his story mixed up with that of Vengence. On the South Islands, everybody has a mission of vengence...

Anyway, back to the affairs of Riombara. Rasputin (then Marquis of Rufello) has been elected as the new Judge. As the customs of Riombara demand he gave up his claim of lordship over Rufello. Ryan B hasn't been heard from since his explaination about his inabilty to connect with this world. Devlin has become a more attractive canidate (even more so now that I know that he has won the favor of a high placed Council Member, I dare not place names down here but when Delvins time has come all will know of his benefactor), but the time of high ideas has not yet arrived. For the Undead still ravage our land and are even now attemping to cut off direct land access to our major southern city, Irombro. Ever since the beating that was inflicted on the army at Avengmil we have been recruiting and are now gathering a half days march from the Undead Horde that is threating our supply lines. If we lose this coming battle... but no, we can't think of that. Riombara must stand strong.


The main Island has been cut off from the South. Irombro will have to stand alone... there are no forces avalible to break the TO at Ardmore... that was tried and I barely escaped with several small wounds, unlike all of my men but 3. 1 has died since the battle and all surviving forces have been pulled back to the Capitial, Athol Margos. Seers, Sages, and Wise Men all over the Island have seen the same vision-It is all over. Just what is over they disagree on. I have no choice but to cling to the hope that it is the end of the Undead and not the end of Humankind... Delvin has been elected Prime Minister, there is another Monthly election coming up and if he wins that one he will be Prime Minister for the next month. My brother, Paul of Oligarch, and my nephew, Eric of Minas Ithal, have been regularly depositing money into the family coffers. I myself sent some money home back before Paul was exucuted (and ressurected, he never talks about that much, not even about what comes next.), I will probrably need all the money my family can spare plus more. I am going to wait until I get back to the Capitial so that I can be sure that the messanger will get through... hopefully my families money will help in the coming defense of Athol Margos.


My family has responded to my urgent request for gold with 100 pieces. I know that we need troops so I sent a message requesting which type would better serve in the upcoming battle in Clejery. It seems that Undead are focusing on the Southern Regions for TOs so we are going to try and attack to the Northern regions. I hope that we can survive these next few days, if we do we will be in a prime position to expand.


I have finally gotten word from one of my fellow Riombara Nobles who has a relative on SEI. The news isn't good from there either, Taselak is down to 4 regions, Ikalak is the unchallenged superpower on the Island and from his relatives perpective Taselak is right in the archer fire. After the weak Sandalakians betrayed us when I was so very, very close to upending Ikalaks plans only to have that pompous jerk going behind my back and trying to over rule me! Then there was that idiot Sandalakian temporary ruler who decided to change their diplomacy (they thought that by hurt Taselak that they would save themselves, Idiots! All of them! It was Taselaks Army that caused Ikalak to bring a full third of their CS back to their Cap when we just moved from one region to the next! It was me who tried to give Sandalak some breathing room, but nooo! We can't have that because we would lose our Army! Weaklings... even if we did lose our Army (which was highly unlikely in any case) we would take all of Ikalaks Militia down with us and cause them to bring back their army. The only option that couldn't have helped Sandalak was to do nothing, to just sit on our swords afraid to use them because we might lose them! Rubbish! While I am not happy that Taselak is losing, I do feel a grim sense of revenge, they didn't listen and now their paying for it...

The Undead are no long spawning. Athol Margos is under constant attack and Irombro is about to fall. All food is being redirected to Athol in the hopes that the Undead will smash opon us like a Archer unit without Infantry cover. The Irombros Archers have been spectaular through out the entire ordeal, ever turn forcing the Undead off the walls with fearsome volleys. Once that enough of the Undead lie dead at our feet then our army shall march forth, well fed and ready to regain our lands!


There has been a battle a every turn, the Undead seem undaunted by the walls of Athol Margos. Every 12 hours a new group of Undead show up and try to climb the walls. I sent another messanger to my family asking for some financial support, they sent me another 100 gold. I recruited another 11 Special Forces, bring my total up to 20 SFs. My men (and the whole realm!) needed some cheering up so I named my men "We put the Special in SFs!" Hopefully this will bring a little comidic relief...

Earlier on in the Seige, a couple of TLs kept sending messages about how we needed to go and take back what was ours and reclaim our lands! Pure and simple rubbish, as any foool could see from recent scoutings (scouts have been leaving non-stop, always checking on the Undead forces and looking for a weakness) if the forces in Avangemil and Cjelery combine they would be strong enough to challenge even the high walls of Athol. One of our forward scouts (a loyal TL, he has no unit to protect him, but the people of Cjelery seem to be hiding him until either we come to kill all the Undead or the Undead take over) reports that Ajitmon is still not empty, but has about the same amount of Undead as Cjelery. The only way for them to get to this city is through Cjelery so Cjelery will be swarming with UNdead for the forseeable future. The situation in Irombro is also grim, the Undead have gotten into the walls and have forced our defenders to flee! A brave Noble by the name of Krimheld led a galent charge into the midst of the Undead, but his small force was quickly forced to surrender. He is, most likely, laguising in a Undead prison somewhere. Having enjoyed that particular pleasure myself not too long ago, I can't say that I envy him...


The Undead have been stayiung away from Athol in the past days. The Prime Minister posted a message that he got from one of the highest rankings seers in the realm. It is said that the Great God speaks directly into his ear. The Undead spawnings have been cut drasticly down. Our forward scouts have sent word that another Undead host is moving into Cjelery from Ajitmon. My guess is that they are coming from the City to the North. It has been suggested by a Noble that if we are not attacked in Athol for 2 weeks then we should hit Cjelery or Avengemil. I think that this has very little merit and if we are forced into moving from Athol it will be the end of this Army. Maybe the Undead in Cjelery are just bringing reinforcements for a final push into Athol. If that happens, then every man shall fight to his end. I have been training my Special Forces for that moment (I pray that we are not over run...), although with this extra expertise they are expecting more pay. I was taxed 19 coins (that I got from my family as a back up) and only recieved 18 bonds. Its only one coin but a symbol of what is happening. I do hope that the Undead continue to pound against the wall. There we can beat them, if we have to fight on the plians of Cjelery or Avengemil it will not be a fight. It will be slaughter, pure and simple.


Some of the poorer TLs are starting to feel the pinch of this Siege. Several TLs have requested gold, but no one has any to spare. Except for me. I have sent for more family gold, but instead of the usual 100 gold, it was only 90 gold. A sure sign that my source of income is on the verges of running out.


The Undead have finally spread themselves out far enough for us to launch an attack on Cjelery! We are all moving out to Cjelery with high spirts and a knowledge that some will die. Hopefully we will have enough left afterwards to break the back of the Undead that controls Avengemil. After that... I hope we clense Rines.

Also a former Noble of Minas Chida has joined us. His name is Sage and his family seems to have been everywhere and done everything from Leader to Region Commander. He would be a benefit to any realm he joined; I glad he joined ours.


It seems the attack was stopped only a handful of hours before the order to move was given. It also seems that the messanger forgot to tell me that only myself and a couple of other Nobles where moving to confront the Horde alone. Over half of my Special Forces where killed in the ensuing battle and of the few who recovered enough in between the time of the battle and when the rest of the Realm moved to our support, only 8 survived. In one day my unit went from 20 strong to 8 wounded...

Oh well such is the fortune of Battle. Riombaras Army combined still lost, but we cut the undead numbers in two. The number of Undead is drasticly reduced and we will be taking advantage of this some time soon...


Today is not a good day. Our Southern City, Irombro, has left our realm. Apparently the Undead had managed to infiltrate the City and either killed or forced the City leaders to leave the City bounderies. Our Prime Minister is being transported North to the Capitial and is currently picking his way carefully through the Southern Regions that have fallen under the evil influence of the Undead. We all hope he makes it safely to the City, but we are all making up preliminary ballots and thinking who should take over in case Prime Minister Delvin is captured.


Delvin has managed to get past the Undead guarding the roads into the City. A small parade was thrown in his honor when he came through the city gates. His entourage had several small bags of gold, Delvin annouced that he had some gold to pass out.

My men have finally healed enough to report back in for duty after, for some reason charging the Undead in the battle before last. Their excuse was that they saw Cydin's Banner going over the wall and wanted to protect him. Well, I can't berate them for wanting to protect their Marshal. With Irombro leaving the realm the SF center went with them so we are left with the 2 Archer and 1 Infantry Centers in Athol Margos.


It has almost been a week since I last wrote in this Journal, but nothing has changed. The Undead are still stronger then us in the surrounding regions, they still attack us piecemeal, and they still kill a couple of our soldiers every time they attack. Until anything of more interest happens I shall put this aside and try to weedle some more money out of my family, for the good of the realm...


It would seem that I put my Journal away prematurely. Last night a scout came back to the city with an important report-enough Undead had left Cjelery for us to mount an assault! The attack went about as well as could be expected since it has been about a month since we last attack the Undead postions. Both of our Armies where deceimated, but our orders are to stay in Cjelery in order to attack once more when our men have healed up. If we can kill all of the Undead in this region then we can have a food producing region to supply our Capitial with food and keep the peseants from revolting.


The sight of this past battle was amazing! On one side we had a vastly thinned out line of Undead. On the other we had lines of men, Infantry, Archers and some Calvery who lined up. Some still had Healer bandages on their heads, arms, midsections. It was the sheer determination of the men to win this battle, to liberate these peasants from the Undead that made this victory possible! Yes, I wrote Victory! A Month, No, a Week, No! Even a few days ago, I would have said that it wasn't possible. A badly manged Human Army can't stand up to a 1/3 strength Undead Horde! But we did! Now, it is time to call the peasants back to their towns and hamlets. Their jobs and future children! It is a time for rebuilding!


I sent my lone Special Forces soldier home. He was willing to leave and I needed a different type of soldier. He was slightly relectent to leave but after I paid him was willing to leave. I have hired 20 Archers and am moving back to the front.


My unit arrived in Cjelery earilier today. In Riombaras absense a sort of localized government sprung up. Now that we are back the local warlord has declared that we are not the true rulers of Cjelery and that he is! Imagen the gall!

Anyway, we have managed to find some of his second in commands and have either arrested or executied the others. Even though we've only been back a day or so most of the peasants have rejoined the Riombara flock. The others will be arrested and taken off the streets. A Undead Horde marched into the twon square and attempted to catch us off guard, but luckily the unit had a messanger with them and was able to call up reinforcements quickly. My own unit was involuved as was all the Infantry that could be found at a moments notice. The Undead cut through our Infantry lines quickly and, here is where it gets embarrassing, as soon as the Undead got through my unit ran! They actually trampled two of their own to get away from the Undead. I had to spend an hour to call them all back and even then I come up two short. Nothing can be done about them now, if they are really that cowardly I don't want them in my platoon any more then they obviously wanted to stay!


What a week! What a crazy, crazy week! I haven't had much of a chance to write the events down, but defending a region from the Undead takes up a lot of your spare time! Where did I last leave off, oh yes we have just taken Cjelery. Well we all pitched in a finally caught that local warlord. It seems he had been helping the Undead by giving them the directions to Athol itself! For that treason he was exucutied and a Riombara Noble, by the name of One Eye, replaced him. After that the Undead attacked just about once every day. They have been throwing so many of their men at us that they have emptied Rines and drasticly cut their man (or undead man) power in Avengemil. In fact if they continue to attack us they will be weak enough to attack and retake Avengemil. Once we have two regions that produce a large amount of food we can then look North or South.


Ohhh. I feel terrible... the healer assigned to me told me that I've been unconsions for about a day and a half. It feels longer then that... My Archers lined up in the wrong place, I tried to move them then the Undead attacked... We where caught out in the open... I had them fire right as the Undead started to charge, but my 15 men where no match for the... 100? 200? I don't remember... the healer just gave me something to sleep so I'll... *There are several large ink blots on this part of the page*


After returning to my tent in Cjelery I found some of my men standing around. One of them mentioned that the other half of my unit was checking out the local villages for some food and that they would be back within the hour. After they returned we broke camp and we are now on the road to Avengemil to convince the peasants that they are better off with us in charge then some local elder.

OOC: I stopped writing on my other page "The First Book" because I felt that it was a good idea to stop there. As always please feel free to leave a suggestion (complaints are allowed also of course) in the Discussion part of this page. Here is a link to my family page where you can learn more about the charaters whose words your reading: Keithson Family

About my occasional mis-spellings: If you ever got a chance to read a literal copy of anyone who kept a Journal or Diary during the time period that BattleMaster is set in, you will find a huge number of spelling mistakes. Just look at the Diary of Samuel Pepys, (God, who knew that 12th grade English would come in handy one day?), it wasn't even in plain English! It was shorthand that only people from his timeperiod could read without a translation. Reason I'm saying this? I can't spell... and I'm defending it as historical... :sigh: What has the state of History become? :heads of to the stocks for a historically relevent dose of punisment:

About the SEI reference: This charater was the General of SEI's Taselak around New Years time (If you had clicked on my Family link and read it you would have known all this by now!) and he tried to force Ikalak to fight a two front war. I don't know if I will write anything (IC or OOC) about it because it got kinda emotional and I don't nessacerily want to go there again...