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===Teenage Years===
===Teenage Years===
Aethelmaer found the next few years of his life flew by, and before he knew it he was already thirteen.
Aethelmaer found the next few years of his life flew by, and before he knew it he was already thirteen. His parents were so proud of him, he had grown up just as they thought he would. Now since all of this was done, his father had but one more thing that he could teach his son, and that was the ways of an honorable swordsman. The most important lesson he learned of swordsmanship, is that no matter the type of duel, no matter who is dueling, it is always honorable, even if done for the wrong reasons. This began Aethelmaer's final lessons as his father taught him everything he knew. Swinging the sword, parrying, blocking, and the footwork needed to be a decent swordsman. Aethelmaer was helped a lot by his younger brother Grimbaldus, as Aethelmaer trained in the woods. After four long years of training, and most being unknown to his father, he finally challenged his father to a duel to first blood. His father felt overconfident.
"You'll never beat me son, for I am to much for the likes of you"
"We'll see father, we'll see."
The two took their stances, and when Grim began the duel, Aethelmaer rushed at his father, and took a mighty swing. His father surprised to see his son using the aggresive style, he quickly blocked the swing and had to step back from the power behind it. Aethelmaer pulled back and took another swing, his father just barely parrying. Finally, a third swing by Aethelmaer caught his father off guard and it caught his arm, just enough to break the skin. With that Aethlmaer sheathed his sword, bowed to his father, and walked off into the forest. His father sat there in shock and awe that he had been beaten so fast. Grim ran over to his father, helped him up, and walked him to the house where he was bandaged up, and told to rest.
The next day, Aethelmaer had come out of his room, and to his astonishment his father had a visitor. It wasn't any ordinary visitor, by the looks of him, he was a local troop leader. His father looked over, and then pointed at him, telling the figure that Aethelmaer was his challenger. The man walked over, and held out his hand. His name was Halton, a tall man with a strong physique. Aethelmaer shook his hand, then walked over to his father.
"Why is this man here father?"
"He is your final test, if you can beat him, then you are ready. But if you can't, consider it payback."
His father ushered him outdoors, and told him the rules. This time, the duel was until someone surrendered. Aethelmaer felt a shiver down his spine, and shuddered at the size of his challenger. His father began the duel, and the two rushed at each other, and with a loud clang, their swords hit. Aethelmaer was pushed back by the force of Halton's swing, and did rolled backwards.

Revision as of 22:25, 13 May 2006

Aethelmaer Sterksain

He is the favorite of his family, and also the second oldest.

Early Childhood

Born into the Sterksain Family under his father, Garland, and his mother, Elira. He always sought out for things, with a unique sense of curiosity, his parents often kept a close eye on him, as he would always try to escape from his parents clutches, as if he were in prison. Barred away from the world, he always tried to escape, and once he did.

His First Adventure

He was only a boy of five, when one day, he unlatched the door to his pen, and with the front door of his house open, he simply walked out. He stood at the street in front of him, the hustle and bustle of people with their goods, and the merchants tending to their customers. Aethelmaer walked around a little bit, and being the curious being he is, climbed into someone's caravan. No sooner did he climb into it, it started to move. So he layed back into the hay, closed his eyes, and fell asleep. He awoke, to a night sky full of stars, and not a single cloud. Sitting up, his stomach was aching him. Luckily, he had climbed into a food caravan, and found some carrots that satisfied his hunger. Also, seemingly satisfied with the new scenery, he jumps off of the caravan, and stood at the edge of a great forest. Looking down the path, he saw a horse quickly dashing towards him, thinking quickly he dodged it and dove into the woods. With that he got up and ran further and further, until he was too tired to stand. He sat upon a rock, and taking note of his surroundings, spotted a cave, not too far off. His curiosity gave him a new energy, and ran towards the cave. Peering in he saw nothing but darkness, and decided to wait until morning to explore. For the night, he decided to sleep on some leaves that he had bunched up. Morning came, and he couldn't wait to get into that cave, but first scouted the area for berries. When his pouch was full, he finally entered the cave. Delving deeper and deeper, he found a strange box. One that he couldn't yet open. An insctiption was written on it, but he couldn't read it, it seemed to be in a different language. He guessed it was latin, but couldn't tell exactly. Now he had to find his way back. Traveling back through the cave, he thought he remembered the path he took, but walking back, easily lost himself in the maze of intertwining paths. At one point, he was walking and tripped on a small crack in the floor. With the grunt he let out, hundreds and hundreds of bats, rushed out, and thinking quickly, he stood up and ran in the direction they were flying, until he fell into a small hole. Now sliding down, a narrow corridor, and a faint light at the end of the tunnel, it led him into a river. He was dumped into the river, and was quickly taken up by the current and down a small waterfall. Washing ashore, in a heap of pain, he was picked up, by a passing trader, and was taken back into town. He was left with the healers, and wondering what his parents were thinking right now, only cause him to shudder, as to what they would do to him. Before, he could even start thinking of that, his parents just so happened to walk into the healer's building. When he got home, he got thrown into his room, and locked in.... for three days. His parents were royally angered by his actions, his punishment, his older brother was able to do anything he wanted to, to Aethelmaer. He could already taste the blood, and dirt in his mouth. For the next week, he was beat on, and used until he couldn't even stand, and was forced to do more. Once his week was over he could finally focus on his treasure from his little journey. He decided to wait until he was older to find out about his new found treasure.

Growing Up

Even though his parents didn't like the thought of him roaming around alone, and certain his little journey rattled them a little bit, they decided it might best to teach him the ways of the ranger. So one day, Garland, took Aethelmaer out into the forest, and firstly taught him how to string a bow. His father made him do it many times before he actually made a decent one to use for now. His hands all cut and battered now, he holds it up to see if he could actually use it. The arrow he shot, didn't go very far. Not even 5 feet in front of him. Well, after a few days he started getting the hang of it, shooting it farther and straighter each day. One day when he was nine, his father took him out and he caught his first deer. He had set a trap for it, it took the bait, and paid the price. He also took out, a squirrel sitting on a tree branch, from 50 feet away. His father was proud of him, and decided that he was to be tested.

The Test

That one fateful day changed Aethelmaer forever. His skills were finally starting to impress his parents, so they decided to leave him in the forest a long distance from their home, and he had to find his way back. He was given nothing besides some bow strings, a knife, some flint, and a pack. The first thing he needed to do was set up a camp, and settle in. He first scrounged the area for things like food, burnable materials, even things he could use to make a tent or blankets or something of the sort. With some basic materials, some branches, one strong enough to string a bow, he started a fire, and began to work, creating his bow, and a few arrows for starters. With that he captured a squirrel for his dinner, settling in he slept on the ground the first day, looking at the stars. The next day, he went out exploring, finding a cave, and a path through the woods. The cave seemed to be inhabited, and decided he would wait a day or two more to explore futher. Gathering extra supplies, he caught a deer, and decided if he needed to he could barter with the inhabitants of the cave, if they were human. Stepping into the cave, brought back memories of his first adventure. It gave him an inspirational feeling, and he pressed on, deeper into the dark cave. A few turns in, he found a doorway with some light flickering out of it. He peered in to find a few common thieves were talking amongst themselves, dividing their stolen goods between the four of them. He decided to take a risk and see if he could outsmart them. He picked up a few pebbles, looked to a door on the other side of the room, and chucked a pebble across the room, though the other door, making a noise drawing the attention of the thieves. They split up, all four went towards the door, two going straight, and the other two turning an unseen corner. With that chance, Aethelmaer slipped in and took all of the small gold bags they stole. He quickly stole away back to his passage, and continued on his way, finding an exit a few moments later. Upon exiting, he heard noises behind him, and quickly hid in a bush, readying his bow to attack anything that came into view. Aethelmaer knew that these thieves were wanted, seeing posters of a bounty on their heads for their capture or death. He saw one come out rather quickly, and Aethelmaer quickly let go an arrow, it caught the first theif in the leg, he fell over, and called out for his buddies. They quickly came, the second alone, then right after the third and fourth guys showed up. He downed them all, with little trouble on the last guy. He found Aethelmaer's hiding place, and took out a dagger and threw it at the bush, missing by mere inches, Aethelmaer put him down too. Then, he called out to see if he could get someone to come. He waited for an hour or two, when finally a police wagon appeared. They took the theives into custody, and Aethelmaer was given the bounty: 250 Gold Coins. Exstatic, he started running in the direction of home, but remembered that he was still a few miles off, and decided to set up another camp and finish his journey the next day. After that small encounter, he was pretty exhausted. So, he caught more dinner, started another fire, ate his catch and a few berries, along with making a few more arrows. He still had his deer, but decided that would be for proving he completed his task better than expected. The next day, he finally returned home. His parents were proud of him. They expected him to return as quickly as he did, but not with the rewards he was carrying. After his test, he had counted that he plundered 150 Gold Coins from the thieves, along with the 250 Coin reward from the police, plus the deer, which he sold for another 50, he was extremely excited. He stashed away his funds, for use later, and life continued on normally for a few more years.

Teenage Years

Aethelmaer found the next few years of his life flew by, and before he knew it he was already thirteen. His parents were so proud of him, he had grown up just as they thought he would. Now since all of this was done, his father had but one more thing that he could teach his son, and that was the ways of an honorable swordsman. The most important lesson he learned of swordsmanship, is that no matter the type of duel, no matter who is dueling, it is always honorable, even if done for the wrong reasons. This began Aethelmaer's final lessons as his father taught him everything he knew. Swinging the sword, parrying, blocking, and the footwork needed to be a decent swordsman. Aethelmaer was helped a lot by his younger brother Grimbaldus, as Aethelmaer trained in the woods. After four long years of training, and most being unknown to his father, he finally challenged his father to a duel to first blood. His father felt overconfident.

"You'll never beat me son, for I am to much for the likes of you"

"We'll see father, we'll see."

The two took their stances, and when Grim began the duel, Aethelmaer rushed at his father, and took a mighty swing. His father surprised to see his son using the aggresive style, he quickly blocked the swing and had to step back from the power behind it. Aethelmaer pulled back and took another swing, his father just barely parrying. Finally, a third swing by Aethelmaer caught his father off guard and it caught his arm, just enough to break the skin. With that Aethlmaer sheathed his sword, bowed to his father, and walked off into the forest. His father sat there in shock and awe that he had been beaten so fast. Grim ran over to his father, helped him up, and walked him to the house where he was bandaged up, and told to rest.

The next day, Aethelmaer had come out of his room, and to his astonishment his father had a visitor. It wasn't any ordinary visitor, by the looks of him, he was a local troop leader. His father looked over, and then pointed at him, telling the figure that Aethelmaer was his challenger. The man walked over, and held out his hand. His name was Halton, a tall man with a strong physique. Aethelmaer shook his hand, then walked over to his father.

"Why is this man here father?"

"He is your final test, if you can beat him, then you are ready. But if you can't, consider it payback."

His father ushered him outdoors, and told him the rules. This time, the duel was until someone surrendered. Aethelmaer felt a shiver down his spine, and shuddered at the size of his challenger. His father began the duel, and the two rushed at each other, and with a loud clang, their swords hit. Aethelmaer was pushed back by the force of Halton's swing, and did rolled backwards.