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#REDIRECT [[RedSpan]]
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==The Kingdom of RedSpan==
Redspan is a realm of warriors, whether you are a hardened fighter or a youngster eager to decapitate the first enemy in sight, Redspan will welcome you if you want to know the true meaning of comradeship, loyalty and cool dresses.
Make sure you familiarize yourself with our local customs and our devotion to Da Great Goat...a great place to start will be our local inn at the roderidderalley 8 in Stargardcity.
Manaydur Lamont, King of Redspan 
''(more information about the realm will be added in the future)''
===A History of the Realm===
''(the Very Old Days are still being researched and will be updated as soon as more details are discovered)''
...A war broke out; one of the greatest wars Atamara has ever seen. RedSpan and her allies, Abington and Lamar, stood alone against the onslaught of the combined might of the Northern Alliance (NA); Tara, Caligan Empire, Talerium, Darka, Carelia and Eston. The war was long and brutal, and many of the battles took place on RedSpan soil. The 3 allies fought bravely, but after beating back uncountable waves of attacks Lamar was unfortunately conquered. Now only Abington and RedSpan stood to oppose the NA.
Try as they might, the two allies were now vastly outnumbered. '''King de rode ridder''', who was also serving as General at the time, led many valiant strikes and fought many battles, but the NA armies were relentless. Eventually, the realm of RedSpan was reduced to only 1 region; Stargard.
A siege was set upon the city, and many nobles abandoned the realm for dead. The situation was dire; at one point there wasn’t even a functioning recruitment center.  Money was sent south to the survivors of Lamar in hopes they would be able to recruit the last of their loyal soldiers and carry on their fight in Stargard. Even with all these challenges, a loyal few refused to give up hope and continued to fight. The NA attempted a massive assault upon the city, but after a rousing speech by '''Lei’o’mano Kamehameha''' and timely arrival of Abington reinforcements, the city was saved. Unfortunately, the survivors were running low on both food and gold, and '''King de rode ridder''' and the RedSpan loyalists were forced to sign a peace treaty essentially surrendering most of the regions they formerly owned, including Sullenport, one of the greatest cities in all of Atamara.
The realm of RedSpan was but a shadow of her former self. '''King de rode ridder''', distraught over the loss and exhausted from the years of fighting to survive, decided to retire and flew off on '''The Last Dragon''', leaving RedSpan in the care of her nobles. The realm was without direction or purpose until a strange thing happened to the 2 most promising surviviors, '''ry2n BloodDiver''' and '''Manaydur Lamont'''.
'''Da Great Goat''' came to them both in a vision one night, and revealed to them '''Da Way'''. They immediately told the rest of the nobles about it, and soon every noble in RedSpan became a devout follower of '''Da Hairy One''' and his teachings. This was to be a turning point for the realm, and every event since, whether major or minor, has had some benefit for RedSpan and her nobles. This is why we serve '''Da Great Goat'''; '''Da Way''' has always been true.
'''ry2n''' became King, and '''Manaydur''' his chief advisor. With their direction, RedSpan began repairs and rebuilding of their now tiny realm, now reduced to just 3 regions.  They had made an uneasy alliance with the NA for the purpose of self-preservation, and the negotiations, though long and diffucult, eventually resulted in RedSpan regaining 3 more regions to act as a buffer state between Abington and the closest members of the NA.  Abington became upset with RedSpan for what they perceived as defection, and refused to return 3 regions which they had retaken from the NA during the war.  This was a diffucult time for RedSpan and her nobles; because of the treaty, they were forced to participate in many battles in which they gained nothing but scars and misery, all suffered for the gain of their NA allies.
''(This was a Dark Age for the realm, and exact details of what occured here are still be researched)''
But '''Da Great Goat''' did not forget his followers. After many years of fighting battles for far-away allies and gaining nothing, '''King Manaydur''' and his nobles were fed up. The King desperately wanted to return RedSpan to her former glory, and shared his plan with the nobles, who were in agreement. All they needed to do was wait for the right time, and again '''Da Great Goat''' delivered them. Mysteriously, a war broke out within the once-mighty NA, and many of its realms began to experience inner turmoil. Almost as mysterious, a few of the old nobles began to rejoin RedSpan, including the former King, '''Ry2n BloodDiver'''.  '''King Manaydur''' perceived the signs from '''Da Hairy One''', and knew the time was right. A master of negotiating, he managed to  repair relations with Abington and ASI (the Ash Sea Islands), and formed a Southern Alliance (SA). The King also appealed to King Paradigm of Carelia with an offer to join the Alliance, but he declined, and instead instigated a conflict between the two realms by invading and annexing the region of Cummaol.
A war then broke out between the SA and Tara & her allies, Carelia and the Caligan Empire. This time however, RedSpan and her allies were to be victorious, another blessing of '''Da Smelly One'''. Falasan soon joined the SA, and Tara began losing regions very quickly. Many battles were again fought on RedSpan lands, but her nobles, led chiefly by '''Lei’o’mano Kamehameha''' and '''AJ Von Krondor''', refused to give any ground and with a lot of help from their newfound allies fought back every army sent against them. With Tara being reduced to 4 regions under combined assaults from ASI and Falasan, and a large army from Abington, RedSpan, and Minas Ithil on the doorstep of Carelia’s capital, Tara surrendered along with her allies, and a peace treaty (authored chiefly by '''King Manaydur''') was signed. Peace was guaranteed between the realms for 3 years, and reparations were made to both RedSpan and Abington to atone for Paradigm’s foolish decisions and actions.
With the war over, the nobles of RedSpan set to rebuilding once again, though this time as victors. The region of Atblane was added as reparations from Carelia, and Meldeen had been retaken from Tara. '''Da Great Goat''' had been good to his followers, but had one more blessing in store. In a grand gesture of friendship, King Nautilus of the Ash Sea Islands ceded the city of Sullenport back to RedSpan, its rightful owners. Now controlling 9 regions, including the 2 large cities, RedSpan was now beginning to resemble the glorious realm of old.
====Important Figures - Past & Present====
'''King DrSceptre'''    ''Founder of RedSpan''
'''King Hyena'''    ''One day as King was all he could handle''
'''King de rode ridder'''    ''Last King of The Dragon, our Guide Through Darkest Times''
'''The Last Dragon'''    ''an Ancient Protector of RedSpan (represented on the old banners), the Dragon left with the last of the Ancient Kings, de rode ridder''
'''King ry2n BloodDiver'''    ''First King under Da Great Goat, Bringer of our Enlightenment''
'''King Manaydur Lamont'''    ''Second King under Da Great Goat, Rebuilder of our Realm''
'''General Lei'o'mano Kamehameha'''  ''A True Hero of RedSpan; Defender of Stargard; Last warrior of the Dragon''
'''General AJ Von Krondor'''    ''A True Hero of RedSpan; greatest warrior yet of Da Great Goat''
===Practices & Proverbs of the Followers of Da Great Goat===
'''Practices & Rituals to honor Da One'''
-Using soap is heresy; it hides a person's true odor like a mask hides a person's true identity.
-Shiny metals & armors are like a peacock's feathers; they only serve to display your own conceit and vanity.  Worn, beaten and rusty metals are prized by us; they have endured many trials and have been steadfast companions. 
-Ales & other such drinks are highly prized for their inebriating properties.  They put you in a similar state of mind with Da Great Goat and should be enjoyed often and in as large a quantity as possible.
-Dresses/robes/kilts are the only acceptable forms of clothing.  Da Great One has no need of pants, and neither do his followers
'''Proverbs & Sayings inspired by Da One'''
-"For he who is intelligent and wealthy is not necessarily Da Greatest Achievement of My Being. I do not mean to bring brightest ones to glory. It's just I fart loud sometimes, and somewhat it makes people smarter". -ry2n BloodDiver
-"Self discipline is even more important than regular gas passing". -ry2n BloodDiver
-Ama-zi-hing Goat,
how sweet Da Beard,
Eat gra-ha-has all day
and mehh for sound..
wha-at once was lost,
now i-his One
One i-his all
And Da One ain't round
For glo-hory and G0-ho-hoat
we'll rule the-uh land
By cart o-hor boat
Da One will ne-hever end...
-AJ Von Krondor
-"For he who draws a lance in a bar fight is like a dead flower in grean, juicy grass. Still smells horribly but at least it's decomposing". -ry2n BloodDiver
--[[User:Oshea|oshea]] 20 September 2005 03:48 (CEST)
[[Category: Atamara]]
[[Category: Realms]]

Latest revision as of 15:16, 23 January 2006

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