Bluelake Family/NinaRP/Beginning

From BattleMaster Wiki

Reginald Fortran

A messenger rode into the market area on a fine horse. The sight of such wealth passing through the common folk caused quite a stir. A crowd gathered round as the messenger came to a stop. He removed a scroll from a bag on the side of the saddle, unfurled into and turned to face the crowd. Clearing his throat he begain

Commoners of Pian en Luries, let it be know that the benevolent Count Santoo has granted you a great opportunity.       
In the fine region of Santoo you may earn your fortune. For a bounty has been placed on the head of any Monsterous  
Beast that would dare walk on his fair land. Gold will be granted for each head brought to the gatehouse guards of       
Santoo Manor.

And with that the messenger turned his horse and rode off leaving the ripple of golden dreams to spread through the crowd.


Walking rapidly through the market that evening, Nina delivered her packages way sooner than expected. She hadn't been tipped, what was quite usual to happen, but Lucy could be glad at her performance and maybe even grant her an extra spoon of beans. Turning back to the Inn they now lived in, the young woman saw a great commotion, and approached to see what it was all about.

A messenger in a fine horse had ridden into the market, and Nina could not take her eyes away from the soft and bright chestnut fur. It wasn't often that she'd see such well treated livestock. She stood there until the announcement was over, staring at the man's mount, barely hearing the words, and moved in haste afterwards. Lucy was expecting her with an unusually curious look on her face.

- Hey, lass, what's all that confusion about? C'mon, talk!

The younger woman smiled. The only thing that would lift up the middle aged innkeeper was contact with nobility. Still thinking of that extra beans, Nina told the story in great detail, and just as she arrived to the part in which the messenger turned his beautiful horse around and left, she was interrupted by a spoon waving in front of her nose.

- Useless girl, did you hear what he said at all?!
- Yes, Lucy... - she frowned, and Lucy grew red.
- You're twenty but not free from me, young lass...
- Sorry, Mo'Lucy - a pause - Sorry, mom.
- Better. Now, hush! I'll talk to Ceorl and we'll see if you can grab a few pieces of that gold the Lord of Santoo is offering! I'll make sure your things are ready in the morning, you...
- What?! To kill monsters?!
- Just one or two would be enough for your father's new boots. I'm certain you can manage it, you're fast and young. Now, go, you have a last delivery to make, to Moira's son, he needs his food. Rush!

Running down the town's streets, Nina wondered about her task. She always enjoyed hunting with Ceorl, and hopefully this wouldn't be so different. Also, she might get further missions if she played her part well. Interesting.