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He reached into the cart and threw a sack of flour on his shoulder. Despite his musical nature, Soren had trained for a long time and it showed.
He reached into the cart and threw a sack of flour on his shoulder. Despite his musical nature, Soren had trained for a long time and it showed.
“A man for old books as well, aren’t you full of surprises.” Slipping out of Soren’s way, the woman notes his willingness to help even as she shrugs, “I just help folks same as always, though only sometimes it works. I do need to send a few more responses though, perhaps I can borrow your scribe?”  
“And you must be the man of old books as well. Aren’t you full of surprises.” Slipping out of Soren’s way, the woman notes his willingness to help even as she shrugs, “I just help folks same as always, though only sometimes it works. I do need to send a few more responses though, perhaps I can borrow your scribe?”  
Soren nodded again. “Of course,” he said as he started about unloading the cart. He didn’t seem to have many words for someone that liked to perform. “Ah… They may be about today. Jakken ri Shieldborn has been… persistent in requesting a small army to take back Black Jaw’s Conquest. It’s just a swamp,” he said with a laugh. “I have all the supplies you may need.”
Soren nodded again. “Of course,” he said as he started about unloading the cart. He didn’t seem to have many words for someone that liked to perform. “Ah… They may be about today. Jakken ri Shieldborn has been… persistent in requesting a small army to take back Black Jaw’s Conquest. It’s just a swamp,” he said with a laugh. “I have all the supplies you may need.”
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“Not a lady? If you say so, Priestess.” He grabbed another flour sack and set it on the ground, working out a good rhythm with the miller.
“Not a lady? If you say so, Priestess.” He grabbed another flour sack and set it on the ground, working out a good rhythm with the miller.
“You know, now that I see you up close you’re a lot younger than I expected. That sermon of yours the other day had a lot of old virtues in it. Old as the Old Gods, some might say.”
“You know, now that I see you up close you’re a lot younger than I expected. That sermon of yours the other day had a lot of old virtues in it. Old as the Old Gods themselves, some might say.”
He set another sack down and looked her over. “Old songs. Old knowledge.” This time the quiet nature vanished along with what one might call a bard’s charisma as his curiosity grew.
Adding another sack to the pile he looked her over, “Old songs. Old knowledge…” He looked at Nerta like she was a puzzle to figure out. There was no malice or ill intent in his words or stance, but much of the calm and quiet had slipped away to the steady tone of someone in command.
Adding another sack to the pile he looked her over, “Old songs. Old knowledge…” He looked at Nerta like she was a puzzle to figure out. There was no malice or ill intent in his words or stance, but much of the calm and quiet had slipped away to the steady tone of someone in command.
Nerta’s eyes narrow, “You’re not the only one with access to the Academy. I’ve done a lot of reading.
“Miller, your payment is at the gates,” he said, gently ushering the man away as the last sack hit the ground. His eyes never left the priestess.
“Miller, your payment is at the gates,” he said, gently ushering the man away as the last sack hit the ground. His eyes never left the priestess.
“And a heavy cloak for early winter,” he commented quietly, once the miller was out of earshot.
“And yet you want to borrow a scribe while wearing a heavy cloak for early winter,” he commented quietly, once the miller was out of earshot.
Nerta’s eyes narrow, “You’re not the only one with access to the Academy. I’ve done a lot of reading.”
“And yet you want to borrow a scribe?” Fishing in his belt pouch, Soren’s curiosity shifts to concern as he looks to the ground. Spotting something out of the corner of his eye, he bends down and holds up an old item and laughs at his own behavior, but is still clearly relieved. “I inherited quite a few things from old Melhed,” he said as he offered her the seal to look at. “I don’t know if this means anything to you, but I keep it as a sign of aspirations to come.”
Fishing in his belt pouch, Soren’s curiosity shifts to concern as he looks to the ground. Spotting something out of the corner of his eye, he bends down and holds up an old item and laughs at his own behavior, but is still clearly relieved. “I inherited quite a few things from old Melhed,” he said as he offered her the seal to look at. “I don’t know if this means anything to you, but I keep it as a sign of aspirations to come.”
Nerta considers the offered seal for a long moment but slowly reaches out to accept the odd trinket. Turning it in her hand she nods, “I’m foederati and if you’re okay with that, I’ll help you put those away.”
Nerta considers the offered seal for a long moment but slowly reaches out to accept the odd trinket. Turning it in her hand she nods, “I’m foederati and if you’re okay with that, I’ll help you put away the flour.”
|Title=Count of Seven Rivers
|Title=Count of Seven Rivers

Revision as of 10:10, 2 January 2021

Ar Agyr Irondale Thalmarkin
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr

Already the blanket of snow was thick leaving Nerta to rest in her small camp and reflect on how things had changed in a year. Last winter she had fled from Mhed wearing only a rough wool tunic and now she had a letter requesting coin from some Patrician. A request she could now fulfill.

Ignoring the Old Man as he reads off a litany of titles from the bottom of the letter, Nerta glances around the small camp.

A stew bubbles away, her tent pitched near by, both a marked improvement from last year. Though some things were the same: she was still helping Plebeians with their monster problems; still alone. Despite all the adventures of the last few weeks she'd not seen Wren or Jacinda for some time. Hopefully they were all right.

"You have the money to fulfill the request, though you'll need to get to the bank... You're a league away Nerta."

"I know Old Man, I know." Scrubbing her face with a sigh, Nerta collects some stew. "How did you... How did you do it back in the day? How did you handle," she waves a hand about, "everything."

Her ghostly companion smiles, "A solstice miracle, you ask for my advise." A hand rising to forestall the retort, the scholar sighs, "Yet I don't really have an answer to your question. I tried things; sometimes they worked and sometimes they didn't. All you can do is try and hope that others will as well."

"Others are trying I'll give them that..."

The shade chuckles, "Yes, they can be that as well. But overall things are going well."

"Well? Every day we get reports of doom and the undead marching around."

The Old Man laughs, "Yes, it is winter after all, but spring will come and some will have survived."

Rubbing her temple Nerta sighs, "Cold Old Man. Cold."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Grante Le Monte
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Fellow Faithful,

While I have not written to this chamber much, or spent much time in one of our temples (I have yet to explore the one in Firbalt as I wait for a time when Hierophant Ryosuke might give a tour of it), I nonetheless have spent much time reading any old tomes or scriptures I could find since my first discovery of the Old Gods. And you can find quite a lot of forgotten ones when in the south.

With my new appointment as duke and lord of Fianik, I will be opening a temple here in short time once I have the time and gold to do so. If possible, it would be great for a priest to visit here as it seems an old Daishi temple is still standing, and we do not need the peasantry getting confused.

For the Old Gods,
Grante Le Monte (Duke of Land’s End, Margrave of Fianik)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods
There's no doubt a lot to read given just how many books there are. The Old Man suggests digging out the vellum and stone tablets if you want the real crazy stuff, but wants me to add that if you have any trouble with translations he can handle it with the Stone Table in the Agyrian Academy.

As for some old temple: That's the third time it's come up in Irondale, maybe we should hold a conclave and get to the bottom of all these strange ruins?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
May I suggest asking the Dashi to close their temple in the city and move on? While it is up to each regions Lady/Lord what to do, I'd rather not have the influence of the Dashi in any region I controlled and asking them nicely to depart gives them the chance to do so gracefully.
Quincy Stormreaver (Keeper of Law of Irondale, Viscount of Aesh)
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Good luck getting Daishi to agree to anything. So much as speak about their temples and they start throwing fits about religious oppression.
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of the Bathory)
Letter from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
If there was a temple in Aesh when I took over they would have already been asked and, failing to be pleasant about it, I would have converted it into something more useful already and kicked out the clergy. Aesh needs more brothels...
Quincy Stormreaver (Keeper of Law of Irondale, Viscount of Aesh)
Letter from Tristan De La Fere
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I shall be there Dear Duke!

Yes closing the temples is a good idea, but its worthwhile to wait until most of the population believes in right things. We do not want the brainwashed cattle to murder each other.

With Respect,
Tristan De La Fere (Earl of Baqua)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
With the way you guys were talking I thought you meant some old ruin. But it sounds like they're active temples. Why do you want to close them down?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Why would we tolerate temples of other false faiths? Constantly leading the faithful astray with their non-religion. Daishi exists purely as a glorified message group. The only messages ever sent there are complaints about temples being torn down, and Nothoi's war coordination.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Viscountess of Porl)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods
Why would we not tolerate such a thing? After all, does not the mountain tolerate some grass upon it's face? We, the greater, need not fear the lesser. ​​​​​​If this faith unites a great many people and allows them to speak and share, then it serves a small part in the quest to win the land for humanity. Those who are receptive to the truth can join us in winning the love of the Gods, while the others can continue to serve their small part in ignorance.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods

Sitting in a familiar Fronepu tavern with a bowl of stew, Nerta notes how quiet it is this time. The chill of winter and the armies of the Sunken Kingdom on the march gave a far more oppressive atmosphere than a tournament rioting in the streets.

She'd come out of the sewer with the head of a bogwraith to the tavernkeeper's insistence on a meal. It was an added reward to the posted bounty, but a welcome one.

The letters less so.

The Old Man had frowned and tisked, muttering about the Valentic Order throughout reading her the exchanges. Finally she'd interjected with the stab of a spoon.

"What does it matter what some Patrician on the other side of the world thinks about temples?"

"Nerta, I'm going to assume your tired after hunting beasts in the dark." Pretending to sit next to her the shade sighs and gestures to another scroll, "This faith they speak of is expansive and by these very accounts, militant. Nevermind that conflict between humanity is one of our greatest weakness, to anger this faith is to invite some crusade or another."

With a sigh the woman leans back and scrubs her face with one hand, trying to wake herself, "Okay, so why then? Why are we even talking about this?"

"Well..." The specter scratches at his beard, ethereal grave dust drifting, "Though many adopt the the old ways and seek to win the love of the Gods, they retain newer ways of thinking. Valentic ways, we called it back in the day."

"Yes you muttered about them, with the same tone you use for 'barbarians'," her tired voice dry, the woman shifts in her seat and tries to stretch her back against the corner.

The Old Man smirks, "Good catch. The Valentic Order was alwasy more militant, more concerned with orthodoxy, truth," he pauses, "and power."

"Mmmm," she winces and adjusts the digging pressure, "So you figure these guys are just, what? Itching to prove they're right and Daishi is wrong or something?"

"A man who will lead a rebellion is a man of conviction, and those who will follow him are comfortable with risk." He raises a finger, "And power."

Signing the woman turns back to her stew, back still tight, "And you weren't?"

The shade's smile is almost boyish, "I had other avenues of power. Besides, the quest is too important to play dice for the fate of Beluaterra."

"Your piety still surprised me at times, so at odds with your cynicism."

"Piety is not as impressive when it comes from knowledge rather than faith. Before my death I walked the halls of the Gods and after," he frowns, "they made it clear the price of our failure."

"Ya... Humanity under the talon of a dragon, forever."

They sit in silence for a time, the stew growing cold as appetite fades. Finally Nerta sighs and pushes it away, "Fine, I'll get some scribe to write your reply."

"It would be easier if you learned how to write you know..."

"Don't start with me Old Man," rising to her feet she smiles faintly, "Besides if I do, what will you have to do all day?"


Nerta snorts and pushes out into the cold, "You don't know how."

"No," he smiles, "I guess I don't."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Ryosuke Guile
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
For me, I wish to see the common folk of Firbalt enlightened as I have been. The temple of Daishi that exists in my city is increasingly derelict and abandoned by both noble and commoner alike. I do not like having such an eyesore within the city limits, nor do I personally agree with the Daishist hold over my peasants.

When I manage to return to Firbalt from my rounds, I will reach out to the elders of their faith and notify them that they can come and close their temple down, or leave it for my Dawnguard to do. It will depend on how long it would take them to come and dismantle the remains of the structure...

But to put it as plainly as possible, for me it is a matter of desiring my peasants being of a like mind, at least in faith. Nothing against Daishi, as I have heard next to nothing about/from them.

That being said, Irondale still remains open to all faiths, and Lords are entitled to build or destroy temples on their own lands as they wish, according to the ancient rights of nobility. Provided it is not a Mordokian temple being built. I’ll have the hands, tongue, and teeth of any of those cannibals that I find in my domain.

Under the Masked One’s Sight,

Vox Noctis,
Ryosuke Guile (Hierophant, Defence Minister of Irondale, Margrave of Firbalt)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Grass does not turn the mountain into more grass. If we allow this "grass" to turn more of the mountain into grass, how much of the mountain will be eaten by goats and the like? One nibble is too much.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Viscountess of Porl)
Letter from Ryosuke Guile
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I thought we liked goats, though? Duke Remus is quite a goat-minded man, after all! There is Honour, and Beauty, in the goat!

Perhaps I’m just not understanding the mountain/grass/goat metaphor.

Regardless, I like goats. They are delicious.

Vox Noctis,
Ryosuke Guile (Hierophant, Defence Minister of Irondale, Margrave of Firbalt)
Letter from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Fellow Followers,

When I came to Irondale I joined the Dashi because that's what the people of my region worshiped, as did many others in the realm; I saw nothing wrong with it at the time. As the days and weeks past, I noticed how stagnant and self-serving many of the followers were and prayed that there was a better alternative, like the gods of my father: The Old Gods. My prayers have been answered and I see no reason not to share this faith with others as well as remove the temptation of corruption and sloth from those who don't know better. The common folk need to be shown and told what is right, they can't be trusted to make such decisions on their own, that's why they have us.

A decision to remove the Dashi taint is a decision to empower the Old Gods and the people. I will always do as much as possible within my power (reasonably, of course) to keep my people on the right path.

Iron Within and Sexy Velvet Without,
Quincy Stormreaver (Keeper of Law of Irondale, Viscount of Aesh)
Letter from Tristan De La Fere
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Whats next? Somebody tells us to live peacefully with the Children also? Share bread with the undead? No. We must prove our worth.
Tristan De La Fere (Earl of Baqua)
Letter from Alice Schwarzherzig
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I joined the Daishi once too. I was told to join by old man Willy, and I quote, "because Daishi is the tool which Nothoi uses to coordinate its wars." I for one cannot tolerate such a vile lie. A message group masquerading as a religion is disgusting.
Alice Schwarzherzig (Viscountess of Porl)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods
It is good that everyone is passionate.

Alice; the noble defender, worried for the sake of the common folk and disgusted at hypocrisy.
Quincy; the champion against corruption, seeking to shepherd others as a father would a child.
Tristan; reminding us that conflict between humanity is fruitless when there are monsters to slay.

And of course Ryosuke; the bringer of enlightenment.

All of these are noble goals from noble men and women. Righteous fury at the injustice of the world is the only reasonable response. But we must ask ourselves: Do we seek justice? For if we do we must be prepared to surrender ourselves as well.

Alice, a woman who despises the hypocrite and the faithless, will not shy from the truth. Humanity invaded these lands with the intent to win them. When force of arms was not enough some of our ancestors lost hope and fled. Others chose to learn; to win the love of the Gods. Quincy's grandfather might say that such was a corruption of the ways of our ancestors: To leave our powerless faiths at the sea and adopt a new one tied to this land; but it is not so. Like Ryosuke, Quincy's father sought enlightenment and in finding it, realized the gravity of our injustice to the Children of the Old Gods, and of our forebears to the Dragons. But as Tristan reminds, we did this for a noble end: For a bright future for our people. So while we have done these terrible things and shall continue to do them, we must do so with full acceptance of who and what we are.

The Daishi are hollow. Tragic.
The Daishi are corrupt. Inexcusable.
The Daishi are militant. Ignoble.
The Daishi lead the people astray. Horrible.

But we are not the Daishi. We are the Followers of the Old Gods.
We know the truth, of this land and of ourselves.
Through that knowledge we will bring about the golden age of humanity on this continent.
Do not let righteous fury seduce you into what you despise.

We are not hypocrites because we do not hide what we are.
We are not corrupt because we allow our youth to reach enlightenment by merit of it's own worth, as a father would to a cherished son.
We are not prone to the squabbling of others because we keep vigilant watch on the real enemy.

We are a passionate people, but that passion is tempered by wisdom.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods

I appreciate Lady Nerta's urging of caution and tempered wisdom. As a matter of fact, my reaction is quite tempered from my initial urgings when I left the Dashi to literally burn all their temples to the ground. Now my desire is simply to convert these houses of ill-repute to places more wholesome like brothels and strip clubs. Win-win.

All this is hypothetical, for the moment, anyways since there is no Dashi temple in my region. Should I acquire a different region in the future, the untitled 'Dashi to brothel' project will be enacted for the betterment of all.

Iron Within and Sexy Tempered Velvet Without,
Quincy Stormreaver (Keeeper of Law, Viscount of Aesh)
Letter from Grante Le Monte
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Fellow Followers, I am glad this has stirred up discussion. I do not intend to tear it down immediately as I am still getting to know the peasantry here and believe that would start that relationship off on the wrong foot. Thus why I requested that a priest come and help begin the process to opening their eyes to the Old Gods and how we must prove ourselves to them so that we gain their favor over their children. I do not believe that is possible if too much of humanity believes in false gods.
Grante Le Monte (Duke of Land's End, Margrave of Fianik)
Letter from Gadwin Ardent
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
What is this 'strip club' Lord Quincy spoke of? Is this a wood working facility or some religious site of the Old Gods? I am wholly unfamiliar with this term.
Gadwin Ardent (Viscount of Daisha)
Letter from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Lord Gadwin, It is most certainly a 'wood working facility' and should be a religious site for everyone, especially the Followers.
Quincy Stormreaver (Keeeper of Law, Viscount of Aesh)
Letter from Gadwin Ardent
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I am slowly becoming more familiar with the lore of the Old Gods. Enough that I may gave a few questions worth asking.

Who is this 'Old Man' I have heard referenced so often?

Where have the Augurs gone?

Have there been no Augurs of gods aside from the Ice Queen? Those touched by other gods or goddesses?

Where did our knowldge of the Old Gods first come from? Was it the Elemental Scroll of Time?

Who first brought knowldge of the Old Gods to the people of Beluaterra? Was this Aldo Unti?

What happened to the man or woman who brought these truths to us all?

I am sure I will have many more questions but I feel these are a good start. I thank any who may respond in advance - your guidance is most appreciated.
Gadwin Ardent (Viscount of Daisha)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods

With a grunt Nerta loads another sack of flour into the cart, "How do you want to respond?"

The confused plebian miller holding open the letter furrows his brow, "Pardon?"

Shifting another sack, the woman waves a hand, "Sorry, not you. My ghost."

Bemused the bearded specter glances back, inclining his head to the shade of the miller's wife, "Self-effacingly of course."

"Careful dear, they're talking politics," the flickering shade with a flower in her hair wrings her hands and ushers the poor man along. "Let's go get them that ichor ale we promised for all the help with the attic mite and let them talk."

The miller turned letter stand, rolls up the paper and sighs, "My dear, we've not had any ichor ale since the old Lord Kedri passed."

"Oh right," turning to the extra hands of the day the shade curtsies, "So sorry, my memory isn't what it used to be."

Nerta lets out a grunt and pauses to wipe her brow with one sleeve, "It's alright, I have to put up with him after all."

The miller nods and moves to pick up another sack, but Nerta waves the bent man off leaving him to harrumph and sigh, "So you say m'lady. Still don't know why I can't see your's. Ghost's a plenty in the north by your 'Old Man' won't make an appearance? Not that I'm calling you a liar, you understand, just mighty strange. "

"It's alright miller. He doesn't... know, either." Tossing the last flour onto the cart back Nerta stretches and sighs, "You're taking all of these to the lord's manor, right? Might I hitch a ride? I need a scribe and I'll guess your hand isn't as steady as it once was."

The miller lets out a chuckle and holds up a hand, "Steady as the Kadara but no, I can't read. If you want a ride I'll take you into town, least I can do. Just let me get the horses and we can go."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods
Let me see what I can do to answer your questions Gadwin.

Who is this 'Old Man' I have heard referenced so often?

The Old Man is exactly that, a man of years who provides answers, and the occasional unwelcome song. He happily invites you to come by the Agyrian Academy for a drink so you two can get to know each other. 

Where have the Augurs gone?

The Blooded are still around, but since the temple was closed for so long, most don't know what they are. But for a while there we had more than a few in our circle yet strangely they have left ever since Keffa.

Have there been no Augurs of gods aside from the Ice Queen? Those touched by other gods or goddesses?

Beyond the Foederati and the Blooded the other Gods have not seen fit to bless or curse any other humans. For good or ill. 

Where did our knowldge of the Old Gods first come from? 

The Chronicles of the Age tell the story of how humanity came to know of the Old Gods. The Dark Mistress in human guise visited the cities of man and taught them the power of Incindia and Fertilis along with the secrets of the land. Eventually the first colonists grew suspicious of the woman and uncovered her divinity, after which she vanished. 

Was it the Elemental Scroll of Time?

The Elemental Scroll of Time was the first legendary artifact to be discovered, and though it contained many secrets it did came years after the Old Gods were known. 

Who first brought knowldge of the Old Gods to the people of Beluaterra? Was this Aldo Unti?

Aldo Unti was not the first to know of the Old Gods, but he was the first to bring it to the attention of the Patricians. It was part of the "Reformation" in the north more than 16 years ago.

As for what happened to him, he died of course. It was a long time ago after all.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods

With a grunt Nerta loads another sack of flour into the cart, "How do you want to respond?"

The confused plebian miller holding open the letter furrows his brow, "Pardon?"

Shifting another sack, the woman waves a hand, "Sorry, not you. My ghost."

Bemused the bearded specter glances back, inclining his head to the shade of the miller's wife, "Self-effacingly of course."

"Careful dear, they're talking politics," the flickering shade with a flower in her hair wrings her hands and ushers the poor man along. "Let's go get them that ichor ale we promised for all the help with the attic mite and let them talk."

The miller turned letter stand, rolls up the paper and sighs, "My dear, we've not had any ichor ale since the old Lord Kedri passed."

"Oh right," turning to the extra hands of the day the shade curtsies, "So sorry, my memory isn't what it used to be."

Nerta lets out a grunt and pauses to wipe her brow with one sleeve, "It's alright, I have to put up with him after all."

The miller nods and moves to pick up another sack, but Nerta waves the bent man off leaving him to harrumph and sigh, "So you say m'lady. Still don't know why I can't see your's. Ghost's a plenty in the north by your 'Old Man' won't make an appearance? Not that I'm calling you a liar, you understand, just mighty strange. "

"It's alright miller. He doesn't... know, either." Tossing the last flour onto the cart back Nerta stretches and sighs, "You're taking all of these to the lord's manor, right? Might I hitch a ride? I need a scribe and I'll guess your hand isn't as steady as it once was."

The miller lets out a chuckle and holds up a hand, "Steady as the Kadara but no, I can't read. If you want a ride I'll take you into town, least I can do. Just let me get the horses and we can go."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Gadwin Ardent
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Thank you for your time Priestess Nerta, you have answered many questions and sparked more - should you or others be so willing as to continue my education.

I have read the Chronicles but could not find much information about the Chronicles themselves. Where were the Chronicles of the Age discovered? When and by who?

Who leads the faithful now? The structure of the faith I read about in the libraries does not seem to line up with what I could gather at the temples.

Are their programs for guiding those who would aspire to the priesthood or is this more of a personal path for each individual?

Again, I look forward to learning more and thank you all for your patience and efforts. I do not always know what questions to ask so if it seems clear to any of you that I am missing something obvious, do feel free to bring it up. I am more interested in learning than looking smart at this time and in these matters.
Gadwin Ardent (Viscount of Daisha)
Letter from Gadwin Ardent
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Also, while I sent a similar missive to the nobles of Irondale, I feel it would be prudent to repeat the message here for those who do not call the Republic home.

I have recently been honored with the Lordship of Daisha. As the new Viscount, I would welcome and encourage any and all priests or priestesses of the Old Gods to come to Daisha and share the faith with the locals here - myself included.

My only restriction is that the conversion of Daisha to the Old Gods be handled in a manner that is not damaging to the region, Duchy or Realm. Some discomfort is expected but a smooth transition is desired.
Gadwin Ardent (Viscount of Daisha)
Letter from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods
Old friend,

I seem to find more coin passing through my hands these days than I have any use for. The Academy in Agyr is grand and can serve as a good home for those of us who still wander, and my gear is as good as any lady's. But the Wolf Lord still has paid no mind to my tries to get his attention, and I think that my little shrines are swept away by the winds and rain soon enough.

If...If I supplied the gold, could you...Bless the shrines I put up? See to it that the folk in those regions tend them? I keep thinking if there is enough to get his attention, perhaps...Maybe it'll be enough.

(OOC Jacinda keeps ending up with truly ridiculous amounts of cash from scrolls and all, and I've been RPing her setting up little shrines when she kills undead champions or monster champions, thought it would be fun to have those turned into actual game mechanical shrines, and that would help the religion too.)
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods
Soren had spent the last couple of days within the depths of his estate, the Udara Manor in Seven Rivers. Since the incident with the boar creature, a number of the minor lords had begun coming to him to provide additional services that he did not request. Two had offered to get him goods at a lower rate than the other could provide. Another offered him better horses than he had ever seen. When asked why he hadn't provided them the first time the lord managed to slink away unnoticed, but only because the Shieldborn representative came asking for five hundred militia to go and retake Black Jaw's Conquest. Of all the visitors, only Katria of the Kadara family had been allowed to stay on hand as she had shown a sense of duty to the people before her family's coin purse. The other family, the Llorn, had only come by to offer support in reigning in the chaos the rogue Children had created.

With Katria turning most of the proper noble guests away Soren had made himself comfortable in the back, playing a number of tunes on a lute. Most people payed the lord little mind as he scribbled a word here, a note there, playing with a smile. He scribbled a small note, something to bring up to Wren the next time he saw her if he remembered the song bird adventurer's music correctly. He looked like he was doing something silly, but he was studying as much as writing, not that it was clear to the naked eye. He was trying to capture the right note and it was just out of his grasp when he heard the cart pull up. The note was gone, and he sighed as he set his lute down and wandered over to the back of the courtyard.

The dark haired noble made it to the gate as the guard at the back opened it up. Soren gave the miller a smile. "Back already?" he asked politely, stepping aside for the man to bring the cart in. Getting an affirmative answer, Soren was about to walk away until a shiver ran through him. He stopped and looked around. A sound, just beyond what he would call a normal range, rang in his ear. The flipping of a coin.

He looked back at the cart, spotting the priestess on board, and nodded. "Got yourself a new assistant?" He stepped closer to try to take a better look at her, not noticing the light thud as something small fell out of his pocket. Closer inspection would reveal the old Consul's Seal of Melhed he had taken to carrying as a good luck charm. "Pleasure to meet you. Soren Navaar, at your service, Miss..."
Soren Navaar (Count of Seven Rivers)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods
As the cart rolls to a stop, the hooded Nerta grips the side and glances around the small courtyard. The estate was hardly the most prosperous, but at least it seemed in good repair. The melodic voice cuts her inspection short. A senechal perhaps? Hmm given his bearing and mode of dress, not to mention the icon affixed his cloak, he must be the lord.

Raising a hand in greeting, the woman slips from the cart, “I am called Nerta, and unless I miss my guess you’re the one with old songs even though you don’t look as ancient as Bob.”

Soren nodded. “That would be me, aye. I have some old books from the Academy in my library. Actually, that battle one required some translation to make sense, so I’m glad my work is so popular.” His plain dress lacked any coat showing his comfort in the biting winter chill and expectation of a quiet night without visitors.

As he reached past Nerta, Soren paused just before he grabbed a sack of flour. “So you must be the Priestess answering questions.” He quickly gave a bow and flashed a smile. “A pleasure to meet you at last.”

He reached into the cart and threw a sack of flour on his shoulder. Despite his musical nature, Soren had trained for a long time and it showed.

“And you must be the man of old books as well. Aren’t you full of surprises.” Slipping out of Soren’s way, the woman notes his willingness to help even as she shrugs, “I just help folks same as always, though only sometimes it works. I do need to send a few more responses though, perhaps I can borrow your scribe?”

Soren nodded again. “Of course,” he said as he started about unloading the cart. He didn’t seem to have many words for someone that liked to perform. “Ah… They may be about today. Jakken ri Shieldborn has been… persistent in requesting a small army to take back Black Jaw’s Conquest. It’s just a swamp,” he said with a laugh. “I have all the supplies you may need.”

Nerta remains aloof of Soren’s toil, tugging her cloak tight about herself, “Trouble of some form that needs a scribe? Or do you mean every able body is heading off to this ‘Black Jaw’s Conquest’?”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in The Old Gods
“Knowing Jakken? Both.”

He signaled his guard and called him over. “Can you check with Katria if any of the scribes are around? Lady Nerta has need of their services.”

As the guard hurries off the woman makes quite the face, “Hardly a lady Soren, but if I must pretend to get things done I’ll do so.”

“Not a lady? If you say so, Priestess.” He grabbed another flour sack and set it on the ground, working out a good rhythm with the miller.

“You know, now that I see you up close you’re a lot younger than I expected. That sermon of yours the other day had a lot of old virtues in it. Old as the Old Gods themselves, some might say.”

Adding another sack to the pile he looked her over, “Old songs. Old knowledge…” He looked at Nerta like she was a puzzle to figure out. There was no malice or ill intent in his words or stance, but much of the calm and quiet had slipped away to the steady tone of someone in command.

Nerta’s eyes narrow, “You’re not the only one with access to the Academy. I’ve done a lot of reading.”

“Miller, your payment is at the gates,” he said, gently ushering the man away as the last sack hit the ground. His eyes never left the priestess.

“And yet you want to borrow a scribe while wearing a heavy cloak for early winter,” he commented quietly, once the miller was out of earshot.

Fishing in his belt pouch, Soren’s curiosity shifts to concern as he looks to the ground. Spotting something out of the corner of his eye, he bends down and holds up an old item and laughs at his own behavior, but is still clearly relieved. “I inherited quite a few things from old Melhed,” he said as he offered her the seal to look at. “I don’t know if this means anything to you, but I keep it as a sign of aspirations to come.”

Nerta considers the offered seal for a long moment but slowly reaches out to accept the odd trinket. Turning it in her hand she nods, “I’m foederati and if you’re okay with that, I’ll help you put away the flour.”
Soren Navaar (Count of Seven Rivers)