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Scion laughed. "I taught my kids, as did Laura. You won't be able to touch them." He started walking, knowing that his assailants were close. "The requiem needs smarter members. Unfortunately your focus on chaos is a bit of a problem for that."
Scion stretched and seemed perfectly relaxed. He walked through Sirion, weaving among houses, though never moving out of sight of the Requiem members. "You never get to know the other side. The requirement of order against your chaos. Order comes from your organization to spread chaos. You never get to understand nature."
Sir Scion Calanar (Lord)
Kayne smirked
"I've lead armies of undead, taken down cities. You do not know to whom you speak, and your daughter is not safe. I will bring you her head if you don't give me what I want. And now. Ariadne, follow him."
Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)
Scion laughed once more. "So you're Kayne? You definitely aren't Nobdy, and you aren't Erlang. I sent Erlang to the executioner. At least I got someone original. And Ariadne. A new face as well." Scion seemed to be going nowhere in the city, though he did have a destination in mind. In fact, his mind had gears turning faster than normal as he put his tactician's mind to the test.
Sir Scion Calanar (Lord)
Kayne grunted, and took off in a dead sprint towards Scion, roaring as he went, his sword held aloft.
"Enough of this! I'll bleed you for your insolence! You fools can never opt for the easy way out can you?"
Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)
Guy sped down the streets of Sirion City, his bags packed with only what he needed for the job. He had left his entourage, scribes and all, back at the inn he had stayed at in Limbar. After all, he thought, what would he need them for on a job like this?
Guy had been rather surprised, when he received the letter from Judge Erik Eyolf asking for the Count of Osslamar to be removed. Guy had volunteered his service as soon as he heard of the problem, but he didn't actually expect a council member to take him up on his offer. He had removed an unpopular judge before in his own realm, but that was in the Monarchy of Lukon, not a republic.
But it mattered not to Guy what political problems it would bring. This was the thrill he craved. With the wind in his hair, and the streets of Sirion flying by him, soon he would have flesh to put his dagger into. His ability to outwit and outfight the best made his job all the better.
"And then," Guy smiled to himself. "Evangeline."
Guy's eye caught something in the street ahead of him. A drawn sword! Slowing his horse to a steady trot, he approached cautiously, cradling his own sword in his left hand.
Guy Revan (Knight of Flismar)
Scion rolled out of the way."Such impatience. I'm avoiding the crowds and everything. You really just enjoy killing. You don't think a noble with two weapons drawn on him won't attract others?" He smirked and started walking. "I can waste your time all I want. You know that I know where the rest of the shard is. You won't get it from a corpse. Fortunately, I'm going the right way." He kept walking with a western direction in mind.
Sir Scion Calanar (Lord)
Guy watched the fight with keen interest, his tall horse bringing him far above the crowd of peasants. He recognized one of the participants...he was a noble, the one with the wolf-beast as a pet. The other two he didn't recognize, but they bore marks of nobility, so Guy decided to wait and see what was happening before doing anything brash.
Guy Revan (Knight of Flismar)
She fell back as the wolf managed to get out from underneath her sword and Canaan's hooves. She grabbed the reins and swung up on the stallion's back and turned to watch the scene play out before her. Kayne wasn't really playing it cool or smooth this time.... Hidden again in the dark, Ariadne remained quiet, and moved in the shadows, even as she listened to Kayne give orders.
Scion approached, and they stepped from the shadows to stand in front of him, blocking his path. Ariadne held out her sword, tip pointed toward his neck. Her voice was low and dark, sinister, but also soft and silk. "My dear sir, you really ought to do as he says." With that she graced him with a small smile, meanwhile nudging Canaan to continue to block the man if he tried to get around her.
Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)
Scion snickered and pushed Ariadne's blade tip away. "For someone who enjoys the shadows, you aren't very smart." He started walking some more. "I buried it. Now I'm taking you to it. You can either kill me, or never find it, because all you know is that it's in a western direction right now, though it could be anywhere in Sirion." He smirked. "Now that I've spelled it out for you, how about we keep walking. Stay a few feet back, or you'll never get it. I like my life."
Sir Scion Calanar (Lord)

Latest revision as of 03:12, 22 May 2009

Kayne II had watched, observed and followed his prey for some time now. He felt ready to confront. He waited for the man to show his face, and stepped out in front of Scion, the almost complete Arkenine at his hip, and his claymore in hand.

"Kneel before me swine. Give me that which I seek. The blade is rightfully mine. You can give me that shard, or die and I will take it. Either way is fine with me."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

Scion smirked at Kayne II. "Another? You really need to give it a rest, though I commend you on your determination." The gray warrior yawned and turned away from Kayne. "I mean, really... You'd think the Requiem would have better things to do by now."

As Scion walked away, seemingly unfazed by Kayne's threats as though they were a common occurrence, he whistled and called Skoll. "Hey pal. Mind giving me a ride? You're faster and this guy's bugging me." The wolf paused and took off as soon as Scion sat down. As he left, Scion tossed half of his shard of the blade at Kayne, knowing it would buy him some time to dispose of the other. "I wish the requiem could take a day off."

Sir Scion Calanar (Lord)

Kayne smirked, knowing his agents wouldn't lose him. He examined the shard, and compared it to the blade. Not all of it. He shrugged, and walked around the corner and swung up onto his horse.

"I don't think so."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

She rested in the shadows. She had talked with Kayne II beforehand. A few days ago, in fact, and she had been waiting in Sirion while Captain Nat took the small unit where ordered. Canaan shifted restlessly beneath her and she laid a hand upon his neck to settle him. He snorted softly and relaxed. Soon enough, soon enough. She was lying in wait now, waiting for him to blaze past her.

Sure enough, he did. Scion and his pet wolf came flying toward her, and she waited until the right moment before lashing out. Ariadne braced herself as the man slammed into the polearm that she held out. He fell from his 'noble' wolf-steed, and, knowing that Kayne would be soon on Scion's tail, she moved to restrain the wolf, who was already doubling back for its master.

Ariadne spurred her bay stallion on, and the two launched into the wolf, knocking it to the ground. She swung off and drew her sword. Canaan rose in the air and came to the ground with a thud, hooves, on either side of the large mutt. She held the point of her sword to the wolf's throat. Beastie was subdued, now it was Kayne's turn to take out the man.

((ooc: sorry for the small bit of powerplay there!!))

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

Kayne trotted up on his steed and pressed the point of his claymore into Scion's throat, not quite enough to pierce the skin, but enough to make sure he stayed in place.

"Enough playing. The shard, or your life."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

Scion laughed. "Two? Well then I suppose I've been out foxed. Of course if either of you knew anything, you'd realize you aren't playing with normal fire here." He looked at the wolf and their eyes met. The two companions understood each other well enough to not need words. He'd had the wolf from a pup and raised it mostly on looking into its eyes. The wolf looked up at his incarcerator and then leaped back with surprising force. The wolf turned and ran off, vanishing as it rounded a corner.

"Skoll is incredibly smart. He knows to avoid you and your kinds now. As to the shard. Maybe I don't have it. Maybe I do. I only gave you half of it. So where would the other part be?" He grinned up at Kayne II. "If you kill me, you'll never find it." Scion reached up and pushed the blade away. "We can do this all day, but sooner or later, you'll regret it, and I can be very creative." The warrior got up, and started walking away. "I'll get the last piece for you, if you'll both stay back a few feet so I can guarantee my life. Either that, or you'll never find the shard."

Sir Scion Calanar (Lord)

Kayne II let him up and sneered.

"You can end your involvement in this... And keep your daughter from harm. No tricks, no funny business, or you bury your children."

Kayne II pointed his blade at Scion.

"I am not like Erlang, or his stupid daughter, and I am not Nobdy. You have no idea who you are dealing with. But I am true to my word. You will be left alone as soon as the shard is left in my possession, intact."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

Scion laughed. "I taught my kids, as did Laura. You won't be able to touch them." He started walking, knowing that his assailants were close. "The requiem needs smarter members. Unfortunately your focus on chaos is a bit of a problem for that."

Scion stretched and seemed perfectly relaxed. He walked through Sirion, weaving among houses, though never moving out of sight of the Requiem members. "You never get to know the other side. The requirement of order against your chaos. Order comes from your organization to spread chaos. You never get to understand nature."

Sir Scion Calanar (Lord)

Kayne smirked

"I've lead armies of undead, taken down cities. You do not know to whom you speak, and your daughter is not safe. I will bring you her head if you don't give me what I want. And now. Ariadne, follow him."

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

Scion laughed once more. "So you're Kayne? You definitely aren't Nobdy, and you aren't Erlang. I sent Erlang to the executioner. At least I got someone original. And Ariadne. A new face as well." Scion seemed to be going nowhere in the city, though he did have a destination in mind. In fact, his mind had gears turning faster than normal as he put his tactician's mind to the test.

Sir Scion Calanar (Lord)

Kayne grunted, and took off in a dead sprint towards Scion, roaring as he went, his sword held aloft.

"Enough of this! I'll bleed you for your insolence! You fools can never opt for the easy way out can you?"

Sir Kayne II Himoura (Noble)

Guy sped down the streets of Sirion City, his bags packed with only what he needed for the job. He had left his entourage, scribes and all, back at the inn he had stayed at in Limbar. After all, he thought, what would he need them for on a job like this?

Guy had been rather surprised, when he received the letter from Judge Erik Eyolf asking for the Count of Osslamar to be removed. Guy had volunteered his service as soon as he heard of the problem, but he didn't actually expect a council member to take him up on his offer. He had removed an unpopular judge before in his own realm, but that was in the Monarchy of Lukon, not a republic.

But it mattered not to Guy what political problems it would bring. This was the thrill he craved. With the wind in his hair, and the streets of Sirion flying by him, soon he would have flesh to put his dagger into. His ability to outwit and outfight the best made his job all the better.

"And then," Guy smiled to himself. "Evangeline."

Guy's eye caught something in the street ahead of him. A drawn sword! Slowing his horse to a steady trot, he approached cautiously, cradling his own sword in his left hand.

Guy Revan (Knight of Flismar)

Scion rolled out of the way."Such impatience. I'm avoiding the crowds and everything. You really just enjoy killing. You don't think a noble with two weapons drawn on him won't attract others?" He smirked and started walking. "I can waste your time all I want. You know that I know where the rest of the shard is. You won't get it from a corpse. Fortunately, I'm going the right way." He kept walking with a western direction in mind.

Sir Scion Calanar (Lord)

Guy watched the fight with keen interest, his tall horse bringing him far above the crowd of peasants. He recognized one of the participants...he was a noble, the one with the wolf-beast as a pet. The other two he didn't recognize, but they bore marks of nobility, so Guy decided to wait and see what was happening before doing anything brash.

Guy Revan (Knight of Flismar)

She fell back as the wolf managed to get out from underneath her sword and Canaan's hooves. She grabbed the reins and swung up on the stallion's back and turned to watch the scene play out before her. Kayne wasn't really playing it cool or smooth this time.... Hidden again in the dark, Ariadne remained quiet, and moved in the shadows, even as she listened to Kayne give orders.

Scion approached, and they stepped from the shadows to stand in front of him, blocking his path. Ariadne held out her sword, tip pointed toward his neck. Her voice was low and dark, sinister, but also soft and silk. "My dear sir, you really ought to do as he says." With that she graced him with a small smile, meanwhile nudging Canaan to continue to block the man if he tried to get around her.

Ariadne Lisieux (Dame of Hillmar)

Scion snickered and pushed Ariadne's blade tip away. "For someone who enjoys the shadows, you aren't very smart." He started walking some more. "I buried it. Now I'm taking you to it. You can either kill me, or never find it, because all you know is that it's in a western direction right now, though it could be anywhere in Sirion." He smirked. "Now that I've spelled it out for you, how about we keep walking. Stay a few feet back, or you'll never get it. I like my life."

Sir Scion Calanar (Lord)