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| bgcolor="#1A1A07" | <font size="+2">'''Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch'''</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">''(just sent)''</font><br/><font size="-1" color="#A0C0F0">Message sent to everyone in your realm (53 recipients)</font><br/>
| bgcolor="#1A1A07" | <font size="+2">'''Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch'''</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">''(just sent)''</font><br/><font size="-1" color="#A0C0F0">Message sent to everyone in your realm (53 recipients)</font><br/>
After days of marching, Hernfelk and his men arrived in Ar Mosul. Peasants took off their hat and bowed as Hernfelk rode by them.
Captain Ewald-"Sir. Ar Mosul seems quite peaceful. This place is a lot different from what I heard."
Hernfelk-"I am surprised myself. When I left the region to fight dead peasants in Al Aquabah, peasants weren't this docile. They even revolted and chased Marquis Ercc out. I had to execute twenty two peasants to put these fools back into their place."
Mary-"Peasants would have settled down if you had given them enough time, Sir."
Hernfelk-"If I had given them enough time, they would have revolted again! Words do not go through their ears. Only spears and swords will. Look at them. They are finally doing what they are born to do. Besides, why do you think our king and duke brought heavily armed men? Peasants would never dare to revolt against heavily armed men. They are not as dumb as mules but not as smart as a bastard child of a noble."
Captain Ewald-"How smart is a bastard then, Sir?"
Hernfelk-"Half of their blood is from their noble parents. They must be smarter than peasants. Though you will occasionally encounter failures even among nobles. Like dwarfs or club footed ones. They are abominations."
While they were talking, they arrived at the manor. Tom came out from with five servants to greet Hernfelk and his men.
Tom-"Welcome home, Sir. I heard what happened to Eric. He was a good man."
Hernfelk-"Indeed he was. He was brave to the end. Hopefully, Captain Ewald can fill his shoes. Captain, you and your men can use the local inns until we build more houses to accommodate everyone."

Revision as of 09:33, 9 April 2012

Chapter 9.8

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Hernfelk's horse collapsed around a forest not too far away from where Hernfelk buried the last of his soldiers. Hernfelk drew his sword and ended the life of his dying horse to relieve him of his pain. While he watched the light fading from his horse's eyes, the moon rose to light the dark sky.

Hernfelk moved deeper into the forest despite knowing the danger of travelling at night. He occasionally heard howls of wolves and hoots of owls echoing around him. Every time he heard those sounds, he tighten his grip on his sword.

After hours of walking, he saw a small building built by a small lake. He could not have found the building if it was not for the full moon. He quietly approached the building to check out the building. When he got near enough, he carefully examined the building. To his surprise, a black dog was guarding the building. As Hernfelk unsheathed his sword, the dog jumped on him. Hernfelk pushed the sword into the dog's mouth as the dog tried to bite him. The tip of the sword stuck out of the dog's head and killed the dog a couple inches away from Hernfelk's face. Hernfelk pulled his sword from the dog and swung it hard to clean the blood on the sword.

As Hernfelk sheathed his sword, the door of the building opened and a man wearing a black suit of armour came out through the door. Hernfelk put his right hand on top of the hilt and moved three steps away from the dead dog.

The Man-"You are gripping your sword too tightly. You will rip your hand like that. Grip the hilt firmly but loosen your wrist slightly or else you will either sprain or break your wrist."

Hernfelk-"Who are you and what is this building?"

The Man-"This building is a small shrine dedicated to Kokini, god of stealth and mischief. It is one of the few surviving temples of the Church of Ibladesh."

Hernfelk-"Are you a follower of the church?"

The Man-"No. I don't trust anyone who doesn't follow their own words."

Hernfelk-"Tell me who you are."

The Man-"I have answered one of your questions. Why don't you introduce yourself like a civil man?"

Hernfelk stared at the man for a few minutes, observing him. Hernfelk was around 190 centimetres but the man was at least a foot taller than him. Also, the man just gave Hernfelk an advice on how he gripped his sword. Facing a bigger and better swordsman at night made Hernfelk hesitate to act hostile towards the man.

Hernfelk-"I am Hernfelk of Ar Mosul. A knight of Marquis Ercc."

The Man-"Ar Mosul... You are from Perdan then? So that is why you wanted to know who I am. I am Guntar Ivorand. I haven't found a liege worthy of my service. My goal is to find a perfect liege and serve him til I draw my last breathe."

Hernfelk-"(Quietly)Did you hit your head?"

Guntar-"What did you say?"

Hernfelk-"Nothing. so why are you here?"

Guntar-"I was going to stay here for the night with my dog."

Hernfelk-"Your dog? You mean this thing?"

Guntar-"I am surprised you managed to kill my dog with your pathetic skill. Do not worry about the dog. I do not mourn over the dead. The strong survives and the weak perishes. That is what I have learned during my travel."

'Eric and my men were weak? That is why they died?', Hernfelk thought. It was not true. They died because Hernfelk ordered them to make an escape route. If they were weak, they would have disobeyed and ran for their lives.

Guntar-"He. You don't look like you want to agree with my words."

Hernfelk-"No. I do not agree with you. My men died because I ordered them to die for me. If they were weak, they would have ran not throw themselves at the enemies trying to make a way for me to escape."

Guntar nodded slowly.

Guntar-"Your men were loyal and brave but they still died. They were weaker than their foes. If your men were truly strong, they would have survived. You are talking about the strength of their will and determination. But those who are truly strong can overcome whatever the world throws at them. People who can't withstand it will break and die, like your men. If you think I am wrong, you can test your will against mine. Of course, we both know the answer."

Hernfelk suddenly felt the atmosphere around him got heavier.

Guntar-"Yes. Lift your hand from your sword. You are still young. When you feel you are ready to test yourself against me, come find me. Until then, abandon your idea of the strong. The will alone does not make a man truly strong."

Guntar turned away from Hernfelk and walked into the woods behind the temple of Kokini. Hernfelk watched Guntar disappear from his sight quietly.

Chapter 9.9

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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As soon as he returned to the capital, Hernfelk met a priest to arrange a funeral for his men, especially Eric. The priest told Hernfelk to return after two days and Hernfelk spent the past two days drinking in Old Knight Lodge, an inn near the red district of Partora. When Hernfelk woke up, it was raining heavily. After washing his face, he grabbed all his belongings and left the inn to attend the funeral the priest prepared.

The funeral began by the priest reading his book. He read names of the dead one by one and prayed for their souls. Once the priest stepped aside, Hernfelk buried a paper with the names of the dead in their graves. It was a tradition of his family when they did not have any body to bury.

Hernfelk-“Animals leave their hides behind. As humans, we leave our names instead of our hides. May you all sleep silently.”

Hernfelk donated his last gold coin to the priest and left the graveyard.

Chapter 10.0

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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After the funeral, Hernfelk stopped drinking. He drank to forget his men before but they constantly reappeared whenever he idled. Drinking didn't fix the problem, only delayed it. When he realized this, he felt it was pointless to continue drinking. Also, he ran out coins to pay for more alcohol. He barely had enough to pay for his room. He sent a letter to his family asking for coins, but his aunt denied his request and called him worthless. It was a mystery how his aunt sent back the reply so quickly when Sirion and Perdan was seven hundred miles apart.

Hernfelk-"Damn it. Now my own aunt is calling me worthless. Great."

Mary-"You are lucky your aunt did not see you like this. You look nothing like a knight, Sir."

Hernfelk was surprised to hear a familiar voice. He turned his head to see the person and saw Mary standing beside him.

Hernfelk-"Mary! Why are you here?"

Mary-"I was here to buy your horse. Then I saw you enter this inn and followed you. I heard what happened to Eric."

Hernfelk-"I couldn't even retrieve his body... too bad."

Mary-"Well at least he got you out, Sir."

Hernfelk-"He was a good soldier... Ahem. So did you find a good horse?"

Mary-"Aixian horses are better than most Partoran and Perdanese horses. They can't run too long though. Eastern Caligusian horses can run longer than any horse in Perdan but they are too small for a fully armoured knight."

Hernfelk-"So get an Aixian horse."

Mary-"Well, Sir. You will need at least 45 gold."

Hernfelk-"What? My last horse costed 4 gold! I don't have that much money to spend on a horse!"

Mary-"An average peasant family of five spends 1 silver a day, 7 silver a week, and 30 gold 4 silver a year."

Hernfelk-"They make that much?"

Mary-"Sir. A knight with income of 50 gold earns 2600 gold a year."

Hernfelk-"That is a lot of gold."

Mary-"Well you don't have any income Sir."

Chapter 10.1

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Hernfelk and Mary entered the recruitment office to recruit new soldiers. The same person who helped Hernfelk the last time around gave him papers to fill out. This time, however, he did not ignore Hernfelk like the last time.

Hernfelk-"You are not going to ignore me?"

Recruitment Office Worker-"Not anymore, Sir."

Hernfelk-"Why? Because I shook your table and spilled your ink last time around?"

ROW-"Yes. You waste my valuable time. I have too much work and I don't need you to add more on it."

Hernfelk-"What? Do you think only your time is valuable?"

ROW-"No, I didn't mean it that-"

Before the man could react, Hernfelk grabbed his table and shook it hard a couple times. As the man tried to catch falling papers, Hernfelk pushed an ink bottle off the table and walked away. He smiled when he heard the bottle hitting the ground.

Mary-"You are an a-. Never mind, Sir."

Hernfelk-"What did you just-"

Mary-"I will fill out the form, Sir. Write your name here and sign it here."

Once Hernfelk wrote his name and signed the form, Mary sat down on a nearby table to fill out the rest of the form.

Hernfelk-"Don't fill out the name of my unit. I want to name them myself."

Mary-"What? But Sir, you can barely write your own name!"

Hernfelk-"How the hell did you fig- I mean what are you talking about? Of course I can write more than my name. I will show you! Just fill out the damn form first!."

Mary shook his head sideways and finished writing on the form. After getting the form from Mary, Hernfelk told Mary to wait outside. As soon as Mary left the building, Hernfelk walked toward the Recruitment Office Work, who was busy cleaning spilled ink on the floor.

ROW-"(Grinds teeth) What now..."

Hernfelk-"Write the name of my unit here."

ROW-"Can't you even do that on your own?"

Hernfelk-"Do I have to spill more ink?"

ROW-"Alright! What name do you want, SIR?"

Hernfelk-"Ahem. Lion Guards."

ROW-"Are you serious? Lion Guards? Can't you come up with a better name?"

Hernfelk-"Just shut up and write! I am going to look for some recruits now. It's Lion Guards. Don't forget that."

The recruitment office worker watched Hernfelk leave the building. When the sound of his footsteps disappeared completely, the worker filled out the unit name section of the form.

'Infantry center'

Chapter 10.2

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Hernfelk and Mary met soldiers after filling out the paper work required. Mary, who went ahead, was already talking to young soldiers by the time Hernfelk arrived in the recruitment center district.

Mary-"Did you actually write down the name yourself, Sir?"

Hernfelk-"Of course, Mary. I am not illiterate you know."

Mary-"But Sir, you made me read all the reports and letters..."

Hernfelk-"Eh. Th-that was because I was too busy!...Enough! Did you find some men?"

Hernfelk tried to divert from the topic by asking about recruits. Mary's mouth widened slightly for a brief moment.

Mary-“Indeed, Sir. I found someone as capable as Erik. This is Ewald. Ewald, this is Sir Hernfelk.”

Ewald-“It is an honour to meet you, Sir.”

Hernfelk-“There is nothing honourable about meeting someone like me, Ewald. But I appreciate it. So, where are you from, Ewald?”

Ewald-“I am from a small town in Bescanon, Sir. In fact most of the men in the building behind me are.”

Hernfelk-“How many people are in the building?”

Ewald-“About twenty five, Sir.”

Hernfelk-“Mary. I am recruiting them all. Ewald. You will be the captain.”

Mary-“Like that? Really, Sir?”

Hernfelk-“Yes. Ewald, get the men and meet me by the southern gate”

Chapter 10.3

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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After days of marching, Hernfelk and his men arrived in Ar Mosul. Peasants took off their hat and bowed as Hernfelk rode by them.

Captain Ewald-"Sir. Ar Mosul seems quite peaceful. This place is a lot different from what I heard."

Hernfelk-"I am surprised myself. When I left the region to fight dead peasants in Al Aquabah, peasants weren't this docile. They even revolted and chased Marquis Ercc out. I had to execute twenty two peasants to put these fools back into their place."

Mary-"Peasants would have settled down if you had given them enough time, Sir."

Hernfelk-"If I had given them enough time, they would have revolted again! Words do not go through their ears. Only spears and swords will. Look at them. They are finally doing what they are born to do. Besides, why do you think our king and duke brought heavily armed men? Peasants would never dare to revolt against heavily armed men. They are not as dumb as mules but not as smart as a bastard child of a noble."

Captain Ewald-"How smart is a bastard then, Sir?"

Hernfelk-"Half of their blood is from their noble parents. They must be smarter than peasants. Though you will occasionally encounter failures even among nobles. Like dwarfs or club footed ones. They are abominations."

While they were talking, they arrived at the manor. Tom came out from with five servants to greet Hernfelk and his men.

Tom-"Welcome home, Sir. I heard what happened to Eric. He was a good man."

Hernfelk-"Indeed he was. He was brave to the end. Hopefully, Captain Ewald can fill his shoes. Captain, you and your men can use the local inns until we build more houses to accommodate everyone."

Chapter 10.4

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 10.5

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 10.6

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 10.7

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 10.8

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 10.9

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 11.0

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 11.1

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 11.2

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 11.3

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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Chapter 11.4

Roleplay from Hernfelk Lapallanch   (just sent)
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